

“Wake up! Wake up, wake up, wake up!!!” MIR woke Lee Joon up. Lee Joon shouted quickly,

“Stop it! I still want to sleep!”

MIR kicked his ,

“It doesn’t mean that if we have a house then you can wake up as you like! Wake up, hyung!”

Lee Joon fell on the floor,

“Alright! Go to campus quickly! You make me go insane!” he stood up and rubbed his eyes.

MIR smiled widely,

“OK. You can find breakfast on the table. Bye hyung!!!”

He ran and then Lee Joon heard his motorcycle’s sound.

“Ah, that kid!” he looked annoyed.  

Lee Joon went to bathroom then brushed his teeth. After finished he looked at his shadow on the mirror and felt satisfied,

“I looked handsome, kekeke...You’re ready to work, Officer Lee...”

Lee Joon was an officer. He called Officer Lee in his work place.

Lee Joon took his car key and ready to work. After he reached his office, he saw his partner,

“Wow, you came so early, Cheondung,”

Cheondung, Lee Joon’s partner was a new police. He still so young but he really dedicated to his job. Like this morning, Lee Joon saw him cleaned his desk,

“Of course, hyung! As a new police, I must work diligently!” Cheondung answered while smiled widely. Lee Joon smiled too.

“That’s good! Where’s G.O?” he asked.

Cheondung smiled once again before he answered.

“He still had breakfast,”

Ten minutes later G.O came, he brought his sandwich and smiled widely shen he saw Lee Joon,

“Lee Joon! You came so early!” he said. Lee Joon smiled,

“Ah yes...”

G.O ate his sandwich hungrily. Lee Joon shook his head,

“Ckckck...Can you eat more elegantly?”

G.O answered while still chewed off his food,

“Mm...No...This is the best way to eat...Mmm,”

Lee Joon shook his head for twice then checked his case bundle. Cheondung looked at him and said,

Hyung, boss said that the narcotics trade getting more discompose,”

Lee Joon agreed,

“Yes. We still check their track. It’s difficult enough. You know that they have organized modus operandi,”

Cheondung nodded,

“Yes. They just like a slick eel,”

G.O said,

“All we have to do is just catch the most influential person behind them,”

Lee Joon sighed,

“But it’s difficult, G.O...The network is really wide,”  

 G.O chewed off his sandwich again and didn’t answer until their boss came,

“Morning, everyone...” Seungho said while took off his jacket.

“Morning boss...” Lee Joon, Cheondung and G.O replied.

Seungho announced,

“We must check the narcotics trade once again. I have new information that Lee Kwang Yoon is the person behind the trade,”

Lee Joon shocked,

“That mafia boss?”   

Seungho nodded,

“He’s the most possible person. He’s rich and has wide connection,”

“He’s not just rich. He’s billionaire. Look at his yacht, his mansion, his girlfriend, ckck...” G.O quickly added. Cheondung laughed a little, even Seungho and Lee Joon smiled.

“Yes. You’re right. You know Simon Lee?”

Cheondung shocked too,

“Billionaire from Hongkong?”

Seungho nodded,

“We have a proof that Lee Kwang Yoon has a connection with him to overseas transaction,”

Omo...” Cheondung sighed.

“So let’s check the trade once again. All of the police now work to stop the trade,”   

Lee Joon, Cheondung and G.O nodded. Lee Joon checked his case bundle again and Cheondung helped him while G.O was busy with his computer.


Jagiya...You look different lately,” MIR asked his girlfriend when they ate in the campus canteen.

Ah Jung, MIR’s girlfriend yawned,

“What do you mean?”

MIR frown a little,

“It’s just...You don’t look like before. Your family problem?”

Ah Jung looked at him,

“Yes, what else? If you have a problematic family, you’ll be stressed like me,”

MIR touched her hands,

“If there’s something that I can help...” he said but Ah Jung shook her head,

“No. I’ll handle it by myself,” she ignored, looked angry.

MIR couldn’t say anything. He looked at Ah Jung then sighed. He saw Ah Jung looked like a sick person. Ah Jung drank without said anything and just looked at the other direction.


When Lee Joon reached home, MIR told him about Ah Jung,

Hyung, there’s something happen with Ah Jung. She is more emotional than before and looked sick...”

Lee Joon looked at him while put his bag,

“Perhaps she has a problem,”

MIR nodded,

“Yes. Family problem...”

Lee Joon looked at MIR’s worry face and said,

“Cheer her up,”

MIR didn’t answer and just bowed his head so Lee Joon’s said again,

“Bring her here to dinner,” he suggested.

MIR raised his head and smiled widely,

“That’s a good idea, hyung!!” he looked really happy.

Lee Joon smiled too.

“Then bring her here tomorrow,”


MIR came to Ah Jung’s house because she didn’t attend the lecture today. He pressed the bell while smiled. Fortunately her parents weren’t at home.

But Ah Jung didn’t open the door. MIR already gave her message before he came but Ah Jung didn’t reply it.

Jinjja...” MIR pressed the bell once more.

Then he saw Ah Jung’s neighbor and asked,

Halmeoni! Do you see Ah Jung?”

Ah Jung’s neighbor shouted,

“What? What did you say?” she’s a little bit deaf so MIR repeated his words,

“Ah Jung, halmeoni! Do you see her?”

“No!! I don’t see her today!!” Ah Jung’s neighbor shouted once again.  

MIR pressed the bell for thrice and Ah Jung’s neighbor shouted,

“Just take her key! Under the flower pot!”

MIR did it and then opened the door.

“Ah Jung! Ah Jung! Why you don’t answer? I...”

And MIR shocked when she found Ah Jung’s body.

When the police checked her, they said that Ah Jung died because of drug and narcotics addicted.


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JaeYong_TY #1
Chapter 21: i liked it but i was really sad about mir cuz jessica killed her gf and at the end mir doesnt even have a girl to be with
i mean like thats just sad
mir is my fav btw
forevershine #2
Chapter 21: i love this story!!!!!
yuna3wu #3
Chapter 21: I Really like this story! XD
lakaransahrawi89 #4
Chapter 21: yeay..happy ending...^^
devilsica #5
Chapter 20: aww, next chapter is the ending?
I hope they can live happily after this :D

oh oh wait, isn't that group super junior?
lakaransahrawi89 #6
Chapter 19: i hope taeyeon also got a second chance like jessica..
it's look like seungho really like her..
waiting for e next update..