I can't help it...

Why have I fallen in love with you?

Later that night, it was already 11pm and everyone went home. Minji, Taerin and Heeyeon went inside their room and the two slept already because they got tired, but Minji stayed awake. She was worrying if Yonghwa came home safe since it was raining hard.

Minji was on the study table with a lamp on while trying to contact Yonghwa.

Meanwhile at Yonghwa's room...

Yonghwa was walking, he was soweak and cold. His personal assistant was waiting for him. As Yonghwa opens the door his maids and assistant  runs towards him.


"Doryeon-nim!! *Doryeon-nim means young master in korean* Why are you so wet? You might get sick!!" the assistant said as he was worrying for his master Yonghwa. Yonghwa's assistant gave him a towel to dry off his wet hair. But suddenly Yonghwa fainted and everyone panicked. They sent him inside his room and placed him in the bed. He was shivering in coldness.


Back at Minji's room..

"Yah~ Minji! Aren't you going to sleep and turn off the lamp?" Taerin asked with a sleepy voice.

"Umm.. I'm still doing something unnie~! Just sleep tight." Minji replied so Taerin went back to sleep. Minji continuously calls Yonghwa every time the ring back message has ended.

"The subscriber is out of coverage area. Please try your call later." 

"Aiish! I'll call him again~!" Minji called Yonghwa over and over again.  After 2 hours, it's already 1am and Minji is still awake, calling Yonghwa. Then suddenly she decided to call Heechul.

*Heechul's phone ringing*

"Ughh.. Why are you calling so early Minji-ah?" Heechul said in a very sleepy voice.

"Umm.. Nothing.... I just wanna ask if Yonghwa came home safely? Did he texted you or called you? Did he told you that he's home?" Minji asked worriedly and suddenly... she only hears Heechul's snore =___=

Minji ended the call and tried to call Yonghwa again for the nth time.


At Yonghwa's room..

Yonghwa woke up at 3am and the memories of him yelling at Minji flashes back..


























*FLASHBACK* (from Chapter 19)


"Yonghwa-shii!!" Minji said as she rans towards Yonghwa. Yonghwa was nearly crying while walking and stopped for awhile but he didn't looked back at her and then he continued on walking. Minji took Yonghwa's hand but he removed Minji's hand. Minji was shocked and dissappointed.

"Umm, Yonghwa-sshi~! Is there something wrong? Are you really okay?" Minji worriedly asked.

Yonghwa stopped again..

"I'M OKAY!! IS THAT WHAT I'M SUPPOSED TO SAY?! YOU NEVER CARED!!!" Yonghwa yelled at Minji because he wasn't able to control his anger that time. Then, Yonghwa left leaving Minji behind.

(Minji's rection after Yonghwa yelled at her. *her eyes were a bit teary too*)




"I'm sorry..... Minji, I'm so sorry...." Yonghwa said on his mind and a tear droped from his eye then he went back to sleep.



On the next day...

It was a beautiful day for training. Heeyeon and Minji went to school for their coming soccer practice. Taerin wasn't able to go to school because she is "sick". Minji and Heeyeon arrived at the field with Minho. And Jaejoong, Yoochun, Junsu, Changmin and Yunho was there too. (at the other side of the field)

While they were practicing..

"Minho~ Why is Yonghwa absent today?" Heeyeon curiously asked.

"Ummm.. I don't know. He haven't called me on the phone since last night." Minho answered.

"And where is Heechul then?" Minji asked.

"Uh.. I don't know too! Aiish! Why do you have a lot of questions?" Minho said and complained.

"Tch.. And Why don't you know any single thing?" Minji replied.

"Hey, enough you two." Heeyeon told them so the two stopped. Then they continued on practicing.  After a few hours of practice they took a break.

Yunho, on the other hand, saw Kibum and Ahra being sweet with each other. Ahra was wiping Kibum's sweat and giving him water and snacks.

"Tch!! Let's see.. Ms. Go Ah Ra.. You're not my loss. You'll see who's better." Yunho said as he was jealous. He tried to approach Heeyeon to catch Ahra's attention (but he failed) -___-"

"Hey Heeyeon-ah!!" Yunho said in a loud voice.

"Ah.. Yunho-sshi. Why?" Heeyeon curiously asked.

"How are you?" Yunho asked and smiled. He placed his arm on Heeyeon's shoulder.

"Umm.. I'm doing well..?" Heeyeon was confused and she removed Yunho's arms in her shoulder.

