Taemin's Revery 1

Weeping Willow (Dark Angels)



                Taemin felt Lily left the door, she probably went back to sleep. He could still vividly remember when he first saw her… it was then after she touches the tree. For Few days, Onew guarded her to everywhere until the messenger came~Sunny. She said that they have been warned and wanted to have Lily as soon as possible. But Onew instead went to the oracles personally to talk with them together with Minho. Key and Jonghyun had stricken the guarding of the tree, and Taemin… was left by guarding her.

                *Flash Back*

                “Neh appa, we’ll go to camp tonight, I’ll be meeting them at the end of the road at 6:30 pm” He heard her talk to the telephone. Taemin smiled at her sweet voice, it’s been days since he first saw her, and after that day he cannot forget her face again. Just then a strong flapping sound caught Taemin’s attention. It was Key, He was not happy seeing him looking at the girl.

                “Taemin…” He said in his Hallow voice. Both of them landed on the ground so that they won’t attract any attention. “I have warned you several times, that girl will lead us to so many troubles.” Key told him.

                “But hyung… can’t you see? How could this human lead us to trouble?” he protested looking up at her window.

                How could she? She’s just a mere human that posses great beauty that caught his eyes.

Key sighs, Taemin never got interested on any other woman, and he even thought that Taemin was too young to feel this way. He places his hand on Taemin’s shoulders and looked at him straight, both of their eyes were round and black, every appearance of thiers are perfect, but then… they are still unwanted.

                “She is dangerous… that kind of human will lead us to no good, just like now. We don’t even know what the oracles will say about her and us for not killing her.” Key tried yet to explain again. He keeps on repeating the same sentence since the day Taemin laid his eyes on her. Key was just protecting him… she was not their kind and Taemin was just too special for her.

                Taemin flew again to her window and looked at her with rather awed. Key followed him.

                “Appa, umma is dead. And I’m sure she’s happy looking down to us” they heard her talked.

                “How could she be so beautiful…” he said, pressing his fingers against the window, tracing his finger on it while looking at her. Just then he remembered Key was still there, he glanced towards Key direction that was already angry with his arms crossed.

                “Come on hyung… there’s nothing wrong with me just looking at her is there?” He said. Then again Key sighs.

                “Arrasso… then go back to the mansion and help Jonghyun guard the tree.” Key said pushing away Taemin from the window.

                “Mwo??” he aghast “But hyung…” He said. Key stops at his track and face Taemin.

                “What?” Key asked him

                “Could I just guard her the entire night?” he said pleadingly.

                “Of course...!” Taemin brighten. “You cannot!” Key continued.” Taemin face drop.

                “But hyung…” He said pleadingly “Just this night please?”



                “I said no so stop that puppy eyes of yours!” He spat.

                “Just this night… it’s not as if something might bad happen…” he said TT.TT almost crying.

                “You’re not that strong enough if something might REALLY happen.” Key said stubbornly.

                “But hyung we’re doing this every night… and nothing happen!” Taemin wittedly said

                “Fine then! Be it in your way then.” He said in defeated, Taemin smiled at his hyung. “But if anything happen to you, don’t come and ask my help or complains!” he said and flew away.

                “Neh hyung! You wouldn’t hear anything from me!” He called back while waving at him happily. Just then as he turns towards the window, the door below suddenly open and reveal Lily who was heavy equipped.

                Where will she going?


                Taemin followed them leading to the forest ~ what on earth are they doing here? I thought they will be staying at one of their house?

                Taemin rested on the nearest tree where he could see them clearly, He wanted to send his hyung message on where he is about, but then he remember Key’s word so he just smiled and look at Lily again, he is much closer to him now with no window to hinder him. He stretches his wings, since it was a 3 hours of journey, he have to rest it.

                “AAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!” Taemin almost fell down from the tree when he heard one of lily’s friends screamed. He looked around and saw Lily was out of sight. He had fallen asleep and he did not notice it. He looked back at the girl who had scream and examine the environment.

                “What’s wrong? He thought he saw big lump of shadow emerging the forest, it was too dark to make out of its figure, but Taemin assume it was one of him. Just then he heard running footstep approaching, Lily and the other girl came into view.

                “This is not right… something is not right…

                He went near the tent fast, there was nothing there except for the bunny, while they were too busy asking the girl who was crying, Taemin immediately snatch the bunny and place it inside the tent. That will explain all, since human aren’t that smart enough…

                He backed away from the tent when Lily came closer to it. He hides in shadows so she won’t notice him there. He saw Lily open the tent and smiled as she saw the bunny. He wanted to give a little present to Lily so he held up his right hand pointing towards her, he slowly open his fingers one by one and close it like a wave, by the time Lily held the tent higher big butterflies came out beautifully. He saw her again smiles… she was beautiful. The butterfly flew away together with the message for his hyungs about what is going on.

                 “AHHHGGGHHHHH!!! There it is again!!!” the girl yelled. Taemin looked at them and follow the direction to where she was pointing.

                Again? What did she mean by again? are they being watch since they arrived there?

                Just then Taemin saw what the girl saw, he immediately run towards that shadow; it was running fast or rather transporting, Branch to another branch. Taemin spread his wings to help him move faster as he was so close to the shadow he stretches his wings widely and with one flap both of them fell.

                 Both of them rolled down to the ground floor, trying to escape from one another's grip. as soon as the both stop Taemin's eyes widen in surprise...




I would like to apologize for the fan of SNSD~ for using their names on my stories... to make things clear. SNSD are one of my favorite groups of SM, that's why i added them... i thinking of putting another gruop to the stories to make it more interesting hehehe although they have minor part in this stories atleast i was able to put all my idol in one fic xDDD hope others won't mind and get angry, coz' I'm a fan also!!!!!! xDDDDD

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noomin #1
Chapter 15: awwwwwwwwww poor taeminnie plzzzzzz update soon plzzzz^^
AiMei_4 #2
Chapter 14: oooohhhh then what happened, author-nim??? O.o
AiMei_4 #3
about time this story is updated -.- hohohoho
Chapter 9: ahh. i missed this story! im glad its being updated again :D
emmyrose #5
Chapter 7: i actually really like this story.....keep it up *fighting*
Chapter 8: Interesting ;-;
Chapter 6: Vampire_Diamond89 : yeah lily is a strong girl... i wanted to make a different character, i have red so much stories that usually are pitied and sumthing...but don't know if lily charcterwill work... xDD;
thanks for commenting.... i really appreciate it :)
yuu_sama #8
Chapter 4: Annyeong, I'm coming back...
How are you, author-nim? ^^ Thank you for the update...
Gosh, I'm so relieved that Lily is not dead or something worse~~ oh, is there something worse than death? hehehe <3 Ella and her friends are really troublemakers. Despite of her beauty look, her heart is not beautiful at all!!! >_< I'll make sure that I will dislike this Ella, but I'm so proud for Lily's toughness. She is really a strong girl, I can smell it!!!

This story is getting interesting now!!! :) I love the way you build up the storyline~~ gonna move to the next chapter now! ^^ I'm so excited!
Chapter 5: Vampire_Diamond89 : aw... i really really appreciate it, thanks very very much!!! hope i can make you happy with my stories!
White_Tiger : aw i love you too... thanks for nice comment
jokersm87 : i have updated the new chappie.. hope you like it.. thanks for the comment.