Hospital encounters

Im not her!






Flashback 2009




Busan General Hospital



The ambulance sirens were audibly on everyone’ ears right now. A lot of vehicles rushed in and out of the hospital’s driveway.  A major accident happened in Busan highway just an hour ago. A school bus and a private car.



“Yeobo…? Where is she?” Jiyeon anxiously stretched out her neck up from the crowd. She is shaking terribly and seeks support from Sanghyun, who is quite shaken, too, by the accident.



“Let’s go there.” Yesung pointed out the door near the nurse station and guided her wife and son…



People continued to move in frenzy. Everyone was anxious. The place was a mess. The Park family watched the chaos, setting out their eyes for every person rushed inside the hospital.




“Dara, Dara where is she?” Jiyeon asked herself while trembling. She was oblivious to the tears streaking down her pale face.


Yesung noticed this and tried to hush her. “Jiyeon, We’ll find her…She’ll be fine…”


“I don’t know yeobo, after I received the phone call about the accident… I don’t know what to think anymore remembering the last thing I did was shout at her… She hates me… I don’t know what to do… Yeobo…” She trembled more as she tugged the hem of Yesung’s shirt creasing it in the process. “Tell me...!Tell me what to do? We can’t lose her…Y-Yeobo!”



“I know, I know. Calm down please.” He dementedly hugged her wife not knowing what to say or do.



Sanghyun can’t utter any word as he watched the commotion unfolding before him. Her parents was indescribable with worry, his hands were cold and numb. He doesn’t know how to comfort his terribly shaking mother and his disarrayed father. His noona was involved in an accident as someone from the police called them earlier.  They rushed to the hospital while he had to endure his mother’s wails in their borrowed car. He can’t blame his mom for she was in a heated argument with her Dara-noona earlier this morning…







“You brat! We told you not to go that field trip.” His mother scolded her sister while Dara was eating breakfast. He saw her pursed her lips for a moment but still kept her silence.

“Sanghyun’s tuition fee just increased and we badly need the money for that. You should’ve just helped us instead of wasting your money on that non-sense trip.” His mom continued to rant as she exited the kitchen and neared the dining table.  “Yah! Are you listening to me?”

“Yeah, Omma, who cannot hear you? Even my classmate who leaves 3 houses away from here hears you.” She answered in a sarcastic tone.

Sanghyun bowed his head in preparation for louder shouts from her mom knowing what just her sister said have just released the monster in her mom.

“Why you?” She inhaled deeply. “You ungrateful kid. I didn’t bring up a daughter just to be disrespected like this. I didn’t know what went wrong with –”

She was cut off when Dara stood up with her darkened face. “You don’t know what went wrong.” She let out a bitter laugh. “You see everything here is wrong. It’s wrong that we’re poor, it’s wrong that we barely had enough to eat, it’s wrong that I can’t even go to a freaking field trip without hearing your annoying rants where in the first place I didn’t ask you for money!!” Her voice grew louder for every phrase she said. “I earned this Omma, I saved it for this trip and in no freaking way have you had any right to stop me!!!”








Right after she finished, a loud hard slap landed on her face.  Sanghyun remained seated as he stared at the scene before him with wide open eyes. His mom looked a little surprised with what she did for a moment but it vanished as she slowly continued with hurtful voice.


“How could you say those things to me? Don’t you have a little respect left for me? I gave birth to you but this is how you repay me?!” The rim of her eyes grew watery.


Dara slowly looked away from the floor to her mom. “I’m so tired of this Omma, you continuously yowling about how our life is. You’re telling me what went wrong but it’s you, in the first place, are the one pointing out whatever is wrong for every day of this goddamn life.” She turned her back on the table and reached for her bag. She didn’t stop or even glance at her mother who is still standing agape as she reached for the door and slammed it after she exited.


He broke out from his thoughts when he heard another ambulance siren indicating another ambulance arrival.


He was somewhat tall giving him perfect view of the bodies that were transferred to stretchers. Then they were rushed inside the hospital. First was an unconscious guy, seeing it was a guy, he looked past him.  He gulped seeing the familiar form.




Her sister…




He immediately darted towards the stretcher as it was dragged to the nearest room. He felt his mom following him. He could see her bloody face as there was a big wound on her head but he can still recognize. “Omma, its noona…” He looked back at her mom who still looked as apprehensive as she was before not seeing Dara. His mom forwarded in front of him then said, “Tell your Appa, she’s here.” He nodded as he looked for his Appa amidst the crowd.



