The first day of training

Why have I fallen in love with you?

"Taerin unnie! Wake up now!" Minji said to Taerin while tapping her.

"I don't wanna go to school.. My head hurts.." Taerin said with a tired voice.

"We'll rush you to the hospital now if that so." Minji replied.

"But my feet hurts. I can't walk." Taerin told her other alibi.

"We'll let's ride a taxi then." Minji said.

Heeyeon entered the door.

"What's keeping you so long? Taerin ah! Wake up!" Heeyeon taps Taerin.

"She said her head hurts and her feet too." Minji said to Heeyeon.

"It's not an excuse. You don't have any illness Taerin ah!" Heeyeon said while pulling Taerin from the bed.

While they're on the table eating breakfast..

"I don't wanna go to school now.." Taerin said as if she's worried.

"Why? Are you worrying for Yoochun?" Minji asked.

"Why would I get scared with that monkey!" Taerin said with a loud voice.

"Then why don't you want to go to school?" Heeyeon asked.

"I'm not in mood to go to school today,.... and besides its the first time I'll be absent so please let me stay at home... please" Taerin said and begs to Heeyeon and Minji.

"No! Just because of him you'll be absent?you're going to school and that's final." Heeyeon said.

Since Taerin had no choice she just went to school. when they reached the school the two saw her covering her face with her backpack.

"why are you covering your face?" Minji asked.

"yah! you might trip like what happened to Minji" Heeyeon said.

"Believe me, I wont trip." Taerin replied

While they were walking the five arrived and passed them. since Taerin isn't looking at where she's going she accidentally bumped yoochun at the back, so she peeked and saw yoochun staring at her. So she tried to walk sideward and is still covering her face with the bag, but unfortunately yoochun blocked her way and asked:

"Why are you hiding? Were you hiding from me?" Yoochun said while he gets near to Taerin.

"umm.... ah, oh its because its so hot i might have sunburns." Taerin said her alibi while covering her face.

suddenly the bell rang..

"Oh its time! I have to go, bye!" Taerin said to Yoochun. 

Then she pulled Minji and Heeyeon and the three of them ran to their classrooms.

The 5 are walking to the hallway and they're talking about Taerin..

"Isn't that the girl we saw last night? the one who doesn't have enought money." Changmin asked curiously.

"Good thing yoochun is there to pay for their bill. Hahaha!" Yunho replied and laughing while tapping Yoochun's back.

"Yah~ Yoochun do you like that girl? the girl who's covering her face with the bag?" Yunho asked

"Ei~?? And why would I like her? I don't like those girls who are too brave and so proud of themselves, and also those boyish ones. you know my standards, right?" Yoochun replied.

"Alright~ lets go now before the teacher scolds us why we're late" Junsu said.

Meanwhile, in class B..

"I'm gonna check the attendance, class." Mr. Lee said.

"Ms. Ahn"


"Ms. Go"


"Ms. Lee"


Then someone knocked at the door..

*knock knock*

Minho opened the door.

"Good morning Mr. Lee. I just want to announce something." Coach Han said.

"Come inside Coach Han." Mr. Lee said.

"Yes. So class B. I'm here to announce you personally about the battle between Class A and Class B. I assigned Mr. Jaejoong to lead the Class A and Mr. Yonghwa to lead the Class B. You're going to form a 6 member group including the 1 sub. It's only a mini team since we have lots of sports to do this coming athletes' fair. So, here's the criteria and guide and I'll hand it to your leader."

Coach Han handed the paper to Yonghwa.

"So, Yonghwa. Have you chosen the members?" Coach Han asked Yonghwa.

" I picked Ahn Minji, Yoon Taerin, Lee Heeyeon, Kim Heechul and Choi Minho(as the sub)" Yonghwa said.

"Please stand up for those who have been called." Coach Han requested and said, "So, I'm giving you 2 months to prepare yourselves. And I'm gonna annouce if there are more sports you can participate."

"So, those who have been called will be excused for a while because we need to plan for it earlier. And the rest, you'll be making props or cheers if you'd like to." Yonghwa said.

