Monday blues

A dark past

No one's POV

It was Monday and everyone definitely hated the day of this week. Monday blues. Seohee got out of bed as she started preparing to go to school. She grabbed a slice of bread as she wrote a note to her sister before heading out. As she reached the bus-stop, she spotted a familiar back. 

Myungsoo. So he doesn't drive to school huh.

I creeped behind him as she tried to scare him. She walked towards him and tapped him on his shoulder. He turned around.

"BOO!"She said from the other side.

"That's not scary, SEOHEE," He emphaized on her name. Seohee rolled her eyes at him and walked away.

Myungsoo grabbed her wrist.

"stand beside me yeah," He whispered, Seohee just rolled her eyes.

"One does not simply roll her eyes at me," He smirked.

"I think you are just afraid of loneliness yeah," She folded her arms.

"Whatever you say, missy" Seohee rolled her eyes again in annoyance.

They boarded the bus and Seohee sat down with Myungsoo following her.

"Are you following me?" She said.

"Ani, it was an empty seat and I am your FRIEND now," Seohee stared at him and Myungsoo just chuckled and looked away.

"Isn't that Myungsoo with that new girl? Why is he sitting with that loner?" "Myungsoo oppa is sitting with that girl again!" "ah why is he with her?!" Everyone pointed as Myungsoo and Seohee entered the school gates.

Seohee just walked towards her class without even looking at their glares, stares and of course, the fangirls.

"YAH, why are you with our oppa?" One of the girls asked, furious.

Seohee just stared at them and scoffed.

"you better explain yourself," Her other friend helped.

Seriously? She thought before going back to reading her book.

"YAH!I AM TALKING TO YOU!" She shouted.

"I don't have to explain to you. One, you're not my friend. Two, he's not yours. Three, whatever I do, its none of your business." she smirked.

The boys started to cheer at my bravery for talking back to the fangirls. 

"Y-Y-You!" the girl pointed before walking off in a huff, with the girls tagging behind.


Lunch came and as always, Seohee stayed in class and ate the food she prepared.

"heyyy," Myungsoo entered in the room.

"what," she remarked.

"So I heard you talked back to my biggest fangirl?" He asked.

"How did you know?" He shrugged.

Oh right, news in this school travels fast, geez.

"So are you going to treat me some of those?" He pointed.

"no." she said.

"why?I came here to accompany you," He pouted.

She looked up and saw his pout. 

Oh my why must he do that?  She rolled my eyes and resisted the urge to give in.

"Hey that's your second time doing that," He pouted.

"Too bad, your pout doesn't work on me by the way," She kicked him before continuing.

"What was that for?!" She shrugged.

Myungsoo rested his hands behind his neck and closed his eyes.

I know you like my presence. He thought.

"oh right, do you always take the bus to school? I thought you have your own car," She asked.

"driving a car would mean revealing my identity," He said without opening his eyes.

RIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGG! The bell rang signalling the end of lunch.

"See ya," He stood up and walked off.

Wow that's fast. Seohee packed her stuffs before going for her next class.

It's hard not to you like you, Myungsoo. Suddenly her phone vibrated.

Seohee's eyes widen as she read the message.

I know your little secret.


WHAT, no way, this cannot be. 

Who are you


Seohee started panicking, no one was suppose to know about this matter. No one.

You don't have to know but just to let you know, your secret will not stay as one for a long time. Enjoy.


It can't be that girl just now, she doesn't have my number. Who the hell are you.

Throughout the day, Seohee could not concentrate. Her mind was all on the anonymous.

How did he or she know about my secret? She walked out of school gates, not knowing that Myungsoo was caling her.

"Hey!" He tapped her shoulder.

Thinking it was someone, she got startled.

"oh, its you," She said.

"What were you thinking?" He asked as he skipped around.

"Nothing much," Seohee continued on her thoughts.

What is she thinking about? Myungsoo scratched his head as he walked next to her.

"wanna go somewhere?" Myungsoo waved his hand.

"what what sorry," Seohee said.

"I was asking if you wanted to go somewhere," He repeated.

"Sorry, I need to do something, see you tomorrow!" She walked off quickly.

What's wrong with her?


PITCH PERFECT WAS ACA-AWESOME \O/ For those who watched, don't ya'all find the cup thing Beca/anna kendrick cool? :D

Anyways, chapter 9! HOORAY! SORRY IF ITS SHORT! Not really in the mood :( and there's CCA tmr. GAHHH I am scared D:


perfection omg nam woohyun


I have nothing to say. nothing but asdfghjkl



crying because jongup and himchan are so precious

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vanessachuaa #1
Chapter 18: Get well soon! <33
Chapter 18: it's okay author-nim ;D get well soon neh ? xD
ItzJaeKay #3
Chapter 18: Haha hey it's ok... Get well soon ^^
Chapter 18: Wah I'm scared of the guy. I feel so sorry for her :'(
ItzJaeKay #5
Chapter 18: Ah it's ok
thefluffykitty580 #6
Chapter 17: Sho scary ....... :(
ItzJaeKay #7
Chapter 17: Wow who is this anom guy hmmm
ItzJaeKay #8
Chapter 16: Awww I feel sorry for her
Where her sister go
Lol myungsoo you scaredy cat haha b
seems interesting :D will start reading now
ItzJaeKay #10
Chapter 15: Wait what did yoomi mean when she said she doesn't have much time left