What a crazy day!

Why have I fallen in love with you?

As Heeyeon arrived Changmin's mansion....


Changmin and Heeyeon were practicing their lines. Suddenly Changmin received a phone call from Go ahra

"Hello?" Changmin answered the phone.

"Hello! It's Ahra! I was assigned for your 2nd practice so from now on, I'll be handling your role play. We're here at the school now. Just go here with Heeyeon because it's hard to practice on house. We'll be waiting for you here! Thanks!" Ahra said.

"Oh okay okay. We'll be there now." Changmin answered and ended the call. After 15 minutes, Changmin and Heeyeon arrived at the place.

"Ah you're here now! Wait, Kibum already revised the scripts. He's just printing it for a while. Hahah!" Ahra said while organizing the stage. Heeyeon and Changmin sat while waiting for them.

"Aiish! KIBUM AH!!!" Ahra shouted while Kibum is running holding the papers he printed.

"Here's the scripts." Kibum handed it to Ahra while he's panting.

"Hahah! I paid my money for that. It costs W6300 all in all. So, where's my money?" Kibum smiled while panting and his hand asks for money.

"Money your face! Arrange the lights at the stage you bastard!" Ahra said while frowning.

"WHAT?! But I also need to eat!!! Aiiish!!" Kibum complained and went to the stage to fix.

"Here's the script. We'll practice it now while reading it." Ahra handed the scripts to Changmin and Heeyeon and they went to the downstage.

Suddenly, Yunho, Jaejoong and Junsu came to watch Changmin.

"HWAITING CHANGMIN-AH!! WOOOH~~!" Yunho shouted while clapping.

"AHAHAHAHAH~~~!! NICE ONE CHANGMIN!!" Jaejoong laughed so hard.

"kkkkkkkkkk! I can't imagine he will be into role plays!" Junsu laughs and Changmin looked at them and sighed.

"Oh hey, my Ahra si here!" Yunho said and runs to Ahra.

"Hey Ahra~~" Yunho winked and placed his arm on Ahra's shoulder.

"Excuse me, I'm doing something so please dont bother me." Ahra removed Yunho"s arms on her shoulder and went away from Yunho.

"Okay! Let's try the kissing scene there and we'll be done. You guys must  perfect the scene, I know it gets awkward when it comes to kissing scenes, but you guys can do it!" Ahra said and added, "Kibum ah! Please adjust the light more higher!!" she shouted.

"Ugh! I'm so tired. This is heavy you know!!! Aiish!" Kibum shouted back while lifting the stage light.

(on the stage)

"Prince Charming, I need to go~ I need to be home before the clock strikes 12~" Heeyeon said.

"No wait........~~" Changmin said and grabbed Heeyeon.

"I think I fell in love with you. I'll marry you, my princess." Changmin said and was about to kiss Heeyeon:

"Yah! cut!" Ahra shouted. So the two made distance away from each other.

"Something's missing there.... The both of you should make it more passionate, ok." Ahra added.

"OK! 1,2,3 action!" Ahra shouted. So the two started the scene again but unfortuanately Ahra wasn't always satisfied with their work. They've tried doing it for several times. They were already tired doing it, so changmin whispered at heeyeon.

"Yah~ I'm already getting tired and hungry lets go fix it now... so we could finish this scene already." Changmin whispered.

"umm.... ok." Heeyeon answered back. So they did the scene again then something unexpected happened. When they were about to do the scene Heeyeon accidentally lost her balance which caused the fake kiss to be real. Their eyes widened in shock, it took 5 seconds until they both break the kiss.

"WOW! That was good! It almost looked like real!" Ahra said with astonishment.

"Oh my God! I nearly thought it was real too!!" Junsu said in a loud squeaky voice, and so everyone clapped at their performance leaving the 3 antagonists mad and jealous.

While at Yoochun's car..

"Who's that Minwoo huh?" Yoochun asked while he's driving.

"He's my childhood friend. Do you have problems with it?" Taerin replied.

"Tch.." Yoochun said and drove fast to his house.

When they've reached Yoochun's house, he parked the car outside.

Meanwhile at Minji's apartment...

As the 3 were watching movies Minwoo's phone suddenly rings:

*RING RING* Minwoo answered his phone.

"Hello? who's this?" Minwoo asked.

"Ah! Son is that you? It's your dad. Do you have some plans today? Your mom said she wants you to come over and have some dinner together with your brothers and sisters." Minwoo's father said.

"Ah dad! Oh sure! Are they all coming there?" Minwoo asked

"Yes, actually they're all here already and you're just the only one who's missing." Minwoo's father said

"Oh, and by the way your mom cooked all your favorite dishes, so you must come as quick as possible or you might catch nothing, ha ha ha" Minwoo's father added.

"Ok dad I'll be on my way now, tell mom and others to wait for me and not to eat it all ok? hahaha. Bye~" Minwoo said and ended the call.

"Minwoo-oppa who was that?" Minji curiously asked.

"It was my dad he said we'll be having a dinner. So I have to leave the both of you here." Minwoo said then Yonghwa's face turned into something,... something that you can't explain whether it was excited, happy or what so ever.

In yonghwa's mind....

"Oh My God Oh My God! Why didn't his parents called earlier! Anyway good thing they called already I can't stand him anymore! haha! Now I can have Minji for myself without him interrupting! haha! I thought this day can't get any better! This is one of the best day ever!"

Minwoo stood up and prepared himself.

