drunken friendships

Not So Bad Girl 2

I walked quickly down the familiar street tightening my jacket around me against the cold. I looked both ways to make sure no cars came before I ran across the street nearing the café I remembered well.

“unnie, I understand, ill be careful on the set and ill treat the crew very nice just the way you raised me.” she laughed into the receiver.

“that’s my hye mi-ah.” I opened the door to the café the smell of food and the warmth of heating surrounding me. laughter and clinking plates filled the café. I looked around and saw peniel waving at me to show me where they were. I smiled and waved to them showing I saw.

“unnie, im at the café now. Ill call you later ok?”

“alright enjoy have a good time.” she said hanging up. I tucked my phone in my pocket as I neared the table.

“hello boy.” I said happily as I un-rapped the scarf from my neck.

“hye-mi-ah!” sungjae jumped up from his chair almost knocking it over in the process and nearly tackled me to the ground. “ohhhhh you are as cute as eever!! Ive missed my noona!” he cooed hugging my tightly.

“ohhh I missed you to!” I cheered hugging him back tightly.

“yah…get off her like that shes an idol now you cant do that stuff.” Sungjae was pulled off me and I looked up at hyunsik who was grinning ear to ear and holding sungjae by his collar. “hi hye mi-ah.” He said happily giving me a hug with one arm as he held sungjae still.

“hyung! You just said-“

“I was lying…I wanted a hug.” Hyunsik said dropping sungjae. Everyone laughed and I quickly made my way around giving everyone a hug. I sat down at the edge of the table between sungjae and peniel.

“hye-mi-ah we are all so proud of you for your show!” eunkwang said handing me a glass of soju. “so tonight is on us…” he said raising his glass for a cheers. I lifted my glass to cheers when it was suddenly plucked from my hand. I looked up surprised to see Ilhoon throwing back my shot. I gasped in surprise and looked to peniel who looked just as shocked.

“well I see everyone started without me.” he said like it wasn’t awkward him being here. peniel laughed happily.

“I thought you weren’t coming.” He looked at me feeling my glare and shrugged innocently.

“well I changed my mind…shove over.” he said tapping peniel on the arm. He obliged easily. And Ilhoon slid in his leg bumping mine. he looked up at me immediately at the touch. “sorry.” He mumbled. I didn’t say anything and just looked away.

“hye-mi-ah…where’s lee hi?” sungjae asked eagerly. I looked at my watch.

“mmm she should be here by now…oh there she is.” I said pointing to lee hi. She looked as cute as ever in her blue jumper and bunny eared hat. She waved to me happily as she ran over. to my surprise GD and TOP where in tow.

“I hope you guys don’t mind but I found these two puppies wandering around lost and I brought them home with me.” she said cutely as she ran up. “its ok right?” she asked nervously. All the guys where like butter in her hand.

“yea yea! Its fine! Lee hi sit here!” the boys chorused trying to get her to sit beside him. to my surprise and glee sungjae won out and she sat beside him happily excepting the drink he offered her. I stood up completely aware of ilhoon’s eyes following me as I walked over to GD and TOP.

“hello long time no see oppa.” I said happily giving TOP a hug. He smiled cheerfully hugging me back.

“sure has… you sure its ok we are here?” he asked nervously. I nodded eagerly.

“of course its my party, go sit down and have some drinks.” He gave me a happy thumbs up and wlkaed over excepting the seat eunkwang offered him.

“come on…lets have some drinks.” I cheered pulling jiyong with me. there wasn’t much room and I didn’t want to ask ilhoon to move over because I didn’t want to talk to him so I sat on half the chair and GD sat on the other half between me and ilhoon. Jiyong had his hand lightly around my waist holding me on the chair.

“jiyong are you ok down there that cant be comfortable?” changsub asked as he poured everyone another round of drinks.

“im great…its perfectly comfortable.” He said smiling and taking the drink. I was sipping on a beer as I listened to the conversation between lee hi and sungjae they where so cute together both where complementing eachothers music and how they where eachothers favorites. I couldn’t help but smile at them.

“hye mi-ah.” I heard jiyong whisper in my ear. I turned towards him our faces an inch from eachother. Anyone else would be uncomfortable but with me it was like I was sharing secrets with a childhood friend.