"Okay.. So, I was about to announce that we won't have classes until it's athlete's fair." Mr. Lee said.

"YAAYY!!!" All of them said.

"Thank you Mr. Lee." Coach Han said and he left from the classroom. He went to Class A to announce them what will they do. Coach Han entered Class A while they're having the language class with Ms. Yuna Hanazumi.

"Excuse me, Can I just announce something, Ms. Hanazumi?" Coach Han said.

"Mr. Kim Jaejoong, I assigned you to lead your team and Yonghwa leading the Class B. Have you picked players?"

"I've picked Yunho, Junsu, Yoochun and Changmin." Jaejoong responded.

"Where's your sub?" Coach Han asked.

"I didn't picked any subs because I'm sure we're not needing anymore." Jaejoong proudly said.

"Okay then, be ready for your training." Coach Han said and left the classroom.

In Class B..

"Heechul, you'll be my assistant for a while. We'll train those three and also Minho." Yonghwa said while reading the criteria.

"Are you sure those three will be in our team? We might lose." Heechul worriedly said and sat beside Yonghwa.

"We're not going to lose. I know they can do it." Yonghwa replied.

"Okay then.. I'm going to tell them to go to the field now." Heechul said and told the team to go there. Yonghwa went to the sports center to get the materials they're going to use.. Yonghwa arrived at the field with soccer balls and a whistle hanging in his neck. The team sat in the grass while Yonghwa is explaining something..

"Since I've picked you, you need to coordinate with me. Every training, you need to wear proper attire so you can move easily. So now, you can wear your rubber shoes and attire now." Yonghwa said.

While the three was walking towards the restroom, Minji is worried..

"I don't have my PE uniform.. and rubber shoes. I left it at home because I didn't know we will going to use it." Minji worriedly said to the two.

"Just tell Yonghwa you forgot it." Heeyeon said.

"Yeah, we'll just going to change clothes." Taerin and Heeyeon entered the restroom and change clothes. And Minji was there, waiting and sat in the chair.

After few minutes, the two came out of the restroom wearing T-shirt and semi-short shorts. Then the three went to the field. Minji forgot her bag in the restroom and she said..

"Oh wait, I forgot my bag. Go on and I'll be back." Minji rushed to the restroom to get her bag. She saw her bag at the chair and going to get it but suddenly, she saw Yonghwa removing his shirt and she saw Yonghwa's body so her eyes opened wide like as if she was shocked. Then she slipped on the floor. Yonghwa was surprised when he was Minji lying on the floor and asked her..

"What are you doing there? Are you okay?" while he hung his shirt on his shoulder  for a while and offered a hand to Minji.

"Oh! hahah! I'm okay! I'm just going to get my bag." Minji said with a shaking voice.

"Oh, but why aren't you changing clothes yet?" Yonghwa said.

"I forgot my clothes and rubber shoes because I thought we're not going to use it." She replied.

"Hmm.. Okay. Just use my extra shirt,shorts and rubber shoes. I wish it'll fit you but I think not. Just try it." Yonghwa said and gave the clothes to Minji. After she changed clothes, she went now to the field with Yonghwa.

When they reached the field the other players stared at Minji and laughed. Yonghwa went to Heechul. Heeyeon and Taerin pulled Minji and asked:

"Yah! what happened to you?" Heeyeon said while giggling.

"You said you'll just get your bag, and now you cameback like a Hiphop Gangster master." Taerin said and laughed hard.

"Aiishh! you two stop laughing at me, Yonghwa let me borrow this because i forgot my clothes. so I had no choice but to use it." Minji complained.

"Ok ok we'll stop already" Heeyeon said.

Meanwhile at Yonghwa's scene:

"What tooked you so long? huh?" Heechul said like he's thingking something.

"Don't think of anything you bastard. Go on and arrange the soccer ball" Yonghwa said

"Oh i forgot. get the criteria first at the classroom" he added.

