"Something feels off today..."

Just Maybe

The sky was clear for the first time this week. Clouds are here and there-- but mostly blue is what you'll see. The YG building was quite empty today; the trainees, who are usually the reason that this place is loud, isn't here. I let out a quiet sigh as I bought an energy drink from the machine in the guest lounge. I tapped my fingers a few times on the bottle as I blankly stare at the floor below me. Something feels off today... 

"Something bothering you?" Ji Yong asked, coming from behind me. It took me a good second to snap back into reality and turn around, facing him. "No. I was just... getting a drink." I said, raising my energy drink up, showing him that I was telling the truth- somewhat. "What you need is sleep and not those drinks." He said, taking the energy drink from me and buying me a water bottle instead. 

I didn't have the energy to fight back so I took the water bottle and bowed my head slightly at him before walking off. "Not yet." He said, pulling me back by the wrist. "Yah... I'm not in the mood for your teasing today." I whined, giving him a stern look. "I know. But L.J. hyung told me to tell you that you have today off. So use it wisely." He said, letting go of my wrist slowly. 

A day off... it has been a long time since I've heard those words in the same sentence. "Oh.. gomawo then." I said, letting out another sigh as I turn back around, walking on ahead. What is bothering me exactly?.....

"Is your body alright?" He suddenly asked before I exited the lounge. My eyes widened and I squeezed the water bottle; hard enough to give it a different shape. That bastard.. he had to remind me.... 

[Flashback to what happened]

Ji Yong and I were waiting inside the van as his manager went to get something from inside the building. As much as I didn't want to wait alone, inside a car with him; I did anyway. He was slightly drunk from having one too many rinks earlier with his old friends. I looked over at him, who was leaning back against the seat, holding his head. "Is your head starting to hurt?" I asked, moving in closer to rub his temples. "No... drinking alcohol on an empty stomach isn't the best idea." He said, closing his eyes as I continue to rub his temples. "Yeah.. you were being too generous with them." I said, still rubbing his temples gently. "I know... but I've been rejecting them lately. It's the only thing I could do." He answered, opening his eyes to look at me.

His friends, not really, were a bunch of alcoholics. Slapping Ji Yong around, telling him to pay for everything; asking him for numbers of female celebrities-- all those pointless things. If I wasn't there, he'd probably be sleeping with some random girl by now.. 

"Aish.. why did you have to drink so much? You have schedules after this." I said in a frustrated tone, pouting afterwards; leaning back against the seat, facing the front. "Why? To keep their eyes and hands off of you." He answered as he opened up a water bottle, taking a few but small sips from it. "What?" I asked, confused and surprised that I didn't notice their interest in me. "Those bastards would do any girl." He said, putting the water bottle back into the cup holder beside his seat. Oh... hold up. I remember them saying something about Ji Yong needing when he's drunk or else his hangover is going to be real bad... 

"Oppa.. is it true that you need to .... /do it/ when you're drunk?" I asked out of curiosity. He laughed only slightly before looking over at me. "You have no clue how hard I'm trying to control myself right now, babe." He said, giving me a small smile before looking away. "I'll .. get over it later." He continued. "With the help of another girl then?" I asked, frowning slightly. 

"No... with the help of sleeping." He answered smartly. "Good." I said, looking at his manager who's now back. "I have something else to do, so I can only make one stop. Who's house are we going to first?" His manager asked, starting the engine. "Ji Yong's. Since he's about to past out."  I answered for the both of us, buckling his seat belt. His eyes were closed, still leaned back against the seat-- the alcohol is getting to him. 

I bowed at his manager when he dropped us both off at Ji Yong's place. "Make sure you don't stay long. Just leave when he's settled in, arasso?" His manager said, waving as he drove off. I nodded before turning to look at Ji Yong, who started walking towards the building already. I followed after him without saying anything, closing the door to his apartment quietly; preventing the neighbors from knowing that he's home. 

"Damn... " He said, chuckling afterwards. "I can't- " He said before pulling onto my wrist, dragging me to his room. "You shouldn't have followed me up here." He said, shutting his bedroom door harshly, pushing me onto his bed. 

"Y-Yah.. Ji Yong.." I said weakly, watching him take off his clothes roughly before moving on top of me. Before I could say anything else, he took my lips with his and his hands are already busy taking my clothes off. I didn't push him away or say another word-- I guess some part of me was waiting for this moment. 

He threw my clothes across the room, unclasping my bra and letting it slip off by itself as he reached his hand under my , rubbing my at a fast pace; his lips are still attached to mine, tongue moving in, exploring every inch of my mouth. I let out a small moan as his rubbing of my got rougher and faster. 

He smirked against my lips before moving down to on my right , his other free hand squeezing the left . My cheeks were quickly heating up, turning slightly red as I continue to let out small moans; louder each time. "O-Oppa.. " I managed to say as he pulled away to slip my off. He then slipped out of his boxers and allowed his hard, aroused member to be free. He laid me down, putting a leg over his body as he teases me; putting the tip of against my wet entrance. 

"Forgive me.. " He said before ing in at full speed. I let out a painful moan as he pushes his full length into my tight area. "Ji Yong.." I moaned out his name as he started ing. I can't remember how long we were at it; fixing positions every five minutes or so until we both reached our . 

I was surprised at my actions, left speechless. He pulled the blanket up to cover the both of us, cuddling in close with me. "Just for tonight, sleep with oppa like this." He said, wrapping his arms around me as he closes his eyes, resting his forehead on my shoulder. "Ne..." I answered, closing my eyes too, getting some sleep. 

I woke up early the next morning, putting my clothes back on; cooked him breakfast and left before he woke up. I can't let him know that I enjoyed that moment very much.. he'll use it against me.

[Back to present time]

"Yeah.. I'm fine." I answered, turning around to look at him. "You know... you're lucky I didn't beat you up that night in your sleep." I said, giving him a half smile. "Yeah... " He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "I can't remember a damn thing... except waking up the next morning." He said, smiling. You can't remember a damn thing? What?-- Then what does it mean when I remember every little detail?!

"Good.. cause it wasn't that good anyway." I said harshly, turning back around and walks off. "Jerk. I'll never let you get some again." I said to myself, pouting. 

[No one's POV]

Ji Yong stood there and watched her walk away, smiling at her back view. "I'd be a babo if I didn't remember everything.. Silly." He said, chuckling slightly. 

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It's been so long ;) keeP up the good work girly
vallyaj #2
i love it... update more :)
stinaTOP #3
Hooray for two updates in a week! But I found the recent chapter (22) hard to read with the font you selected :(
clytieayamenlee #4
love it... update soon
Iheartlife #5
update soon :D
ohhh he remembers it XD.
dmarcolin #7
thanks for the update ^^
just love this fanfic :D
update soon puhlease! :))
forever-vip #9
Update soon! <3
Iheartlife #10
oh! i like this story! update soon :D