“are you ok with ilhoon being here?” I gave him a small smile and nodded for his assurance. I was about to speak when jiyong was suddenly yanked off the chair. I looked surprised at ilhoon gripping his arm and smiling as jiyong sat on the bench beside him.

“you two looked cramped…I don’t mind sharing my seat with hyung… I looked up to you its my pleasure.” He said smiling but it didn’t seem to meet his eyes. there was a small amount of animosity in his voice. Jiyong chuckled nervously and nodded.

“thank you ilhoon…I …appreciate it.” he looked to me nervously and I just shrugged. The night went on pretty decent given the situation. I moved easily around the table having a drink and catching up with everyone.

“no way!” I laughed as changsub told me about something a fan had did to him in america. “that’s my americans for you!” I cheered happily. “they do that kind of thing, they don’t have the same cultural restrictions we do… come on though it was just a grab.” I said smacking his arm. He laughed and we took another shot. I was deffinatley starting to feel the buzz and my manager was going to kill me when I called him to tell him he would have to pick me up. “ahhh…ill be back you guys I have to make a phone call.” I mumbled as I stood up. I wobbled a little bumping the table.

“hye mi-ah! You used to scold us for being lushes and now look at you!” minhyuk laughed drunkenly.

“shut up…you are still more wasted then me!” I laughed giving him an obscene gesture as I stumbled out. he laughed and lifted a glass as a cheer to me. I stepped outside and the cold air smacked my face like a slight wake up call. I had forgot my jacket and scarf inside and it was biting my skin harshly. I crouched down huddling against my legs as I pulled out my phone. I felt myself wobbling and my vision was spinning slightly. I shook my head and blinked my eyes hard to try and focus. “aish… I think I might have drank to much.” I mumbled to myself as I tried to press buttons. After three miss dials I was starting to get frustrated and almost gave up to go back inside. I could have sworn I was almost a popsicle. Suddenly something warm dropped over my shoulders. A familiar scent wrapped around me with it. I looked up surprised to see ilhoon rubbing his arms against the cold. He looked down at me then sighed crouching down beside me. he was so close I could feel his body heat warming that side of my body. He shuffled closer making me jerk back slightly. He stopped as he looked at me and then rolled his eyes. he snatched the phone from my hand and dialed a few numbers.

“manager hyung, this is hye mi ah’s friend, she is going to need you to pick her up later…shes had to many drinks.” He nodded and then said goodbye before handing me my phone back. I watched him in shock. How was he being so normal.  “that is what you were going to do right?” I nodded slightly. “why not just ride home with jiyong.” He said sounding a little bitter. I looked at him confused.

“why would I ride home with jiyong…just because we are at the same company doesn’t mean we live in the same place.” I said slurring a little drunken. He looked at me baffled for a minute. “why are you here?” I asked suddenly catching him even more off guard.

“uh…well…they asked me to come…” I looked at him wobbling a little bit.

“you never came before…why now.” I said raising a brow. I leaned closer to scrutinize his face. With my drunken stupor I fell forward knocking him to the ground and I fell on top of him. he froze staring at me in surprise. I was so drunk I didn’t even realize how awkward the position I was in was. I stared into his gorgeous eyes, those deep beautiful eyes I used to love so much.

“hye-mi ah…”

“mmm?” I said not moving away. I could feel his breath on my face. I was staring at his lips now unintentionally. I couldn’t stop.

“you…your breaking my rib cage.” He said breathlessly. I suddenly snapped out of my drunken stares and realized what I was doing. I jumped up and dusted myself off feeling my face flush. I was glad it was already red from the alcohol.

“s-sorry…” I mumbled. He chuckled standing up and dusted himself off.

“its fine…are you ok?” he asked kindly still smiling. He was being so nice.

“yea.” We sat silently outside looking at the night sky. I watched our breath in white clouds puff up and disappear as it drifted higher into the air. After a few minutes of silence ilhoon spoke. “hye mi…” I looked to him surprised by his sudden speaking. “do you think…” I turned to him now waiting for what he was going to say. “do you think maybe…its been long enough?” I looked at him confused.

