Chapter 9— Surprise.

Living a fairytale.


Narrator POV

All eight of them settled down at the dining table as raw steak was served to the vampires and a well-done steak to the lady.

 “So you guys do eat?” __________ asked nibbling onto the tip of her fork.

Picking up his knife and fork, Sunggyu replied, “Only during dinner, and it’s totally raw.”

“Wanna try some?” Dongwoo cheekily held up a piece to as she softly pushed his hand away and shook her head fervently.

Your POV

‘Alright, I have to do this right,’ I thought to myself as I pumped my fist under the table full of determination.

‘Sungjong oppa!’ I squeaked out in my head. I saw him look up at me and then I continued, ‘Can you help me keep everyone here for about half an hour? I need to do something. I’ll explain later.’

“So what did you guys do today?” Sungjong oppa asked the rest as I guess he got my message.

‘Alright, here it goes!’ I thought to myself and excused myself politely from the table.

I ran to the kitchen and decided to make a cake. ‘, HOW DO I MAKE ONE IN 10 MINUTES?!’ I screamed into my head.

Then a light bulb lit above her head. ‘Sungjong oppa! Woohyun oppa, to the kitchen, NOW!’

Seconds later, Woohyun oppa pushed the door open and I pulled him over and slipped an apron on him.

“Woah, what’s up __________-ah?” he asked me with his hands up in the air as I tied the apron on him.

I stood in front of him and put on the most innocent look I could think off. With my hands clasped together I started to beg, “Please help me bake a cake!"

With a snicker he pushed his sleeves up and asked while walking over to the kitchen counter, “Who’s it for?”

With a clap of my hands, I hopped over to him and replied, “Hoya-shi!”

“Hoya?” he asked with a eyebrow cocked up.

“Aren’t you guys like… best friends or something? It’s his birthday,” I whispered with a wink.

Woohyun looked at me with a confused look, “It is? Well he never told us when it was. How’d you find out?”

Biting on my lip I said softly, “Eavesdropping?” I stuck on my tongue and heard Woohyun oppa laughing at me.

“Well, shall we start?” with a wave of his hand, all the ingredients appeared right on the table. Just like what he did with the ramen, his hands were in the blur as he stirred the batter and in less then five minutes popped it into the oven.

Clapping my hands in amazement I squealed in happiness, “Thank you oppa!” I gave him a big hug and started searching for some candles.

Narrator POV

As soon as __________ gave Woohyun a hug, he froze into that position. He slowly lifted his hand up to his cold non-beating heart and a small smile crept up on his face.

__________ rummaged through the different drawers and finally spotted a few candles.

“Sungjong oppa said he was….. 120,” she mumbled under her breathe.

Hitting the edge of the drawer she looked at the three small candles in her hand in dismay. With a sigh she said, “Guess they’ll have to do.”

Walking over to the oven to check on the cake, she saw the batter rise.

“Woo~~ Oppa, your cake is going to be awesome!” she jumped and down in excitement as she turned to see Woohyun still standing there with his hand on his chest.

She slowly walked up to him and called his name. Receiving no response, she waved her hand in front of his face. Still receiving no response she started to jump up and down and push his shoulders side to side.

Then the bell for the oven went and she ran over and pulled the handle. Without thinking, or grabbing any gloves, she touched the tray and yelped in pain.

“Are you okay?” Woohyun finally came back to reality and pulled _________ over to the tap and ran the water over her burnt finger.

“Aigoo, what are we to do with you?” he cheekily asked pushing two fingers against her forehead.

Soon everything was done. The cake was neatly decorated with “Hoya” written with purple whip cream and three candles were placed in the middle. __________ lit the three candles up and slowly walked back to the dining room with Woohyun behind her.

“Saengil chukka hamnida! Happy birthday to you! Sarangha neun Hoya! Happy birthday to you!” __________ cheerfully sang as she placed the cake in front of a surprised Hoya.

Hoya looked at her in the eyes in shock and then looked at the cake that had his name neatly written in purple and three lit candles.

“Ho-how did you know?” Hoya asked her in a stutter.

Placing a finger to her lips she replied, “Secret! Make a wish and blow out the candles before they melt!”

Hoya slowly closed his eyes and made a wish. Blowing out the candles, the others clapped their hands. The other boys patted his back and wished him happy birthday and walked out the dining hall leaving __________ and Hoya alone.

__________ then took out a fork and wanted to hand one to Hoya when she remembered he was a vampire.

“Right, no food except raw steak…” she said, hanging her head down in disappointment.

Still, Hoya took the fork out of her hand and ate the cake. With eyes wide open, a wide grin started to form on her face. Hoya then place the fork in front of and motioned her to eat it.

“Yum!” she exclaimed and smiled at Hoya.

Hoya slowly placed the fork down on the table and looked up at _________.

“__________-ah, want to see your dad?” he asked her as she looked up at him with hope.

“I can?” she timidly asked as Hoya waved his hand against the table and there popped up some sort of mirror. Slowly looking into it, she sad her dad laying in front of the television chugging beers down.

With a sigh she said, “He doesn't even realize I'm gone? At least he’s safe. Thank you Hoya-shi.”

“Oppa, Hoya oppa, heard you call the others oppa, so why not me?” he pointed.

“Hoya oppa,” she gave him a smile as Hoya felt a tingle down his spine.

Walking out of the dining room, Hoya stood at the door and without turning back apologized, “I’m sorry about just now __________-ah.”

With a contented smile, she continued to eat the cake happily.


I am so sorry guys, this is late. My stupid internet cocked up. Grrh. Anyways, U-Kiss' Bran New Kiss is finally out and "0330" has been on constant repeat! I've played a 100 times on my iTunes already. Muhahaha. I think it's an awesome track <3 And the MV is just <3 I really miss Alexander and Kibum through D: -cough-beastiscominginsoon-cough-  Comment and Subscribe!


Wednesday—09:12PM (Singapore)

thirtieth march twothousandandeleven.

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Nomnommonster #1
Chapter 15: Please update
Chapter 15: Ahhhh i really enjoyed it -___-
Baemin #3
Chapter 15: ah~ i was just getting into it too.
ill still subscribe .... just in case ><
I like this story so so much~!
ahhhh please update soon i just started reading this u have got to update :( but nvm take ur time haha. Im Singaporean toooo :D and i know that its exammy ish now ._.
kyoko_chi #6
WHAT is she?!<br />
I'm dying of curiosity!<br />
Please update soon!!<br />
They're going to look for her!!<br />
I wonder who's gonna find her. XD<br />
YOSEOB's A HOT WEREWOLF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3333<br />
Update soon! ^^
@babys_girl_07; Haha. Yes, Yoseobie is a werewolf /rawr/<br />
@imthejoker; uh huh /lips/ might fine alright~~ :p