
Im not her!










Author’s POV





“Everything’s all set.” Bom clapped her hands together as she stare at the table full of food.





“I’ll go and check on Dara. She might-” Jiyong then added as he strode forward the way to the stairs.





“No need, I’m up already.” Dara cut him off as she stood in the middle of the stairs. She’s wearing a somewhat forced smile and walked past Jiyong and the others towards the dining table without greeting them.  She settled in the center part of the table and Jiyong hastily sat beside he and the others followed suit.




“so Dara, how you’ve been feeling? Are you okay?” Se7en started. She looked at him with her blank face, she remained quiet for a few seconds before finally answering him. “Yeah, I’ve been fine though I’m coping up really slow.”




“it’s okay Dara. We understand and we’re always ready to help in case you need anything.” Seungri smiled sweetly at her. Dara just looked at him, nodded and looked away immediately.





Jiyong who already noticed her actions stared at her. “Dara, is there something wrong?”




“Everything” Dara murmured but he didn’t catch her statement. “Sorry, what did you say?”




Dara looked at him blankly but then she smiled. “Nothing, I said nothing.”







“Attention please, okay?” Everyone grew silent. “Of course, this dinner is for Dara here.”Bom focused on Dara. “Dara, we know you’ve been sad and lonely with what happened with your dad. But we’re just here to remind you that we are all here, ready to help, and ready to listen. You always got us and we’ll do anything to make feel you’re not alone.”







Dara smirked, “Great, nothing is better than this actually. Having good friends such as you all is just fantastic. Really.” She doesn’t really sound thankful instead chilly, the atmosphere grew weary anticipating for her next words.  “Caring. Loving. Lively. Loyal. Honest.” Dara emphasized every word without breaking her eye contact at the people in front of her. “Maybe I did something in the past, for me to deserve you guys. Oh wait.” She innocently held out her finger to her chin and think deeply.





The rest of the group fidgeted in their own seats asking each on what the hell is going on through their eyes.




“I still don’t remember anything right now. It’s kind of bugging me lately, but did you guys knew me before? Or anything like that? Cause TOP gives me a familiar vibe. I don’t know.”





Silence still won the table.






“Oh, never mind.” She breathe deeply and noticed the weary faces and wakwardness.  “Why are you guys like that?  It’s just I had a dream about a name… what is it? Uhmmm… something like… sunny… like that…” Seungri choked on his drink. She watched their pale faces with hidden amusement and she tried to shield it with an innocent face. Se7en, HanByul, Minho and Hyun Joong are the only ones oblivious of the sudden chilliness in the air.






“Are you okay Seungri?” He merely nodded.




“You sure?” He nodded like a mad dog this time. She looked away from him to her side. “Anyways, Are you familiar with that Ji, but I think I heard you say a name before, it sound like that right?”




He furrowed his brows remembering the times he mentioned Sun Hee’s name in front of Dara. He can’t remember anything like that. “Oh, what am I saying? Of course, you don’t know. I just met you like only this time. TOP, don’t mind what I said earlier.  Forget it.” She pursued her lips in frustration.




“Let’s eat?” Taeyang managed to utter.




“Yeah. Let’s eat!” She smiled cheerily to them, erasing the negative expressions that seemed to linger on their face for quite some time now. They nodded and smiled forcibly in return especially Bom who even showed her teeth to force out a smile but her eyes obviously can’t hide her uneasiness.









Dara laughed at this, “Aigoo, it’s my first time to see you smile like that Bom, so weird.” She laughed again.





Jiyong and the rest of the guys can’t help but smile seeing and hearing Dara laughing. It took her a minute to compose herself and recover from her laughter. The guys already started to dig in the food.






“Excuse me guys, I’ll just go to the bathroom.”




“Are you okay Dara?”Jiyong held Dara arm stopping her.





“Of course, should I not be?” Dara shrugged her hand out of his grasp. “Now, if you’ll excuse me.” She stomped on her feet knowing if she stayed for another second, her tears might betray her.



























Jiyong was left speechless in his seat. This is the first time that Dara looked at him coldly. “Something’s up with her.” Bom uttered, making it only audible to him and TOP. “We have to tell her sooner or later.”



“I know. Just give her a little more time. I’ll talk to her.”



“But she’s really acting weird right now.”




They were cut off with the ever curios Seungri, “Hyung, the name Dara mentioned sounded like Sun-”



“Shut up Maknae” TOP cut himoff.



“What? I’m just saying it could be Sun Hee’s name, sound s like right?”




“Who is Sun Hee?” Minho interrupted.






