How I started my Day

Why have I fallen in love with you?

"Minji, you're so gorgeous in that ball gown tonight.." a guy said looking at her eyes.

"You're so sweet. Thank you. " Minji said while glancing a lovely smile.

"Your face is as beautiful as the bright moon, your eyes that I see is shining like stars and your every glance of smile is like a shooting star. I love you so much, Ahn Min Ji.."

"I love you too.." Minji blushed as she heard those sweet words.

"Let's kiss to add love in this place, my princess."

And Minji prepared herself and closed her eyes and....





"Yah! Minji ah! Go up, we'll be late at school!" Heeyeon said while tapping Minji's cheek.

"huh?" Minji said with a tired voice.

"Yah! Sleepy head! Wake up now." Heeyeon continued tapping her cheek.

"Unnie, don't you know I'm dreaming about my prince charming? we're about to ki..." Minji was cut by Heeyeon and pulled her from the bed.

"Just continue that kissing with you prince charming after you've prepared yourself to go to school okay? Go now and eat your breakfast and then brush your teeth and take a bath." Heeyeon told Minji while pushing towards the table.

"Unnie, you look like an Omma" Minji said to Heeyeon.

" aigoo~! Am I that old?" Heeyeon asked and wondered.

"Aniyo~! I mean the way you act is like omma" Minji said.

"Nevermind. Just go now and do what you need to do. okay?" Heeyeon said while pushing Minji towards the table to eat.

"Yah~! Who cooked the food?" Taerin asked while eating.

"Wae? Doesn't it taste good?" Heeyeon asked.

"No. Because..." Taerin said and paused.

"Because what?" Heeyeon said that seems worried.

"Because.. I NEED TO GO TO THE CR!" Taerin said and ran fast towards the CR.

"Yah! Unnie~! Aiish! Me first!!" Minji said and ran fast to chase Taerin.

"HAH! Gotcha'! Maknae is always first! Bleh~!" Minji caught Taerin and then she sticked her tongue out and entered the CR.

"Well okay, but don't freak out there when you saw Takako Fuji-san arrasso?" Taerin said while trying to scare Minji.

Minji's eyes opened wide and went out of the CR and said "Since you're the unnie, you first. hehe"

"That's so nice maknae~!" Taerin said. She smiled and rubbed Minji's head. Then she entered the CR.

"Aiish! That giant unnie!" Minji said to herself and pouted.

After they've prepared theirselves to go to school, they rode a taxi heading to Cheongshim University. As they've reached the gateway of the university, they went out of the taxi and took a walk towards the school building. When they reached the school building, they saw many luxury cars that is parking on the school and many rich-looking people.

"This school is so nice!" Heeyeon said while she's looking around the school.

"Yeah, good thing that they gave us 50% scholarship each." Taerin said.

"You're right, and those cars and the people are all high class. I wonder how they spent their bunch of money." Minji said amazingly.

"Of course they spent it to yearly plastic surgery and expensive clothes and shoes that's why they're all good-looking." Taerin said in a little bit of loud voice.

"Yah! Shut your mouth Taerin ah! They might hear you!" Heeyeon said and covered Taerin's mouth.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" girls shouted from the school lobby.

"Omo~! Is there a fire? Oh my god! Let's panic!!" Minji worriedly said as she was running towards the fire estinguisher to get it.

"Wait wait! Come here you silly maknae!" Taerin pulled Minji.

"Let's go there at the lobby, maybe there is something in." Heeyeon said.

The lobby is too crowded because there are too many people gathered in there.

"Excuse me, what's going on here?" Heeyeon asked a boy student.

"hey girl, don't you know them? hahah! you .." a random boy student told Heeyeon.

"Ohh, my unnie huh? of course we don't know them that's why we're asking, you !" Taerin shouted at the boy.

"Yah unnie, calm down! Don't you worry, he will run to hell later and meet with his real father, Satan. okay?" Minji said and calmed Taerin.


"Riiiiiiiiiing~! riiiiiiiiiiiiiing~!" The bell rang and the class will start.

"Let's go now to our classroom." Heeyeon said to Taerin and Minji.

"What's our class anyway?" Minji asked Heeyeon while walking on the hallway.

"It's Class B, located at the 3rd floor." Heeyeon said.

