dinner date

Not So Bad Girl 2
Your POV____ i rolled over throwing a hands up to block the sun streaming in on my face. Suddenly a since that i forgot something came over me. I opened my eyes slowly getting adjusted to the light, for a moment i was confused as to where i was,i looked around taking in the piano in the corner and the hard wood floor and saw the mirrors aligning the wall. I sat up quickly looking around again. " aish!" I said pulling my hand through my hair,i had fallen asleep in one of the dance rooms at school again. It had been two weeks since that day at the ramen store with ilhoon and i hadn't really seen them since once or twice around campus but i was always in a hurry to practice, and i was always practicing, most of the time i wound up falling asleep in the class rooms. Sighing i stood up and stretched. I heard the door open and i whipped around surprised. " oh i didn't know anyone was in here this early sorry." I was surprised to see ilhoon standing there looking away from me, he wouldn't make eye contract with me since i dumped that ramen on him. " its fine I'm done." I said flatly and grabbed my bag. I walked back into the girls shower room of the class. I flipped on the warm water and i took a shower i could hear ilhoons music playingfrom the studio. After i was outi quickly dressed and walked back out to the studio,i stopped in the door way surprised by ilhoon. He was dancing around to music and rapping watching himself intently. The song sounded familiar, it was their single insane. I had googled them to see who they where and that was the one song i listened to. I couldn't bring myself to walk out and interrupt him so i just sat there listening to his rap. There was a sudden knock on the door though and he stopped anyway. I gasped and shrunk back at who was standing at the door. " hi, um i was told hye mi was in here have you seen her." Zelo said stepping into the room, i didn't want to see zelo, i was exhausted and looked really rough with wet hair and dark circles under my eyes. Ilhoon looked in the mirror and spotted me,i furiously shook my head hoping he would catch the drift. " yea i saw her...." My heart sunk at ilhoons words. " she left a while ago, said she had class." Zelo nodded. " well if you see her can you tell her i was looking for her? I'm zelo." Ilhoon just nodded starting his music back up like zelo want even standing there. If i want hiding i would go out there and smack him in the head for being so rude to my Oppa. Zelo backed out of the room and then was gone. I waited behind the wall to be sure. Ilhoon disappeared into the hall a moment then came back in. " he's left the building you can come out now." He said Tiredly. I sighed in relief and stepped out. " thanks." I said reluctantly. He just shrugged. " look about the ramen incident...." He looked up at me angrily making me shrink back a bit. " i just wanted to say i was sorry." He looked at me blankly for a moment before he turned away and smirked. " why had he never seen you preform?" I looked at him confused. " huh?" He looked back up at me. " zelo, you said he couldn't judge you because he's never seen you preform, i find that strange, are you that bad? For me i love to preform to the people i want to impress most, fans friends family....lovers. But that's because i know I'm talented, if you Know your talented why don't you preform for him?" I looked at him angrily. Not before i debut the first time he sees me perform will be after i debut an d that will bee the last day he looks at me as the maknae of the family. But u couldn't say that to ilhoon. " no, I'm great, i just don't want him to see me perform, unlike you i can impress people with my own personality other then what I've been trained to do.... Like some..little..dog" i said taking a step with every word until i was right beside ilhoon, he was facing the mirrors and i was facing the door,i looked up at him, " woof." I said smirking and then left the dance studio. " aish!! Now I'm late for class!" I said taking off down the hall. ______ ILHOONS POV_______ i ran into the building hoping that the room would be empty today, that pabo American girl was always either in their practicing or sleeping on the floor its like she never goes home. I peeked in the door and saw no sign of her, finally. I pushed the door open and was almost scared half to death by her disheveled look she hadbeen hidden in the corner she was now standing up