dress fitting

Not So Bad Girl 2
Your POV____ i walked down the hall glad my classes for today where finished, but sad because now i had to meet up with zelo and jae hwa his arranged marriage for fittings.....yea that's right they forced me to be her brides made her maid of honor none the less! I groaned not wanting to go alone. That's when i saw Peniel walking down the hall with Changsub brilliant!! I ran up to them surprising them. " hye mi! Hi!" Changsub said smiling i waved happily. " ok so which one of you want to come somewhere with me today?" They both raised their hands. I chuckled. " its a dress fitting for a wedding." Both of their hands dropped. " oh uh sorry hye mi i have uh rehearsal i forgot." Changsub said rubbing the back of his neck. He turned and fled making me scoff in disbelief. I looked to Peniel. " oh uh i have rehearsal with Changsub but hey Hyunsik and Minhyuk are in the dance studio why don't you go ask them?" He said running off. Groaning i walked into the dance studio. I let out a Loud yell at what i saw. Minhyuk had Hyunsik pressed against the mirror kissing! I quickly turned my eyes away. " omo !!! I'm so sorry I'll leave!" I said turning and running away. My poor innocent eyes!!! .....but awe how cute they like each other! But ah hhhhh my eyes! So embarrassing. I shook out of the mental war i was having and looked up to see sungjae and Eunkwang walking this way....my last chance. " hey you guys!" I said running over. They smiled up at me. " sooooo who wants to go to a dress fitting with me?" They both looked at each other then turned an ran off. " aiishhhh! What kinds of friends are you!!" I called at them. Sungjae turned back and ran back to me. I looked at him with hope. " i was just coming back to say..... Do you have those notes i lent you?" He said looking at me innocently. I sighed and reached into my bag pulling them put i smacked him in the head with them before handing then over. " pabo!" I hissed. He rubbed his head as he ran off. I turned to leave when i saw ilhoon practicing in a dance studio sighing i walked in he was better then nothing. He looked up surprised but returned to practice ignoring me. I plopped down in the bench and sighed loudly. But he kept ignoring me. I sighed four more times getting louder each time he ignored me. The last time he finally reacted. Sighing himself he walked over cutting off his music. " can i help you with something?" He asked placing his hands on his hip and resting one leg somehow he made it look manly. " you're hyungs are being mean and won't go with me to the wedding dress fitting!" I whined stomping my feet like a little kid. He let out a irritated laugh. " what am i suppose to do about it! Why are your here bothering me !" I frowned." Go with me." He looked at me like i was crazy. " no!!" I let out a wine. " awww come on please!! I can't go and try on dresses for her marriage to my zelo alone! They want me to be the bloody made of honor!" He shrugged. " then just say no." " illhoooonnnn !!!!!! Pweaseeeee!!! Just go with me! I'll die if i have to go alone!!!" He sighed pinching the bridge of his nose. " fine! Just stop that annoying whining!" I squeaked and jumped grabbing his wrist.i started pulling him from the room. " ya_yah!!!!! " i looked back at him confused. " i have no shirt on." He said gesturing to his bare chest. I yelped noticing him for the first time. I dropped his hands and turned away quickly feeling my face heat up.....he had a nice body not as good as Minhyuk and Hyunsik of course i just got an eye full of them. But still it makes me blush. " ok lets go." He had on a black t shirt and jeans now. I nodded walking out. " so did you know Minhyuk and Hyunsik_" " yes we all know." He said cutting me off i nodded chuckling to myself at the sight. " let me guess you walked in?" Ilhoon said rising an eyebrow. When i burst in to laughter he got that he was right. " we all have we've told them to be more careful." he said laughing himself. I looked up and my breathing hitched. He had a beautiful smile. He looked down at me. " what are you starring at!" He said flicking me in the forehead. " Yah!" I yelled punching him in the arm. " Yah!" He yelled back. We walked in silence after that keeping am arms reach away from either. We arrived at the fitting and i saw zelo and jae hwa his fiancee being all lovey dovey. I felt sick watching them. But i stilled myself and walked over dragging ilhoon with me. " oh hye mi! You made it!" Zelo said and my heart sunk as i remembered he doesn't call me sweety anymore. Ilhoon seemed to notice my lack of movement and nudged me gently. I snapped out of it and gave zelo a smile. " yea i bung a friends i hope that's ok?" Zelo gave ilhoon a look but nodded " jae hwas over there go try on some dresses, ilhoon you can come with me you're kind if a life savor you look about the same size as MY best man and he couldn't make it." Zelo said directing ilhoon away, he looked at new with daggers in his eyes. Shrugging i ran over to jae hwa,i couldn't dislike her because she really was an amazing girl she was so nice. " hye mi!!!" She squeaked happily giving me a hug. " i have the most beautiful