Promise with my heart and soul

What My Heart Tells Me To Do

The first day in the hospital was the most nerve wracking. Sanha sat on the edge of her bed while her parents sat in adjacent chairs trying to make light of the situation. All she wanted was to see Eunkwang and to hear one of his terrible jokes again. But he was too busy for her and their family. It was understandable since they were in the middle of promotions and were busy constantly, but Ilhoon even found time out of his day to text her every once in a while. When it was time for her parents to leave, they left with the promise that one day they would bring a laptop so she would be able to communicate with her friends easier. It didn't matter really since she was going to be in the hospital for a couple of months. The nurse came by and escorted her parents out of the room, leaving Sanha all alone with her thoughts. That was the scariest moment for Sanha.

To be alone with dark thoughts is the scariest thing a person can go through. All she could imagine was Daehyun reading the note she wrote and throwing it away. They hadn't known each other for very long yet she still felt the need to explain herself to him for as to why she suddenly up and disappeared from his life. Maybe he didn't feel the same way about her and easily just pushed the letter aside. After all he was from a very popular kpop group that was surrounded by tons of beautiful women. Why would he be interested in some average, sickly girl that would only cause drama in his life.

Sanha cried all night long into her pillow so as not to disturb the people in the other rooms. They must have been use to the new people crying all the time, but she didn't want to be a burden on them and ruin a good night's sleep for them. Her breathing became laboured and she could feel the blood rising in . She started panicking. Sanha tried to make it out of the bed and into the bathroom so she could cough it up in the sink but it all happened so fast. When she started coughing she automatically covered her hand with and the blood started to seep from between her fingers. She reached for the small remote on her side table and hit the nurse button. A very nice lady came rushing into the room and helped Sanha into the bathroom so she could rinse out . She felt so lame. When she would call for her mom or dad in the middle of the night she never felt bad because that's what parents were suppose to do, but to have a nurse help her made Sanha feel so weak.  Sanha couldn't fall asleep that night as she stared at the ceiling tiles, throwing the two pens she had in them over and over again.

The next morning for Daehyun was a train wreck. Yongguk had to come wake him up and drag him out of bed so they could make it to the schedule on time. None of them mentioned Sanha or what happened the night before, it was going to go down as one of those moments that are never spoken about but always taken into consideration for the other person. They made it to the hair salon and Daehyun was like a zombie, not a word spoken to anyone, not a smile at any of Himchan or Jongup's jokes. He kept repeating the note over and over again in his head, trying to figure out if it was all a twisted  joke or if she really was sick. He kept glancing over at his manager, trying to gain some courage to ask him for his phone so that he could call their home. Even if her parents answered they could at least tell him what hospital she was at and what was wrong with her. He needed to know. He needed to know if this was no big deal. He kept telling himself that maybe she just had an infection, or something rather minor like that. In the corner of his mind one word kept popping up but he kept fighting it back. There was no way she could have cancer. She was too young. Too beautiful. Too perfect to have cancer. It had to be something else, it had to be.

"Hyung, can I borrow your phone?" Daehyun finally spoke up and it took everyone, even the stylists, by surprise. Their manager couldn't refuse and handed over the phone, giving him a total limit of ten minutes before he had to hand it over. Ten minutes. He dialed her number which he had memorized from the countless times they had sat up for hours just talking about their day. The more it rang the more nervous he became.

"Hello?" The voice was soft like Sanha's but there was something very different about it. He recognised shortly after that it was her mother.

"Hello Mrs." Daehyun looked around to the guys who were all waving at him to continue. It was nice knowing that he had his friends support with this. "My name is Jung Daehyun and...uh...I was wondering if you could tell me what is going on with Sanha. She left me a note saying that she was sick and they I couldn't see her anymore. Please...please tell me this isn't true." Daehyun begged into the phone and his answer was her mother's choked voice as she tried to find the right words to tell him.

"She asked me for help when she wrote that note....I'm SO sorry to be the one to tell you this, but Sanha is in the hospital with cancer." Hearing those words broke Daehyun's heart. He closed his eyes tightly to try and hold back the tears. It was his greatest fear. The rest of B.A.P and the staff could see Daehyun struggling with himself to not break down right there on the phone. "I can tell you what hospital she's at and what her room number is if you want." Daehyun's eyes opened wide and a hint of a smile showed on his face.

"Yes please! And if you could tell me what type of....of...what type she has that would help too." Daehyun motioned for a pen and a paper causing Zelo to run off to grab some from Yongguks bag in the car. He came back and Daehyun started jotting down the information that Sanha's mother was telling him.

"She was diagnosed with level 3 Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma or it's just called BAC." She spelled it out for Daehyun and he spouted out a million thanks to the voice on the other end of the line that he made a mental note to go and visit. "Listen to me Daehyun." Her mother said before they said their good byes and went their separate ways. "Researching about it will not mean you can help her. Sending her a million flowers and getting her a million gifts will not make the cancer decide to go away. What she needs now are stable relationships that wont disappear when things start getting difficult. Do you understand me?" This was her way of warning Daehyun to not break her heart and  he was a little shocked to hear that. But it just showed how much she cared and loved her daughter and was willing to protect her from heart break no matter the circumstances.  

"Ma'am...I promise with all of my heart and soul that I will never make Sanha cry a single tear. I promise." With that the two said their goodbyes and Daehyun gave the phone back to his manager but took Yongguk's iPad and connected to the internet. He searched up BAC to try and see how serious it was and if it was something that could easily be taken out with just surgery. Reading the pages and pages of information about it, he figured out it was lung cancer, and most of the time it required surgery to be taken out. He even researched about the types of surgeries that they used most times and after seeing the pictures he felt like he was never going to eat again. He didn't want Sanha to go through that alone, not at this time when he could easily be with her.


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AngelGirls #1
Nice story ^^
Baekseo #2
Chapter 26: Daeseo woo!
syayuuri #3
Chapter 26: The ending is good~
Chapter 26: so sweet ! :)
roserika #5
Chapter 26: aww...that's just so effing sweet..i love love this story.awesome work author nim
Chapter 26: HAPPY ENDING ;U;
Chapter 26: they're together in the ending <3
Chapter 26: Nice story~
Chapter 26: Yesh!
They be together, at last.