"What's the matter with this Yunho..?" Heyeeonsaid on her mind with a frown on her face

"Let's have lunch?" Yunho asked Heeyeon.

"I'm.. I'm not free today... Sorry~" Heeyeon apologized and smiled at Yunho. Suddenly Jaejoong came.

"ohh~! Yunho what are you doing here?" Jaejoong asked

"oh, well I was about to ask Heeyeon for a lunch..." Yunho was cut by Jaejoong

"That's a nice idea! Good thing I was about to ask minji aswell." Jaejoong said and smiled at Minji. Minji slightly blushed as she hears what Jaejoong just said.

"m-m-mmme?" Minji stutter

"yes~! do you have free time?" Jaejoong asked Minji with smiling eyes

"umm....."Minji was cut by Jaejoong


"hmmm?" Jaejoong asked with an innocent expression.

"ok..?" Minji said. She's still thinking about Yonghwa so she gave jaejoong a weak smile.

"Why did you said ok? we have to go home early. Taerin is sick remember?" Heeyeon  whispered on Minji

"but, it's just lunch unnie and I guess a little time won't hurt... right?" Minji whispered back


"okay~ fine.. But we have to go home on time. okay?" Heeyeon whispered.

"yeah sure." Minji said and gave her a weak smile.

"honestly, I just want to forget about my problem for a while.... Even though I'm still worrying for him so much.... I hope he's fine....."Minji said on her mind

"So... we'll be going now... are you sure you're really not joining us?"Yunho asked Heeyeon once again

"Umm... no I'll join you guys... well we wont take too much time, right?" Heeyeon said 

"Yeah we'll just eat lunch and you can go afterwards...  that is if you're really on a hurry." Yunho said and smiled. Suddenly Changmin butts in:

"Woh! hyung! you said lunch? why haven't you told me ealier! I'm starving to death here lets go eat now!" Changmin said

"Minji and Heeyeon will be joining us." Jaejoong said

"ohh~ okay~ cool... Let's go!" Changmin said

"Yah! Junsu-hyung! Yoochun-hyung are you guys going to join us eat lunch?" Changmin asked the 2 from a distance.

“Yeah sure~!” Junsu said and smiled

“Count me in! oh, wait! Are they joining?” Yoochun asked

“yup~! Ok c’mmon let’s hurry~!” Changmin said and they all headed to Coex mall.


Inside Yonghwa’s room…

Heechul and Yonghwa were playing Resident Evil 4 on his Xbox console

"yah~ Yonghwa you know Minji called me earlier in the morning...she was so worried about you dude~" Heechul said while he continues on playing

"So?" Yonghwa said sarcastically, then Heechul stopped from playing and looked at Yonghwa like this:


"SO?! What so?! is your fever high again?" Heechul worriedly asked and checked Yonghwa's temperature with his hands.

"Aiish yah!!! take your hands off can't you see I'm playing! We might get eaten y'know!" Yonghwa said and continued on playing.

"YAH!!!!! THERE'S A ZOMBIE BEHIND YOU!!! AIISH! YOU'RE SO CARELESS HAVEN'T YOU SEEN THAT COMING?" Yonghwa complained as he continues on killing zombies

"Does those zombie mean to you more than Minji?!" Heechul scolded Yonghwa

"Aiish!!! There's another one beside you!!!!!" Yonghwa shouted and killed the zombie. Heechul had a face palm

"Heechul if you don't want to play the game you should have said it earlier, so I should have just played a single player game...tch" Yonghwa said and continued on playing. After a few minutes Minho came.

"Woh! Yonghwa why were you absent huh? didn't you picked up Minji's calls? Did you know how many questions she asked me earlier? I was flooded by her questions, why did you make her worry that much?" Minho said and sat on the couch 

"So?~" Yonghwa gave Minho the same answer he gave to Heechul and continued on playing. Minho was shocked:

"AIIGOOO!!! Are you really that sick!?!??!?! OMO! OMO!!!!! We should rush you to the hospital!!!!" Minho jumps off the couch and runs towards Yonghwa, then places his palm on Yonghwa's forehead.

"Aiish yah!!!!  Quit touching me!!!! And also don't be too noisy!! huh?! I'm getting distracted.... Aiiish!" Yonghwa frowned and was pissed off.

"So! You're telling me that you don't care about her anymore?! huh? Is that it?!" Minho scolded Yonghwa. Suddenly Yonghwa paused his game and said:

"Yeah~I don't and I will never anymore~ Happy now?" Yonghwa rolled his eyes and went back on playing.

