



That young woman entered the club. When she came, almost everyone there looked at her and whispered,

“That woman...” whispered one of the man guest there.

“I know...” his friend replied and looked at the young woman by stealth.

A waitress walked to the young lady quickly,

“Welcome, Miss,” and she showed the table which nearest the stage.

Those young women sit and looked at the singer on the stage. She enjoyed her performance until the end and when that singer finished her song and went to the backstage, she followed her.

The backstage was full of peoples. Most of them were the crew stage and other was singer and dancer. That young woman walked one of the singers,


One of the singers turned her head, surprised,

Omo, Jessica!” and she smiled widely then stood up and hugged the young woman.

Jessica smiled,

“Long time no sees, Taeyeonie...” she said.

Taeyeon nodded. She’s 25 years old woman, but she still looked like 20 years old girl. She’s really beautiful. Jessica, that young woman, was a 25 years old too and beautiful too as Taeyeon.

Taeyeon smiled once again,

“Long time no see too. Did you watch my performance?”     

 Jessica nodded and sat beside her,

“Yes. Boring like usual,” she commented and Taeyeon laughed,

“You’re still the same! Still sarcastic like before! That’s art, Jessica!”

Jessica smiled,

“What’s art? Art is beauty...”

Taeyeon quickly said,

“And singing is a beauty!”

Jessica shook his head,

“Yeah...yeah...Singing is not fun at all for me,”

Taeyeon smiled,

“Let’s go to noraebang someday,” she said and Jessica quickly ignored,

“No! Obviously no!”

Taeyeon shook her head,

“Ah you really...”

Jessica suddenly said slowly,

“How about Siren today?”

Taeyeon quickly looked around before she whispered,    

“Still the same. We can’t send the package. So much police waiting in quay,”

Jessica shook his head,

“Ckck...They drive me crazy,”

Taeyeon nodded,

“Yes they are,” she agreed.     

“How about Medusa?” Taeyeon suddenly asked and smiled. Jessica smiled too,

“Just like you. There’s no chance to give the package. My business is getting stuck,”  

Taeyeon laughed,

“Perhaps you must try too. A singer profession,” she said and laughed.

Jessica laughed too and shook her head,

“No! I’m not interesting,”

“You will get more clients and money. Like me,” Taeyeon said again while sprayed perfume.

Jessica looked at the mirror,

“No,” she shook her head once again.

Taeyeon looked at her shadow in the mirror and said,

“I must to sing once again. You want to wait for me or...”

Jessica shook her head,

“No. I’ll go first. Bye, Taeyeonie...”

Taeyeon nodded,

“Bye, J...”



Jessica went to other club. When she entered, the other guest welcome her,

“Hello, Medusa...” said 40 years old man. Jessica smiled,

“Hello, Ares...”

Ares smiled to her,

“How about your business, J?” he asked. Jessica shook his head,

“Really bad. Perhaps I must look for a side job like Taeyeon,” she answered and sit near him. Ares laughed,

“Like her, huh? Then you must sing or dance in club. Hey! You can work at my club!” he suggested. Jessica laughed,

“You much pay me double,”

Ares laughed once again,

“No problem. Your voice are great, J...The guests will like it,”

Jessica smiled,

“Thank you, Ares...”

Then one man walked to them,

“Ares, the police investigated Hades,” he said.

Hades was a name code for Lee Kwang Yoon. In this narcotics trade business, everyone inside the trade had name code. Like Ares before. It’s his name code. His original name was Kang In Seok, he was a famous narcotics seller who has a side job as club owner.

Kang In Seok sighed,

“Really...They really make our business stuck,”    

Jessica looked at the man, who came with the news,

“It’ll not forever. In one week, we can continue our business. Right, Hermes?”

Hermes smiled a little. His original name was Kim Hyun Woo, he’s their message bearer.

“You’re right, J...” 

Someone opened the front door and Jessica smiled when she saw whose come,


Taeyeon smiled while still panted,

“Hi J...” and she looked at Kang In Seok and Hermes,

“Hi Ares, hi Hermes...” she said. Ares and Hermes smiled,

“Hi Siren...”

Taeyeon sat beside Jessica. She already changed her clothes. Not stage clothes anymore. She looked different than before.

“Our queens now complete,” Hermes smiled. Jessica and Taeyeon smiled at him,

“Ah, thank you,”

Jessica and Taeyeon called queens in the trade business because only them who was female there.  

They started to discuss. Ares gave them suggestion about the police and sometimes Jessica or Taeyeon ignored it,

“Too dangerous, Ares...” Taeyeon said.

“And difficult too,” Jessica added.

Ares nodded, appreciated their objection. Then he suggested another suggestion. They still discussed their plan till late in the night.


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JaeYong_TY #1
Chapter 21: i liked it but i was really sad about mir cuz jessica killed her gf and at the end mir doesnt even have a girl to be with
i mean like thats just sad
mir is my fav btw
forevershine #2
Chapter 21: i love this story!!!!!
yuna3wu #3
Chapter 21: I Really like this story! XD
lakaransahrawi89 #4
Chapter 21: yeay..happy ending...^^
devilsica #5
Chapter 20: aww, next chapter is the ending?
I hope they can live happily after this :D

oh oh wait, isn't that group super junior?
lakaransahrawi89 #6
Chapter 19: i hope taeyeon also got a second chance like jessica..
it's look like seungho really like her..
waiting for e next update..