

Annyeong haseyo readers...I'm sorry for the late update :( It's because this chapter is pretty hard.Furthermore, it's almost finish, s I must find a good scne for the next chapter. I hope u'll enjoy this chapter, gamsahamnida^^...*bow



Sunny met Seungho at his office; he closed his face with his palm.


Sunny put food box in front of him and sit but Seungho didn’t react.

“Is there anything happen, oppa? Everyone is so quiet,”

Seungho finally raised his head,

“Yes. Can’t you see it?”

Sunny sighed, and then she walked to Seungho and grabbed his arm,

“Come on, Oppa,” she said. Seungho looked at her.


“We must have fun. It seems you need it, oppa,” Sunny brought Seungho out of his room.

They went to a club near the town center. Sunny smiled widely,

“I already told Hyun Seok oppa that we’ll come here,”

Nam Hyun Seok, Seungho’s friend came and smiled,

“Ah, Seungho! You look so flagging! Come on, I’ll treat you and Sunny some delicious drinks,” he said and brought them to the bar.

“Where’s that famous singer, oppa? You told me that her voice so great,” Sunny looked at the stage. Hyun Seok smiled,

“That singer? Your brother likes her too,”

Sunny surprised,

“Really oppa? Ah, Seungho oppa never told me about her,”

Seungho shook his head while drink,

“Who said that I like her?”

Hyun Seok laughed,

“It’s already shown on your face, my pal...”

“So, where’s she, oppa?” Sunny asked to Hyun Seok. Hyun Seok shook his head,

“She’s absent since 3 days ago. I still didn’t receive any news from her. I’m sorry, Seungho,” he said regretfully.

Seungho looked at the stage. He still remember about Taeyeon and somehow he missed her voice. He felt that if he hear Taeyeon’s voice tonight, it will release his burden and his anger.


Cheondung laid on the bed near G.O’s bed, still didn’t say anything until G.O started the conversation,

“Um...Cheondungi?” he asked hesitantly.

“What?” Cheondung replied. G.O only saw his back,

“About Medusa...” G.O started to say but Cheondung suddenly said,

“G.O hyung?”

G.O stopped and replied,


“What makes a man save a bad woman?” Cheondung asked. G.O looked confused,

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, there’s a bad woman. She’s in danger. And there’s a man save her. Although she’s a bad woman why that man save her?” Cheondung asked more clearly.

G.O looked at him,

“Huh? Perhaps...he like...her?’s his duty to save that woman,” G.O answered slowly.

Cheondung thought about it,

“Duty? I see...”

G.O looked at him,

“Your question is strange, Cheondungi...”

Cheondung sit and looked down at his blanket,

“Because for a second...I thought that there’s something between that woman and him...”

G.O looked confused,

“Hah? Who are you talking about, Cheondung?”

Cheondung smiled a little,

“Nothing. Let’s sleep, hyung,”    

G.O nodded quickly,

“Ah...OK, OK,” and he put something on the table near him. Cheondung looked curious,

“What is that, hyung? Your mother’s photo?”

“Eh? A...ani,” G.O replied falteringly then quickly turned his body so Cheondung could only see his back. Cheondung shook his head,

“Ah...another secret. I hate it,”

He waited until he’s sure that G.O really asleep then he walked to the table near his bed. There’s a frame near the lamp and Cheondung took it.

Cheondung’s mouth opened when he saw whose picture in the frame.

“No way! Ha, G.O hyung!” he tried to hold his laugh when he saw Sooyoung’s photo.

“Ckck...So up till now he has a secret love towards Sooyoung noona? I’m surprised,” he said slowly and smiled widely.


Jessica gave the instruction to Taeyeon.

“You can leave us after this turn, Tae...”

“OK,” Taeyeon replied then told Morpheus. Morpheus nodded. After a few minutes they stopped and watched Lee Joon’s car from behind.

Jessica came out from the car with Lee Joon. Jessica looked worried,

“I’m scare...”

Lee Joon hold her hand,

“Don’t worry. I’ll talk to them first,”

But suddenly there’s a shot and Lee Joon fell. His right arm hurt. Jessica screamed,


Taeyeon and Morpheus, who still watched them shocked,

“What’s happen?” Taeyeon wanna out from the car but Morpheus stopped them.

“Orion. He must be around here. Stay inside the car,” and he opened the car’s door.

There’s a shot once again and there’s a low scream. A man with black suit came nowhere and fell. Taeyeon really shocked.

Lee Joon, who still lied down on the road tried to took his cellphone with his left hand.

“Cheondung? Go out and bring as much police as you can. There’s a gang of narcotics trade attacking me when I tried to bring Medusa to us,”

Cheondung, who was make coffee at that time surprised. He quickly told Sooyoung, G.O and the other police. He also tried to contact Seungho because he’s not at the office.

“WHAT? Narcotic’s trade? Are you sure? OK, let’s go there!” Sooyoung quickly followed Cheondung.

Morpheus tried to find Orion. Taeyeon suddenly saw there’s someone who tried to shot Morpheus. She took gun from her bag and then shot him.

Then she saw someone who secretly talked to his cellphone from one of the car not far from her. She went out from the car and quickly reached that car.

“Are you talk to Hades?”

That man shocked then suddenly smiled. He didn’t wear black suit so he’s not one of Hades’ people. But if he could contact Hades, it’s mean that he’s important people. Perhaps he’s one of Orion’s subordinates.  