"If you're giving up at this early moment, you shouldn't have let your feelings develop on her,  you shouldn't have wasted your time getting to know her and also being close to her!" Heechul said.

"BABO!!!" Heechul and Minho said in chorus, and naped Yonghwa.

Meanwhile at the mall...

"oh! why is ms. credit card not with you guys today?" Yoochun asked Heeyeon and Minji while they were walking.

"ahh... she's sick so she wasn't able to go to school today..." Heeyeon said 

"Ohh~..." yoochun said

"tss~ she's so strong yet she got sick easily~ haha what a feeble girl tsk tsk." Yoochun said on his mind.

"Concerned?" Jaejoong asked sacastically

"What?! are you crazy? No way!" Yoochun defended himself

"ok~ as you say so~~" Jaejoong said and chuckled

"tch!" Yoochun said

"Oh! unnie! Look at that girl!" Minji said as she was pulling heeyeon's sleeve and was pointing to the girl. 

"huh? where?" Heeyeon wondered while she was searching for the girl.

"She looks like Taerin-unnie! I think its her!" Minji said

"huh? I can't see her.... and Taerin?.... she's sick how can she be in here?" Heeyeon said

"Aigoo but she really looks like Taerin unnie..." Minji said 

"She does look like her....."Heeyeon said, the girl turns around but unfortunately her hair was blocking her face. As soon as the girl was near them she puts her hair on the side and to their surprise Minji's guess was true.

"Woh!!! I knew it!! I told you it was her!" Minji said with a big smile on her face because she was right all along. As taerin was coming she bumped yoochun because she wasn't looking at where she is going.


"Oh!! Sorry, I'm so so sorr..." Taerin said while bowing suddenly...

"Yah! Ms. credit card why is it that most of the time we meet you always bump me, huh?" Yoochun said

"HUH!!! O_O WHAT IS HE DOING HERE?!?!?!?" Taerin said in her mind while her head is still bowed down.

"TSS!!! YOUU-u...." Taerin raised her head and finger pointed yoochun's face. Without noticing the others suddenly she was cut by Minji

"oh! unnie why are you here?" Minji said. Taerin was shocked and she slowly puts her hand down with a huge poker face  expression.

"O_O!!!! They're here too!!!! Aiiigo!!! What should I do!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" Taerin said on her mind

"Yah I thought you're sick... " Heeyeon added

"Uh... I am....*clears throat* I'm really not feeling well...." Taerin said as she was acting like she's somehow weak.

"Why are you here then?" Minji wondered

"yeah~! why are you here ms. credit card???" Yoochun asked in a sarcastic tone

"Umm... uhh * coughs* it's because I have some important business in here..." Taerin said and coughs afterwards.

"Important business?" Yoochun asked

"Aiish! why is this forehead asking too much!" Taerin said into her mind while thinking for more alibis

"yeah... I have to get some test.... test results..." Taerin said 

"huh? test results?" Minji wondered

"AIIGOO! WHAT TEST RESULTS SHOULD I SAY!! YAA!!" Taerin's panicking inside her head while thinking for more alibis

"yeah.... blood test results?.." Taerin said and was wishing that what she said looks realistic to them.

"What? What blood test results?" Heeyeon asked suddenly Taerin's nose started to bleed. 

"AIIGOOOO!!! UNNIE!! Why is your nose bleeding!!?!!??!?!" Minji panicked and hugged Taerin. She was about to cry as well. Everyone was shocked about what happened, then Junsu gave his handkerchief to her.

"Are you ok?" Junsu worriedly asked

"y-y-yyeah.... thank you...." Taerin said as she stutters some words

"OMO!!!!! Does it always happen??? Aiigoo! It could be a sign of leukemia!! AIIGOO!!" Heeyeon was panicking as she was turning pale at the same time.

"Ah! no no no no it's not for me okay? So don't worry to much~!" Taerin said while wiping her nose and making hand gestures afterwards

"Then who is it for?*sniff**sniff*" Minji said as she was trying to stop her tears from falling.

"uh...ummm... it's for my grandpa! yeah my granda, so don't  you worry too much huh? And you too unnie~! I'm too strong to die early you know~! haha!" Taerin said and pats Minji's head and Heeyeon's shoulder.

"Aiiish! Don't talk about death! You make me worry more!" Heeyeon said and pouted

"ahhh~ okay~!" Taerin said, smiled and made a thumbs up gesture

"So I have to go now. Ugh I'm really not feeling well.... bye!" Taerin said her alibi while she's trying to act like her head hurts so much, then she walks away.

