Probably nothing

What My Heart Tells Me To Do

The call from Daehyun seemed like only a dream now. Last night was a blur after she hung up and rolled around in bed for hours until the sun rose. Now it was a normal day, just like any other. The only difference was that now she had a pretty bad cough, like her back of was constantly dry. No matter what she ate or drank it never seemed to go away. She decided to say it was early signs of a cold and ignored it.

"Sanha have you seen your brother lately?" Her best friend Yejin asked as she shoved another mouthful of rice into . Yejin was the few people who were her friend before her brother debuted. Many people came up to her afterwards and begged for things like his number, but she wouldn't let anyone get near her brother. So eventually they gave up and only the true friends stayed by her side.

"I saw him a few days ago. I gave him and the other boys dinner back stage. I feel kind of bad, Sungjae is on a diet and couldn't eat anything I time I'll made him a salad or something." Sanha pushed around her grilled chicken and mushrooms that her mother made for her. It was her favourite meal but for some reason Sanha wasn't hungry. She decided that her appetite was due to the cold and ignored it also. Lunch ended and Sanha packed up her barely touched lunch and headed to class. They linked arms and skipped to class, the envy of every person who didn't have a best friend. School couldn't end fast enough for her. Every day after school Sanha volunteered at a day care by her house. She loved being around children who saw no evil in the world and knew only the pure and innocent of everything. She said bye to Yejin who was gushing over her favourite group 'Boyfriend' and their new song Janus. Truthfully Sanha wasn't very interested in music, seeing her brother become a kpop idol changed that though. He would get CD's from other groups and freebies from the company that he would pass onto Sanha. She liked ballads more than the upbeat, fist pumping music BTOB made. So as she walked to the daycare she slipped her headphones in and listened to 2AM. The peace was short-lived when her phone started ringing. It was a strange number that she had never seen before, but decided to answer it anyways.

"Yo." Daehyun said sitting on the floor in the practice room after stealing one of his managers phones saying it was to call home. "It's Daehyun."

"Oh hey. I didn't think you would call so quickly." Sanha couldn't help but smile after hearing who it was. She expected Daehyun to call in maybe a week or two since he was so busy.

"I was wondering if we could meet up...I have free time this afternoon." Daehyun was fidgeting with his shoe lace, trying to play it off cool that he begged his managers and the CEO for some free time for all of the guys. truthfully he knew Yongguk would want all of the guys to hang out together to work on their group communication, but Daehyun would not pass up this chance.

"I would love to....but...I have volunteer work to do. I'm actually on my way there now." Sanha cursed their bad timing the kicked the sidewalk which was a stupid idea because she swore she almost broke her toe.

'What kind of volunteering?" He asked without missing a beat. Sanha explained to him what it was and Daehyun was frozen for a second. Not only was this angel beautiful and funny, but now he learned that she was kind hearted too. "I like kids." He said and Sanha stopped walking and asked if it were true or if he was just saying that to get on her good side.

"You can come visit me if you want." Daehyun agreed and Sanha gave him the address to the daycare. He quickly ran around looking for a pen and a paper to write down the information she was giving him. He promised to be there sometime late and when he hung up he forced the boys to go through to whole performance one more time before running off back towards the dorm. He was no officially freaking out. He pulled out different tops and pants, shoes and jackets, and possibly every piece of clothing he owned which was now all over the floor.

"YAH! ZELO AND I CLEANED UP JUST THIS MORNING!" Youngjae yelled as he peeked into Daehyuns room which was now a disaster. He ignored him and continued looking for the perfect outfit. He finally was forced to choose and called a taxi to the front of their building. He said bye to the boys and gave the driver the address. In forty minutes he was in front of the daycare. He paid the driver and quickly ran inside so no one would notice him. He pulled his hat lower and pushed his sunglass farther up the bridge of his nose. There were two doors on either side of the hall way, the one on the left was empty while the one on the right was full of music and childrens laughter. The closer he looked around the room he saw Sanha playing with some of the children who didn't seem interested in the teacher playing the guitar. He knocked lightly on the door and stepped in making everyone look up.

"Uh...I'm here to see Seo Sanha." Daehyun spoke up and Sanha jumped to her feet. She was adorable in Daehyun's eyes. Her hair was pulled into a side pony tail and her cheeks were bright pink like the innocent children she was playing with. She excused herself from the call and she and Daehyun stood in the hall way.

"Wow I can't believe you actually came." Sanha started untying the bright red apron she was wearing and pulled it over her head. A bobby pin that was in her hair, got snagged on the strap and refused to let go of her hair. Sanha groaned and tried to get it out but without seeing it things became difficult. Daehyun chuckled and stepped forward.

"Let me help." Daehyun went to work to start untangling her from the apron. She covered her face and tried to stop the blush that was undoubtedly crawling up onto her face. "There we go. Free at last!" Daehyun cheered and Sanha cheered along with him. The two laughed and Sanha pardoned herself for a second so she could go grab her bag. It was eight o'clock now and the two of them were walking back to Sanha's house. While heading there Sanha couldn't stop coughing. The cold night air seemed to make much more irritable. "That's a pretty bad cough Sanha...You should get it checked out." She shrugged and jumped onto a small concrete wall that some crazy person put up to keep the stray cats from coming onto their property.

"I'll think about it." She stretched her arms out to keep her balance as she walked along side Daehyun. One little wobble and his hand stretched out. He held her hand to keep her balanced. With the sudden skinship the two became quiet and awkward. Hoping that if she jumped down from the wall he would let go and make things less awkward, Sanha hopped down back onto the side walk but Daehyun didn't let go. He stared forward and kept walking. They stayed in silence as they walked hand in hand to Sanha's house. She stopped right out in front and had another coughing fit. Daehyun once again reminded her about going to the doctors and getting everything check out. "I'm sure it's probably nothing. Goodnight Daehyun." Sanha said and ran back into the house leaving Daehyun out in the cold. He couldn't stop smiling as he called his manager to come pick him up. Thankfully Sanha lived on a very quiet street with her neighbours looking like all old people. He sat on the sidewalk and waited for his manager as he stared at his hand which was still burning from when he held Sanha's hand. No one had ever made him feel like this before and he was glad it was with someone normal like Sanha.


Hey it's Hayley again....since Ann is a vegetable for the next week or so I was asked to update her story because for some reason she seems to trust me....WHICH MEANS IT'S TIME FOR ME TO TOTALLY BETRAY THAT TRUST! Here is a picture of Ann on Saturday before her surgery when we were chilling in Korean town :P

Pretty isn't she?

*Since posting this Ann had mustered up the strenght to hit me in the face with a lamp....I wish I was kidding....*

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AngelGirls #1
Nice story ^^
Baekseo #2
Chapter 26: Daeseo woo!
syayuuri #3
Chapter 26: The ending is good~
Chapter 26: so sweet ! :)
roserika #5
Chapter 26: aww...that's just so effing sweet..i love love this story.awesome work author nim
Chapter 26: HAPPY ENDING ;U;
Chapter 26: they're together in the ending <3
Chapter 26: Nice story~
Chapter 26: Yesh!
They be together, at last.