I'm not jealous! Never have been!........or maybe just now...

Why have I fallen in love with you?

It's Monday morning and the three packed up to get ready for school. As the three reached the school they noticed something unusual happening on the hallway, so they approached it and saw the Cinderella poster at the school's bulletin board.

Many students were looking on the bulletin board to see the Cinderella poster and some are reading their school newspaper given by the student publishing organization of the school.



"OMO~~! Look at them, they're so cute! I wish I would have a picture like that with Changmin Oppa too!" A junior student said to her friends and they chitchat about it.

"Yeah,but I wonder why the cinderella role was played by a student coming from the 4-B." a girl said.

"Oh look! Jessica sunbae and her friends! I always envy them!" her friend said and looked at Jessica and her friends walking towards the bulletin.

"Excuse us!!" Tiffany said in a mean voice and students walked out of the way.

"OH MY GOD!! She looks ugly!!" Jessica said while looking at Heeyeon's picture.

"Ugh! I should be the one with Changmin oppa~!" Tiffany said and cried.

A junior student went to Jessica together with her friends.

"Jessica sunbae, why are you an antagonist in the stage play?" a junior girl curiously said.

"And why does cinderella role was played by a student coming from Class B?" another girl asked.

"Ugh! These es are like insulting us!" Tiffany whispered to Seohyun.

"Uh.. It's because.." Yoona was cut by Jessica.

"It's because we just gave a chance to the new ones. The whole campus know that we're so popular here so it's no need to play that single role. That role is for dummies." Jessica confidently said.

After few hours, it's already lunch break! The three went to the cafeteria with Heechul, Yonghwa and Minho. They sat in a table but still, Minji is wondering why Yonghwa is quiet.

"Umm, Yonghwa-sshi. Are you okay?" Minji curiously asked. But Yonghwa just looked somewhere like he heard nothing.

"Yah Yonghwa-sshi! What's your problem?" Heechul said and pinch Yonghwa's cheek.

"Tch! Stop it!" Yonghwa pushed Heechul's hand.

Suddenly, Yoochun with Junsu came to Taerin.

"Excuse me for a while, Miss Credit Card, you forgot your fake iTouch under my bed. And someone texted you. I don't know who is that so I told him/her not to text me anymore because I was sleeping that time. Tsk, you're really a huge burden to me.." Yoochun said and handed the iTouch to Taerin.

"What?! You used my phone?! Why did you used it without my permission! You Moron!" Taerin grabbed her iTouch and opened it.

"Don't call me moron! And don't forget that you will still go back at my house this coming saturday 'kay?" Yoochun said and left.

While Yoochun and Junsu are walking together..

"Who texted her?" Junsu asked and looked curiously at Yoochun.

"Ah.. Nothing. Just a random person. He/She asks me to guess who the hell he/she is. what the heck is that.." Yoochun said while his hands are kept on his pocket.

Back at the cafeteria in Taerin's table..

"Who texted you?" Heeyeon asked. So Taerin her iTouch and opened the message.

And to her surprise it's no other than Minwoo. The person whom the three treated like their own brother for years.

"OMO!!!!! yah!!!! its Woo-oppa!" Taerin said in a loud voice with excitement then she pushed Heeyeon back and fort as if she won a lottery. So Minji and Heeyeon got curious and took a look at her phone.

"OMO! he's so matured now" Heeyeon said.

"OMO! He's so cute! I wonder how tall he is now? I still remember when we were still young" Minji said in a happy tone and wondered. Heechul and Minho got curious so they asked Taerin if they can look at the picture, and of course Yonghwa is also curious toMinji and Taerin said:

"He's cute right?" Minji said and chuckled

"And he looks just like prince charming~!" Taerin added and smiled

"He's a he?!" Heechul said

"Of course he's a he can't you see his manly features?" Taerin said with a raised eyebrow.

"Omo~! so you're replacing me with him? But he looks like a girl and you know, I'm much more manlier than him." Minho said

"aiish let me have that." Taerin said and tooked the phone. 

"Tch! Can I see?" Yonghwa grabbed the phone from Taerin again. He reacted with jealousy.

"He looks like he got in a surgery because of his perfect nose. Obviously, I'm more manlier than him." Yonghwa confidently said.