"You know i'm doing something..." Heechul complained

"I'll just be the one to get it" Heeyeon said

"Be fast OK." Yonghwa said

Heeyeon ran trough the corridor and accidentally bumped Changmin who was holding an orange juice.Then the orange juice accidentally poured into changmin's uniform. Heeyeon was trying to apologize but changmin gave her a glare.

" I'm really sorry, i didn't mean to do it. Please forgive me" Heeyeon said while bowing at Changmin

 "You're not looking at your steps. You bumped my orange juice and then you'll just say sorry?" Changmin said in an angry voice.

 "But really. I didn't mean it. I was just in a hurry.." Heeyeon replied.

 "aiish.. whatever clumsy girl!"Changmin said and left.

"whew.. my heart beats so fast! i thought he'll hit me." Heeyeon gasped and said.

Heeyeon went back to the field and gave Yonghwa the criteria he was asking. Yonghwa asked them to form a horizontal line with spaces apart, for him to know which one is good and which one needs more practice.Yonghwa lead the warm up. after their warm up, the five came and yonghwa looked at them. The five went on the field to have their training too, then Yonghwa told minho to start the training.

"Minho, kick the ball now." Yonghwa said.

Minho kicked the ball but Heechul catched it.

"Okay that's nice. next!" Yonghwa said.

Now its Heeyeon's turn, she kicked the ball but unfortunately her kick wasn't enough to reach the goal.

 "You need to kick it hard so you can be able to reach the net." Yonghwa said to Heeyeon, and Heeyeon nodded.

Next is Taerin's turn, she kicked the ball very hard and accidentally hits Heechuls tummy.

"Oops! Sorry Heechul!" Taerin said.

Heechul holds his tummy because it was very painful.

"Nice kick Taerin-ah but i think you should hit Heechul in his tummy again" Yonghwa said.

The next one was minji.

"Am I going to kick now?" Minji asked.

"Yup." yonghwa said.

Minji stepped backwards to get force and prepared to kick the ball, but unfortunately when she kicked the ball it went sidewards. Her shoe went off her feet and she slipped on the ground, since the ball went sidewards the ball accidentally hit jaejoong at the back. Yonghwa was worried about Minji so he helped her stand and asked her:

"Are you ok? Does it hurt?" yonghwa asked.

"I'm fine" Minji replied.

Yonghwa smiled and said sorry to Jaejoong.

"Hey dude! i'm sorry if the ball hit you. i hope this wont be an issue" Yonghwa said.

JaeJoong gets the ball and throws it to YongHwa. He went towards YongHwa and said:

"I don't think 2 months of training is enough with for your members. please don't give me a boring game." Jaejoong said.

"Jaejoong, why is your brain full of pride? all you know is to be proud of who you are. not because you're the team captain and the most popular in the campus, you can act like a pro.. I was just replaced by you..don't forget that.! Yonghwa said angrily.

"so, you're calling me boastful? it's because you're not good enough!!" Jaejoong shouted at Yonghwa's face.

Then JaeJoong holds YongHwa's collar and was about to punch him but JunSu blocked JaeJoong and so is HeeChul to Yonghwa.







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Hey guys ^^ there has been a problem with Chapter 20,*almost everything we just wrote there had been deleted for no reason TT_TT* Aiigooo so I hope you guys can wait a little bit more.. Once gain We're sorry if we're making you guys wait.. *90 degrees bow* Mianheyo~ ^^
Jaejoong, i feel like giving you a punch!!
And yoochun too!! Junsu is the sweetest!!!
kpoplover88 #3
If you watched the anime "School Rumble", Minji's character is just like Tenma's! Lol! Cute!
kpoplover88 #4
Do you still remember about the puppy from the beginning? The beagle from the pet store? Well I wonder if Yonghwa is going to buy Minji that... That would be cute!
I'm sorry if we are updating the story very slowly =.= its because there were too many school activities =.=... i hope you guys wont mind those once again thanks for the support ^^
Chapter 15 in the making ^^
Chapter 14 has been released :D
chapter 14 in the making :D
actually Minwoo is a former member of Trax ^^ he's one of the casts in My Girlfriend is a gumiho ^^. By the way thanks for supporting our story ^^