Chapter 4



"Before you can truly live,

you must first learn to love."

C H A P T E R  F O U R

It’s official. I’m mad in love. I can tell this one is different from the

other relationships I had when I was younger. And I can tell this one is

going to last, eternally. When I feel his fingers intertwine with mine, my stomach

curls. When he pulls me into an embrace, it feels so good that I almost don’t

want to be apart. And when he kisses me, it feels like the world’s spinning.

       Oh yes, I’m mad in love with him.

               A month had passed and her relationship with Taecyeon grew much closer like a matter of liquid releasing heat to solidify. That’s the best way to resemble their relationship. The awkwardness between both of them slowly faded away until it reached the point where both of them were comfortable with each other, no barrier between them anymore. They talked and talked like they’re running out of time to share it all together and laughed like they’d never laughed before. They’re friends now, so close to being best friend but both were too afraid to claim that because they’re being careful, not to ruin their relationship as they knew, once it’s crushed, it’d take a long time to put the pieces together or even worse, it wouldn’t be able to be fixed. 

               Usually, when Wooyoung’s off to the other state due to work, she’d feel nervous and scared. But now, it’s different. Taecyeon’s there to replace Wooyoung. Not as a best friend for the day, but as a partner to spend time with. They loved being with each other. They found it fun and they, too, were quite surprised learning the fact that they have a lot of similarities. And that was the main reason why their relationship grew bigger in a fast mode like a lightning.

                “So, what do you want to do today?”

                She turned her head towards his direction and he was currently leaning in the chair with his arms crossed against his chest while looking at her. She pouted, tried to find anything she’d never done with him yet but it seemed like there’s nothing left. She’d done every single thing she’d always wanted to do with him. She remained silent, until she felt him giving her a light kick on the head. She gave him a small pinch and he winced while laughing, showing his full teeth. She had no idea why but his teeth looked oddly amazing to her and she liked staring at them. She rolled her eyes in annoyance and that’s when she said,

                “I actually have no idea.”

                “Too bad. I’m bored.”

                “Well, we’re in the same shoes.”

                Both of them let out big and long sighs, then remained in silence while spacing out. Well actually, they weren’t. They’re tracing back the memories of the time they’d spent together these past few days and it’s absolutely fun. Who would have ever thought anyway, from overload of awkwardness they had when they met for the first time would be gone within a month? She always questioned this to herself, and she always ended up having a smile on her face. Maybe that’s what called as fate. No one knows the future ahead of you unless you’re a psychic or a time traveler. But both don’t make sense anyway. She didn’t believe in those. What she believed was everyone’s the same except the field of expertise each one had.

                “Well, guess what?”

                She raised her eyebrow in curiosity and asked, “What?”

                “I’ve got an idea,” he showed her his full teeth, then he grabbed her hand and their coats then he went out, with a place in his mind and couldn’t wait to make her happy.


*     *     *     *


                “Are we there yet?” she asked while stepping forwards slowly, being careful with her both arms waving in front of her, trying to prevent from hitting things. It was hard. She was blindfolded by him, and she had no idea where he’d taken her to. She felt nervous and excited at the same time, since well, who knows, maybe he’d taken her to a strange and isolated place and having an intention to do bad things to her like ? Yeah, something like that and added with and murder cases she’d seen on TV, they’re just not helping at all. On the other hand, she’s feeling excited since he might have taken her to a place that could take her breath away in awe. Well, it’s safe to have two different feelings as it could ensure her to be prepared when her eyes were unveiled. Just in case.               

               “Well, we’re here now.”

               “Just unveil my eyes Taec, your hands are wet.”

               “Shut up. Yours are worse than mine anyway.”

               “You shut up.”

               “Okay, whatever. Here you go, one, two, three.”

               Gasp. The scene before her was breath taking. She had seen this on TV but she never had a chance to witness it with her own eyes. They were standing at the top of Nam Mountain. The night view was so beautiful. She could see all of the buildings and main capitals of Seoul, and at the same time, she felt like she’s big and powerful just because of the trick of seeing big things smaller than their actual sizes. They looked ridiculously small that she thought she could have them on her palm by just reaching her hand out to grab them in a handful. She grinned, happily and that was good enough to make him smile with her. She turned her head left to ride to have a 180 degrees view of the scenery and a sigh escaped from , a light and ease one. Then, she turned her head towards his direction and gave him her full teeth before she hooked her arm with his and placed her head on his shoulder in a dash, just to show how grateful and happy she was.

