Onew sunbae

Weeping Willow (Dark Angels)


Everything was blurring… It was deserted… it was dark and cold…

Lily tried to see a better view, but all she could see a silhouette of four unknown stranger not far from where she is… but she could hear them clearly, but her mind where twisted and cannot think properly.

 “What shall we do to her?”

“I don’t know, she was only a victim…”

“But she opens the portal to our secrecy… and we are bound to protect the tree whatever maybe the cause.”

“We are, but for those who only interject the tree shall be punished.”

“But she did. She forced herself to the tree, even though how much warning we place.”

 “So what do you suggest? Kill her?”

“I say we kill her.”

“No, she already made a connection between her and us.”

“But what will we do? The elders might already know about this.”

“And they’ll kill us for this.”

“Every life means everything to them.”

 “That’s true… Let’s just let her live, maybe we could find a better solution.”

“And then what?”

“And then we could act.”

Lily woke up the next morning by the sound of her alarm clock, her head was heavy but she manage to get up anyway, or else she’ll be late for school. She took a shower and to her horror, blood came pouring down from her body. She immediately touch her hear, and warm, sticky welcomed her hand. She suddenly remembered what happen last night, but she was confused…who brought her home? She was sure Ella and her friends left her.

She walked her way to school; students were a bit unusual today, as Lily came passing by, they all keep on staring at her until she reaches her room, only Ella was not unusual, ‘cause she stare at her coldly as ever..

“I’m surprise you survive.” Ella said haughtily.

“What? What do you mean?” Lily asks in confusion.

“The guardians must have pity on you. You look so pathetic.” She said angrily

“Oh yeah? At least I have not chickened out last night.” Lily said. Everyone laugh, this time not on Lily.  Ella smirked at her.

“Your time will come, good luck.” She said and left.

“That’s so cool!!!” a girl said in excitement...

“Excuse me?” Lily said in surprise.

“No one ever bother to fight back at Ella, but here you are!” the girl answered

“Like yeah!” said another girl and the both of them gave high five and giggled together.

“My name is Kim Choi and she’s Melody Lee.” They introduced their self.

“Yeah I know we go in the same class” Lily said as she places her bag pack down to her seat.

“Oh right, silly me!” She said and laughs nervously.

“Was it true? You really went to the forbidden willow tree?” Melody whispered.

“Uh…yeah...” Lily answered

“That was awesome!!!” Melody said excitedly. But lily wasn’t felt the same.

“How’d you know about that?” Lily asks.

“Oh come on! Everyone knows about it! It’s all over the campus!” Kim said while Melody keeps on shaking her head up and down.

“Really?  She asked unbelievably.

“Like duh?!” they said in unison.

“Okay… I have not expected that…” Lily said dreamily.

“Hey, you free this lunch? We were planning to eat at the new restaurant, they say it’s cheap there, but the food was nice.” Kim said.

“Uhm… sure.”


                Lily, Kim and Melody walked down the streets. Kim and Melody chatted happily, although Lily was not interested in their conversation, she was happy. For a very long time, this was the first time she got invited over a lunch.

                “So Lily, what did exactly happen last night?” Kim asked interestedly.

                “Well, nothing really… I just fell down and turn unconscious; Ella brought me home after that.” Lily explained.

                “Really? That devil brought you home?” Melody ask. Lily shrugged, who else would brought her home? “Well any way, when we heard the news about you, everybody turns wild. You know, not everyone is brave enough to go just near to that place.” Kim explain.

                “Yeah, and I’ll tell yah, you’ll be no. 1 popular girl in school now.” Melody continued.

                “Too Popular.” The three girls turn at their back instantly.

                “Oh my gosh...! it’s Lee Jinky!” Kim hissed

                “Hello, Lily song isn’t it?” he said walking towards Lily.

                “Y-yes… why?”

                “Nothing… so where are you heading? He asked looking the three of them.

                “Were going to the new restaurant, care to come with us?” Melody giggled.

                “Really, that sounds interesting.” He said smiling down at them.

The two giggled all the way up to the restaurant, Lily and Onew seemed to be at distant, they weren’t speaking to each other, but Lily felt extreme conscious about him being around. She just remembered how he totally ignores her yesterday, and now here he goes, coming with them to have lunch.

                “So oppa, what is your relation with Ella?” Kim asked as the four of them seated inside the restaurant waiting for their order.

                “Ella and I grew in one town.” He said.

                “You know, Ella hasn’t been close to a guy from school before, everyone thought you’re her boyfriend.” Kim said flatly.

                “You hate her don’t you?” Onew said eying Kim…

                “W-well n-no, no, I don’t hate her, in fact I idolize her.” Kim said not meeting Onew’s eyes.

                “Realy?” Onew said as if pleased at what he heard. “Ella and I are good friends until something happen and she was forced to live here outside.”

                “What exactly happen?” Melody asked as the order came.

                “It’s confidential.”

They walked all the way to school, and as usual, Kim and Melody chatted their way back, Lily on the other hand was too silent… onew was walking beside her gracefully, it seems to Lily that the way back to school is more farther than they walk down to the restaurant.

                “so what are your plans?” Onew asked,breaking up the silence.

                “Plans? Plan for what” Lily asked.

                “Plan…you know, you’ve trespass the and touch the willow tree despite of the warning indicated there.” Onew said.

                “I didn’t know about the warning, and it was an accident, I don’t think the tree was corrupted, I’m still whole and alive.” Lily tried to explain nicely. Onew smirked.



sorry for the late upload, you see semester just ended and 2nd semester coming... so busy,, but i'll hpe you lke my new update!


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noomin #1
Chapter 15: awwwwwwwwww poor taeminnie plzzzzzz update soon plzzzz^^
AiMei_4 #2
Chapter 14: oooohhhh then what happened, author-nim??? O.o
AiMei_4 #3
about time this story is updated -.- hohohoho
Chapter 9: ahh. i missed this story! im glad its being updated again :D
emmyrose #5
Chapter 7: i actually really like this story.....keep it up *fighting*
Chapter 8: Interesting ;-;
Chapter 6: Vampire_Diamond89 : yeah lily is a strong girl... i wanted to make a different character, i have red so much stories that usually are pitied and sumthing...but don't know if lily charcterwill work... xDD;
thanks for commenting.... i really appreciate it :)
yuu_sama #8
Chapter 4: Annyeong, I'm coming back...
How are you, author-nim? ^^ Thank you for the update...
Gosh, I'm so relieved that Lily is not dead or something worse~~ oh, is there something worse than death? hehehe <3 Ella and her friends are really troublemakers. Despite of her beauty look, her heart is not beautiful at all!!! >_< I'll make sure that I will dislike this Ella, but I'm so proud for Lily's toughness. She is really a strong girl, I can smell it!!!

This story is getting interesting now!!! :) I love the way you build up the storyline~~ gonna move to the next chapter now! ^^ I'm so excited!
Chapter 5: Vampire_Diamond89 : aw... i really really appreciate it, thanks very very much!!! hope i can make you happy with my stories!
White_Tiger : aw i love you too... thanks for nice comment
jokersm87 : i have updated the new chappie.. hope you like it.. thanks for the comment.