
Weeping Willow (Dark Angels)


                Cold... pain... and terrified had welcomed Lily’s consciousness, she instantly felt the severe pain from her stomach; but she did nothing to ease it. She does not even want to move... why is it that she’s still alive and feeling awful? It would be much better if she hadn’t waked up anymore... but then here she is, feeling the pain all by herself. Tears began to shed as she think of Taemin, she thought he was different... but he is also a monster like his brothers. If it wasn’t for him, she wouldn’t be in this situation, feeling this pain, and if it wasn’t because of him, she would probably be dead by now... she hates him...very much...

                “Lily...” a soft voice called her from her deep misery. His voice was unfamiliar. Lily didn’t answer, she kept her eyes shut. “I know you’re awake, there’s no need to pretend.” The unfamiliar yet gentle voice said shortly. Lily flickers her eyes slowly. From that moment, she wished she wouldn’t see any of Onew’s brothers, but there Minho is, standing just beside her bed... Smiling...

                Why is he smiling? How did he know i was already awake?

                “How do you feel?” He asked as he settles in a chair nearby.

                “How’d you expect me to feel?” she said sarcastically. Minho Shrugged and smiled at her even more. “Why are you smiling?” She spat.

                “I was not expecting you to answer at me like that. I thought you would cry even more, or begged.” He said casually. Lily was actually afraid to them, but if she would die... she would die bravely.

                “I’ve already reach the point where I can no longer be afraid because it has reached its limit. And it very tiresome.” Lily tried to explain. But Minho laughs heartily at what he had heard.

                “You know...” he said trying to contain himself. “ You remind me of someone... but somehow, your personality was too different.” He said as he rested his forearms on his legs, binding his hands together.

                “How can I be one of your kinds?” Lily spats sarcastically. Minho flinch at what she had said, but he only sigh and do nothing.

                “That’s why I said you’re different.” He answered shortly. “You know from the moment I saw you, I thought you were her... and to be honest, I really hope that it was you...” he said pensively. “But I knew it wasn’t you.” He said and smiled sadly. Lily felt his pain from inside, but she doesn’t show her affection to him. She doesn’t even see them as people. But Lily kept quiet, not that she doesn’t want to talk to him, but because she doesn’t know what to say. Just then the door swung open and reveals Onew and Taemin. Lily’s heart begun to race as her eyes met Taemin’s. Taemin stare at her hungrily.

                “Lily...How are you? Are you feeling fine?” Onew asked as he place a paper bag which full of fruits inside.

                “Yeah, I’m feeling so fine with these holes on my stomach.” She said shooting at Taemin. Onew looked at Lily to Taemin and from Taemin to Minho... Minho just smile and shrugged while Taemin on the other hand was still glaring at Lily.

                “I assume you wanted answers.” Onew said as he opened the window curtain, which Lily had not realized before... For a seconds, Lily had not really realized what she wanted, but now that Onew had mention it, she become eager to know everything… what was happening and why she. Onew looked at Taemin’s and Minho’s direction which both of them started to leave the room. “Firstly, I wanted to apologize in behalf of Taemin… he is young… I hope you would understand him…” He said sadly. “Taemin doesn’t understand yet, he is naïve and only sees the people who are important to him.” Onew tried to explain but Lily remains silent. “The oracles, had come to get rid of you, but because we… I mean me, wanted to protect you Key had manage to reason that you are the tribute on Taemin’s birthday.”

                “Which means?” Lily manages speak without looking at him.

                “Which means, your soul will be sacrifice, for him to get his full strength and power.” Onew answered shortly. Lily smirked

                “And I thought death will be the worst will happen to me.” She said sarcastically.

                “This is the only way for you not to get killed.” Onew said

                “But I was dead already, and knowing you and your kind makes me also believe that you could revive a death!” Lily tried to argue. Onew sigh at her, And started peeling the apple.

                “What I really wanted to say, if you haven’t been to the willow tree, you wouldn’t be in this very room, from the beginning we tried to protect you as you made a connection with the tree… the portal to our world. And because of that you have created a link between you and us. The only to protect our world is to kill those people who made connection with the tree.”

                “Then why didn’t you?”

                “I learn so much about your world… the importance of living and how wonderful life would be And besides I really wanted to be part of it together with my brothers… a world where they could accept us.” He said sadly. For the first time Lily felt sad about him, even was Onew was a monster like them, Lily could not deny that he was also her precious friend that she cherished also.

                “Now what are your plans?” Lily asked. Onew s,iled at her, but it was still obvious that he was in pain.

                “We will still be protecting you, and don’t worry I already talked to my brothers about you, and for the mean time, I’ll be enrolling my brothers at the school.” Onew said pensively

                “What? Wouldn’t it be more catastrophes if they would hang with humans?!” She aghast.

                “We should be tentative, the oracles cannot be under estimated… besides I want my brothers to realized what I have realized when I was in the school.” He said smilingly.

                “Okay… now we will be in a same school. Great.”

                “Oh before I forgot! I have also decided to live with you.” He said cheerfully




Sooooo.... Onew and his brothers are going to school?! tell me what you think about it! comments will be loved... i will stop this as soon as you think if living in lily's world would be not too great... and please forgive me foe my limited enlish words... english is not my native language... but i try very hard to be good! xDDD








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noomin #1
Chapter 15: awwwwwwwwww poor taeminnie plzzzzzz update soon plzzzz^^
AiMei_4 #2
Chapter 14: oooohhhh then what happened, author-nim??? O.o
AiMei_4 #3
about time this story is updated -.- hohohoho
Chapter 9: ahh. i missed this story! im glad its being updated again :D
emmyrose #5
Chapter 7: i actually really like this story.....keep it up *fighting*
Chapter 8: Interesting ;-;
Chapter 6: Vampire_Diamond89 : yeah lily is a strong girl... i wanted to make a different character, i have red so much stories that usually are pitied and sumthing...but don't know if lily charcterwill work... xDD;
thanks for commenting.... i really appreciate it :)
yuu_sama #8
Chapter 4: Annyeong, I'm coming back...
How are you, author-nim? ^^ Thank you for the update...
Gosh, I'm so relieved that Lily is not dead or something worse~~ oh, is there something worse than death? hehehe <3 Ella and her friends are really troublemakers. Despite of her beauty look, her heart is not beautiful at all!!! >_< I'll make sure that I will dislike this Ella, but I'm so proud for Lily's toughness. She is really a strong girl, I can smell it!!!

This story is getting interesting now!!! :) I love the way you build up the storyline~~ gonna move to the next chapter now! ^^ I'm so excited!
Chapter 5: Vampire_Diamond89 : aw... i really really appreciate it, thanks very very much!!! hope i can make you happy with my stories!
White_Tiger : aw i love you too... thanks for nice comment
jokersm87 : i have updated the new chappie.. hope you like it.. thanks for the comment.