               “Woww wooww woman, what are you doing?” he asked with a surprise look ghosted over his face.

               “I’ve always wanted to do this. Heee,” then she broke away and looked at him,

               “Thanks for bringing me here. I’ve always wanted to go here. It’s really good and I really like it. Thank you!” after she had ended what she wanted to say, she remained looking at him and hesitated for awhile before she tiptoed and placed a light peck on his cheek.

               He who was smiling while having his face facing to the scenery before him couldn’t help but to bulge his eyes in surprise because he totally didn’t see it coming. He slowly turned his head towards her direction, remained staring at her for a couple of seconds before bursting laughing seeing how red her face was.

               “Haha seriously Shinah, you should see your face!” he laughed and laughed, while covering his mouth using his right hand.

               It remained for thirty seconds sharp then he stopped, and looked at her who’s currently rolling her eyes in annoyance with her arms crossed against her chest. Well, she did know it’s stupid of her for doing that but the other part of her kept on insisting to do so and she thought it’s the best thing to do to show how grateful she was having him taking her here.

               “Awww, don’t be mad,” he said while smiling and pulled her closer by wrapping his long arm around her shoulder. His action was bold enough to cause her head slam on his shoulder.

               “Oww,” she whined and broke away, “What are you made of? Steel?” she rubbed her head vigorously while scrunching her face in pain. He couldn’t help but letting out a small laugh.

               “Well that’s a nice excuse there to hide your embarrassment,” he teased while showing her his full teeth.

               She, on the other hand, could feel herself boiling in anger and annoyance at once and stepped forward to slam him hard on the head but never did she expect to step on a rock and it’d caused her to lose her balance, and that was it.

               She fell.

               It took her six seconds sharp to get the fact that she had landed on a hard surface but she could tell it was not the land. She slowly opened her eyes, then with a full of surprises, she found out she had landed on him, on the same steel chest he had drawn her into just now. Her eyes bulged out in surprise and she had no idea where to hide her face. It was so embarrassing and awkward at the same time.

               “Offff, mind getting off me, please?”

               She rolled her eyes in annoyance and turned her head to the right side with anger but she had never expected her simple action could cause her an infinity embarrassment. Even though it was just a split of second, but their lips did brush to each other. They remained at the same position with their eyes bulging out in surprise. It took her a couple of seconds to finally get back to her senses but those seconds felt like hours to her. How could she be so stupid? She immediately got off of him and had a difficulty to catch her breaths. She’s suffocating.

               It was— so soft.

               She trailed her fingers to her lips and contemplated the moment with her eyes closed.


               She turned her head to the back and looked at him, and didn’t know what to say. If she didn’t give him a peck on his cheek, any of these would never happen! What a day! Lee Shinah, you stupid girl! She scolded herself and closed her eyes for a couple of seconds before she opened them again and stared at his face before she said,

               “I’m sorry.”

               With her surprise, she felt his fingers brushed over her lips, so slow, tracing her bottom lip as if it was fragile which could be broken by a tiniest bit force.

               “Don’t be.”

               “But, it’s my fault.”

               “Sorry is for a mistake you did,” he stopped and stared at her raspberry lips then he continued, “It wasn’t a mistake.”

               He dipped his head and just like that, they kissed with full of sincerity for the first time ever.


*     *     *     *



               He closed his eyes and let the pain fade away like gases evaporate in the air and then he opened them again, and showed her his full teeth. Well, she liked doing that. Jumping on him. She thought it fun and warm having his warmth being radiated to her body and had him as a mattress. Even though his body was hard and didn’t make a good material to make her sleep through the night, but she actually liked laying on him and trace his well built chest with her index finger in playful manner. He, on the other hand, couldn’t do anything but force himself to like it as if she did even though it cost him unexplainable pain. Well it’s worth it anyway since it’s the only way of him having her being so close with him and felt her body pressed on his.

               He pinched her cheek, hard and it’s good enough to make her whine in pain and pout her lips just to show her feminine side to him. She had no idea why but it all became natural for her to be feminine when she’s with him. Seeing that, he’s hesitating for awhile and debating with himself to hold himself from kissing her. Well, she wouldn’t hurt him if he did it right? Slowly, he pinched her lightly on the cheek and kissed her forehead.

