Tss... really? just friends?

Why have I fallen in love with you?


"Minwoo Oppa!!" Minji shouted and tip-toed because she can't see. So, Minwoo removed his sunglasses. It was Minwoo!

"Minji-ah! Taerin-ah, Heeyeon-ah!" Minwoo shouted back and the three ran through him. Minwoo dropped down his bag and hug the three.

"Oppa! How are you?" Heeyeon asked excitingly.

"I'm really fine. Yah, I guess you have lots of boyfriend now, eh?" Minwoo wondered.

"What? Hahah! I don't have, actually." Heeyeon said.

"But what's up with Changmin-sshi?" Minji teased Heeyeon.

After the hugging moments, they walked towards the waiting area where Heechul, Yonghwa and Minho are sitting there. Minwoo wraps his arm on Minji's shoulder.

"How about you, Taerin ah? You have boyfriend now?" Minwoo asked.

"Yeah! Her boyfriend is Park Yoo.." Minji said but Taerin covered .

"I don't have a boyfriend. I'm not interested to boys right now. Maybe some other day Haha!" Taerin said.

Meanwhile in Yonghwa's scene..

"Woh! Yonghwa'sshi, Look at that Minwoo!" Heechul bumped Yonghwa's arm and pointed at Minwoo.

"He does too much skinship with Minji! I think they're not cousins at all!" Minho teased Yonghwa.

"Pssh, he's chancing on Minji! But why didn't Minji notice that Minwoo is getting a chance on her?!" Yonghwa said and stood up but the two pulled him down.

"Whoah! Monkey boy! Sit down and chill!" Minho said and chuckled

"So you'll lose Minji because of your hot tempered monkey head?" Minho said

"Yah~! If you really want to have Minji why don't you ask the experts who's sitting by your side?" *Referring to him and Minho* Heechul raised his eyebrows and smirked at Yonghwa.

"Don't you remember that we bought a book? And we're chickboys~" Minho said and winked.

"Yeah~~ So comm'on just consult the geniuses man~!" Heechul said 

"Tsss! boastful grasshoppers... What do you know about relationships huh, especially you heechul?" Yonghwa said sarcastically

 "Hey! hey! hey! Just so you know I had umm.... 20 girlfriends!" Heechul said boastfully suddenly Minho laughed

"20? you mean 2?" Yonghwa said

"But! Atleast I out numbered you by one! HA!!! Beat that LOSER!" Heechul said and sticked out his tounge.

"Hah! Just wait, Minji would be my next girlfriend this time.." Yonghwa said with full confidence.

 "Yeah, if a cow was born with 9 tails! Hahahaha!" Heechul said and laughed together with Minho.

"Shh! Shh! They're coming now!" Heechul said.

So Heeyeon, Minji and Taerin with Minwoo arrived to the waiting area.

"Oh! Minwoo oppa, I want you to meet our friends in Cheongshim Univeristy." Minji said and pulled Minwoo closer to them.

 "This is Minho, Heechul and Yonghwa." Minji said and each of them shake hands with MInwoo. But before Minwoo had a hand shake with yonghwa, yonghwa suddenly asked.

"So~! Are you Minji's cousin? or even brother??" Yonghwa said while crossing his finger at the back and wishing his guess was right.

"umm we're friends" Minwoo said suddenly he took back his words and added.

"Oh, we're not just friends. I almost forgot. I'm her first boyfriend, and until now." Minwoo smiled

"I guess?" Minwoo added and looked at Minji.

"WHAT!! JUST FRIENDS!" Yonghwa said in a shocking expression. So the rest of them got shocked also and stared at Yonghwa, while at the back Heechul and Minho had a facepalm.

"umm.. is there something wrong with that?" Minji curiously asked.

"ummm. NO! Actually its GREAT! Fantastic" Yonghwa said and when it comes to the fantastic part his voice suddenly wents down. So heechul thought of an idea to break the silence among them.

"Hey guys~! I think its getting pretty late, are we just going to stand here or what?" Heechul said and smiled

"Yeah~ you're right I'm getting pretty hungry also haha~" Minwoo said so they all walked along together and on their way to Yonghwa's car. Meanwhile while they were walking, Minwoo notices that Taerin is somehow shiverring so he offered his jacket to her, Minwoo's body was somewhat exposed since he's wearing a semi fit V neck shirt.

"oppa, you have nice biceps~!" Minji giggled and touched it.

"Hahaha! I know you like that so I tried to built up biceps." Minwoo said and smiled

"Yeah~ Nice cleavage we have there huh,. hahaha" Taerin said and laughed

"You're such a maniac" Heeyeon said and giggled

"It's called y chest!" Minwoo said and sticked his tounge out.

"Woo~ you better cover it or the boys might peek in there." Taerin and laughed again

"Tch, if I just knew Minji likes guys who have biceps, I would build up too!" Yonghwa said in his mind.