dress for you as a maid of honor, i think you'll decide on the first try." She says winking at me and directed me towards the dressing room. As soon as i walked in i saw the dress she wanted me to wear, it was beautiful her wedding colors where black and purple, my dress was simple, it was a knee length in the front that had a longer tale in the back, it was all black chefon and had it was practically backless just down to my hips but there was a thin black lace to give the illusion of coverage. When i slipped it on it hugged me in all the right places and when i moved it gave the illusion of changing shades to a deep purple. I was in love with this dress. I slipped on the simple black stilettos and stepped out of the dressing room. Jae hwa in a breath. " beautigul right!" She exclaimed. She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the boys. " look at her!!!" The boys turned around and their eyes widened. Ilhoon seemed to blush a little and turned his face away, zelo couldn't take his eyes off me. " really?" I asked skeptical. They all just nodded except ilhoon who kept looking away. I looked him over though, he was in a simple black tux but he looked gorgeous, it made my heart flutter.then i mentally kicked myself for thinking of him that way. " you two should take a picture!! You look amazing hye mi grab your boyfriends hand!" Jae hwa exclaimed. My eyes widened in surprise, as did ilhoons. " what! No he's_" i was cut off when ilhoon grabbed my hand and pulled me over beside him. I saw zelo clench a little. He moved his hand to my waist and let it rest there. I saw us in the mirror we made a cute couple. Jae hwa snapped a few pictures as i looked up at ilhoon in surprise. " hye mi stop starring at ilhoon and look at the camera." Zelo said sounding a little irritated. I shook it of thinking it was nothing i thought i saw ilhoon smirk a little. Jae hwa snapped a few more pictures and then her and zelo walked away to go get themselves fitted. I stepped away from ilhoon his arm dropping from my waist to his side. " what was that!" I exclaimed. He chuckled. " this is the kind of thanks i get for helping you" my eyes widened. " helping me!! Now they think we are dating!" I hissed. He chuckled again. " yea but now you don't seem like the pathetic girl planning your wedding for someone else, and did you not see zelo he was practically drooling over you, i was just getting you some pay back." I whipped back looking at zelo then back to ilhoon. " he was drooling over me?" Ilhoon palmed himself in the face. " your joking me right? Are you getting your hopes up about him? He's a guy he of course notices beautiful women in dresses, especially ones like you but that doesn't mean he's having second thoughts about the wedding." I sighed knowing he was right. Wait did he just call me beautiful. I looked up at him raising an eyebrow. I stepped closer making him Lean back awkwardly. " did you just say I'm beautiful? Awwww you have a crush on me don't you?" His eyes widened. " mwoh! No way!" He said looking at me like i was insane. I gave him a creepy smile. " ohhhh denial that's the first step!" He smacked my hands away that was pointing at him! " your crazy! Get away from me creep!" He said running away. " anger i believe that's a step to!" I said running after him poking his side as i caught up. He ducked behind the counter to hide. " stop it!!!" He shortly whined. " i do not!" I laughed popping up over the counter. He let out a scream of shock. " depression step number three." I said holding up three fingers. He groaned and stood up surprising me making tumble backwards off the counter. " that's it!" I squeaked in fright as he started chasing me with a scarf. " what are you doing!" I screamed running away. " I'm going to gag you!" He called i turned around suddenly to call a truce but ilhoon didn't see me in time and he ran into to me. We tumbled backwards crashing into clothes racks knocking items all over the place. " owwww." I moaned rubbing my elbow. I heard ilhoon moan also. My heart stopped as i noticed he was right on top of me his head in my shoulder both arms on either side of me. He pushed up slightly freezing when he saw me, our faces where mere fingers width away from each other. I chuckled reaching up and pulling of a dress he had stuck on his head. He caught my wrist before i put my hand back down making my breath hitch in my stomach. What was he doing. I would never find out because right then zelo and jae hwa ran around the corner. Jae hwa was giggling at the sight of us on the floor while zelo wasfurious. Ilhoon jumped up pulling me with him from the arm he had grabbed. Zelo looked between us and reached out grabbing me and yanking me from the store. Uh oh.... _______ ilhoons POV______ i watched as zelo pulled her from the store,i clenched my wrist trying not to interfere but he was being so rough with her it hurt me to watch.she didn't deserve that. I sighed turning around to start picking up some of the garments. I stopped putting my hand to my chest as i remembered what had just happened. My heart was erratic. Why did i do that why did i grab her wrist, i took a deep breath closing my