It took him a few seconds to spot his Appa who was staring at the body in the stretcher that was pushed past him.  He cannot get the view of what his Appa is looking at but he never saw his father with such kind of fear in his face. He saw his father slowly take small steps to follow it so he quickly called his dad,


“Appa, Noona is there..” He pointed at the other way.


“w-what?” He looked where I was pointing with confusion painted in his face, then looked back again to what he was staring at earlier.


“Appa? What are you looking at?” He neared to his father but the latter immediately pulled him to the other way looking alarmed. “Let’s g-go… t-to.. your Noona…”




He can’t help but throw another quick glance at the spot where his father was staying earlier as he was mystified by his father sudden uneasiness but just saw a body of a girl in stretcher which was getting smaller and smaller and being pushed in panic towards the emergency room at the other end of the corridor.



End of Flashback



















Jiyong’s POV


“Ji, are you sure you’re alright?”




I felt TOP’s hand on my shoulder as I stare at the hospital before me. It’s been 3 years since I last set foot on this place…in this particular place…


‘This is where it all happened…’ I shook my head to erase the thoughts that are starting to build in my mind.



“Neh, Dara needs me right now. I’m alright. I can do this.” I assured him but it’s more like I am assuring myself.


I started to walk in big steps towards the hospital. I know it’s still not past visiting hours so we could still get in.












“Easy Ji…” Taeyang warned.

And there she is, sitting in the visitor’s bench outside the ICU with her head resting on a somewhat familiar guy’s shoulder. The childish demeanor was unleashed before me but I struggled to hide it.

I made heavy footsteps but TOP was quick to grab the hood of my jacket and pulled me back. “Hold your horses Ji, I know you to well and this is no time for your childishness.”

“But hyung!”I pouted.




“DARA!” Taeyang called out as he walked past me.


She heard him and looked at our direction as she flashed a sweet smile.  I quickly jogged to their spot and saw her paled face. She immediately hugged me giving me the view of the guy behind her back. I saw Minho turned away after seeing us hugging. I let go of her as I asked,



“How’s your dad?”


“The doctor said his body was paralyzed.”She said in a calm voice but tears started to fall out of her eyes. I could sense she’s just putting up a brave front so that I won’t worry that much. I forced a smile as I hugged her again.


“Silly… You can cry if you want to…”


She pulled out from my hug. “I’m okay.” She turned to my friends. “Thanks Tae and TOP, I’m sorry if this is such a bother to you guys.”


The two immediately shook their heads to contradict her thoughts. “No, don’t think about it that way Dara, we should have been here with you from the start.” Taeyang consoled.


“Ani, Minho was here with me. He’s been so much of a help already.”


My hand automatically turned into a fist upon hearing her but I know this isn’t a right time to be jealous. I could see the guy smirking from ear to ear upon hearing Dara’s appreciative remark.


“Yeah Thanks Minho-shi. Thanks for helping MY GIRLFRIEND…but I’ll take it from here.” I was sure to emphasize the “my girlfriend” part and this earned me a nudge from Dara. I looked at her to receive a glare warning me to stop.


“What?!” I asked innocently. She nudged me again before facing Minho.



“Minho don’t mind him, okay? … Ji I guess you’re tired, you can just go you know.”



Woooh… wait a minute… What did she just say? She did not make me go home when I’ve just arrived… That Minho is the one who needs to get out of here!




“Ji, I’m warning you. Get a hold of yourself.” TOP whispered to me.



I sighed defeatedly as I looked at her with my sorry eyes. She just shook her head and slowly hugged me…



“Aissht. You’re really choking me Kwon Jiyong, but I still love you all the same.” She murmured in a way only the two of us could hear.



I couldn’t help but smile. She sure knows how to pacify me. “I’m sorry…”


“I know…but please not now okay, you should be thankful to Minho for taking care of me.” She gave me a light kiss on the cheek but then I felt her weight on my arms so I looked at her and saw her arm was nursing her head with her eyes closed.




“Dara are you okay?”


“Yeah, I just got a little dizzy, I’m a bit tired and sleepy.” She followed the statement by a yawn.


“But you just slept Dara….”Minho butted in with a chuckle.


I looked at her again with questioning eyes. “What?! I got sleepy, it’s not like I can help it.”


