


“What?” Victoria looked so surprised while Lee Joon and Jessica was so shocked like they saw a ghost.

Lee Joon never saw MIR as angry as he saw now. He looked like a beast who found his victim.


MIR burst into anger and pointed at Jessica who quickly froze.

“That woman, hyung! That woman killed Ah Jung! She killed my girlfriend! She’s a criminal!” he shouted.

Her mother shocked,

“W...what? MIR? What do you mean by criminal? Jessica...”

MIR laughed,

“Ha! So her name is Jessica? That woman is a criminal, eomma! She’s a drug seller!”

Her mother’s face turned pale,

“D...drug seller? Jessica?” she looked at Jessica, who her face turned pale too.


Victoria looked at MIR,

“MIR, what are you talking about? Why you…”

MIR looked at Victoria,

“Your sister, Vic…Don’t you know that she’s a drug seller? Her code name is Medusa. She sold drugs to Ah Jung and made her die because of addicted! She’s a murderer”

Victoria shocked and so was Jessica.

“Your girlfriend died?” Jessica asked slowly.

MIR sit on the floor then cried,

“Ah Jung, Ah Jung!”

Jessica’s eyes started to wet. She looked at MIR then closed her eyes.

“Officer Lee...” she suddenly said. Lee Joon looked at her.

“What?” he asked.

Tears fell from Jessica’s eyes.

“I’ll go with you. I’ll tell about the trade and the leader. But I’ll still protect my friends. I just say the truth about the trade and the leader,”


A man came into Lee Kwang Yoon’s office. Lee Kwang Yoon realized his arrival and smiled,

“Welcome, Orion,” he said.

The man who entered his office nodded,

“Hades, I already know where’s Medusa,”

Lee Kwang Yoon smiled once again.

“Then tell me, Orion,” he said calmly and offered wine. Orion accepted it and said,

“She’s in a house near the beach. In a police’s house,”

Lee Kwang Yoon nodded,

“Police, huh? Interesting. Then catch her, Orion. Catch her and bring her to me. I guess she already told everything to the police,”

 Orion nodded,

“I understand,”


“Are you sure, Jessica?” Lee Joon said.

Jessica nodded,


Then she walked to MIR and sit in front of him,

“I’m so sorry, MIR…I shouldn’t sell it to students…”

MIR, who still cried, said slowly,

“It won’t bring back Ah Jung…You’re a cruel woman, Medusa…”

Jessica answered,

“I know…”

Victoria looked at Lee Joon and said,

“Officer Lee? Can I talk to you for a moment?”

Lee Joon looked confused but he agreed,


Lee Joon brought her to the backyard. Victoria sit and Lee Joon asked,

“What do you want to talk to me?”

Victoria looked at her hands when she said,

“Officer, are you already falling in love with my sister?”

Lee Joon almost fell from the chair when he heard that,

“Eh, w…what?”

Victoria smiled a little,

“Is that your reason why you saved my sister?”

“Uh…um…” Lee Joon didn’t know what to say. Victoria continued,

“Then if you love my sister, protect her, Officer. I don’t know how dangerous her job is. But I feel worry about her. If the trade found her, don’t you think that they will hurt her? Or if the police found her before you bring her to the police office, don’t you think that they maybe…kill her?”

Victoria looked so afraid until Lee Joon felt worried,

“Victoria…Don’t worry,”

Victoria looked at her hands again,

“Actually, she’s a kind person, Officer. When I was 12 years old, I’m a waif. I walked through the street, didn’t know where to go and lived with stole foods. Then my sister found me. She brought me to her home and told me to change my life. She’s my savior, Officer…”

Lee Joon shocked. He never heard about Victoria’s past or how Jessica was so important for her.

“Victoria…” he said.

Victoria raised her head and smiled,

“So please protect my sister, Officer. Will you?”

Lee Joon touched Victoria’s hands and nodded,

“I will,”


G.O entered Seungho’s room,


Seungho raised his head,


G.O walked to him and gave a report,

“We found her. Medusa. And Hades’ real identity,”

Seungho looked enthusiastic,


G.O answered,

“The other police saw her walked at the road near the beach. In a small town with small population. And about Hades…I think that it’ll be hard to arrest him. He’s Lee Kwang Yoon, that…um…”

Seungho nodded,

“I know. Aigoo…I’ll find a way to catch him. Thank you, G.O. Tell the other police to find Medusa first,”

G.O nodded,

“Understood, Boss…”


“Go get Medusa and bring her to me,” Orion said on the phone from one of black car.

“Understood,” the other man from other cars answered. They saw Jessica came out from Lee Joon’s parent’s house.


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JaeYong_TY #1
Chapter 21: i liked it but i was really sad about mir cuz jessica killed her gf and at the end mir doesnt even have a girl to be with
i mean like thats just sad
mir is my fav btw
forevershine #2
Chapter 21: i love this story!!!!!
yuna3wu #3
Chapter 21: I Really like this story! XD
lakaransahrawi89 #4
Chapter 21: yeay..happy ending...^^
devilsica #5
Chapter 20: aww, next chapter is the ending?
I hope they can live happily after this :D

oh oh wait, isn't that group super junior?
lakaransahrawi89 #6
Chapter 19: i hope taeyeon also got a second chance like jessica..
it's look like seungho really like her..
waiting for e next update..