Arrangment *while they're walking*


Taerin  Heeyeon Minwoo  Minji  Yonghwa (front)

Minho  Heechul (back)


While they're walking, Minwoo placed again his arm on Minji's shoulder while they're we're talking. Yonghwa saw it and something popped on his mind..

"Oh! Minji-ah, you have a dirt on your shoulder! Let me remove it." Yonghwa said to Minji and fakingly wiped Minji's shoulder so Minwoo would remove his arm on Minji.

"Thank you Yonghwa-sshi!" Minji said and smiled. Minwoo was about to talk to Minji again but suddenly Yonghwa talked to Minji first.

"Uh Minji ah.. So, Umm.. You're so cute in your dress." Yonghwa said.

"Tsk tsk tsk.. Look, he's doing it wrong!" Minho whispered to Heechul.

"I know! If he listened to us, Minwoo might go home at Europe because he lost!" Heechul said and shook his head.

Back to Yonghwa's scene.

Minji slightly blushed.

"uh,,. really? Thanks Yonghwa-shii" Minji said and smiled

It's 8:30pm when they arrived at the apartment. So Heeyeon fastly prepared Bulgogi, Kimbap and Haemultang (Assorted seafood stew) because it's Minwoo's favorite. While Heeyeon is on the kitchen, the rest are on the living room sitting on the cushion.

Seating arrangment:

Heechul Yonghwa Minho


|    TABLE    |


Taerin Minwoo Minji


"So, Where would I put my luggage for a while?" Minwoo said.

"You can put it on our room for a while." Taerin said and smiled.

"Oppa! I'll accompany you!" Minji said and they both stood up and suddenly, Yonghwa's eyes widened.

"Why, Yonghwa? Are you okay?" Taerin asked.

"umm... I saw a cockroach heading to your room,.." yonghwa said

"MWO!!!! Aigoo!! you can go by yourself Minwoo oppa! you can do it I know you're brave enough" Minji said awalks back to her sit.

So taerin stood up and pushed her forward

" TCH~ woo~! go on acmpany him he might get lost! hahaha! " Taerin said while pushing Minji

"Aiish unnie~ you know I'm scared of cockroaches. Why.." Minji said suddenly Yonghwa took back his words

"umm actually I'm just joking about the cockroach thing." Yonghwa said and gave a weak smile because he frightened Minji.

"Aiigo~ yonghwa-shii don't make those kind of joke again ok?" Minji said.

"It's okay, Minji ah. Let's go~!" Minwoo laughed slightly and pulled Minji's hand. Yongha was about to stand but Heechul pulled him back.

"Why are you weird today, Yonghwa-sshi?" Taerin asked curiously.

"Maybe he already wants to go home." Minho said but Yonghwa stood up again and said,

"I will just go to the CR. I need to pee, okay?" Yonghwa said and rushed to the CR. And entered the conform room next to the bedroom. He locked the door, grabbed a glass and placed it on the wall to hear what's happening inside the room.

Inside the room..

"Oppa, let me help you open it." Minji said while pulling the box from Minwoo.

"No I will do it on my own, it wont be a surprise anymore if you'll be the one to do it." Minwoo said and started opening the box.

So, many thoughts came on Yonghwa's mind.

"Aiiish!!! that moron!!!!! What is he trying to do huh!??!?!?!? I can file an ADULTERY CASE against him!!! he's such a moron!!! does he even know who he's foughting with?!!!!!! That !" Yonghwa said in his mind while continued listening inside the room.

"Oh, Oppa it's so big! I really had a feeling that its size is huge because I saw it from there!" Minji said and grabbed the huge stuff toy that Minwoo bought for her.

"Haha! You like it? Here you go!" Minwoo said and gave the stuff toy to Minji.

"WOH!?!??! He's trying to seduce Minji-ah!!!!!" Yonghwa said loudly and his eyes widened. He rushed out of the CR and kicked the door going to the bedroom area.

When he opened the door, Minji and Minwoo had a suprising reaction.

"Yonghwa-sshi? Are you mad?" Minji curiously asked.

"Uh.. N..No.. I just going to.. You know... OH! Dinner is ready! Let's go out!" Yonghwa said nervously and he grabbed Minji outside the bedroom.

When they we're eating..

Taerin was about to sit beside Minwoo until Yonghwa took her place and since Minji was sitting in the left side, she just moved on the right to make a space for Yonghwa.

So the sitting arrangement turned out to be just like this:


"Fine I'll just go sit in the middle,.... And I'll be the queen hahaha." Taerin said, laughed and headed to her seat

"Yeah~! haha queen of gangsters hahaha!!" Minwoo teased Taerin and while the others laughed along with him, except for Yonghwa who's just staring at him with a raised eyebrow and thinking how lame his jokes where.