"Oppa? Are you jealous or something?" Minji wondered and looked closely at Yonghwa.

"Why would I be jealous. There's nothing to be jealous at." Yonghwa said and smirked then shooked his head.

"He said we'll be seeing him on friday at incheon! I'm so excited!" Heeyeon excitingly said and have a big smile on her face.

"Aiigoo!! I wish I could skip time so that we'll see him already~!" Minji excitingly said while doing a little aegyo stuff.

"Yeah~! and we'll be chitchatting about stuffs, do some random activities and go bonding together~!! It would be so much fun!" Taerin excitingly said.

"Aiigoo!! I think we should prepare a delicious meal for him."Minji said

"Yeah~! some of his favorites..... hmm he likes bulgogi right? and Haemultang (Assorted seafood stew), and and oh! oh! Kimbap!!" Taerin happily said.

"Ha ha ha~ you even remember those, huh?" Heeyeon giggled and said

"You're right Heeyeon unnie~ but before planning the food and celebration.... How are we going to meet him? If we don't even have a car?" Minji curiously asked and wondered.

"Um, we could rent a taxi."Heeyeon suggested

So while Minji, Heeyeon and Taerin were thinking which car they will use for their transportation. The three boys were also talking about Minwoo.

"I'm guessing that guy must be ......" Heechul has been cut by Yonghwa

"Maybe he's just someone's cousin."Yonghwa said

"But there's the so called word maybe. What if he wasn't a family member at all?" Heechul said with a raised eyebrow.

"Enough said I'm sure he's a cousin or maybe a sibling." Yonghwa said

"Why are you so defensive man? You jealous or what?" Minho said

"I'm not, I'm just telling the truth... tss" Yonghwa said

"Yeah.... right~ What if he wasn't connected to Minji? What if he was Taerin or Heeyeon's brother or even cousin? What will you do?" Heechul asked

"Let's just continue eating" Yonghwa said, but deep inside his mind:

"DAMN!!!! Why is life so cruel to me?!? I'm not yet done with my rivalry with Jaejoong, and then here comes another guy who's stealing away Minji's attention for me? What kind of test is life giving me? Why does it have to be so hard?!!! Aiiish! Anyway I'm Jung Yonghwa, for peeps sake!!! I'm not meant to lose over them!!! I can over come this!!! YEAH!!! I should not give up!!" Yonghwa said into his mind, suddenly Heechul shouted at him.

"YAH!!!!! I'm asking you for the 5th time Yonghwa!! Why aren't you answering me???" Heechul complained in a little pissed tone.

"Huh? What?" Yonghwa said.

"Pssh, I will repeat it again.." Heechul said and did a face palm.

"Minji-ah, why don't you ask Yonghwa-sshi to use his car for us? I know Yonghwa will say yes. He's always like that in your favors." Taerin whispered to Minji.

"What! No, He already did many things for me." Minji whispered too.

"But if you asked him to drive for us, we will save money for the transportation." Heeyeon said.

"And if you didn't asked him, we can't see Minwoo-oppa at the airport!" Taerin whispered.

"Aiish.. You two are abusing me!" Minji said and pouted.

After the lunch break, they had 2 hours of vacant time again since the faculty had an emergency meeting. The team practiced again in the field while Jaejoong and Yoochun is at the field too, not training for soccer game but watching Yonghwa's team in their practice. While Yunho and Junsu is at the library (Changmin is absent because he had LBM)

At the library, Yunho is with Junsu looking for Manhwa (Korean Comic book).

"Are you sure our library have that?" Yunho said to Junsu while searching for the manhwa.

"I think so. But our library is big so I think they have that." Junsu said.

"But it's rated right? Do you have the magazine?" Yunho asked Junsu again.

"Yup, it's here on my bag pack. I didn't know Maria Ozawa already released her new magazine." Junsu said and wondered.

"Yeah, that was shipped last night from Japan." Yunho said while looking on Junsu. Suddenly, Heeyeon together with her books was slipped and landed on Yunho.

"OH! Sorry!" Heeyeon said while she's over Yunho. Yunho ily placed his hand on Heeyeon's waist.

"It's okay, girl." Yunho said and smirked. Heeyeon stood up fast and picked up her books and went outside with her fast heartbeat.

"Oh, my heartbeat is really fast! I was nervous!" Heeyeon told herself while her hand is on her chest.