“long enough?” he looked up at me his eyes completely honest.

“long enough since then…since that time…do you think its been long enough for us to maybe…be friends again?” he said softly. My ehart dropped into my stomach. For so long I hadn’t thought about ilhoon, I had kept him out of my heart and head…but this one day has brought it all crashing down like it was nothing. In four years I hadn’t once ever considered the possibility of u becoming friends again… it never crossed my mind. Now that he was here standing in front of me after all this time, hearing his voice, hearing him asking me this so unreserved… being friends…would it be so bad? Without realizing it I cracked a soft smile that grew into a wider one and a soft chuckle slipped out.

“friends?” I paused looking at him. “I think id like that.” He seemed taken off guard by my answer like he hadn’t been expecting it.

“really?” he seemed nervous, that’s when I remembered the last conversation we had, he had asked about being friends and I said sure only to laugh in his face and tell him I was lying.

“don’t worry…I mean it this time…I really would like to be friends again..”

I walked quickly down the familiar street tightening my jacket around me against the cold. I looked both ways to make sure no cars came before I ran across the street nearing the café I remembered well.

“unnie, I understand, ill be careful on the set and ill treat the crew very nice just the way you raised me.” she laughed into the receiver.

“that’s my hye mi-ah.” I opened the door to the café the smell of food and the warmth of heating surrounding me. laughter and clinking plates filled the café. I looked around and saw peniel waving at me to show me where they were. I smiled and waved to them showing I saw.

“unnie, im at the café now. Ill call you later ok?”

“alright enjoy have a good time.” she said hanging up. I tucked my phone in my pocket as I neared the table.

“hello boy.” I said happily as I un-rapped the scarf from my neck.

“hye-mi-ah!” sungjae jumped up from his chair almost knocking it over in the process and nearly tackled me to the ground. “ohhhhh you are as cute as eever!! Ive missed my noona!” he cooed hugging my tightly.

“ohhh I missed you to!” I cheered hugging him back tightly.

“yah…get off her like that shes an idol now you cant do that stuff.” Sungjae was pulled off me and I looked up at hyunsik who was grinning ear to ear and holding sungjae by his collar. “hi hye mi-ah.” He said happily giving me a hug with one arm as he held sungjae still.

“hyung! You just said-“

“I was lying…I wanted a hug.” Hyunsik said dropping sungjae. Everyone laughed and I quickly made my way around giving everyone a hug. I sat down at the edge of the table between sungjae and peniel.

“hye-mi-ah we are all so proud of you for your show!” eunkwang said handing me a glass of soju. “so tonight is on us…” he said raising his glass for a cheers. I lifted my glass to cheers when it was suddenly plucked from my hand. I looked up surprised to see Ilhoon throwing back my shot. I gasped in surprise and looked to peniel who looked just as shocked.

“well I see everyone started without me.” he said like it wasn’t awkward him being here. peniel laughed happily.

“I thought you weren’t coming.” He looked at me feeling my glare and shrugged innocently.

“well I changed my mind…shove over.” he said tapping peniel on the arm. He obliged easily. And Ilhoon slid in his leg bumping mine. he looked up at me immediately at the touch. “sorry.” He mumbled. I didn’t say anything and just looked away.

“hye-mi-ah…where’s lee hi?” sungjae asked eagerly. I looked at my watch.

“mmm she should be here by now…oh there she is.” I said pointing to lee hi. She looked as cute as ever in her blue jumper and bunny eared hat. She waved to me happily as she ran over. to my surprise GD and TOP where in tow.

“I hope you guys don’t mind but I found these two puppies wandering around lost and I brought them home with me.” she said cutely as she ran up. “its ok right?” she asked nervously. All the guys where like butter in her hand.

“yea yea! Its fine! Lee hi sit here!” the boys chorused trying to get her to sit beside him. to my surprise and glee sungjae won out and she sat beside him happily excepting the drink he offered her. I stood up completely aware of ilhoon’s eyes following me as I walked over to GD and TOP.

“hello long time no see oppa.” I said happily giving TOP a hug. He smiled cheerfully hugging me back.

“sure has… you sure its ok we are here?” he asked nervously. I nodded eagerly.

