the day off

A dark past

No one's POV

Seohee tapped her foot as waited for Myungsoo at the gate. 

Where is he? She looked at her watch impatiently and was about to leave without him.

"HEY!!!!" Myungsoo shouted and ran after Seohee.

"Sorry for being late, the teacher was naggy," Myungsoo explained as he panted heavily.

Seohee nodded.

"Let's hurry, we are kind of late?" Seohee hurried.

"Oh right, I called the manager and told her that both of us would be taking the day off," He along the pavement.

"Wait why?" She stopped in her tracks.

"We need to do something, reallyyyy important!" Myungsoo explained. Seohee eyed him suspiciously.

"Tell me," She demanded.

"No, its a secret. Follow me," He gestured.

Myungsoo, you are full of surprises. She sighed before following him.

"hurry up, you slow poke!" Myungsoo teased.

"Look who's talking!" Seohee said.

"hey!" He frowned cutely.

"I am not giving in to that!' Seohee bumped into him on purpose.

"So you wanna play the bumping game huh?" He smirked.

Both of them started bumping into each other and Seohee tried her best to contain her laughter.

"Watch where you are going!" Myungsoo warned. 

Ring!Ring! A cyclist warned as he clicked on the bell, but Myungsoo wasn't listening.

"Myungsoo!" Seohee pulled him towards the fence.

"Sorry!" Seohee bowed at the cyclist.

"Yah, why didn't you-" Seohee turned and realised Myungsoo's lips were inches away from hers.

No one spoke and remained in that position for seconds.

oh my this is awkward. Seohee felt her cheeks burning red and her heart beating faster. 

omg her lips seems so soft. Myungsoo stared at her lips.

"oh erm sorry," Seohee walked away quickly.

"That was so embarrassing," Seohee muttered as she felt her heart slowing down.

"Myungsoo, what have you done?" He followed Seohee but not so close and starting kicking the stones on the ground.

He decided to ease the awkwardness and caught up with her.

"hey, sorry for just now," He gave an awkward smile.

"Its okay," Seohee said, avoiding his eyes.

"We are going to the beach anyways," He walked beside her.

"oh okay, but why?" She asked.

"for the photography competition!" He exclaimed and seohee nodded.

"Are you hungry?" Seohee shook her head as they reached the beach.

"Let's take some photos!" Myungsoo took out his dslr from his bag and started snapping a few here and there. Seohee walked around and admired the scenery.

It's really pretty, a pity I don't have my dslr with me now. 

"Seohee!" Myungsoo called.

"Yeah?" She walked towards him.

"Here you can borrow my camera!" He offered.

"REALLY?Thanks!" She took the camera from his hands and started zooming on a particular area. Myungsoo just stared at her face as she took a few.

She looks so engrossed. Myungsoo smiled and took out his phone.

This shall be a memory. He took a photo of her secretly and set as his lock screen.


"Hey, what do you think of this!" Seohee walked towards him and waved his camera.

"be careful there!" he warned.

"Oops! sorry! Anyways, look!" She said, full of enthusiasm.

Both of them sat down on the grass as they talked about the photos they took.

"You know I think you will win this competition," Seohee admitted.

"Why, there are so many more competitors out there?" He asked as he browsed through the album.

"It's a feeling and besides, your photos aren't that bad!" She grabbed the camera and selected one.

"LOOK!This looks very professional!" She pointed. It was a photo where the man was proposing to his girlfriend. People would have mistaken that Myungsoo was a photographer for them if they saw the photo.

"you stand a chance too!" He laid on the grass and stared at the evening sky.

"Thank you? I don't really know though," She sighed.

"Don't give up!" Myungsoo sat up.

"I wasn't! I don't ever give up!" Seohee said.

"good to hear! Anyways, its getting late! let's go! I didn't drive so yeah," Seohee stood up.

"It's okay! Let's go!" She helped Myungsoo up as he dusted his clothes.

"Seohee, I have something to confess," Myungsoo stopped.

"What is it?" Seohee asked.

Should I or Should I not? This is my only chance.

"I kind of like..." He hesitated.

"uh-huh?" She raised her eyebrow.

"hey! Watch out!" Myungsoo pulled her arm as a glass bottle landed on the ground.

"That was-" Seohee's eyes widen as she realised their lips met.

Not now Myungsoo, let go. Myungsoo broke away as Seohee flushed red for the second time.

"I am s-s-sorry, that was accidental," Myungsoo stuttered.

"erm yeah, I got to go," Seohee touched her lips as she left.

"oh wait! I have something to tell you!" Myungsoo mustered his courage as he ran after her.

"I..kind...of... like.. you?" He said softly.

"What?" She said.

"I said I like you!" He repeated, this time he was louder.

"What!" Seohee said, shocked.

yay Myungsoo confessed!  HAHAH Surprise? Did y'all guessed that he would confess when you read the start of the chapter? n___n

Anyways, I made them kiss :* awww. I didn't want to be cliche so yeah...hehe. Look forward to the next chapter! Btw, I am sick so please ignore the errors I make on the way!



I think paradise era really showed ot7's charms ;www;


omg Myungsoo stop ;AAA;




nam potter guys 


otl Hoya singing with a brush


omg dongwoo /cries/ ;www;


omg what is grandpa gyu doing


yeol guys. M18 only.


omg jong jong jong asdfghjkl

(PS, the gifs are not in any rank, I just paste whatever i see haha)


to all my subbies, i love you <3

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vanessachuaa #1
Chapter 18: Get well soon! <33
Chapter 18: it's okay author-nim ;D get well soon neh ? xD
ItzJaeKay #3
Chapter 18: Haha hey it's ok... Get well soon ^^
Chapter 18: Wah I'm scared of the guy. I feel so sorry for her :'(
ItzJaeKay #5
Chapter 18: Ah it's ok
thefluffykitty580 #6
Chapter 17: Sho scary ....... :(
ItzJaeKay #7
Chapter 17: Wow who is this anom guy hmmm
ItzJaeKay #8
Chapter 16: Awww I feel sorry for her
Where her sister go
Lol myungsoo you scaredy cat haha b
seems interesting :D will start reading now
ItzJaeKay #10
Chapter 15: Wait what did yoomi mean when she said she doesn't have much time left