"But the most important question is~! Since when can blood test result be claimed in the mall????" Yoochun asked sarcastically so Taerin got pissed and faced yoochun


"yah~ Yoochun-ah why do you have to be like that to her? she's sick you know...." Junsu said to yoochun

"tch yeah right....." Yoochun said

"Junsu, junsu, junsu..... For some reason you make me think that you really like her.... tsk tsk" yoochun said on his mind

"Nice try yoochun~! Efforts gone to waste?" Jaejoong whispered yoochun

"Efforts? Like that would happen..." Yoochun answered back in a semi pissed tone

"okay~ as you say so~~ hahahaha" Jaejoong said and laughed afterwards.

As soon as they reached the restaurant, they sat and ordered.

Suddenly, while waiting for the food, Heechul texted Minji:

"Minji-ah! Yonghwa is sick so he wasn't able to go to school today. We're here in his house taking care of him. I'm just telling you so you won't be worried anymore! hahaha~!"

"Aigoo!!!" Minji was shocked and worried.

"Is there something wrong?" Jaejoong asked arrogantly with charm.

"Umm.. I have to go. Yonghwa is sick, I need to go to him." Minji said then she took her bag and stood up.

"But you haven't eaten yet, Yonghwa is big enough to take care of himself." Jaejoong said and laughed boastfully.

"But.. Yonghwa is special to me. So I have to take care of him... And besides that's how friendship is.... you don't count the things you can do for them, because what counts is the smile that you can draw on their face." Minji said.

"I'm really sorry. I'll make it up to you guys next time!" Minji added and bowed.

"Unnie~! I'll go now! bye~" Minji said 

"You're going?  Can....." Heeyeon didn't continue what she was about to say because Yunho looked at her.

"What is it unnie?" Minji wondered

"umm....., If you'll pass our house could you please look out for Taerin and see if she's resting? I'm really worried for her... text me whatever happens, ok? You take care too, huh! Oh, and send my regards to Yonghwa-oppa aswell" Heeyeon said and smiled

"Okay~ no problem unnie~! I'll keep it all in mind. Bye everyone~!" Minji said and left.

"Hah! whose efforts has gone to waste now? ahahaha~~!" Yoochun whispered to Jaejoong and laughed. Jaejoong just smirked and said "It's just for now."

Minji rushed home and made a soup and lunch for Yonghwa.  She reached Yonghwa's house quickly. The maid welcomed Minji inside the house. While Minji is sitting at the couch:

"Oh? Minji-ah? What are you doing here?" Minho surprisingly asked when he saw Minji.

"oh, Minho-shii! umm.. well I went here to take care of Yonghwa-shii. Where is he?" Minji asked.

"Oh.. He's in his room. Just go inside. He's with Heechul." Minho replied and smiled.

"Okay thanks~!" Minji said and smiled

Meanwhile, inside Yonghwa's room..

"yah!! yah!! yah!! yah!!! die you imbeciles!!! die!!!" Yonghwa shouted as he was playing the game.

"YAH!!! throw a grenade to those rotten bulls!!!" Heechul said as they continue on playing.

"AHAHAHA!!! who's the boss now, me or Hitler?!!!! DIE!" Yonghwa said 

"OH!!! here comes the boss!! Aiigooo we can do this!" Heechul said

"AHAHAHA boss, there's no boss~ It's just me!~" Yonghwa said while they were defeating the enemy.

After a few minutes...

"YES~~!~~!~!~!~! HE'S DYING!!! OH MY GOD~!!!" Heechul said

"Kneel in front of your master ! I order you to kneel~!!!!!!!!!" Yonghwa shouted as the enemy is about to die. Then SUDDENLY.....

The door opens and to his surprise it's no other than Minji. Yonghwa stared at her for a while and then he quickly threw the controller and hides under his blanket and coughs afterwards.

"OH!!! YAH!!!! WHY DID YOU LEFT!!! YAH!!! I'M DYING!!!!" Heechul shouted while he's panicking, but Yonghwa continues on acting he's sick.

