Weeping Willow

Weeping Willow (Dark Angels)



                “Well look who’s here…” Ella said “Because we were made in God’s own image… And we were given freewill…” Ella said imitating her, two of her girlfriends laugh.

                Lily went to her seat, ignoring her classmate. Ever since she transfers to this school, she knew that she isn’t welcome.

                “Tell me lily, are you a fan of God?” Ella said sitting just right infront of her table, revealing her slender legs. “Or are you a demon in disguise that knows what exactly happen?” she said and everybody laugh.

                “No, but I know you are.” Lily said meeting her eyes. Ella seemed to be in an abrupt shock.

                “W-what?” Ella said tried to smile. Lily smirked at Ella’s expression.

                “Of course, demons are not real, don’t tell me you believe in such thing?” she said not daring to take off her eyes from her.

                Ella eyes turn fierce, she smiled after collecting herself, and lily got taken aback at her sudden action.

                “What if I do…”

                “Okay… Ella please sit properly, were about to start our class.” The professor said as he come I the room.

The environment between the two hadn’t change, but only some who had notice. Ella watching Lily from the back like a prey watching its victim. Lily on the other hand smiled carelessly, remembering Ella’s action awhile ago.

The professor started their lesson about yesterday’s trip; Lily was taking down notes when suddenly a paper landed on her table. She opens it and reveals a letter from Ella.

I think your cool; meet me down at the park after school.

         From: Ella

               Weird… that doesn’t look convincing… Lily turns at her back just in time to see Ella smiling at her. Lily thought pensively, whatever Ella’s up to, is sure not a good one.


                After school, Lily decide not to show up, it must be some kind of trick. But as soon as she approach the school gate, Ella and her two best girlies where talking to one of those new handsome student.

               “Hey Lily…we were about to wait you at the park, we thought you might not show up.” She said while holding the man’s shoulder. “So we decided to wait here outside.” She continued. The two of her friend Brigitte and Samantha hadn’t show any interest of her, in fact they were too busy making their self  admirable to Ella’s new colleague.

               “This is Lee Onew.” Ella said watching Lily looking at the man. “Isn’t he gorgeous?” She asks.

               “Well… H-he’s fine.” Lily said, careful not to offend him. Onew smirked at Lily’s answered but he ignores her completely.

               “I warn you Ella.” Onew said looking at Ella unpleasantly. “It has nothing to do with you. Leave it with your Pabo idea.” Onew said and left after a glance to her friends. The two giggled in excitement

               “Oh come on. Nothing will happen.” Ella called back at him; he just waved his hand at her as he continues walking away coolly.

               “So…? Now what?” Lily ask. Ella looked impatiently at Onew, must be waiting for reply. The two on the other hand waved at him dreamily. “You know I should be going now, I have to buy supper for tonight..” Lily said leaving slowly.

               “Wait, don’t leave yet.” Ella said not looking at her. It seemed that Ella had surrender at Onew who is not going to look back at her. “I have to show you something…” she said testily.

               “show…what?” Lily ask sarcastically, not interested on Ella’s gig.

                “Cool down… It’s just a little test.” She said as she put aside Lily’s bangs which reveals her eyes beautifully. “You know, you’re beautiful, you just lack of self-esteem that’s all.” She said, as she placed a hairpin on Lily’s bangs.

                “What are you trying to do?” Lily asked harshly pushing away Ella’s hand from her, but did not take off the hairpin. “And what is this test? I don’t need to prove myself to you.” She said as she started walking away

              I know you don’t, but hey if you this, you might as well found a new friend” Lily paused at what Ella said, could she be the answer of Lily desire? “Just I have thought so. You wanted companion don’t you?” Ella smirked “maybe you can hang out with us-“

             “I don’t want to hang out with the person like you.” Lily hissed.

              Ella smiled at her “why? Was it because I’m a demon?” she asked unpleasantly. Lily stood quietly; it seems that Ella was not pleased that she was called a demon. “Then let me show what real demon is.” She said and started to walk leaving Lily and the two of her friend which immediately run towards her.

             Lily followed them from the back, she was not afraid of Ella; instead she really wanted to have some friends. It’s worth a try, beside Ella is too popular, maybe she could spare some popularity down to her so she could earn friends? ...Yes she was desperate…

            The four of them walked for hours nonstop. Lily to be honest was already tired, not to mention hungry. But Ella hadn’t showed any bit of tiredness, she hadn’t spoken to them since their last conversation.

