Fingers Dance and Kiss



Of course I was freaking excited.
I was so lucky! I was selected to join SM just to be a part of a group!
Unlike Suho which unfortunately had to train for so long.
And some other trainees here who
might not even have the chance to debut.
"Are you so happy that you're lost for words?"
I didn't speak cause I suddenly remembered that like Baekhyun,
I can debut in such a short time!
I got even more excited and nodded.
"Awesome. Later during dinner I'll introduce you to the other two which I think you won't know,
since you already know me and you share a dorm with Miri and Jinchan.
Since you joined later, you'll have a lot to catch up on.
I hope you won't slack, alright?"
Tears were starting to flow out uncontrollably.
I bit my lips and nodded vigorously.
My leader patted me and left me to find the other girls first. 
I quickly used my towel and wiped the tears off,
least anyone catches this sight of me.
I then realised I was alone in the music room.
I examined the room and went over to the piano at the corner of the room.
I've always wanted to learn the piano.
But my dad said that education was more important.
Of course he was extremely angry at me for joining SM,
but my mum said it was right to chase my dream.
The question now is,
am I chasing the right dream,
and am I doing it the right way?
Out of all people, Baekhyun is my role model because of this.
The way his fingers dance above the keys,
gently moving forward giving the keys kisses,
and the piano letting out a sound of happiness upon each kiss,
a different pitch for every key.
I took a seat at the piano chair and lifted the fallboard.
It was probably just me, but the keys looked extremely upset.
Why, keys?
Was it because you were left untouched for too long? 
Oh, it felt great pressing one key.
It's really sad how the keys are lying right in front of me
but I do not know how to work magic to it.
I jumped and turned to look at the door.
It was him. Yes,
Byun Baekhyun.
"Is there any classes or practise sessions going on here?"
He asked .
My voice came out softer and gentler than expected.
"May I use this room for practice? Now?"
"... Sure! Why not?"
"Are you using the piano? If that is so, I'll go elsewhere."
"No! I was just looking. I'm about to... Practice dance.
Here. Cause the SHINee sunbaes are using the dance studio."
"Oh, okay. Thank you, _____."
I walked away from the piano and went to the middle of the room.
Did he just used my name? 
Although already two people scared me by knowing my name
but when he knows it,
it had a completely different feeling.
"Sunbae, you know who am I?"
"Yea. We're from the same school right?"
Yes, we were, but how did he knew me?
"I know you from your drama performance a few years back.
You were the supporting role right? The role of the mum.
I thought you were great, you acted better than the lead."
"Thanks. My role wasn't that important, you shouldn't have focused on me so much." 
He looked at me and smiled slightly,
meanwhile raising an eyebrow. 
He spoke as he made his way to the piano,
"every role is important. It's just like in exo,
it's obvious SM favours Kai and Sehun mostly does nothing but be the maknae,
but without Sehun, exo is just, incomplete."
Was Baekhyun really trying to show me my worth?
Ahh! I can't take it, I'm shy.
I tried to change his attention back to my performance,
"anyways, that performance was so long ago!
I stopped participating in those plays after that cause my dad didn't liked it." 
"But that performance was good and memorable.
It's a pity that stopped acting. It's okay, you're debuting soon right?"
I smiled and nodded shyly,
"Alright, I'll go play my piano while you do your dance.
Since you're the last minute member, you better do your best!"
How was two supposed to work together,
I need music to dance right? 
"Oh, and you can play your music, I won't get distracted."
Did he read my mind? 
Well, since my role model wants me to do my best, then I will.
I want to be like him.
I want to be able to sing, and perform onstage!
More importantly, I want to be able to play the piano.



I realised this story has to be longer than 20 chapters. Sorry :(


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rainbow_unicorn #1
Chapter 18: Awwww omg... Baek dont cry. Damn just admit that you like him. I wanna cry oh gosh
Chapter 18: aww.. as i read, I feel like crying :( the story is getting more and more sweet... baekhyun seems to love her and wants to be with her.. aww.. update soon <3 and our fav song is the same <3 I love baby dun cry alot too <3
Chapter 13: Followed u sis~ follow me back naw~ ^^ mine is @khinlamin
Chapter 17: Baekhyun's sooo sweet c:
theKPOPchaser #5
Chapter 17: Uuuuwooooooaaahhh... hwaiting!!! Btw me too my favourite song is dont go XD
theKPOPchaser #7
Chapter 17: I can wait. We can wait. :) HWAITING author-nim!!! Himnae! <3
Chapter 17: Hwaiting.. Can't wait for ur new update :) <3 I also once dream of being a trainee in sm... Maybe I will go and try that out when I visit Korea soon? *winks* <3
Fluffydar #9
Chapter 17: Renea unnie don't worry,
You just might be a trainee in SM like your vision I mean the chance of me marrying Luhan is low but doesn't mean it's impossible wait I'm already married to Luhan *wink*