Meet the Park Family

Im not her!

Year 2012

Dara POV

“Dara!!!! Have you fixed your things already! If you miss your train, don’t go crying to me asking me to buy you another ticket!” My mom shouted from God knows where she is. “You know we barely had enough to eat, good thing we had this scholarship, so don’t you dare mess this up!”

Aigoo. Me and my poor family. I stirred in my sleep and stared at the low ceiling of my room. ‘I am Dara Park, born and raised in Busan.  A simple girl with simple dreams. Anyways, Im about to start college in YangLeePark National University... where only the rich can attend. I know that I don’t belong there but I was lucky enough to be recommended by the school director and obtain a scholarship. I was hesitant to accept it but when my parents heard about it, they excitedly announced it to our whole neighborhood. Arrrghh, I expect to be the poorest student to attend there.’ I smiled as I remember the incident. Mom and Dad was jumping and swaying hands as they sing song my acceptance letter to the people at our village.  Oh the shame! How I wish I can evaporate there on the spot! Why can’t anyone choose their parents?  Argggh.

I snapped back to my senses when the door opened revealing my mom. ‘Omo, she’s fuming! OMG, my delicate and beautiful ears!’ I thought.

“YAH SANDARA PARK, you better get your up there and fix your things! Aigoo, what will I do to you! I I already told you last night to do this!”

“Omma! Why are you so eager to drive me away? I’m your only daughter!” I shouted back at her.

“Yah. Honestly woman, you call yourself my daughter! All you gave us was headaches!” She glared at me while shouting those words. Arggh.

This has been our daily routine. We live by the country so speaking in loud voices is normal part of our daily lives. The conversation we had just right now is our way of showing affection for each other. I know my mom and dad love me dearly but they are not really showy with their emotions. You see, my parents had me when they were 17 so they are young parents as they say, so its feel like Im talking to a friend whenever I talked to them.

I sighed. “Arasso, Arasso…Couldn’t you be more gentle in talking to me?  I’m going far away from here and may not come back often. As for that, I already fixed it last night. The ones you see lying there, I intend to leave those.” I pointed at the jumbled clothes at the floor. “Those don’t fit me anymore! Give it to Min Hee-ah! She loves my clothes.”I smiled and posed towards my mom.

Silence. That’s odd. My mom never shuts up so I glanced at her. She was looking at my things with tears in her eyes.

“Aigoo Omma! You’re not crying are you?!” I . “Come on, I’m only joking, I’ll visit often!” I said as I rushed and hugged her.

“You cruel kid!” She said as she wiped her tears.  Hahaha. “Omma! Stop crying, it’s not like you!” and she poked my head with that statement. “You’re ruining my moment here!”



“Why is my two angels crying here?” We broke apart as we saw my dad with my brother , Sanghyun, standing at the door of my room. “Sanghyun-ah, looks like we missed a miracle or phenomenon. When did these two stop quarrelling about everything?”  Appa said as he patted my brother’s shoulders and who is just smirking at our direction.


“Noona, at last, I can have the computer all by myself!” Sanghyun yelled while throwing a triumphant fist in the air. ‘Yeah, I have a selfish brother’ “Yah! Are you that cold hearted?! Are you not gonna miss me?”I yelled at him. “HAHAHa. You wish! Appa,Omma, I’ll go out now! Mehrong!” he waved at me while sticking out this tongue.

“Appppppppaaaaaa!” I protested.“Why am I in this kind of family?! Why can’t I have a normal family, with a normal mom and brother!” I shouted as I sit and wailed on the floor.

“HAHAHA, Dara, stand up! Come on! That’s your brother way of saying ‘I’ll miss you!’ you know him, he’s like your mother. He tends to act aggressively when he’s sad.” He whispered.

“I heard that!” Omma told Appa while nudging his feet. I smiled as Appa rushed over Omma and kissed her cheek. I might have shouted things a while ago but seeing them very happy together gives the feeling of contentment in my heart.



“YAH SANDARA PARK, Get going!” Omma shouted as she exited my room. “Sanghyun-ah, prepare yourself now, will your noona to the train station! And we will eat dinner afterwards!Arasso?!”Omma exclaimed with glee.

“Ommmmma, why can’t I eat with all of you first before boarding the train?” I shouted as I followed her. “Do you have to celebrate my departure? Are you that happy to get rid of me?!?”

“Neh!” My Omma and Sanghyun answered me at the same time. I bowed my head as I walk back to my room.

Okay, I take back what I said earlier about being happy and contented.Sigh.

“Appa!” I pouted at my dad as he laughed his head with the scene he just witnessed. “You know why right?! Its your Omma’s way of coping up with the sadness. I expect a week of crying coz I’ll know she’ll miss you terribly” He added.


“I know! I’ll do my best Appa! I’ll finish College and we will all live in Seoul!” I smiled while looking outside through the windows of my room.


“Aigoo, my daughter, whatever you want. Be healthy and safe. That’s enough for me. Arasso?!” Aw, how sweet can a father be…


*Annyeong! Im so thankful to all who viewed this story and subscribed. TT.TT.(tears of joy). kekeke. This is my first time writing so please bear with my grammar but i have been reading stories and fanfictions for two years. I hope this story will bring readers mixture of emotions. Romance, comedy, drama, mystery.... and a big twist. kekeke.. but that will be revealed on the latter part of the story.. oops, i think i said a lot. i'll keep my mouth shut now. kekeke.

Daragon fighting! ^.^v have a nice day everyone.

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Icequeen31 #1
Chapter 46: ❤️
Icequeen31 #2
Chapter 46: ❤️
Lette1022 #3
Chapter 16: Omg i thought it was jiyong hmmm my gosh
Chapter 47: What a cute story..
Chapter 46: Hahaha bominator will never not be funny!
Chapter 32: Chill dee... I mean sunhee 〣( ºΔº )〣
Chapter 10: This is better than school 2014 (⊙.⊙)
Chapter 46: It wasn't a heavy story. It was ok. Thumbs up for the author :)
Chapter 15: Awww Dara crying got me teary eyed too :'(
prettychez #10
Chapter 46: Very nice story. I really love the ending it's so sweet. I give you