“of course its my party, go sit down and have some drinks.” He gave me a happy thumbs up and wlkaed over excepting the seat eunkwang offered him.

“come on…lets have some drinks.” I cheered pulling jiyong with me. there wasn’t much room and I didn’t want to ask ilhoon to move over because I didn’t want to talk to him so I sat on half the chair and GD sat on the other half between me and ilhoon. Jiyong had his hand lightly around my waist holding me on the chair.

“jiyong are you ok down there that cant be comfortable?” changsub asked as he poured everyone another round of drinks.

“im great…its perfectly comfortable.” He said smiling and taking the drink. I was sipping on a beer as I listened to the conversation between lee hi and sungjae they where so cute together both where complementing eachothers music and how they where eachothers favorites. I couldn’t help but smile at them.

“hye mi-ah.” I heard jiyong whisper in my ear. I turned towards him our faces an inch from eachother. Anyone else would be uncomfortable but with me it was like I was sharing secrets with a childhood friend.


“are you ok with ilhoon being here?” I gave him a small smile and nodded for his assurance. I was about to speak when jiyong was suddenly yanked off the chair. I looked surprised at ilhoon gripping his arm and smiling as jiyong sat on the bench beside him.

“you two looked cramped…I don’t mind sharing my seat with hyung… I looked up to you its my pleasure.” He said smiling but it didn’t seem to meet his eyes. there was a small amount of animosity in his voice. Jiyong chuckled nervously and nodded.

“thank you ilhoon…I …appreciate it.” he looked to me nervously and I just shrugged. The night went on pretty decent given the situation. I moved easily around the table having a drink and catching up with everyone.

“no way!” I laughed as changsub told me about something a fan had did to him in america. “that’s my americans for you!” I cheered happily. “they do that kind of thing, they don’t have the same cultural restrictions we do… come on though it was just a grab.” I said smacking his arm. He laughed and we took another shot. I was deffinatley starting to feel the buzz and my manager was going to kill me when I called him to tell him he would have to pick me up. “ahhh…ill be back you guys I have to make a phone call.” I mumbled as I stood up. I wobbled a little bumping the table.

“hye mi-ah! You used to scold us for being lushes and now look at you!” minhyuk laughed drunkenly.

“shut up…you are still more wasted then me!” I laughed giving him an obscene gesture as I stumbled out. he laughed and lifted a glass as a cheer to me. I stepped outside and the cold air smacked my face like a slight wake up call. I had forgot my jacket and scarf inside and it was biting my skin harshly. I crouched down huddling against my legs as I pulled out my phone. I felt myself wobbling and my vision was spinning slightly. I shook my head and blinked my eyes hard to try and focus. “aish… I think I might have drank to much.” I mumbled to myself as I tried to press buttons. After three miss dials I was starting to get frustrated and almost gave up to go back inside. I could have sworn I was almost a popsicle. Suddenly something warm dropped over my shoulders. A familiar scent wrapped around me with it. I looked up surprised to see ilhoon rubbing his arms against the cold. He looked down at me then sighed crouching down beside me. he was so close I could feel his body heat warming that side of my body. He shuffled closer making me jerk back slightly. He stopped as he looked at me and then rolled his eyes. he snatched the phone from my hand and dialed a few numbers.

“manager hyung, this is hye mi ah’s friend, she is going to need you to pick her up later…shes had to many drinks.” He nodded and then said goodbye before handing me my phone back. I watched him in shock. How was he being so normal.  “that is what you were going to do right?” I nodded slightly. “why not just ride home with jiyong.” He said sounding a little bitter. I looked at him confused.

“why would I ride home with jiyong…just because we are at the same company doesn’t mean we live in the same place.” I said slurring a little drunken. He looked at me baffled for a minute. “why are you here?” I asked suddenly catching him even more off guard.

“uh…well…they asked me to come…” I looked at him wobbling a little bit.

“you never came before…why now.” I said raising a brow. I leaned closer to scrutinize his face. With my drunken stupor I fell forward knocking him to the ground and I fell on top of him. he froze staring at me in surprise. I was so drunk I didn’t even realize how awkward the position I was in was. I stared into his gorgeous eyes, those deep beautiful eyes I used to love so much.