I shrugged at her witty remark; however my eyes darted to the room in front of me. I couldn’t properly see Dara’s father because of all the medical apparatus attached to him as life support. ‘It really is a tough time for her.

















Dara’s mother arrived an hour later. She was carrying a lot of stuff, followed by a boy who resembled Dara. Minho immediately forward to help her. She didn’t seem surprise at his actions and smiled at him.


“Thanks Minho-yah but you’ve already helped enough. You should go home now and rest.” I smiled at this, even Dara’s mother wants Minho out of here.


“But I’m really thankful Dara has you. I never even imagine I’d see you to together again. ” She joked at him not noticing we are in their company.  My smile quickly vanished,‘Still together? She thought they’re back together’. Don’t tell me Dara’s mother likes Minho for Dara. ‘Great, just great!’


“Yeah.” He smiled sheepishly. ‘This guy really has nerves.’


“Yeah although hyung and noona often fight in the past, I like you both together.” The boy added. ‘Great, even Dara’s brother.’





‘Think happy thoughts Jiyong. Forget what they just said! Arrghhh… happy thoughts’


I heard Dara cough beside me which earned her mother’s attention. “Oh, I didn’t notice you guys. These are your friends Dara?”


“Omma, yes my college friends aside from Minho that is. This is Taeyang and TOP.” She pointed at them upon mention of their names, the guys bowed at her. “And this is Jiyong, my boyfriend.” I noticed she’s eyeing her mother warningly. “Guys, this is my mother and my brother.”


“Oh, I thought you and…” her finger almost pointed at Minho but was immediately grabbed by Dara. “Yes, Omma. Me and Jiyong okay…?” She nodded and it’s her turn to eye me. I sensed she was looking at me from head to toe. ‘This is really awkward.’


“Nice to meet you Mrs. Park, but it’s unfortunate we have to meet at this situation.” I smiled at her pushing the awkward atmosphere away.


“Yes, nice meeting you too young man. It’s a shame you have to meet her father like this. He’s usually cheerful and excited to meet Dara’s friends.” She said upon glancing at the room.



“Dara had told much about him and he’s a strong man from what I’ve heard so far. He’ll get through this.”  I don’t know how managed to let out such serious statements but seeing the sadness in her eyes. I know I had to comfort her somehow.

















Author’s POV






Three ladies arrived at the park. Bom headed the group together with Minzy and CL.



“Hey!” She immediately approached TOP who welcomed her with a hug. She continued by complaining, “Sooro’s exam was the hardest exam I’ve ever taken. He intentionally did that to fail everyone in my class. Damn that old man!”


TOP chuckled upon hearing this, though he knows he can’t say anything to liven up her foul mood, he just hugged her.


“Get a room you two!” Daesung irked upon witnessing the two being all sweet.



“Where is Dara?” Jiyong finally asked upon noticing her absence.


“Oh, she headed home first. She didn’t wanna bother you coz she knows you still have one class left.” Bom explained.


“Why?” Seungri’s nosiness entered the conversation.


“Coz it’s Friday today and she’ll prepare her things already to go to the hospital. By the way Ji, I know I promise to go back with her but maybe I’ll visit next week. My parents called and they’ll be arriving tonight for a business meeting so I can’t be out of the house.”


“Oh, it’s okay. I’ll be with her anyway.” Jiyong reassured Bom.


“I’ll go with hyung and Dara. Chae and Minzy will go visit too. I don’t think you being not there will be even noticed.” Seungri mocked and he was quickly nudged by a glaring Bom. “Aisht, you two really think alike. You and Top-hyung both think I’m a punching bag. Aigoo, it hurts.” He faked while nursing his head.



“Well, let’ s get going then. I’ll just call Dara on the way to tell her we’ll just pick her up.” Jiyong started to walk away from the park into the parking lot. The rest of the guys quickly followed him.














The group arrived at night in the hospital. Mrs. Park was happy seeing them again and for the concern their showing for her husband. They brought a lot of healthy foods that could already last half a year.  They even helped with the hospital fees, especially Taeyang, with his political family’s connections; they even learned that his father had tremendous contributions and donations for the hospital.

They left after a few hours to go back to Seoul leaving Jiyong and Dara with her family.




The next day, Sanghyun had to leave for school activity.