“It’s hyung –” Seungri’s blabbermouth took over again but he stopped himself after noticing the murderous eyes staring at him.






“She’s my bestfriend.” Bom tried to liven up the suspicious atmosphere, but failed to even convince herself. She massaged her temples with what’s been happening right now. This event supposed to cheer Dara up but she’s been failing miserably.









“Hey guys, what did I miss?” Dara emerged out of the stairs and back to her seat.  



“Dara, you should eat more.” Bom carefully putting more food on her plate.



“That’s really sweet of you Bom.  I’ll start to think you really do care about me.” She said nonchalantly.






The rest of the table stopped at her statement, throwing questioning looks at Bom and Dara.  Bom was frozen not knowing what to answer while Dara seem to think she haven’t said anything bad.




“By the way, Jiyong, you like to see this right?” She handed a bracelet to Jiyong. “I brought it here with my stuff.  You like to see this before, you told me.”





“That’s a Cartier bracelet right?” Daesung blurted out upon recognizing it.





“Yeah, Minho gave me this before. He had the other pair in his house.  But why did you want to see this again?”She turned to Jiyong, who just stared at the bracelet in front of him. TOP who got impatient snatched out the bracelet from him and examined it.  Dara snatched it back from TOP.





“Minho-shi gave that to you? Did you happen to engrave your names here?” His question and eyes diverted to Minho’s side, ignoring the glare from Dara. “Yeah, I did. Our names are on it.”





“Really, I didn’t knew that.” Dara titled her head upon his statement and wore a calculating look.





“The names are not very obvious, it’s just small names.” Minho explained.




“Really?” His answer sparked Dara’s interest who held out the bracelet and searched for her name. The others continued with their wakward eating except for Bom, TOP and Jiyong. They watched her and saw her stop her eyes a bit at a certain spot. 



“Did you see it?” Bom hurriedly asked.





Dara looked at her and immediately wore the bracelet. She shrugged her shoulders, “Yeah, there’s “dara” in it.  Shall we continue?”pointing at the food on their plates.






“Dara?” Minho said.









“No, I mean, D-A-R-A is in it?”





“Yup.” She continued to munch on her food





“That’s odd, the engraved name should be Sandara.” Minho pointed out. They looked at her questioningly.




“Silly Minho, of course it Sandara.” She smiled sweetly but avoided Minho’s eyes.  





“It seems like you saw a different name Dara, do tell us then.” TOP eyes pierced right through Dara but she just ignored him.





“Dara, are you really alright?” Bom can’t help but ask. “You’re not like…er… the usual you today.”






She wore a disgusted expression before answering Bom, “Why Bom, what do you really know about me? You always talk as if you really know me and right now, it already bugs me.”





“Dara! Stop it.” Jiyong told her off, noticeably shocked with her statement.






“No, you stop it!” She threw her spoon at the table roughly. “I’m sick of you all!” She got off the table and about to walk out of it but Jiyong was fast enough to stop her.






“Dara, what the hell is wrong with you?”




The others stood at their seats as they witness the argument.



“Let go of me! And don’t ask like you don’t know, because you know exactly what’s wrong with me.”




Jiyong’s face was painted with confusion. “What are you saying?”



“Oh please! For the love of God! Could you just all stop with all the lies? You can stop lying to me as if you really care about me! I already know! I ALREADY know! Now please just.” She was shaking terribly due to the anger building up on her body right now. “just STOP okay!”






“Dara, please tell us what exactly are you talking about?” Dongwook tried to block them from each other. “what’s wrong?”





“This!” She threw one photo to Ji. “This!” She threw one photo to Bom. “These pictures! I’m talking about these pictures!” She threw the rest of the photos to the floor.




“What is this?” HanByul picked up one picture. “Dara…but who is Sun Hee?”





“Yeah, Jiyong, Bom, TOP, Seungri, Taeyang, and for the rest of you… Who is Sun Hee?!”





Bom is silently crying now. “Dara, we can explain. Sun Hee is my –”





“your bestfriend, I know, but I think you forget to mention that she looks exactly like me.”




“dara, I’m sorry but – ”





“You’re sorry, I’m sorry, everyone’s sorry. But I can’t take this anymore. I can’t and I won’t.  You all just used me as her.”




“No, we didn’t. It’s nothing like that.” Taeyang tried to reason out.




“Bull, stop lying to me because I got it all figured out. Remember Jiyong, when we met again at the park right after you kicked me. You called me Sun Hee.  Now tell me, would you even bother looking at me if I didn’t look like her?”






