
Im not her!


*everybody's so smart with their guesses..kekeke.


Author POV


Today is Dara’s first day working.

And boy! She is nervous.


Who wouldn’t be? Han Byul is right about this club, it looks exclusive and luxurious. But there is one tiny little detail that she’s not liking at the moment…


















Dara gulped as she saw her reflection again in the mirror. She couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable with the outfit. Han Byul assured her she looked okay, she looked y as always Han Byul always describe her. She however never thought of herself as y or pretty. She always thought she looks pretty plain, an average face for an average Korean.

 But now, well, she does, she couldn’t even recognize herself the first time she looked at the mirror. With the help of makeup and hair iron, she looks incredible. But she still wishes nobody will recognize her. She could imagine the shame and embarrassment she will receive if the whole school will learn about this. She might even lose her scholarship.


She’ll be a laughingstock of the other students. But her need of money is bigger than her shame so she will do this even if she has to do it with closed eyes.









I wore a jacket and head outside the club as to enjoy my fifteen minutes break from the smoky air of the club and to calm my nerves. Other waitresses went out too.


To my surprise, my job didn’t turn out as scary as I had imagined. Take orders and serve drinks to people in their private rooms. The customers looked like prominent people who come to the club to still discuss business or have a good time with business partners. They are all busy with their time they don’t seem to notice the waitresses like me.

‘Oh, I can get used to this.’ Actually the job given to me isn’t the same as Han Byul’s. She was assigned to the bar and dance section of the club where she said ‘Drunk people dwell there, because it’s where rich kids mostly hang out. They think that all people will chase them for their money and here I am working my off this club to earn the money they will just spend, so they take advantage of me like forcing me to drink and the likes. I can’t say no. And why is that? It’s because their parents are in the sections you serve Dara .The bigger clients. We lose the young, we lose the old. Simple as that’ I made a mental note in my mind to not forget that.  ‘So be nice Dara!’ Oops, I can’t promise that but I‘ll try my best. I am wise enough to blurt that out in Han Byul’s face as she already is at her boiling point because the customers had been flirting with her ever since we arrived.


“Okay, break is over. Get back inside.” One of the bouncers of the club announces to us who were outside.












Seungri POV


Jiyong hyung is really being weird for this couple of weeks.

He is unusually… hmmmm… what the proper word?...happy…



I’m really all for Hyung’s happiness but it really bothers me that he acting like this all of a sudden. He usually is irritable most of the time but with Dara within the perimeter or even a hectare away, he’s really hyper.

Dara is a nice girl. She is bright and always full for life though she shouts most of the time, one cannot simply be annoyed by her cute antics.



And now, Bom forcefully dragged her to our table since she sat on the cafeteria alone, without her two losers of friends.


“You wouldn’t mind if Dara joins us right?!” Bom asked the rest of us. But it’s more like a command than a question.  She widens her eyes asking us for a response.


Dara seems to take the silence wrongly. “Bom-shi, it’s okay really. I’ll just wait for Hyun Joong to finish his project.”


“Then go wait for your lover boy!” Jiyong hyung retorted at her. ‘Hyung is really crazy, why is he angry all of a sudden.’

“Excuse me?!...He is not my lover boy, okay?” She snapped back at him surprised at his sudden outburst.

“Yeah what then?! Loser boy huh?” He smugly said. We are all shocked at the two people arguing before us nobody tried to utter a word. ‘really?! oh come on hyung, that’s not even funny. What a lame joke.’


“He’s a good friend and a nice person. Something you aren’t going to be!Oh God, why am I even explaining myself?” She shouted at him.

“Yeah why?? As if anybody here cares.”He stood from his seat to shout back at her.

“why?!?” She exhaled deeply then bit her lower lip as to calm herself from her mounting anger. “I guess there are really people who cannot change! Arrogant as ever!”


“Stop it you two!” Bom recovered from her shock and she stretched both of her hands, both her palms facing Jiyong and Dara’s face. “Please can you stop bickering?”

“I’ll just go Bom-shi since I’m obviously not welcome here.”

“No Dara. You just heard one opinion. There are 8 people in the table so 7 people in favor of Dara being with us?” She threw a meaningful glare to the rest of us making us all nod quickly.

“That’s settled then. Here seat beside me, away from that grumpy man over there.” Dara giggled at her statement and we couldn’t help but stare at her pretty smile which is by the way the first time I saw her smile.

I felt CL nudged me hard. So I kept my gaze back to the food in front of me.


Dara then took the seat beside Bom right across me. Jiyong-hyung is on the other side looking at her but she seems unmindful of his stares. Dara looked down at her food and grab her sandwich.


Nobody is still speaking so Bom broke the silence.



“So Dara, TOP told me you wanted to start fresh with them?”Bom carefully asked.


She nodded as she bit on her sandwich. She swallowed first before speaking, “Ironically, yes but I guess some things are not just meant to be. I know it’s hard for them to be with same room with me.” She sadly bowed.


TOP quickly saved her as he answered, “No! We’re really glad. We should apologize for what happened not you. Right Jiyong?”



Jiyong hyung snapped out of his thoughts as he heard his name, “What?... Oh. Right. It’s just that….”


We all leaned closer for his next sentence. ‘This is exciting. Jiyong hyung doesn’t believe in apologies that why he also never forgives.’


“... you were… I was…”


“Yes?”Bom impatiently interrupted him.


“You see… the thing here is…”

“yes?” This time TOP and Taeyang’s voices joined Bom’s.


“It was… the fault really is…”He really looks like a kid now.