“Dara, I’ll just go home for a moment. I need to get something, the doctors were asking for some of your Dad’ s past hospital records. I’ll be quick.” Mrs. Park informed Dara.


“Mrs.Park, I’ll drive you to your house.” Jiyong offered.


“Ani, No need but thank you. Just please be with Dara here.” She replied. “You know how clumsy she can be. I can’t trust her entirely alone.” She continued in a whisper.



“Omma, what are you telling him?” Dara suspiciously asked.


“Nothing.” Mrs. Park innocently answered. “I’ll go now.” And left the two alone.





“Don’t trust my Omma on whatever she says. I know so I don’t.” She said flatly.


Jiyong smiled and went near her. “We’ll she doesn’t need to state the obvious.”


She pouted upon realizing what Jiyong meant. “You’re starting to sound like her.”



They were interrupted upon hearing a faint beeping sound from Mr. Park’s room.

The hairs on the back of their heads slowly raised up. Their movements suddenly went on a slow motion.


Dara lets go of her hold on Jiyong and went on the glass window.


“What’s happening?” She asked while shaking. “Appa, Appa!”


Jiyong who find this situation all too familiar knows what that sound means. ‘Not good.’  He immediately hugged Dara to hush her.


“Jiyong, what’s happening? No!!” She screamed while hysterically pulling out of Jiyong’s hug. “Let go of me Jiyong!” She continued to struggle and yell.

The nurses quickly flock into the area to check, they quickly entered the room upon realizing what it was. “Please Jiyong let go of me. I need to be near him.” She managed to pull out of Jiyong’s tight grasp and immediately followed the nurses inside the ICU. Jiyong hurriedly went inside too.


Dara rapidly enveloped her father’s body into a hug. “Appa! Appa, don’t you dare do this to me…”

A nurse went to stop her, “Miss, please the doctor needs to see him.” She tried to get Dara to pull out from her father. She held onto her until she reached Jiyong. “Sir, please take her for a moment. Out of this room.”


“No! I’m his daughter. I need to be here.” Dara shouted at the nurse. Jiyong doesn’t know what to do to calm her. “Dara, they need to check him. We’ll see him after.”


Another doctor went inside. This time they pulled out medical equipment from the side of the room. They took out all the apparatus attached to Mr. Park, giving them a clear view of his face.


“Appa…Appa” Dara continued to cry while calling his father.





Jiyong however wears a surprised look on his face. “D-Dara’s father…H-Him…”



Memories from Sun Hee’s grave flooded his mind. The room suddenly felt silent as his thought recoiled. ‘How can he be Dara’s father…’


Jiyong perfectly remember that face… the guy who stopped him…


...“I assume you have no friends and family.”


…“I perfectly understand son, believe or not.”


…“My daughter died recently too.  And you know what, I couldn’t tell anybody because ..”


…“ see I made a huge mistake in the past…”


…“I still have my wife and son with me..and.. anyway, I focused on them. I promised myself I would do everything to make them happier than they already are… Putting aside the pain…I know you have such strong and fulfilling future filled with happiness with your family and friends.”

…“Sometimes, we have to let go of what’s killing us, even if it kills us to let go. Remember, it’s not called giving up, it’s doing what is best for yourself, moving on.”





Jiyong gets more confused as the time went on. ‘He’s Dara’s father? From what he remembers this man is as problematic as he was the last time they saw each other, and his daughter died right? That means Dara has a sister but she doesn’t know it? No, his whole family doesn’t know it…





But that doesn’t even make sense…





Why would he hide it?






Why can’t he tell?





And why is he in Sun Hee’s grave that day… is his other daughter buried in the same place?






What are you really hiding Mr. Park Yesung?’


Long update eh? Anyways, enjoy! <3 

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Icequeen31 #1
Chapter 46: ❤️
Icequeen31 #2
Chapter 46: ❤️
Lette1022 #3
Chapter 16: Omg i thought it was jiyong hmmm my gosh
Chapter 47: What a cute story..
Chapter 46: Hahaha bominator will never not be funny!
Chapter 32: Chill dee... I mean sunhee 〣( ºΔº )〣
Chapter 10: This is better than school 2014 (⊙.⊙)
Chapter 46: It wasn't a heavy story. It was ok. Thumbs up for the author :)
Chapter 15: Awww Dara crying got me teary eyed too :'(
prettychez #10
Chapter 46: Very nice story. I really love the ending it's so sweet. I give you