yawning. I sighed pinching the bridge of my nose, she was always here! I needed this room it had the best acoustics. I opened my mouth to tell her to get out when she spoke. " I'm done." She grabbed her stuff and walked off before i had a chance to speak. She constantly was catching me off guard! Such a wierd girl. ________ YOUR POV____ when i got home that day it seemed like forever since i had been there, my clothes where strewn everywhere, fast food wrappings where on the tables counters and covered the floor, i hadn't been home enough to worry about cleaning. Deciding i had nothing better to do i quickly tidied up my house. I find i had no real food in the house either so grabbing my wallet i headed out to the store. I went to the one right down the street, they had an awesome selection of ramen there. I was pilling my basket high with ramen when i heard some familiar voices. " but hyung, why can't you buy the ice cream this time!" I looked up to see sungjae whining. Standing beside him was the ever charismatic Changsub. They looked up and spotted me a smile coming to thier face. " hye mi ah!" Changsub said coming over to me. I smiled giving them a little wave. Sungjae tagged right behind. " we haven't seen you since you dumped your food on ilhoon! Way to go by the way, we didn't stop laughing about it for a week. " Changsub said happily. I smiled embarrassed. " i shouldn't have done that, it was childish of me." Changsub waved his hands laughing. " Anni Anni! It was hilarious!" I chuckled. " what are you guys doing here are the others with you?" I asked peeking around. " nope the hyungs wanted to stay in and watch tv." Sungjae said pouting. " even Peniel didn't want to come out." I smiled sadly at him. I looked down at my basket and then back at the boys. " since its only you two,im about to have dinner for the first time in my house do you want to come?" Sungjae lit up looking to Changsub for confirmation. He hesitated only a moment before he nodded. I smiled handing Changsub thebasket. " I'll get more food!" They happy followed me around the store while i shopped and then we where off to my house for dinner.
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tetediva #1
Chapter 36: Wow a great story i liked it really much :))
Yaa, you are amazing person, with interesting ideas and fantastic talent :D
THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING! <3 I love the the first part and the second part of the story :) It was really really enjoyable time to spend with your stories :)
Hye Mi, Ilhoon, Addie, Joo Won, Sung Jae and Lee Hi... Good luck and congratulation guys :)
I don't know what I should say now, so I just say it again : THANK YOU! <3
FIGHTING autor-nim~ Good luck in the future :) x
Chapter 36: awww he said saranghae jagiya~~ and the story ended :(
i hope you update 'i'm not your servant girl'
Chapter 36: Yay!!! All happy endings xD
Chapter 34: Hahaahahahha man, uważaj, she will make you a liiiiiving hell when you will come back to her hahahahah ;d she will kill you :p
Hahahah Changsub <3 That was pricelessssssssss :D hahahaha and the best moments are when boys are running off for lives - or their things's lives? hahahahhah :D
Ahh~ Poor Lee Hi, she has to tell it to SungJae, it would be funny hahah ;d Or he doesn't have to say it to Ilhoon xd Then he'd have a little suprise ;d Like death time or something like that hahahah by Hye Mi~ hahahahhahahaha :D
Joo Won & Addie <3 Good that they came together~ Can't wait to hear news about them into public :D
Thanks for your hard work~ Update soon again, okaaay? Fighting! <3
Chapter 33: Whoaaaaaaaaaaaah, Joo won, you are amazing :) And smartyyy and congratulatiooooooooooooooooon <3
Ahh~ Poor Ilhoon, he didn't even have a courage to ask her about it :p
Addie, congratulation <333333333 I'm happy for you~ :D
Hye Mi-ah~ Ilhoon~ Just wait, soon it will be your time :)
Thanks for your hard work, update again, arasso? Fighting! <3
Chapter 32: aww peniel seriously xD??
Chapter 31: THAT IS AWESOME, loving it more n more xD
Chapter 31: THEY DID IT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
And finally they confessed to each other! <3 She said it and he showed it :p Ahh~ finallllllllllllly <3
I was waiting for so longggggg to read about it! <3
Now, I'm wondering how Peniel will reveal the truth of his recent doings ;o xd
Update again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
Chapter 30: ilhoon oppa, please be okay :(