Meanwhile, at the field while Yonghwa, Minji and Taerin is seated at the bleacher waiting for Minho, Heeyeon and Heechul...

(Seat arrangement: Yonghwa-Minji-Taerin)

"Unnie~! Do you think Minwoo-oppa has girlfriend already?" Minji asked.

"I don't know.. Maybe he doesn't have because in Europe, there's no one within his standards of his typical girl." Taerin explained.

"What's his typical girl anyway?" Yonghwa curiously asked.

"He likes someone who is cute, a little bit of childish, innocent and sweet. He told me that last time." Taerin said and smiled. Yonghwa got surprised about it that Minwoo's standards mentioned Minji's personality and physical looks.

"Maybe he don't like those type of girls anymore. Maybe he has changed his standards since he lived in Europe, right?" Yonghwa worriedly asked.

3 days have passed and it's already friday, the long awaited day of Heeyeon, Taerin and Minji. After the class has ended, the three are walking together with Yonghwa, Heechul and Minho.

"Tell him now~!" Taerin whispered and approached Minji.

"Yonghwa-sshi, Minji have someone to tell you!" Taerin said in a loud voice.

"Aiish! Unnie~?" Minji whispered and looked at Taerin.

"Yah yah~! Maybe she already has feelings for you~!" Heechul said to Yonghwa softly and tapped him.

"Do you really think so?" Yonghwa whispered and wondered

"umm..... Yonghwa-sshi, is it okay with you if you will drive for us to go to the airport today?" Minji shyly asked and gave Yonghwa a charming smile.

While inside of Yonghwa's mind was like:

"Yonghwa-sshii~~! I really like you.... its just that I'm shy to let you know..... umm, is it okay if we go on a date later?" Yonghwa's thought about what Minji said.

"Yeah sure~" Yonghwa said and smiled

"Really?! Yay!" Minji said and she hugged Yonghwa while placing his head on Yonghwa's chest and smiling.

"YEAH!" Taerin said happily and Heeyeon smiled too. Heeyeon and Taerin had a high five.

So they first went home to change clothes. Heeyeon is still showering inside the CR while Taerin is putting up her pants and Minji still wears a loose shirt and only wearing underwear in the living room.

"Unnie, what should I wear?" Minji asked while drying her hair with a towel.

"I don't know! Why are you in your underwear! Aiish!" Taerin said.

"We're all girls here." Minji complained.

"I know, I'm used to it but what if someone's peeking in our room, eh?" Taerin replied.

While Yonghwa with Heechul and Minho is currently outside the room of the three, Yonghwa suddenly opened the door without knocking and Minho and Heechul is behind him.

"WOH!! What are you doing? Why didn't you knocked first?!" Taerin rushed to Minji and covered Minji's lower part of the body with a towel since she's only wearing underwear and loose shirt while leaving Taerin's ped pants that she wears.

"Oh! I'm so sorry! I didn't know!" Yonghwa covered his eyes but before he did that, of course he took a glance on Minji! (>_<")

After the trouble, they we're ready and Minji chosed to wear this one:


So they went off. When they're on the highway, Yonghwa was about to go left until Minji told him:

"Umm yonghwa-shii, the airport is straight ahead." Minji said.

"huh? what airport are you talking about?" Yonghwa asked.

"We're going to the airport to catch Minwoo oppa, right?" Minji wonderingly said.

"What? I thout we're going to go on a da.." Yonghwa was cut by Minho.

"Go turn right now! There's someone behind us!" Minho exclaimed.

So Yonghwa suddenly turned around and confusingly asked himself:

"What but i thought we're going on a date then suddenly that Minwoo shows up. tch!!" Yonghwa said on his mind

When they reached the aiport, they we're waiting for MInwoo to arrive.

"Aiigoo! I can't wait to see him now!!!" Taerin excitingly said

"OMO! I wonder what he brought us! hahaha!" Minji excitingly said

"Hahahaha! You're full of foolishness." Taerin said

"Aigoo! I'm getting nervous at the same time excited. I got to pee!" Heeyeon said

"Yah! Taerin-ah can you come with me and find the CR?" Heeyeon asked

"Aigoo but i also don't know where it is located. Anyway we could ask the guard." Taerin said

"Aiish~! Go pee later, Minwoo oppa might come as you go. Just stay here unnie!" Minji said while pulling Heeyeon and Taerin

While the three was searching for Minwoo, Minji suddenly spotted a tall guy that has a manly figure. Then she ran towards the guy and said:

"MINWOO OPPA!" Minji shoudted and hugged the guy.

