A Misunderstood case

Why have I fallen in love with you?

"Go now! Ask them." Minho said to Yonghwa and pushed him.

"What? Maybe not now. We're not that close yet." Yonghwa said nervously.

"Sigh.. Come on!" Heechul pulled Yonghwa out of the chair and pushed him through Minji's table.

"Hello!" Heechul said and waved to Minji and company.

"Oh, hello!" Minji said and smiled.

"Yonghwa wants to tell you something.. Right?" Heechul said pushed Yonghwa to Minji.

"aiish, yah why do you need to push me?" Yonghwa looked back at Heechul with a semi-pissed face.

"Hmm.. What do you want anyway?" Heeyeon asked Yonghwa.

"Oh, Umm.. Jaejoong told me that our teacher in P.E. asked us to form a team in our section so I decided you threee to join us." Yonghwa said and smiled.

"Oh, that's great! I'm a black belter in taekwondo so I can kick well." Taerin proudly said.

"Yeah, She's good at kicking! hehe." Heeyeon said and added "Well, I played soccer too when I was in elementary!"

"Ohh, that's nice. How about you Minji?" Yonghwa said worriedly to Minji."

"Uh, me? Well, I'm good too! hehe" Minji nervously said while smiling.

"Well, that's nice. So you three will go with the team." Yonghwa said while smiling.

"Oh, Minji. What happened to your forehead?" Yonghwa asked her.

"Ah, it's nothing! heheh.." Minji said while covering her bruise with her bangs.

"You better go to the clinic and get that fixed." Yonghwa worriedly said.

"No, seriously. I'm fine ^^"

"You really should go. Yonghwa, why don't accompany Minji?" Minho said.

"What about Heeyeon and Taerin?" Yonghwa answered.

"No, we're okay. We'll head to the classroom now and go with Minji to the clinic." Heeyeon said.

"Huh? But..." Minji was cut by Taerin and Taerin said to Minji silently "Yah~! Go now with him! Can't you see he's cute?"

"So, we're leaving now! Bye! Take care of Minji okay?" Heeyeon said while walking away from Minji and Yonghwa.

"Ugh.. I said I'm really okay.. It's just a bruise" Minji said dissapointedly while they're walking.

"Are you sure?" Yonghwa said and looked at Minji.

"Yeah!" Minji smiled.

"Well, why don't we return back to the classroom then?" Yonghwa said.

"Hmm.. Just tour me in this school. I haven't seen everything here yet." Minji said.

"Well, okay. Let's go first to the event gymnasium." Yonghwa said.

As they've reached the gymnasium..

"So here's the gymnasium. There's always programs here and some students are performing in the stage." Yonghwa said as he tour Minji inside the gymnasium.

"Oh, this is really a big stage. It's like a concert stadium of artists!" Minji amazingly said while looking around the gymnasium.

As Yonghwa toured Minji around the school, the last place they went is in the fountain which is like a hidden place.

"So, this is where I always go when I'm lonely, mad and when I want to be alone." Yonghwa said.

"Ohh, this place is so beautiful and romantic. I can see the sunset from here and it's so beautiful." Minji said with a smile on her face.

"Let's go now. It's almost dismissal time. Whew, I really got tired walking. We almost explored everything!" Yonghwa said.

"Okay, let's go." Minji said.

While Yonghwa and Minji is walking, Minji dropped her necklace. Yonghwa gets the necklace and his head is near Minji's legs. Suddenly, a teacher saw them and misunderstood that they're doing PDA.

"Mr. Jung!" Mrs. Soo called his attention.

"Oh, yes Mrs. Soo?" Yonghwa stood up quickly.

"Why are you doing PDA with Ms. Ahn?! You two, come with me in the office now." Mrs. Soo said.

"WHAT?! PDA?! No, you don't understand Mrs. Soo!" Minji complained.

They went to the office and explained everything.

"It is true, Yonghwa just toured me in school. and that's all." Minji explained.

"She is right. She just dropped her necklace then I get it. Maybe you thought I'm petting her but not. You know Sir, I don't have any records here. I hope you trust me. I won't do such thing like that." Yonghwa said.

"Well, I believe you. Maybe Mrs. Soo, you just misunderstood their situation. But Mr. Jung and Ms. Ahn, you still have a case by cutting class. It's clear that you didn't attend your class that time." Mr. Park said.

"Uh, yes we understood that. We're sorry." Minji said.