"AIIIGO!!!!! NOOO!!! THAT COULD HAVE BEEN JUST ONE HIT!!! NOOO!!!!!" Yonghwa said in his mind while thinking of the game

"NO!!! NO!!! DON'T EAT ME!!! I DON'T TASTE GOOOD!!! YOU WILL REGRET IT!! YAH!!!" Heechul shouted

"AIISH!!! HEECHUL you're so weak!!! why can't you do it without me!!! yah!!!! noo!! Don't die!!!!! I had a hard time reaching that level!!!" Yonghwa said on his mind

"YAH!!!!!!!!!!!!...... OKAY USELESS GAME!" Heechul said and puts the controller aside.

"NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Yonghwa said in his mind and clenched his fist.

"Oh! Minji why are you here? Sorry I wasn't able to ask you earlier beause... y'know... haha~!" Heechul said 

"Oh it's ok Heechul-shii" Minji said and smiled

"Yah babo! Get up! you have a visitor!" Heechul said while pulling the blanket away from Yonghwa

"Yah... I'm not feeling well leave me alone heechul!" Yonghwa said and pulled his blanket back.

"WHAT CRAZY BASTARD! YAH! GET UP THERE! IF you didn't ran earlier we could have escaped those zombies! So get up!" Heechul said

"So cold.............." Yonghwa said with a shaking voice

"YAH! YOU MORON GET UP!!!" Heechul continues to pull his blanket and so is Yonghwa. Suddenly the blanket was torn apart. Yonghwa fell off on the floor and so is Heechul.

"Aiiish yah!!! my hurts! and you added more pain on my head!" Yonghwa complained and went back on his bed then he covers his face with a pillow.

"Ummm... Yonghwa-shii sorry for bothering you.... Actually I went here to hand over this soup I made just for you and I was hoping that I could somehow take care of you while you're sick... But I guess I'm just making it worse... I'm sorry....I really am.. I'll... I'll just leave this soup here and I'll be going now...." Minji said with an upset tone then she left the soup and headed straight to the door.

"Bye yonghwa-shii. Take good rest so you'll recover soon" Minji said and closed the door.

Meanwhile at Coex mall...

"Oh, guys, I have to go now. I need to rest for a while. I feel so lazy these days.. Gotta go!" Jaejoong said and stood up from the table.

"Well, I have nothing to do here too! I'll just go with you then. Bye guys~" Yoochun said

"oh!I almost forgot! I'll meet Junho today~! *EUKYANGKYANGKYANG* I have to go too~ HEY~ wait for me!~" Junsu said and they left. Changmin, Yunho and Heeyeon where the only ones who was left.

"So! Lunch is finished! Where do you want to go next?" Yunho asked Heeyeon.

"But hyung, Don't you think she need to go home too? For sure she's tired already." Changmin said.

"Okay, I'll take her home." Yunho pulled Heeyeon and put his arm on Heeyeon's shoulder.

"Ah no, I can take the taxi~ hehe~" Heeyeon said and removed Yunho's arm.

"I'll take you home then!" Changmin offered himself.

"No, really~ I can take the taxi and be home safely" Heeyeon smiled.

"Why? Don't you feel safe with me?" Yunho and Changmin said in chorus. Heeyeon was surprised and her eyes widened.

"Aigoo~~ that's not what I mean!" Heeyeong explained.

"Umm.. Because.. Maybe you guys are busy~" Heeyeon followed.

"No, we're not!" Yunho and Changmin said again in chorus.

"Aish! Why do you keep on talking when I'm talking too!" Changmin complained to Yunho.

"Because maybe we're soulmates..??" Yunho said =__=

In the end.. Yunho and Changmin both sent Heeyeon home with a taxi.


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Hey guys ^^ there has been a problem with Chapter 20,*almost everything we just wrote there had been deleted for no reason TT_TT* Aiigooo so I hope you guys can wait a little bit more.. Once gain We're sorry if we're making you guys wait.. *90 degrees bow* Mianheyo~ ^^
Jaejoong, i feel like giving you a punch!!
And yoochun too!! Junsu is the sweetest!!!
kpoplover88 #3
If you watched the anime "School Rumble", Minji's character is just like Tenma's! Lol! Cute!
kpoplover88 #4
Do you still remember about the puppy from the beginning? The beagle from the pet store? Well I wonder if Yonghwa is going to buy Minji that... That would be cute!
I'm sorry if we are updating the story very slowly =.= its because there were too many school activities =.=... i hope you guys wont mind those once again thanks for the support ^^
Chapter 15 in the making ^^
Chapter 14 has been released :D
chapter 14 in the making :D
actually Minwoo is a former member of Trax ^^ he's one of the casts in My Girlfriend is a gumiho ^^. By the way thanks for supporting our story ^^