Help from sungyeol

A dark past

Myungsoo's POV

Morning came and I washed up quickly, not forgetting to ask Sungyeol for help.

"Yoboseyo?" I phoned Sungyeol.

"YAH! WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD YOU CALL ME AT LIKE 10.30 IN THE MORNING?!" He shouted as I held the phone a little further away. Sungyeol was a light sleeper but he sleeps till like 1pm in the afternoon during the weekends.

"I need help..." I said.

"What..okay okay, meet at the cafe we always go," he said slightly frustrated.

"Thank you! see you!" I smiled as I hang up. I picked a checkered shirt as I headed for my car.

Sungyeol better be able to help me. I drove towards the cafe. 

Does Seohee feel the same? I thought about her staring at my face. Maybe she did? Maybe she didn't? Well, most likely, it was just a moment of admiration? I ruffled my hair as I walked towards the cafe.

"one cup of coffee please, thank you" I gave the waiteress my killer smile.

She blushed a little as she passed me my order, bowing slightly.

"dude, this better be something important," Sungyeol took a seat.

" know that girl I told you earlier, Seohee? Yeah, she agreed to be my friend...and.." I stopped.

"uh huh, isn't that a good thing?! Then-" I cut him off.

"I think I like her but I don't know..."I sheepishly said.

"WHAT!You're a kingka, and you don't know your feelings?!" He said.

"ssh!!!" I whispered.

He bowed slightly to those who were staring at us.

"Does she have the same feelings for you?" I shrugged.

"She did stared at my face for like a few seconds yesterday when I asked her out. She-" I was about to continue.

"YOU ASKED HER OUT?!" Everyone started staring and I covered my face, clearly embarrassed.

"YAH, CAN YOU SPEAK SOFTLY?! WE ARE IN PUBLIC!" I whispered loud enough for him to hear.

"sorry..So you asked her out already?" he asked.

"I just wanted to thank her for helping me pick a present for my cousin..And I brought her to the park and told her my secret.." I explained as I waited for Sungyeol to say something.

"wow, Myungsoo you trust her already?" I nodded.

"She's actually very cold and lonely so I guess I can trust her?"I sipped on my coffee.

"Oh, and I caught her laughing even though it was a short one," I smiled as I thought about Seohee.

"Stop smiling like an idiot,oh my god. I think you like her for sure," I choked.

"You sure?" He nodded before continuing.

"You were smiling like some freak when you were talking about her," I thought about it. 

"But you should confirm your feelings a bit later," he suggested.

"Thanks Sungyeol!" I slapped his shoulder.

"Well, anything for my brother, I need to go. See you soon!" He gave a thumbs-up before leaving.

Maybe I did like Seohee? It was too fast. 

Love at first sight, I guess. I finished my drink before leaving. 

I should text her.. I took out my phone and started typing the message.

Hey Seohee, You free now? :)


My phone vibrated. 

Yeah, why?


A chance to take her out for a meal!

Wanna come out for a meal? :D I  will fetch you!


She took a longer time to reply as I tapped my fingers.



You sure type without emotions. I thought before driving to her house to pick her up. I was excited at the thought of meeting her, even though, we just met yesterday.  

Seohee's POV

I couldn't believe myungsoo had asked me out for dinner. Why would he do that? And most of all, why did I agree? I sighed as I chose my clothing.

I picked a simple shirt and a black skirt.


"unnie! I am going out for dinner!" I informed my sister as I put on my flats.

"arasso! Dont come home too late!" She replied from the room.

"nae!" I left the house and was shocked to see Myungsoo at my doorstep already.

"you're early," I said coldly.

"I can't make a girl wait in the cold right?" He smirked.

I felt my heartbeat increase. I ignored the feeling and got in the car.

"Where are we going to eat?" I asked.

"somewhere, it's not that classy by the way," He answered.

"okay then." Soon we arrived.

Oh, here. It was one of the places my family used to dine in. They sold really delicious food as compared to those in the malls.

We went in and sat down.I looked around. Nothing seemed to changed much. The furnitures were the same and the paintings were still on the walls.

"so what would you like?" the old lady asked. It was her.

"Seohee, is that you?" She asked as she stared at me. I nodded. She remembered me. Myungsoo just looked at the scene.

"I see that nothing has changed much right," I said.

"Ah, well of course my dear. How long have you been back in Seoul? I heard you all moved to America after what happened that night.

oh no, not in front of myungsoo. I didn't want him to know what happened so soon. 

"oh um, a few days only?" I answered politely.

Myungsoo's POV

How did Seohee know this lady?

"Ah, well of course my dear. How long have you been back in Seoul? I heard you all moved to America after what happened that night."

that night? i saw Seohee's face stiffen. Was it something bad?

"how is your sister by the way?" She asked.

She has a sister? I pretended to look at the menu as I listened. I was curious. What happened to Seohee?

"fine," She answered.

"Good to hear that, so what would you like to order? The usual?" She asked.

The usual? I better ask Seohee later.

"oh you still remember?And I will have the usual then," She smiled.

"why not! Your family were my favourite guests!" She exclaimed before walking away.

Did she just smile? I secretly stared at her smile. It was really pretty. 

"Hey Myungsoo!" She called. I snapped out.

"yes?" I said.

"erm, what were you thinking about?" She asked.

"nothing much, You know the lady here?" I pointed.

She nodded.

"but how..?" I asked.

"Long story," Her expression stiffen again. 

Maybe I should ask another time, it seems like she isn't prepared. i nodded.

The food came shortly. We tucked in and throughtout the meal, I just stared at her. It seemed like she missed the food here a lot.

"Myungsoo, after this, can you follow me somewhere?" She asked, breaking the silence.

"erm, sure!" I said, curious and excited. Where did she want to go?

chapter 7 guys! AND I HAVE 10 SUBBIES!! <3 HOPE IT ISNT THAT BORING!! /bows/ sobs i have CCA tomorrow so I might or might not update because since my CCA is full day tmr(8.30am-4pm), I will just end up sleeping when i reach home :3. BUT BUT, I WILL TRY AND UPDATE I PROMISE!!! I am really scared for tomorrow D: gahhhh anyways my gif section as always!


unf zelo's so manly here ;A;



lol dara is like the calm zen mother who’s at peace with everything. cl is the father who finds it easier to pretend her kids don’t exist. minzy is the god-given younger child who causes no problems and then there’s bom.

sometimes, bom doesnt seem the oldest.

senpapi:6/∞ moments where B.A.P are the cutest s ever

biaepi omg brb crying this is so adorable.


and thanks to lil_asian  YAKSOKHAEMiki  BaekkiExo  for commenting!!

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vanessachuaa #1
Chapter 18: Get well soon! <33
Chapter 18: it's okay author-nim ;D get well soon neh ? xD
ItzJaeKay #3
Chapter 18: Haha hey it's ok... Get well soon ^^
Chapter 18: Wah I'm scared of the guy. I feel so sorry for her :'(
ItzJaeKay #5
Chapter 18: Ah it's ok
thefluffykitty580 #6
Chapter 17: Sho scary ....... :(
ItzJaeKay #7
Chapter 17: Wow who is this anom guy hmmm
ItzJaeKay #8
Chapter 16: Awww I feel sorry for her
Where her sister go
Lol myungsoo you scaredy cat haha b
seems interesting :D will start reading now
ItzJaeKay #10
Chapter 15: Wait what did yoomi mean when she said she doesn't have much time left