



Seungho entered the club. His friend welcomes him,

Omo, I thought that you’ll not come!”

Seungho smiled a little,

“Just for a second, Hyun Seok. Just because you’re my old pal,”

His friend, Nam Hyun Seok smiled widely,

Arasso, come on, come on. Il Jung came too,”

“Really?” Seungho surprised. Hyun Seok smiled once again,

“I know you’ll be happy! Come on, old pals must gather together,”

Seungho walked to the table where his friend is waiting,

“Il Jung!” Seungho shouted happily. His friend sniled widely,

Omo, Seungho!”

They gathered together and Hyun Seok brought the drinks.

“I must admit that your club is really good, Hyun Seok,” Il Jung took the drink. Hyun Seok laughed,

“Of course! Prepare yourself, guys. Because the main show will appear in a moment,”

They started to chat and sometimes they laughed. Seungho was really happy. Hyun Seok and Il Jung were his friends in high school.

Then suddenly, Hyun Seok pointed at the stage,

“That’s my star,” he said when a woman appeared on the stage.

Taeyeon started to sing and Seungho amazed. Taeyeon was a really pretty woman and she has amazing voice.

Hyun Seok smiled,

“She’s amazing, isn’t she?” he said. Seungho didn’t say anything and Hyun Seok laughed,

“Her name is Taeyeon,” he said.

Seungho smiled,

“Such a pretty name...”

 “I’ll introduce her after it, guys...” Hyun Seok said. Il Jung’s face turned sullen,

“I already married...” he said and Hyun Seok laughed.

“Then you’re unlucky! But it’s okay. She’s a really good woman. She’s my friend,”

Seungho still amazed with Taeyeon’s performance and for one second he thought that Taeyeon realized it. Then Taeyeon smiled a little at him before she left the stage.


At the day, when Lee Joon and G.O was discussed, someone came.

“Excuse me. Where’s Seungho oppa? He’s not in his room,”

And both of Lee Joon and G.O turned their head. They saw a girl in front of them,

“He’s go out for a second, just wait and...” G.O answered but that girl suddenly shouted,

Omo, ahjussi!”

Lee Joon quickly surprised. That girl looked at him intensively,

“You’re the ahjussi that came to our campus one week ago, right?”

Lee Joon startled,

“Are you Sunny?” G.O asked her but that girl ignored him,

Ahjussi, so you work here? With my oppa?”

Lee Joon still too shocked to answered but then he said,

“Um...Ah yes,”

Sunny sat in front of him,

“Why you looked for Vic? You said that you want to asked her about her sister,”

G.O quickly realized that this is dangerous so he said,

“You must be wrong. Because I want to meet your friend. My friend’s daughter want to join tennis club, then when Lee Joon came to your campus to pick him up I asked him to talk with Vic too, because I know from MIR that Vic join the tennis club. Lee Joon thought that perhaps he must come to Vic’s home to discuss it.”

Lee Joon looked at G.O, felt relieved. G.O smiled secretly at him.

Sunny nodded,

“Ah, arasso...Now, when Seungho oppa come?” she asked.

“Perhaps one hour later. Why? You bring food for him?” G.O answered, looked enthusiastic. Sunny laughed,

“Yes. Can I leave it here? I must go home,”

Sooyoung, who came from bathroom said,

“You can leave it on my desk. Or G.O will eat it if you leave it on his desk,”

Sunny laughed once again while G.O’s face turned sullen,

“OK. I’ll leave it on your desk. Thank you, eonni...”


Taeyeon talked to Jessica. They’re at Taeyeon’s house. A really comfortable house.

“Yesterday was really dangerous. We almost caught,” Jessica said. Taeyeon nodded.

“Fortunately Morpheus could run quickly too. Imagine if they catch all of us,”

“Is Hades know about it?” Jessica suddenly asked, looked worry. Taeyeon shook her head,

“No. I can insure it. I’ve checked to Morpheus,”

Jessica sighed,

Omo...It’s almost...”

“Don’t worry. If Hades know, we are not here,” Taeyeon laughed a little. Jessica shook her head,

Omo, Taeyeoni...Don’t be kidding at something like that,”

Taeyeon laughed once again,

“You’re right. I’m sorry...”


Seungho gathered everyone today.

“We already know about her house. We already know about Morpheus too. Unfortunatey, we don’t get Siren’s photo. Her picture is blurring, Lee Joon,” he said.

Lee Joon nodded,

“Yes. I’m so sorry, boss. I didn’t realize that she turned her head to Morpheus when I took her picture. But, I still remember her face,”

“Is she beautiful?” Cheondung asked. Lee Joon nodded,

“Really beautiful...”

“Let’s catch them all. I know Morpheus’ real name. Hwang Yong Jun. I already informed other police to find him,” Seungho said. His crew nodded,

“Understood, boss!” they said together. 

But suddenly Seungho’s phone rang. He picked it up and everyone pay attention quickly,

“Really? That’s good! OK, we’ll be right there!” Seungho looked happy then he looked at his crew,

“Everyone, there’s a good news! The other police now are catching her!”

Lee Joon, Sooyoung and Cheondung surprised,

“Yes! Let’s go there!” Seungho said once again.  

Lee Joon, Sooyoung and Cheondung nodded quickly.


That day seemed like a day that Lee Joon wouldn’t forget it. He saw so many police cars.

“Whoa...” Cheondung amazaed. Sooyoung shook her head,

“Really...for just a woman...”

Lee Joon walked to one of the police. Then he said to Cheondung and Sooyoung,

“We know her position. They saw her at the slum near here,”

Sooyoung and Cheondung nodded,

“We understand,”

They started to move. They walked through the narrow street and checked every place. Sometimes they informed other police if they saw Jessica.

Jessica now in danger.


Jessica stood near the old storage while swore at herself many times,

“Stupid, stupid! That stupid drunkard!”

One hour ago there’s a drunkard who really want to meet her. He begged to her for . But when she met him, there’s a police saw him.

Jessica suddenly heard a footfall near her and quickly panic.

Omo, omo...” she said and took a peek. He saw a young police. Jessica walked slowly. But then she heard another footfall.

Then she felt someone grabbed her arm from behind and there’s a hand that closed .



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JaeYong_TY #1
Chapter 21: i liked it but i was really sad about mir cuz jessica killed her gf and at the end mir doesnt even have a girl to be with
i mean like thats just sad
mir is my fav btw
forevershine #2
Chapter 21: i love this story!!!!!
yuna3wu #3
Chapter 21: I Really like this story! XD
lakaransahrawi89 #4
Chapter 21: yeay..happy ending...^^
devilsica #5
Chapter 20: aww, next chapter is the ending?
I hope they can live happily after this :D

oh oh wait, isn't that group super junior?
lakaransahrawi89 #6
Chapter 19: i hope taeyeon also got a second chance like jessica..
it's look like seungho really like her..
waiting for e next update..