So, you helped Medusa, do you? Unbelievable, Hades will be very interested,”

Taeyeon quickly aimed her gun to him,

“Quiet. Give me your cellphone,”

That man still smiled,

“Hades’ people will come in a few minutes, Siren,”

He’s right. Suddenly she heard there’s car’s sound from far.

“Oh no,” Taeyeon shocked. That man smiled wider,

“Beware, Siren. Hades’ punishment is really...creepy, don’t you now?”

Taeyeon still tried to control herself. She shot that man’s foot. That man screamed. Taeyeon quickly tried to find Jessica. But then she heard one shot and fearfulness, she saw Morpheus got shot and fell.

“NOOO! Morpheus!”

Then suddenly she fell. Someone shot her at her foot. She took her gun and turned back then shot back.  There’s a lot of man came and Taeyeon shot as much as she can. Jessica heard her shot and tried to help. She took Lee Joon’s gun before Lee Joon could restrain.  

When Cheondung and the other police came, that place started to became bloody arena.


Sooyoung found Lee Joon and Jessica who sit near him.

“Let’s go to the office quickly. Cheondung and I will handle all,”

Jessica looked at Taeyeon,

“Please, bring that woman too. She’s a citizen who got shot by the gang,”

Jessica tried to protect Taeyeon so she didn’t tell her identity. Sooyoung nodded,

Omo, really? She must me looked what’s happen here and got shot intuitively,”

She told Jessica to go to the office first while she reached Taeyeon,

“Miss? Let me bring you to our office first then I’ll call the ambulance. This place is dangerous,”

Taeyeon, who felt supple just nodded and let Sooyoung bring her.

Cheondung and the other police still tried to fought against the gang. Finally they won. They caught all the gang member and brought them to the office.


Seungho was so surprised when Cheondung told him that they caught Medusa. They even caught Orion, Hades’ hunter. Orion caught hardly. He finally gave up after he hot shot at his arm and his foot.

When he reached the office, he saw Lee Joon was on the process to go to the hospital. The ambulance came and brought him. He saw his main target, Medusa, sit near Sooyoung. Then suddenly, he saw her.

Taeyeon was near the ambulance car. Cheondung accompanied her. Seungho quickly ran to her,

Aigoo, are you the singer from Hyun Seok’s club?” 

Taeyeon surprised. She remember Seungho,

“You are my boss’ friend?” she asked. Seungho nodded and smiled widely,

“Ah, you remember me?”

Taeyeon nodded, she didn’t know that Seungho is a police.


“Why are you here?” Seungho asked and Sooyoung answered,

“She got shot by the gang, boss. It’s so lucky that there’s no citizen at that time, but this woman was unlucky,”

Taeyeon looked at Jessica. So Jessica didn’t told the police about me? Omo...

Seungho smiled at her,

“You’ll be OK. Your name is Taeyeon, right?”

Taeyeon looked at him. Even this police knew her name...

“Yes, officer,” she answered.

When the ambulance car brought her and Lee Joon to the hospital, Seungho accompanied them.

“I like your performance, Taeyeon,” Seungho told Taeyeon when they at their way to the hospital.

“Your sound is great. Hyun Seok is really lucky to have you,”

Taeyeon looked at him sadly. If Seungho knew her job, he must be regret for said such words.

“Really?” she asked. Seungho nodded enthusiastically,

“Mm. Yes,”

Taeyeon sighed. Then she remembered something,

“Um...Officer? About that woman in the office. Is she a criminal?” she asked. Seungho looked at her,

“Yes, Taeyeon. She’s a drug seller,”

“About her punishment...” Taeyeon tried to say but she couldn’t. Seungho sighed,

“My people already found her past. So sadly to became a victim of human trafficking. I’m sure we’ll find a way to help her. If she agree to cooperate with us and catch the leader,”

Taeyeon smiled.

“You’re a good police, Officer,”

Seungho’s cheek suddenly blushed. Taeyeon smiled widely,

Omo, are you shy because of my words? I’m so sorry, Officer. It’s because I don’t think that police can be so fine to a criminal. You even searched for her past and want to help her,”

Seungho smiled.

“I just thought that her past was so miserable. She’s deserve to get a better life than her life now. To have a second chance. But, only if she want to cooperate with us,”

Aigoo...Taeyeon shocked. Even Seungho talked about the second chance...he talked aboout a better life...

“Second chance? A better life?” she asked. Seungho nodded,

“Mmm...Everyone deserve for it,”

When they almost reach the hospital, Taeyeon suddenly knew. Morpheus already died and Jessica was on the police office. If she came back to her job, she didn’t have anyone. Ares perhaps will help her but she felt hesitant about it. Ares was in Hades’ under control so he won’t be brave to turn against him.

Taeyeon had two choices. One of the choice could bring her two death and the other choice could save her.




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JaeYong_TY #1
Chapter 21: i liked it but i was really sad about mir cuz jessica killed her gf and at the end mir doesnt even have a girl to be with
i mean like thats just sad
mir is my fav btw
forevershine #2
Chapter 21: i love this story!!!!!
yuna3wu #3
Chapter 21: I Really like this story! XD
lakaransahrawi89 #4
Chapter 21: yeay..happy ending...^^
devilsica #5
Chapter 20: aww, next chapter is the ending?
I hope they can live happily after this :D

oh oh wait, isn't that group super junior?
lakaransahrawi89 #6
Chapter 19: i hope taeyeon also got a second chance like jessica..
it's look like seungho really like her..
waiting for e next update..