            “Wait a minute…” Samantha said breaking the silence. “Isn’t this the place where the weeping is?” she whispered.

            “Ella, are we going in the right place?” Brigitte asks worriedly.

             “What’s a weeping? Are you referring to a person?” Lily asks in confuse. Both of Ella’s friends looked afraid. Is this some of their practical joke? Well Lily isn’t buying it.

             Sooner, Ella stop right just infront of the ivy wall, she seemed to be pleased that she smiled creepily.

             “Were here.” Ella declared. Samantha and Brigitte stood close at Ella. Ella looked at Lily the same expression as she watches her in the class room.

            “So what can you say? Think you can handle it?” Ella asked testily.

             “Handle what? Can you cut the drama out? It’s getting sick already.” Lily said sarcastically.

            “Well, I can’t blame you.” She smirked. “You’re new in town. Behind this wall is a willow tree.” She said.

            “A willow tree? What will I do to it?” Lily asks ridiculously.

            “Yes, I want you to get me a fruit.”

            “a fruit?” she asked unbelievably. “You make me walk all the way here to get fruit?!” Lily ask angrily.

           “Why not? That tree is a legend, anyone who can go near to that tree will be called brave.” She smirked.

           “Wait a second… willow tree does not bear fruit.” Lily said.

          “Why don’t you go and see for yourself? Beside it’s not an ordinary tree.” She said smilingly.

          “Fine! After this no more.” Lily said as she open the gate, as she was about to enter Ella place her arm on the gate, hindering her from entering.

            “Just a friendly advice, do not to touch any of its part except the fruits and leaves. She warn.


          As soon as Lily enters the gate, she felt something very strange… she felt eerie, her hair raise independently. The tree stood infront of her, it was frightening. She heard soft hissing, she turn at her back just to see Ella and her friends at the back looking at her scared.

         “nonsense.” She said grasping all the strength could muster. She looks closely at tree, and to her amazement, something round shine hanging in every part of it. That must be he fruits.

         She got close enough to the tree, it was dark. Lily took a nearby twig to get some of the fruits, she keep on reaching but it not even one the twig can’t touch. She tiptoe trying to aim, she tried to reach and reach and unexpectedly the fruit fell, but so she did. She fell right just down to its roots touching her back to its trunk.

“       Pabo.” Lily heard Ella from afar, Lily felt dizziness just in time a howl of wind approach, black birds came flying from nowhere. She heard blood-splitting-scream and everything turns black.



Tell me tell me wat you think? is it boring already???? i'm a little bit nervous. >.,<....

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noomin #1
Chapter 15: awwwwwwwwww poor taeminnie plzzzzzz update soon plzzzz^^
AiMei_4 #2
Chapter 14: oooohhhh then what happened, author-nim??? O.o
AiMei_4 #3
about time this story is updated -.- hohohoho
Chapter 9: ahh. i missed this story! im glad its being updated again :D
emmyrose #5
Chapter 7: i actually really like this story.....keep it up *fighting*
Chapter 8: Interesting ;-;
Chapter 6: Vampire_Diamond89 : yeah lily is a strong girl... i wanted to make a different character, i have red so much stories that usually are pitied and sumthing...but don't know if lily charcterwill work... xDD;
thanks for commenting.... i really appreciate it :)
yuu_sama #8
Chapter 4: Annyeong, I'm coming back...
How are you, author-nim? ^^ Thank you for the update...
Gosh, I'm so relieved that Lily is not dead or something worse~~ oh, is there something worse than death? hehehe <3 Ella and her friends are really troublemakers. Despite of her beauty look, her heart is not beautiful at all!!! >_< I'll make sure that I will dislike this Ella, but I'm so proud for Lily's toughness. She is really a strong girl, I can smell it!!!

This story is getting interesting now!!! :) I love the way you build up the storyline~~ gonna move to the next chapter now! ^^ I'm so excited!
Chapter 5: Vampire_Diamond89 : aw... i really really appreciate it, thanks very very much!!! hope i can make you happy with my stories!
White_Tiger : aw i love you too... thanks for nice comment
jokersm87 : i have updated the new chappie.. hope you like it.. thanks for the comment.