               She closed her eyes and felt the softness of his lips humming next to her skin. It felt so good. She almost felt she’s flying, but of course, that feeling’s very exaggerating but that’s the best way to describe how she exactly felt like when he kissed her with his soft lips. She opened her eyes again and she saw he’s staring at her. She clutched her lips and smiled before getting off of him.

               “I’m gonna cook. What do you want?” she asked while tucking her hair beneath her ear.

               “I’m okay with anything. I’m not picky like you.”

               She looked down at him and scrunched her face in disgust before walking into the kitchen and start preparing their dinner. And at that time, Wooyoung crossed over her mind.

               But, she didn’t realize that because it only lasted for a couple of seconds because after Taecyeon suddenly wrapped his long arms around her waist from the back, Wooyoung immediately vanished from her mind. She stopped with what she was doing and closed her eyes at ease and lust started to arise inside her at the same time. And that was his intention after all, to get her high because he already was.

               He slipped his hand in her shirt and moved his fingers in quiet circles and his action was good enough to have a soft moan escape from . He used his strong hands to command her to turn her body to the other way round and that’s when he owned her by kissing her fully on the mouth. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back, and he used all of his strength and might by lifting her body using his both arms.

               Swaying, he covered with his. Soft and quiet— to fit the moment. He circled, cautiously, while her fingers slid into his hair, and her sigh filled his mind with mists. He drew her out of the kitchen. At the base of the steps he had to stop. He had to kiss her again. He led her up, his pulse thumping with every step he took.

               And after that, she felt the bed against the back of her knees. Slowly, she sensually fell onto the bed. The soft mattress in her back comfortably and he lied down on top of her. He a hand down her cheek, ran both hands down her body as he drew her against him.

               Then his mouth took hers. They kissed for a couple of numbers before he pulled away and look at her,

               “Will you be my girlfriend?” then he brushed his lips against her once more time.

               “……..yesss,” she answered between those kisses and it nearly sounded like a whisper and evaporated in the air in a split of second but loud and long enough to strike on his ear drum. He pulled away and looked at her.

               “I love you,” then he kissed her forehead, “……ing love you,” then he kissed her lips again with full of hunger as if he’d miss them if he didn’t get them right away. That night, both of them lost in a battle.

               A battle of love. Neither one of them won, but lust.

               While on the other hand, Wooyoung was stressed out due to overload works and wondered what his beloved were doing without having his presence.

               “I bet they’re missing me,” he said loudly to himself in assure and a smile on his face.

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farluvv #1
Chapter 20: Ummmmm...
Happy new year.. :)
farluvv #2
Chapter 20: Ahh.. Almost forget I haven't left comment on the newest chapters,.

I really confused with Nichkhun.. What exactly does he have in his mind? After leaving Eunmi like that, now he's back and seems to enjoy their engagement

And nooo.. Wooyoung.. He's suicidal? That's scary :(
hellopanda23 #3
Chapter 20: Thanks so much... Ahh this story is just heartbreaking to Me.
farluvv #4
Update please..... ^^
That will be the best Christmas gift for us.... :)
sahl-li #5
nichkhun why youre so handsome!!?
farluvv #6
Chapter 18: *random comment*

I'm planning to re-read this from the first chapter..
Even though it's only 18 chapter, it feels like many things had happened.. and I kinda forget how it starts.. :))

Ah, I so glad you're back :)
farluvv #7
Chapter 18: Eunmi's story is so heartbreaking. I wonder what made Nichkhun suddenly changed his attitude.. Something is still missing and I couldn't connect the dots...

In another light, It seems Shinah finally realized, she's not the only one with a lot of problems..

Thank you for another update.

You're spoiling us.. :))

But I'm sure no one is complaining ;)
hellopanda23 #8
Chapter 18: oh my goodness eunmi..... it made me sad...ironic that shinah was the main character for a while. ahh thanks for the update....but nichkhun made it seem lile they were still in love in the other chapter
farluvv #9
Chapter 17: Ohoho.. Eunmi's story is interesting...
I wonder how it will help Shinah back to her sense :)

Thank you for your double update..
Looking forward for more updates.... :)
farluvv #10
Chapter 16: Oh my dear god..
This chapter gave me goosebumps and tears :'(
At Wooyoung's: "What's the point of living though?" I thought: I hope Wooyoung wont do stupid things..
I agree with @hellopanda23 she is not in her right mind
And I hope she'll be back to her right sense soooooooon!!