"So... yonghwa you should take good care of Minji while I'm not around ok?" Minwoo said.

"oh sure! I will take good care of her, so don't you worry about her, and you go take care of yourself too haha! and we'll be seeing you next time so buhbye!" Yonghwa said in a happy tone 

"huh? haha. seems like you want me to leave as early as possible." Minwoo jokingly said.

"ummmm... its because I just remembered the news said that there might be a rain coming, and I don't want you to get wet. So you really must leave as early as possible while the sun is still up." Yonghwa said his alibi, while slightly pushing Minwoo towards the door together with his stuff.

"Okay~ ha ha thanks for the concern so I'll be leaving now good bye Minji!" Minwoo said and was about to kiss Minji's cheek  but Yonghwa blocked him.

"Ok! good bye! good bye!! You should leave now the rain might catch you!!" Yonghwa said with a big grin on his face.

"Okay Oppa! Take care!" Minji said with smiling eyes and then she kissed Minwoo's cheek.

"Aiish.. Why did she kissed him?!" Yonghwa said in his mind. So Yonghwa went in front of Minji and once again said good bye and then Yonghwa puts his arm around Minwoo's shoulders and heads him to the door.

"Yah! it's getting late your parents might get worried of you and you might catch a cold too~! so you go now! bye!" Yonghwa said and closes the door leaving Minwoo speechless.

"Ugh, what's wrong with him. hahah!" Minwoo said as he walks away from the door and laughs slightly.

Back inside the room...

"Yonghwa-sshi,  why are you in a hurry?" Minji asked curiously

"Ah! its because umm... like you I'm also worried for him and since you're his friend I consider him as one of my friends too! ha ha ha!" Yonghwa said his alibi.

"Ahh!! ok oppa! It was nice to know that you both are getting along with each other. Ha ha ha!" Minji said cheerfully

Meanwhile in Yoochun's scene....

Taerin and Yoochun have reached the mansion. 

As they were walking inside yoochun throws up taerin's uniform and as usual she has no choice but to wear it.

(Taerin's appearance)

then when taerin was about to start cleaning (though there's really nothing to clean) yoochun suddenly said:

"Yah! Stop cleaning we're going somewhere"Yoochun said and prepared his stuff.

"And where the hell are you taking me?! huh?!" Taerin asked

"Quit asking just do what i'm saying, ok?!" Yoochun said with his shades on.

"tss!" Taerin complained then yoochun gave her a glare with a raised eyebrow

As  Taerin followed his orders, this is what's inside her mind...

"pssh! this stupid bastard forehead! he's always giving me a hard time!!! If I could only punch his face! I would have done it a billion times! And where the hell is he going to take me anyway?!??!?!?!?! AIIIIIISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"  

"Yah! what are you waiting for huh? get in the car!" Yoochun shouted as he was waiting inside his car. So taerin went inside his auto and buckled up her seatbelt with a pout on her face. As they've reached the mall...

"HEY HEY HEY!!! Just what the hell are we doing here huh?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" Taerin asked angrily.

"What do you think?" Yoochun asked with a smirk on his face

"YAH!!!! I WILL NEVER CLEAN THE WHOLE MALL FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!! I'D RATHER..." Taerin shouter but before she finished talking Yoochun cuts her.

"WOAH~!! NICE IDEA!!! Too bad I didn't let you bring some cleaning materials.. tsk~! Anyways THERE'S ALWAYS NEXT TIME. " Yoochun said sarcastically with a smirk on his face 

"What next time!! There's no more....!" Yoochun covers  

"Aiiish! Quit shouting! You're breaking my eardrums!!" Yoochun said so Taerin slightly bit Yoochun's hand 

"OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT ARE YOU A DOG???? WHY DID YOU BIT ME HUH? AIIISH!!!" Yoochun complained while rubbing his hands

"JUST SHUT UP ALREADY!!!!" Taerin shouted in an angry tone


and so the quarrel continues.... *(-_-")

Meanwhile at Minji's apartment...

"I'm getting bored already...."Minji sighed

"wanna go somewhere else?" Yonghwa asked 

"well yeah, but don't you have other plans?" Minji asked 

"No, I don't really have any plans for today so its ok" Yonghwa said and smiled

"Ah! Really? haha I'll just go change" Minji said happily and hurried to ther bedroom to change her clothes and prepare her stuff. Minji came back wearing one of the dresses yonghwa bought for her:

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Hey guys ^^ there has been a problem with Chapter 20,*almost everything we just wrote there had been deleted for no reason TT_TT* Aiigooo so I hope you guys can wait a little bit more.. Once gain We're sorry if we're making you guys wait.. *90 degrees bow* Mianheyo~ ^^
Jaejoong, i feel like giving you a punch!!
And yoochun too!! Junsu is the sweetest!!!
kpoplover88 #3
If you watched the anime "School Rumble", Minji's character is just like Tenma's! Lol! Cute!
kpoplover88 #4
Do you still remember about the puppy from the beginning? The beagle from the pet store? Well I wonder if Yonghwa is going to buy Minji that... That would be cute!
I'm sorry if we are updating the story very slowly =.= its because there were too many school activities =.=... i hope you guys wont mind those once again thanks for the support ^^
Chapter 15 in the making ^^
Chapter 14 has been released :D
chapter 14 in the making :D
actually Minwoo is a former member of Trax ^^ he's one of the casts in My Girlfriend is a gumiho ^^. By the way thanks for supporting our story ^^