eyes. " so how long have you and hye mi been together?" Jae hwa said shocking me out of my thoughts i lookedup at her not sure what to say. " what oh uh" she chuckled. " you to look really good together,i was a little worried because of her crush in zelo." She says truthfully. " oh you knew?" She smiled nodding. " don't worry though zelo told me all about it,i was a little upset with him for how he handled it though, he told me it was just her feelings not his so he just ignored them thinking they would go away. I told him instead of leading her on like he did he should o have just ended it." I nodded. So he knew the whole time. " why didn't he?" She chucked shaking her head. " because he liked having some one admire him like she did., but I'm glad she find you now she can be happy she's a wonderful girl she deserves good" i nodded thinking about what she said. " yea she is wonderful." I says without thinking. Suddenly the door Burst open and my heat flipped as hye mi came back in she looked furious. " sorry jae hwa i have to leave, the dress is wonderful I'll take it. Ilhoon lets go" she said tossing money on the counter and grabbing her stuff she didn't even bother changing. She grabbed my arm and yanked me from the store. _________ hye mi POV________ " ow zelo that hurt!" I said running my wrist. " what do you think your doing! I have the right mind to call you're parents!" , he screamed at me angrily. I looked at him confused. " what are you talking about!" He scoffed pointing towards the store. " that boy! What he's your boyfriend now!And your throwing yourself at him in the middle of a store like that!" I looked at him unbelieving. " you actually think of me that way?" He shook his head. " not my hye mi but apparently i don't know you like i thought i did,i never thought you would throw yourself at someone like that. If that was the case then id rather you just stay fancying me." He said turning away disgusted. My heart dropped into my stomach. He knew i liked him. " you knew?" He nodded. " i just ignored it like some stupid school crush like it was." He said flatly. " but you and ilhoon i forbid you to date him." He said turning back to me crossing his arms. " you forbid me!! You forbid me!!!! Ohhhhh you must have some thing wrong with your head if you think I'll listen to a no brained meuling quim like you!" I said poking him harshly in the side of the head to put my point through. He grabbed my arm squeezing my wrist roughly. " don't talk to me like that!" I yanked my arm awayso hard he stumbled. " don't touch me......Consider us strangers from this day forward. I'll tell jae hwa i withdraw from the wedding." I said coldly. I slammed through the door grabbing my things and tossing money on the counter. I said good bye to jae hwa and yanked ilhoon after me ignoring zelo as i left. I officialy lost my first love today.
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tetediva #1
Chapter 36: Wow a great story i liked it really much :))
Yaa, you are amazing person, with interesting ideas and fantastic talent :D
THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING! <3 I love the the first part and the second part of the story :) It was really really enjoyable time to spend with your stories :)
Hye Mi, Ilhoon, Addie, Joo Won, Sung Jae and Lee Hi... Good luck and congratulation guys :)
I don't know what I should say now, so I just say it again : THANK YOU! <3
FIGHTING autor-nim~ Good luck in the future :) x
Chapter 36: awww he said saranghae jagiya~~ and the story ended :(
i hope you update 'i'm not your servant girl'
Chapter 36: Yay!!! All happy endings xD
Chapter 34: Hahaahahahha man, uważaj, she will make you a liiiiiving hell when you will come back to her hahahahah ;d she will kill you :p
Hahahah Changsub <3 That was pricelessssssssss :D hahahaha and the best moments are when boys are running off for lives - or their things's lives? hahahahhah :D
Ahh~ Poor Lee Hi, she has to tell it to SungJae, it would be funny hahah ;d Or he doesn't have to say it to Ilhoon xd Then he'd have a little suprise ;d Like death time or something like that hahahah by Hye Mi~ hahahahhahahaha :D
Joo Won & Addie <3 Good that they came together~ Can't wait to hear news about them into public :D
Thanks for your hard work~ Update soon again, okaaay? Fighting! <3
Chapter 33: Whoaaaaaaaaaaaah, Joo won, you are amazing :) And smartyyy and congratulatiooooooooooooooooon <3
Ahh~ Poor Ilhoon, he didn't even have a courage to ask her about it :p
Addie, congratulation <333333333 I'm happy for you~ :D
Hye Mi-ah~ Ilhoon~ Just wait, soon it will be your time :)
Thanks for your hard work, update again, arasso? Fighting! <3
Chapter 32: aww peniel seriously xD??
Chapter 31: THAT IS AWESOME, loving it more n more xD
Chapter 31: THEY DID IT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
And finally they confessed to each other! <3 She said it and he showed it :p Ahh~ finallllllllllllly <3
I was waiting for so longggggg to read about it! <3
Now, I'm wondering how Peniel will reveal the truth of his recent doings ;o xd
Update again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
Chapter 30: ilhoon oppa, please be okay :(