"Huh? Who's Minwoo?"  the guy took off his shades and wondered. So Minji fastly removed her arms on the guy.

"Oh, I'm really sorry. I thought you're my best friend!" Minji bowed and got embarassed. She went back to Heeyeon and Taerin while the two were laughing.
"Aiish, I thought he was Minwoo oppa! But when I saw his face..I was surprised. It doesn't look like Minwoo after all. He looks..ugh..not handsome." Minji said.
" HAHAHAHAHAHA! Yeah~! Actually he somewhat looks like half SQUID and half SHRIMP" Taerin joked and laughed
"oh! hahahah! You mean the body is so good but when you've reached the face, it's all about dissapointment! Hahaha!" Heeyeon said and laughed together with Taerin.
So the three laughed hard.
Meanwhile in Yonghwa's scene. They saw what happened so Heechul and Minho teased Yonghwa:
"WOOOHH!! hahahahaha!! You see that Yonghwa! So Minji's type is that guy who looks like a monkey!" Heechul said and laughed hard
"Hahahahhaa!! Yonghwa you must change your face now if you really want to have Minji's attention." Heechul added
" Yeah! haha Change your face! You must look more monkeyer than that guy! hahahahaha!" Minho said and laughed along with Heechul. Then Yonghwa raised his eyebrows sarcastically faced them.
" ha, ha, ha.. very funny.... Is there even such thing as monkeyer?" Yonghwa asked sarcastically
"Sooon~ there will be.. When you already had your face MONKEYNIZED~" Minho said and once again Heechul and minho laughed leaving yonghwa face palmed.
Meanwhile in Minwoo's scene:
(Minwoo's physical looks)*Also wearing a tinted rayban shades* Carrying a briefcase and luggage.
While Minwoo is walking along in the hallway, some of the girls where talking about him and others are taking stolen photos. Which have caused attraction from otehr people. The guards thought that Minwoo is a celebrity  so they tried to assist him to avoid possible troubles. Minwoo was wondering why guards are surrounding him.
"umm,.. is this part of Taerin, Minji and Heeyeon's surprise for me?" Minwoo asked kindly to the guard who's trying to assist him.
"no,  sir." The guard replied
"Sir, I'll be the one to carry your stuff so you wont be on a hustle" The guard added.
"Ah no, it's okay. I have my friends waiting for me. I'll just be the one to ride it on my car. Thank you.' Minwoo humbly said and smiled.
"These guards seems nice. I wonder how big does the Incheon airport have developed its hospitality and staffs."  Minwoo said in his mind.
Meanwhile back in the waiting area, the three is still searching for MInwoo.
"What took him so long?" Taerin said.
"Is that MInwoo oppa?" Minji said while pointing on a tall guy with manly features wearing a tinted-shades for the 2nd time.
"Don't assume, that guy must be another unknown again. Haha!" Heeyeon said.
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Hey guys ^^ there has been a problem with Chapter 20,*almost everything we just wrote there had been deleted for no reason TT_TT* Aiigooo so I hope you guys can wait a little bit more.. Once gain We're sorry if we're making you guys wait.. *90 degrees bow* Mianheyo~ ^^
Jaejoong, i feel like giving you a punch!!
And yoochun too!! Junsu is the sweetest!!!
kpoplover88 #3
If you watched the anime "School Rumble", Minji's character is just like Tenma's! Lol! Cute!
kpoplover88 #4
Do you still remember about the puppy from the beginning? The beagle from the pet store? Well I wonder if Yonghwa is going to buy Minji that... That would be cute!
I'm sorry if we are updating the story very slowly =.= its because there were too many school activities =.=... i hope you guys wont mind those once again thanks for the support ^^
Chapter 15 in the making ^^
Chapter 14 has been released :D
chapter 14 in the making :D
actually Minwoo is a former member of Trax ^^ he's one of the casts in My Girlfriend is a gumiho ^^. By the way thanks for supporting our story ^^