
Weeping Willow (Dark Angels)


                The next morning was incredibly beautiful. The sun shines gorgeously; the birds chirping happily, the bees buzzing endlessly, and the smell were nothing like the same. It was peaceful; no one would think that there is something beyond in this place would actually attack them.

                “Good Morning.” Lily greeted happily as her friends Kim and melody woke up.

                “Aiyyaahh... why you up so early?” Kim asked in surprise as she rubs her eyes. Lily’s belly groan which answered Kim question. “Yah.” She called melody’s attention. “Get up, we should look for breakfast.” She continued. But melody cuddled deep in her blanket.

                Lily stood up, looking around, she was hoping to see the mean guy from last night, she hadn’t seen his face, but she’ll know him right away if she encounters him again.

                The rest of the afternoon spends mostly at “Activities” which Kim made. They’ve done so many things to make their vacation worth a little. But they’ve decided not to spend another night in the forest. By afternoon before the night fall, the three of them packed up. It took them night before arriving at the city. Gave Lily a lift all the way to her house which was Lily very thankful of. Lily was tired and exhausted, she wanted to have a rest but she decided to take a short shower first. After taking a shower she rested her tired body on her bed and took a nap almost an instance.

                Lily woke up by banging sound, she thought she was dreaming, but the sound came louder every moment. Feared that it might be a burglar, she silently took her phone and called the police.

                “Yeoboseyo, is this the police head quarter?” She whispered on the line.

                “Yes mam, how can i help you?” The police asked.

                “I think there’s a burglar on my house, please come as soon as possible.” She said

                “Right away mam!” He said. After taking her home address. Lily took the baseball bat beside her wardrobe which she kept for something like this.

                She walked down to the living room, she decided to wait for the police outside of her house, it’s much safer that way, at least she could ask for someone’s help. It was dark and yet only the street light illuminates most of her living room which was very useful. Lily carefully tiptoed her way across the living room, but she got rooted on her position as her hair on the neck stands... a dark shadow was crawling on the ceiling, it made eye contact with Lily which got her petrified, whatever it was, it’s sure not a burglar. She stood so vulnerable in front of the creature. The creature attacked Lily, it thrown her against the wall. But Lily stood up immediately at tried to run, but it reaches her and pulls her back, it begun to scratch her while she’s on the floor. Lily tried to reach for something and fortunately she was able to snatch the baseball bat. She hit the creature so hard that it backed away. Lily’s eyes widen as she were able to see a better view of the creature, it was not a monster, but a man who’s eye’s where black and deadly, then something grew from the man’s back. It grew wings, its nail grew vividly in the light outside. The man gave a deadly stare at Lily, with a large flapping sound, it flew straight towards Lily. But before Lily could react, another man with large black wings attacked him; the both of them lay on the ground fighting each other, another human bird came attacking the man who just saved her, and definitely it was outnumbered.

                “Taemin! Take her away from here!”  The man said. Suddenly someone snatch her arms and drag her out of her own house.

                The both of them hide from the bush and slowly escaping, Lily let out of gasp as she saw her house was packed with black human birds. The man grasp Lily’s arm tightly. Lily looked at the man who was looking scared as her. An ugly man bird hindered their way. He was ready to attack. The guy called Taemin pushes her behind him.

                “Give her to me.” He said with unpleasant glare. Taemin just looked at him with no answer. “I SAID GIVE HER TO ME!”      He demanded. But Taemin remain silent.

                “Don’t touch him!” Lily turns back to the house and saw the human bird that just saved her awhile ago.

                “Key...” The ugly human bird said looking at him.

                “Lucas.” The human bird called Key answered.

                “Where your loyalty does actually lies?” he said testily.

                “It has nothing to do with loyalty!” Key spat as he join Taemin and Lily.

                “You know the rules, and you should have done what supposed to be done.” He said. Key smirked at him as he twisted his lips to give a nasty smile.

                “We know what were doing. And I assure you if we are wrong. I’ll be personally given her worthless body to you.” Key said. Lily wanted to back out but Taemin’s grip was too tight.

                ~what do these things want to me?” she asked desperately.

                “Not tonight Key. Remember, you and you’re brothers were casted and punished for misbehaving. So hand the girl and you’re names might be clean up” he said. Key took a moment before answering.

                “Hyung.” Taemin said. Key looked at Taemin then down to Lily and back to Lucas. He gave another nasty smile.

                “You see, i’m getting fond of being a rebellion, so why stop?” He said and turn at taemin’s direction. “Go. Now.” He said shortly.

                “Pabo.” Lucas said as he unleashes his sharp claws.

                Taemin backed away with Lily and stopped abruptly. Lily looked at Taemin and to her surprise, black wings grows from his back. He stretches his wing, he grasps Lily’s body to his and with a huge flap the both of them flew.



annyeong yeoropun.... it seems nobdy commented on my recent updates eh.... what happen? is there sumthing wrong with the stories?...Omo... 

it makes me sad... anyway... i'll still be updating for those who keep on supporting me.. thanks very much... saranghae <3

oh yeah...




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(see how taemin easily change his mood xD)

Be Warned!




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noomin #1
Chapter 15: awwwwwwwwww poor taeminnie plzzzzzz update soon plzzzz^^
AiMei_4 #2
Chapter 14: oooohhhh then what happened, author-nim??? O.o
AiMei_4 #3
about time this story is updated -.- hohohoho
Chapter 9: ahh. i missed this story! im glad its being updated again :D
emmyrose #5
Chapter 7: i actually really like this story.....keep it up *fighting*
Chapter 8: Interesting ;-;
Chapter 6: Vampire_Diamond89 : yeah lily is a strong girl... i wanted to make a different character, i have red so much stories that usually are pitied and sumthing...but don't know if lily charcterwill work... xDD;
thanks for commenting.... i really appreciate it :)
yuu_sama #8
Chapter 4: Annyeong, I'm coming back...
How are you, author-nim? ^^ Thank you for the update...
Gosh, I'm so relieved that Lily is not dead or something worse~~ oh, is there something worse than death? hehehe <3 Ella and her friends are really troublemakers. Despite of her beauty look, her heart is not beautiful at all!!! >_< I'll make sure that I will dislike this Ella, but I'm so proud for Lily's toughness. She is really a strong girl, I can smell it!!!

This story is getting interesting now!!! :) I love the way you build up the storyline~~ gonna move to the next chapter now! ^^ I'm so excited!
Chapter 5: Vampire_Diamond89 : aw... i really really appreciate it, thanks very very much!!! hope i can make you happy with my stories!
White_Tiger : aw i love you too... thanks for nice comment
jokersm87 : i have updated the new chappie.. hope you like it.. thanks for the comment.