“Same goes for you Bom, you’re totally a snob but you befriended me right away but I bet you’ll treat me the same cold treatment you’re giving others if it weren’t for your bestfriend’s face, right?”





She turned to Bom who’s sobbing harder on her place.





“Jiyong, you could’ve explain this right after we met Hyoyoen on Jeju. But what did you do?  You continued this stupid lying game!”





“Jiyong, you lied to me! You used me! I can’t believe I trusted you. But you know what’s worst of all, I hate myself right now because…


because you all made me wish I was her! That I’m really her because of all of you! You made me wish to be her and not be my pathetic self right now. I hate you!!”






“Dara please calm down” Hyun Joong tried to break the tension.







“But you already know it too right Dara?” TOP said in an authoritive tone, letting go of his hold on a crying Bom. “You saw what’s on the bracelet.”This time, it’s a statement and not a question.





Dara remained silent at this. It was Jiyong who replied, “W-Why? What’s o..on the bracelet?”














“Sun Hee’s name. She didn’t saw Dara on it, she saw Sun Hee.





Dara, I don’t know how to explain it to you but Sun Hee and you are….” Dara looked at him. “are twins.”



“What?” Dara shouted back at him. “I swear if yo-” But seeing the looks on Jiyong and Bom’s faces gave off the idea that they weren’t aware of this particular thing.






“Last week I asked them about Sun Hee and they didn’t answer me, right then I knew they are hiding something so I told them about you.

Finally, Sun Hee’s parents just confessed to me right before I went here. Your dad had given up your sister for adoption right after your mother’s delivery so she didn’t know too.”







“Appa?  t..twin?”




“I’m so sorry Dara if you knew the truth this way but believe it or not, we are really planning to tell you sooner, we just had to get our facts straight.”




Dara was left speechless at this and couldn’t help but pour out mixture of tears of frustration and anguish.  Jiyong tried to step closer but she stepped away at the same time.






“Right now,I know you already knew the other thing about you and her.” Their friends threw questioning stare at TOP asking him for more details.





“TOP, please not now.” Jiyong pleaded. “Atleast let her breathe.”





“No Ji, I’m sure she wants to know this right now.”






“The day you had your accident is the same day Ji and Sun Hee had their accident and you three were brought on the same hospital at Busan. Your dad seemed to know about this and he’s the only one who knew about this. She visited Sun Hee’s grave on her interment but right before he died, Ji heard him call you Sun Hee and right now that bracelet may say it all.




You could be Sun Hee.”






“What? That’s impossible.” Minho remarked.





“We thought so, but Dara can’t remember anything right now so our guess is as good as yours.” TOP replied cynically.









Dara laughed bitterly but her eyes not reflecting any emotions. “You’re saying that I am Sun Hee.” She continued to laugh then after a few seconds she stopped with misty watery eyes, “How sick can you get! And now it really shows this all had been about her. Huh?  I know all of you wish her to be me right?”
















“Why am I wrong huh?!”

















“NO! Why Ji, if I ask you right now…” Her eyes full of tears “…who would you want me to be? Whose memory you want me to remember?” her voice started to soften.






Jiyong could only look at her taken aback by her sudden question.







“See?  You can’t even give me a straight answer. I loved you Ji…

 but I guess that’s not enough to make you fully love me as myself…

 And right now, I hate you for that. I hate you all for keeping this from me.  And don’t even think about following me or looking for me because I’ll hate you even more and will never forgive you.  So don’t you dare show your faces again. I’m not Sun Hee and starting today you don’t have the right to call me by my name.”







She walked out of them followed by Hyun Joong and Minho. She left them agape statued on their positions. Bom slumped on the floor after her wobbly and shaking knees gave up. She was crying endlessly after hearing Dara and the other girls rushed to her immediately. The Bigbang members,who seem to be clueless on what is the right thing to do at the moment, could just sigh and scratch their heads.














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Icequeen31 #1
Chapter 46: ❤️
Icequeen31 #2
Chapter 46: ❤️
Lette1022 #3
Chapter 16: Omg i thought it was jiyong hmmm my gosh
Chapter 47: What a cute story..
Chapter 46: Hahaha bominator will never not be funny!
Chapter 32: Chill dee... I mean sunhee 〣( ºΔº )〣
Chapter 10: This is better than school 2014 (⊙.⊙)
Chapter 46: It wasn't a heavy story. It was ok. Thumbs up for the author :)
Chapter 15: Awww Dara crying got me teary eyed too :'(
prettychez #10
Chapter 46: Very nice story. I really love the ending it's so sweet. I give you