"Ohh, here it is!" Taerin saw the door of their classroom and opened it.

Once they've entered, they only saw 4 seats left. They saw their classmates whom are, Minho, Taemin, Key, Onew, Heechul, Kibum, Sungmin, Ryeowook, Ara and Minyoung.

"Okay! I'll sit here!" Taerin said as she sat in the chair.

"And then here's my place!" Heeyeon sat beside Taerin.

Since the chair arrangement is by partners, Minji has no choice but to sit behind Taerin and Heeyeon.

"Well, okay. I'll sit here. Both of my unnies are unfair. They always sit beside each other.." Minji said while putting her bag in the chair and sat there.

"Don't worry baby maknae, you'll be fine there. You're just in our back." Taerin said to Minji.


On the sports office of the same time...

"Sir, here's my try-out form for the soccer team. I decided to go back." Yonghwa said while giving the paper form.

"Good to be back Yonghwa." Coach Han said to Yonghwa and he tapped Yonghwa's back.

"I got to go now Sir, Thank you!" Yonghwa bowed and went out of the office.

Yonghwa sees no one outside in the lobby and in the hallway so he ran going to Class B because he's late.

"Class B, Okay, here it is." Yonghwa opened the door and luckily, their teacher isn't there yet.

"Yah! Yonghwa! Where have you been? You're so late man!" Heechul walk through Yonghwa and gave a high-five.

"Man, you don't have seat anymore. Maybe you should sit beside that sleeping girl." Minho said while pointing the vacant sit.

"Yeah alright.." Yonghwa said while carrying his bag.

As Yonghwa sat at the vacant sit, his bumped Minji's head.

Minji's head moved and disturbed while she's sleeping but yet she still continued sleeping.

Yonghwa's eyes widened as he felt his bumped Minji's head and he looked back at Minji.

He sat in his chair and luckily, the teacher came.

"Good morning class, I'm Mr. Lee and I'm your teacher in History. For all we've known, History is a sleepy subject and boring. So with that, I'll be strict. I hate seeing my student sleeping while I'm discussing. No eating in my class and a student with no book will be punished." As Mr. Lee is talking, Minji is still sleeping and Yonghwa is somewhat worried about what he have heard because Minji violated already one rule.

"yah! girl! wake up." Yonghwa whispered while tapping Minji's back.

"Don't disturb me. Can't you see I'm still sleeping?" Minji said with a tired voice.

"yah! wake up now!" Yonghwa continued tapping Minji's back.

"Mr. Jung! Is there something wrong?" Mr. Lee asked while holding his stick.

"No Mr. Lee." Yonghwa said and pushed Minji.

"aiish! yah, why did you pushed me?" Minji said to Yonghwa.

"It's because you're sleeping while Mr. Lee is talking. Don't you know he's strict?" Yonghwa explained to Minji.

"Kay' fine.." Minji pouted and made a Bad-vibe face.

"I see you're a new face here in Cheongshim University. So, What's your name?" Yonghwa asked.

"I'm Minji, and you are?"

"I'm Yonghwa. Nice to meet you Minji." Yonghwa smiled at Minji while shaking hands.

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Hey guys ^^ there has been a problem with Chapter 20,*almost everything we just wrote there had been deleted for no reason TT_TT* Aiigooo so I hope you guys can wait a little bit more.. Once gain We're sorry if we're making you guys wait.. *90 degrees bow* Mianheyo~ ^^
Jaejoong, i feel like giving you a punch!!
And yoochun too!! Junsu is the sweetest!!!
kpoplover88 #3
If you watched the anime "School Rumble", Minji's character is just like Tenma's! Lol! Cute!
kpoplover88 #4
Do you still remember about the puppy from the beginning? The beagle from the pet store? Well I wonder if Yonghwa is going to buy Minji that... That would be cute!
I'm sorry if we are updating the story very slowly =.= its because there were too many school activities =.=... i hope you guys wont mind those once again thanks for the support ^^
Chapter 15 in the making ^^
Chapter 14 has been released :D
chapter 14 in the making :D
actually Minwoo is a former member of Trax ^^ he's one of the casts in My Girlfriend is a gumiho ^^. By the way thanks for supporting our story ^^