


Victoria looked at Lee Joon then looked at her friend,

“You go first, Sunny...”

Lee Joon startled. What? Sunny? Like Seungho’s little sister’s name. Lee Joon never meet her, so he didn’t know her. But maybe this girl was not Seungho’s sister, Lee Joon wished in his heart.

“OK. Bye Vic...” that girl named Sunny waved her hands. She’s a cute girl. She looked at Lee Joon curiously before she left.  

“Let’s go to campus cafe and talk there,” Victoria said and Lee Joon nodded.

When they already sat, Victoria asked,

“Why do you want to know about my sister, Sir?”

Lee Joon decided to not tell the truth for twice.

“I ever met her. She’s so beautiful,”

Victoria smiled a little,

“Ah, ckck...Sir, You just like the other man! My sister is very popular!”

“Where’s she live? Can you introduce me to her?” Lee Joon started to look for Jessica’s information.

Victoria just smiled once again.

Omo, Sir! You really...” but he looked at Lee Joon and said.

“You’re not bad, Sir...You are pretty cool,”

Lee Joon smiled,

“Then how about introduce me to your sister?”

Victoria smiled for thrice.

“Ah, but I can’t, Sir...You’ll bother her, don’t you?”

Lee Joon shook his head,

“Ah...this girl, really...Look at me, am I looked like a bad guy?”

Victoria laughed,

Omo! Ah, OK...”

Victoria wrote something on a paper.

“This is our address. I like you, Sir...So I’ll introduce you as my friend,”

Lee Joon took that paper, looked satisfied.

“Ah, thank you! Let me buy a cappuccino for you,”

Victoria laughed once again. She didn’t know what’s happen. Or the consequence from what she did.


Seungho nodded,

“Good. Really good. OK, you can do it immediately,” he said.

Lee Joon smiled,

“Thank you so much, boss,”

Cheondung came to Lee Joon’s desk while brought coffee,

“For you, hyung...” he offered one cup of coffee.

Lee Joon took it while smiled for twice,

“Thank you, Cheondungi...”

“So, what’s your plan, hyung?” Cheondung asked before he drank his coffee.

“I’ll start to stalk her,” Lee Joon answered. Cheondung nodded.

“Boss commanded me to looking for the trade’s information. He thought that if we asked the convict in jail, perhaps we’ll get information. About Hades or Morpheus,”

Lee Joon smiled brightly,

“That’s a really good idea!”

Cheondung smiled too,

“Isn’t it? Yes, we’ll offer for reduce their arrest time,”

Lee Joon nodded,

“That’s really a good idea. If we can catch them all, it’ll be really good,”

Especially if I can get Medusa or Jessica...Lee Joon said in heart when he remembered about MIR.


Eonni, you really have so many fans,” said Victoria that morning, when she watched Jessica prepared breakfast. Jessica laughed,


Victoria nodded quickly,

“Yes...What’s the secret behind it?” she asked, looked really curious.

Jessica laughed for twice,

Omo! Ah, you’re too much! There’s no secret!” then she pinched Victoria’s cheek,

“You’ll get so many fans too. Because you’re so pretty, my little sister,”

Victoria laughed,

Omo, OK, OK!” then she looked at her watch.

“Sunny is in front. I’ll go first, eonni! Bye!!” and she took baked loaf near Jessica.

“Next time, I’ll make the breakfast, eonni. This is too...” she looked at the loaf, it’s almost over cooked.


Lee Joon watched Victoria from far. He was in his car. He saw someone picked her up with car and then wrote the license plate.

Then he waited. But Jessica still not appeared. One hour later he saw a luxurious car entered the front yard and a beautiful woman out. Then he saw Jessica welcome her and they entered house.

When they out 15 minutes later, Jessica entered that woman’s car and Lee Joon quickly followed them.

That car stopped at a club. Jessica and her friend entered that club and Lee Joon followed them, but he hid at small alley beside the club. Fortunately, he found back door. When he opened it, he could hear Jessica’s sound.

“Thank you, Morpheus. That’s really a good advice,”

“Anything for you, my dear J...I heard from Siren that you’re in a bad condition. Hades can really cruel sometimes,”

Lee Joon startled. Siren? Who is she?

Lee Joon peek and he saw Jessica sat behind the table with one man and the woman who picked her up. It seemed she’s Siren. He knew that he’s right when that man looked at that woman,

“How’s your business, Siren?” he asked. That woman―Siren―smiled,

“Really good, Morpheus. Thank you,”

Morpheus! Lee Joon startled for twice. Finally he found Morpheus! Quickly he took his cellphone and took Morpheus’ picture. He took Siren’s picture too.   Then he contacted Seungho,

“I found them, boss. Medusa and Morpheus. And one person too. Her code name is Siren,”

Seungho surprised,

“Really? Then I’ll send Cheondung and Sooyoung. I’ll contact other police from other division too,”

Lee Joon secretly walked back to his car and waited. Five minutes later he saw Jessica and Siren walked out from the club.

Finally the police came quickly and they made Jessica and Siren shocked. But they quickly ran to Siren’s car and Lee Joon followed them.

Siren was really a good driver. She made Lee Joon crazy because of frustration. She entered really small alley, and sometimes there’s a lot of people in one of that small alley.

“Uuuarrrggh!!” Lee Joon shouted.

Then Siren turned left and Lee Joon must try hard to ran after them. Unfortunately, he didn’t realize that in front of him there’s a big garbage-can and his car hit it.

Lee Joon shouted once again when he saw Siren’s car ran further, left him in a big anger. He started to scold and suddenly stopped when he saw something.

He saw Jessica looked at him for one second before her car ran further. Lee Joon startled. Her look remembered him with something. He ever saw that look. That pure look, really similiar with her child look before she’s being kidnapped.   


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JaeYong_TY #1
Chapter 21: i liked it but i was really sad about mir cuz jessica killed her gf and at the end mir doesnt even have a girl to be with
i mean like thats just sad
mir is my fav btw
forevershine #2
Chapter 21: i love this story!!!!!
yuna3wu #3
Chapter 21: I Really like this story! XD
lakaransahrawi89 #4
Chapter 21: yeay..happy ending...^^
devilsica #5
Chapter 20: aww, next chapter is the ending?
I hope they can live happily after this :D

oh oh wait, isn't that group super junior?
lakaransahrawi89 #6
Chapter 19: i hope taeyeon also got a second chance like jessica..
it's look like seungho really like her..
waiting for e next update..