"Okay, you can leave now. I hope this is the 1st and the last time cutting class Mr. Jung and Ms. Ahn."

"Yes sir. Thank you." Yonghwa and Minji said and bowed.

They went out of the office late and their friends already went home.

*toot toot*

"Oh, text message." Yonghwa said.

"Yonghwa-sshi, we're sorry to disturb you but can you please send Minji to our house? Thanks!

- Taerin"

"Where's Heeyeon and Taerin unnie?" Minji said worriedly.

"Uhh.. Minji ah, your Taerin unnie sent me a message. She said I'll send you to you house." Yonghwa said.

"Hmm. Okay, thanks!" Minji said and smiled.

They ride in the car and Yonghwa opened the door for Minji.

"Oh, is this your car? You're really a rich boy." Minji said while looking inside the car."

Yonghwa just laughed a little and drive through the road. While Minji is staring outside the car near the Han River, Yonghwa looks at Minji and he said to himself.. "Why am I looking up to this girl? Maybe I'm just really happy that I met her and we became friends."

"Oh! Wait!" Minji said with a loud voice.

Yonghwa stepped on the break and asked her and looked at Minji.. "Why? Did you forgot something?"

"Uh.. Nothing. I just want to go to the pet shop because I have a pet there." Minji said and smiled.

"Okay." Yonghwa said.

They went to the pet shop and entered there.

"Oh, there you are hannie!" Minji walks near to a beagle puppy and sat in front of the cage.

"I miss you so much baby!" Minji said to the puppy while playing with it.

"Why is your pet here on the pet shop?" Yonghwa sat with Minji and played with the puppy too.

"Oh, this isn't mine. I have bought him yet since I'm still saving money but I promised that I'll buy him soon! hahah" Minji said and stood up.

"Ohh.. I didn't knew you love dogs too." Yonghwa said and stood up.

"Yeah.. So, Let's go now! I think it's getting late." Minji said.

They walked through the park because the pet shop is near the park.

"It's getting cold and yet you're wearing skirt. Here.." Yonghwa gave his sweater to Minji.

"Oh, thanks. I'll just return this tomorrow to you." Minji said and smiled.

They've reached the street where Minji's apartment is through there.

"Um, Yonghwa. I'll just walk through the street because if you entered your car, it might be damaged." Minji said while going out in the car.

"I'll walk with you from here. It's dark there." Yonghwa said and he went out of the car.

They both walked in the street and they saw 3 guys drinking a liquior and seems like drunk..

"yah~! Minji ah, is that your boyfriend?" Donghae asked while holding a glass of liquior.

"huh? what? no he's not." Minji said.

"So, I still have a chance on you baby?" Siwon said while smirking and he touched Minji's waist.

"Keep your hands off!" Yonghwa pushed Siwon and he fell at the ground.

"Oh, this guy's tough!" Leeteuk said.

"Ugh.. Let's go!" Minji said with a mad face and pulled Yonghwa.

As they went to the apartment, Heeyeon and Taerin is peeking outside the window.

"Oh, is this the apartment where you stay?" Yonghwa asked.

"Yeah. So, bye Yonghwa. Thanks for sending me here and also for joining with me at the pet shop. And, I'll return this sweater tomorrow. hahah" Minji said and laughed a little and bowed to Yonghwa.

"You're welcome." Yonghwa smiled and bowed.

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Hey guys ^^ there has been a problem with Chapter 20,*almost everything we just wrote there had been deleted for no reason TT_TT* Aiigooo so I hope you guys can wait a little bit more.. Once gain We're sorry if we're making you guys wait.. *90 degrees bow* Mianheyo~ ^^
Jaejoong, i feel like giving you a punch!!
And yoochun too!! Junsu is the sweetest!!!
kpoplover88 #3
If you watched the anime "School Rumble", Minji's character is just like Tenma's! Lol! Cute!
kpoplover88 #4
Do you still remember about the puppy from the beginning? The beagle from the pet store? Well I wonder if Yonghwa is going to buy Minji that... That would be cute!
I'm sorry if we are updating the story very slowly =.= its because there were too many school activities =.=... i hope you guys wont mind those once again thanks for the support ^^
Chapter 15 in the making ^^
Chapter 14 has been released :D
chapter 14 in the making :D
actually Minwoo is a former member of Trax ^^ he's one of the casts in My Girlfriend is a gumiho ^^. By the way thanks for supporting our story ^^