“hye-mi ah…”

“mmm?” I said not moving away. I could feel his breath on my face. I was staring at his lips now unintentionally. I couldn’t stop.

“you…your breaking my rib cage.” He said breathlessly. I suddenly snapped out of my drunken stares and realized what I was doing. I jumped up and dusted myself off feeling my face flush. I was glad it was already red from the alcohol.

“s-sorry…” I mumbled. He chuckled standing up and dusted himself off.

“its fine…are you ok?” he asked kindly still smiling. He was being so nice.

“yea.” We sat silently outside looking at the night sky. I watched our breath in white clouds puff up and disappear as it drifted higher into the air. After a few minutes of silence ilhoon spoke. “hye mi…” I looked to him surprised by his sudden speaking. “do you think…” I turned to him now waiting for what he was going to say. “do you think maybe…its been long enough?” I looked at him confused.

“long enough?” he looked up at me his eyes completely honest.

“long enough since then…since that time…do you think its been long enough for us to maybe…be friends again?” he said softly. My ehart dropped into my stomach. For so long I hadn’t thought about ilhoon, I had kept him out of my heart and head…but this one day has brought it all crashing down like it was nothing. In four years I hadn’t once ever considered the possibility of u becoming friends again… it never crossed my mind. Now that he was here standing in front of me after all this time, hearing his voice, hearing him asking me this so unreserved… being friends…would it be so bad? Without realizing it I cracked a soft smile that grew into a wider one and a soft chuckle slipped out.

“friends?” I paused looking at him. “I think id like that.” He seemed taken off guard by my answer like he hadn’t been expecting it.

“really?” he seemed nervous, that’s when I remembered the last conversation we had, he had asked about being friends and I said sure only to laugh in his face and tell him I was lying.

“don’t worry…I mean it this time…I really would like to be friends again..”

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tetediva #1
Chapter 36: Wow a great story i liked it really much :))
Yaa, you are amazing person, with interesting ideas and fantastic talent :D
THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING! <3 I love the the first part and the second part of the story :) It was really really enjoyable time to spend with your stories :)
Hye Mi, Ilhoon, Addie, Joo Won, Sung Jae and Lee Hi... Good luck and congratulation guys :)
I don't know what I should say now, so I just say it again : THANK YOU! <3
FIGHTING autor-nim~ Good luck in the future :) x
Chapter 36: awww he said saranghae jagiya~~ and the story ended :(
i hope you update 'i'm not your servant girl'
Chapter 36: Yay!!! All happy endings xD
Chapter 34: Hahaahahahha man, uważaj, she will make you a liiiiiving hell when you will come back to her hahahahah ;d she will kill you :p
Hahahah Changsub <3 That was pricelessssssssss :D hahahaha and the best moments are when boys are running off for lives - or their things's lives? hahahahhah :D
Ahh~ Poor Lee Hi, she has to tell it to SungJae, it would be funny hahah ;d Or he doesn't have to say it to Ilhoon xd Then he'd have a little suprise ;d Like death time or something like that hahahah by Hye Mi~ hahahahhahahaha :D
Joo Won & Addie <3 Good that they came together~ Can't wait to hear news about them into public :D
Thanks for your hard work~ Update soon again, okaaay? Fighting! <3
Chapter 33: Whoaaaaaaaaaaaah, Joo won, you are amazing :) And smartyyy and congratulatiooooooooooooooooon <3
Ahh~ Poor Ilhoon, he didn't even have a courage to ask her about it :p
Addie, congratulation <333333333 I'm happy for you~ :D
Hye Mi-ah~ Ilhoon~ Just wait, soon it will be your time :)
Thanks for your hard work, update again, arasso? Fighting! <3
Chapter 32: aww peniel seriously xD??
Chapter 31: THAT IS AWESOME, loving it more n more xD
Chapter 31: THEY DID IT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
And finally they confessed to each other! <3 She said it and he showed it :p Ahh~ finallllllllllllly <3
I was waiting for so longggggg to read about it! <3
Now, I'm wondering how Peniel will reveal the truth of his recent doings ;o xd
Update again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
Chapter 30: ilhoon oppa, please be okay :(