"You wanna be my first victim?" Taerin said with a raised eyebrow and made an evil laugh.

"I missed that evil laugh!" Minwoo said and laughed with Heeyeon and Minji.

"She always do that! Creepy.." Minho said.

"Hmmm.. I smell the good aroma of the food! Let's eat!" Heechul said and puts on rice to his bowl.

Next is Minho, Heeyeon, and Taerin. After Taerin had her rice, Minwoo was about to receive the rice from Taerin but Yonghwa suddenly grabbed the rice and puts some on Minji's plate. He also puts many on his bowl and leaves nothing for MInwoo.

"Umm, Minwoo oppa, you can have mine! I'll just eat vegetables." Minji said and offered hers to Minwoo.

"No, It's okay. I also need to maintain my body. Haha!" Minwoo said and laughed slightly while Yonghwa is eating. Every time Minwoo is asking for the dishes, Yonghwa always grabs it first and lefts a little for Minwoo.

"Yonghwa-sshi, you're really hungry, eh? Haha! Cute! Eat this too, oppa!" Minji looked at Yonghwa while smiling and Minji fed Yonghwa. So Yonghwa's mouth became full and because of that he choked.

"Here, help yourself." Taerin said while offering a glass of water to him then she laughed.

"You know, sometimes I'm really embarrassed that we're friends with him. Look what he's doing!" Heechul whispered to Minho.

"He looks like a hungry pig!" Minho said and they both laughed silently as they look at Yonghwa.

As they finished eating the boys went to the living room and sat along the couch. While Minji, Taerin and Heeyeon where busy cleaning and washing the dishes. Suddenly Minwoo asked the 3 if he could join the cleaning, then yonghwa also offered them help and when Minwoo was about to get the tray from Minji yonghwa suddenly tooked it and gave Minji a smile. Everytime Minwoo caughts Minji's attention Yonghwa steals it away by saying good things to Minji such as how she looks like and so much more. As they were finished they all went in the living room and chitchatted. Hours have passed, Heechul and Minho wanted to go home but since Yonghwa still doesn't they forced him to.

"yah yah~! Minji-ah~! we'll be going home now~! Thanks for that delicious dinner!" Heechul said suddenly Yonghwa added

"No~! i think its still early and ... um I think we should celebrate more for MINWOO" Yonghwa said and emphasized Minwoo's name

"Aiigoo~! but its already 11:00 pm! and your dad is already calling!" Minho said and when Yonghwa was about to say another word, Heechul covered up his mouth and said:

"Yah yah~! don't mind him, he just needs more sleep that's all hahaha." Heechul said and they all went home.

Inside the apartment...

"Aigoo~ Yonghwa-shii is pretty weird today." Minji wondered.

"yeah you've got that right..." Taerin added

"Aiigoo~! Suddenly I felt bored...yah! you guys wanna go out?" Minwoo asked excitingly

"But its quite late and I think there's no more sto.." Heeyeon has been cut by Taerin

"There's no classes tomorrow so lets go~!!" Taerin said and pulled the 3 up.

They headed to the neasrest night market on Seoul located in Dongdaemun

While they were in the night market Minji spotted a cute jewelry shop so they entered it and since they're best friends Minwoo bought each one of them a remembrace. But unfortunately there's no accesory that is consisting of 4 pairs, so they decided to buy couple stuffs.

(the bracelet Minwoo bought for him and heeyeon which ressebles of their strong friendship)

(the ring Minwoo bought for him and taerin which ressebles of their adorkable friendship)

(the necklace Minwoo bought for him and minji which ressebles of their sweet friendship)

As they were done buying they ate some street foods like fish sticks, dukbokki, rice cakes, hoddeok and so much more. They went home around 1:30 am and slept at 2:00 am

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Hey guys ^^ there has been a problem with Chapter 20,*almost everything we just wrote there had been deleted for no reason TT_TT* Aiigooo so I hope you guys can wait a little bit more.. Once gain We're sorry if we're making you guys wait.. *90 degrees bow* Mianheyo~ ^^
Jaejoong, i feel like giving you a punch!!
And yoochun too!! Junsu is the sweetest!!!
kpoplover88 #3
If you watched the anime "School Rumble", Minji's character is just like Tenma's! Lol! Cute!
kpoplover88 #4
Do you still remember about the puppy from the beginning? The beagle from the pet store? Well I wonder if Yonghwa is going to buy Minji that... That would be cute!
I'm sorry if we are updating the story very slowly =.= its because there were too many school activities =.=... i hope you guys wont mind those once again thanks for the support ^^
Chapter 15 in the making ^^
Chapter 14 has been released :D
chapter 14 in the making :D
actually Minwoo is a former member of Trax ^^ he's one of the casts in My Girlfriend is a gumiho ^^. By the way thanks for supporting our story ^^