But Dara’s phone suddenly went ringing and the face of Hyun Joong, Minho and her popped out of the screen of her phone. That picture didn’t escape the eyes of all who were seated at the table, especially our leader’s.

“Joongie…” I could see hyung’s fuming eyes. ‘Oh no, tell me she didn’t just call him by a pet name. Put down the phone Dara before this table turns upside down.’I gulped as my head pictures the worst case scenarios.

“Arasso… I’ll meet you after class then. Don’t tire yourself too much, neh?” That’s it. I’m officially praying for my soul as I glance at hyung’s direction. His fist is tightly closed and his eyes focused on the floor.

“I’m sorry Hyun Joong just called me since he really can’t finish his project to join me for lunch.” She innocently explained. “Oh, where were we?”


“Jiyong, you were about to say something, right?” Bom began to question hyung whose face is indescribable by now.

“What? I’m not gonna apologize to her. Isn’t she has to be thankful to me as she had “Joongie” because of what I did?” he insultingly exclaimed.


Dara exploded with that statement, “Really? What the is your problem?! Why do you always drag him in the conversation?!”

“Because I want to! And if you have a problem with that, deal with it if you’re staying close to us!”


“Jiyong!” TOP-hyung growled at him. Apparently, Bom made him do it.

“Enough okay.”Bom added.


“He started it!...”She paused. “I really thought we could get along after what you did but I can’t tolerate you being rude to my friends.”


Jiyong-hyung looks a little regretful with his actions for a second and returned back to his serious poker face.


Insert awkward silence..(kekeke) 


“So Dara, you’re from Busan?” Dara looked over at Taeyang, who is trying to liven up the mood of the table by changing the subject.

“Yeah, how did you know?”

“You’re from Busan?” Jiyong interrupted her immediately forgetting their argument.

Dara just looked at him and frowned, that he took as clue she’s still mad at him. He quickly looked away. She too mirrored his actions as she looked away from him. She then saw a familiar figure entering the cafeteria. She quickly stood up and gathered her things.


“Dara, where are you going?” Bom quickly asked her.

“Minho is here.” She pointed at the entrance. “His going to tutor me in one of my subjects…I’ll be going now.  Thanks Bom-shi.”

“Drop the formalities Dara, please call me Bom.”

“ neh, Bom.” She answered with a smile. “Also, thank you to the rest of you.” Her eyes roamed at our figures but never went to hyung’s direction. “Bye.”

She scampered her way to the entrance as she was greeted there by a smiling Minho.





“Congratulations Ji.”Bom started. “Now she officially hates you! Good job!” She sarcastically added while clapping her hands forcefully.

“You should not have let your jealousy eat you. Most girls don’t understand that.” CL sniggered.

“Yeah oppa! You really pissed her!” Minzy shook her head disappointedly.


Jiyong hyung slowly rested his back at his chair with slouched shoulders with eyes clearly full of regret. There is no denying what he did was out of jealousy. I can understand his feelings but he really overreacted with his actions.

“Just apologize to her Ji.”Taeyang suggested. “She already took the initiative to make amends with us but you just snapped at her after hearing her talk with some other guy.”



“Jealous love sick drooling puppy.” Bom finished the conversation as we heard the bell rang signaling lunch break is over.






1992 Gwangju

“Okay. Settle down, settle down. Please everyone grab a seat as we will start in a few minutes.”



“What is this gathering about?” A guy asked his co worker.

“Oh, I forgot your new here Park. Every month the owner of the Company visits a site and holds a meeting to talk with the workers, to hear their queries, pleads and suggestions. He makes it a point to answer them or grant their pleads. He’s cool huh?” The guy nodded with the latter’s statement.


“Oh look!” He pointed at the lady entering the elevated platform. “That’s the wife of the owner. She’s really pretty right? Shame they still don’t have a child.” Park curiously looked at him. “They have been married for a long time but not have been blessed by a little child to take over their Company.”



“Okay, everyone please settle down. Please welcome, Mr. Kim Soo Hyun, the owner of the Kim Realty and Constructions, Inc.”

Every one quickly clapped their hands to welcome their boss who waved at them graciously.



Hi everyone. thanks for the comments!

I'm sorry i didn't update yesterday, yeah, bcoz of the fanmeeting with Lee Minho. He is reaaaallllyyy good looking. I was literally screaming my heart out.(though I screamed louder and longer in Bigbang Alive Concert,kekeke).

He's so cute that everytime he smiles the crowd screams! At first, he couldn't properly answer questions from the fans because for every word, i mean, every word he says the fans scream(oops, i'm guilty with this)! And he seems overwhelmed by the welcome he had, he's so caring too, he always looks worriedly at the fans near the stage (because their so packed there and obviously nobody is comfortable with all the moving or pushing and stuff like that).

I wasn't lucky enough though to be picked for the meet and greet..huhu.. i really envy those 10 fans who were able to go up close and personal with him..

Anyways, I'm chattering too much now..

Hope you enjoy the chapter.



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Icequeen31 #1
Chapter 46: ❤️
Icequeen31 #2
Chapter 46: ❤️
Lette1022 #3
Chapter 16: Omg i thought it was jiyong hmmm my gosh
Chapter 47: What a cute story..
Chapter 46: Hahaha bominator will never not be funny!
Chapter 32: Chill dee... I mean sunhee 〣( ºΔº )〣
Chapter 10: This is better than school 2014 (⊙.⊙)
Chapter 46: It wasn't a heavy story. It was ok. Thumbs up for the author :)
Chapter 15: Awww Dara crying got me teary eyed too :'(
prettychez #10
Chapter 46: Very nice story. I really love the ending it's so sweet. I give you