

Sorry for not update the chapter for two weeks :'(....I'm so busy

But now I already post the next chapter, enjoy it, readers!^^





Victoria came to Taeyeon’s home,

Eonni, do you know where’s Jessica eonni? I can’t contact her,”

Taeyeon shook her head,

“I also don’t know where she is,”

Victoria sighed,

Omo, where’s she? It’s been two weeks since she gone,”
 Taeyeon touched her arm,

“I’ll look for her. Don’t worry,” she said and Victoria sighed again then nodded.


But at that day, Victoria suddenly saw something. When she finished her lecture, she came out with Sunny and then she saw MIR talked with someone.

And she knew who it is. She remembered that man. She saw MIR entered that man’s car and she confused. What’s the relationship between that man and MIR?

So she followed their car until she reached an apartment. MIR came out from the car and said something. Fortunately Victoria still heard that because MIR’s voice quite loud,

Gomawo hyung!”

What? Hyung? Is that man MIR’s brother? Victoria asked herself.

“The dinner will be ready after you come home, hyung...” MIR said again and Victoria quickly realized that her guess was true. That man truly MIR’s brother.



 Lee Joon looked at his rear view. He realized that there was a car that followed him since he left MIR’s campus. He suddenly stopped and that car stopped too. When the driver came out from the car, he shocked.


Victoria looked at Lee Joon intensively.

“It’s me. You’re MIR’s brother, don’t you?” she asked.

Lee Joon looked at her back.

“Yes,” he replied.

Victoria looked at Lee Joon’s eyes,

“About my sister...Do you know where she is?” she didn’t mean to say that but she suddenly realized that perhaps this man knew where Jessica is.

“Why you asked me?”

Then Victoria realized one thing again. Jessica gone after that man asked for their address.

“Are you a police?” she asked and Lee Joon shocked.

“Why you...How...”

Victoria said quickly,

“Am I right?”

Lee Joon couldn’t answer and Victoria assumed that she’s right.

“So you’re a police,” she said.

“I know you’re looking for my sister so you asked me about her,” she continued and Lee Joon still quiet.

“I know my sister’s profession, officer. You want to catch her,”

Lee Joon really shocked. But he’s tried to stay calm,

“You’re a smart girl, Victoria...”

Victoria looked at him and said,

“So you already caught her?”

Victoria guessed that Lee Joon will answer that Jessica was in trial now. But she’s so surprised when Lee Joon shook his head.


 “What? No? You didn’t...” Victoria didn’t understand.

“I did.” Lee Joon quicklu said before Victoria finished her words.

“You did? But...”

Lee Joon closed his eyes.

“Answer me first. You know your sister’s job. But why you don’t stop her?”

Victoria shocked by that question.

“W...what? I...I...”

Lee Joon continued,

“She’s a criminal. Why you don’t stop her?”

Victoria’s eyes started to wet,

“Because I can’t...That’s her life...I can’t say that...”

Lee Joon said again,

“That’s really a dangerous job, Victoria...Really taking risk for both of you,”

“I know...”

“I try to change her life, Victoria...” Lee Joon finally said.

Victoria surprised and looked at him,

“What? What did you say?”

Lee Joon closed his eyes once again and asked,

“Don’t you know your sister’s past?”   

When Victoria shook her head, Lee Joon already guess that,

“Ah, I already expect that,”

Victoria looked at him,

“So you try to save my sister?”

Lee Joon nodded,


Victoria surprised,


“Because she’s police force’s first target,” Lee Joon answered.

“You already know about all of this. I’ll take you to your sister to talk to her. She can start a new life,”

Victoria looked at him,

“But the other police?”

Lee Joon suddenly smiled,

“I will testify for her. I will show her record past. If she can tell me who the leader of the trade is, we can catch him and perhaps her punishment will be reducible. It’s the best choice that she has,”

Victoria shocked,

“But she still get the punishment?”

Lee Joon sighed,

“Yes. But after that she can start a new life. Be a new person with better life,”

Victoria couldn’t say anything. But as a student of law department she knew the risk which must be taken by Jessica. She sighed, looked very sad.

“Come on. I’ll bring you to your sister,” Lee Joon said and Victoria nodded.


MIR sat in front of Young Min. MIR looked at him intensively. Young Min gulped,

“W...what? You want to meet me here and now you gaze at me like that?”

MIR finally said,

“Tell me about Medusa,”

Young Min shocked,

“W...what? Tell what? I already told everything,” he looked afraid.

“Again. Tell me again. How does she look?”

Young Min looked at him,

“Her look? She...she’s so beautiful,” Young Min smiled a little while imagined Jessica’s face.

“Do you have her picture?” MIR asked. Young Min nodded quickly.

“Yes! But it’s so vague. I took her photo secretly when my friend was in transaction with her,”

“Show me,” MIR said quickly.

Young Min took his cellphone then after five seconds he gave it,

“See? She’s so beautiful! It’s so pity that she’s a drug seller because she can be a model,” Young Min looked so disappointed.

MIR took Young Min’s cellphone quickly then transfered it to his cellphone.

“Medusa. I know your face now,” Mir said, his voice looked dangerous.



When Jessica still cooked in the kitchen, she heard someone shouted her name. She looked at the window then shocked.

“Victoria!” she’s very surprised then opened the door quickly.

Omo, eonni!” Victoria ran then hugged Jessica tighly. Jessica’s eyes looked wet.

“Victoria...I miss you so much...” she said.

They entered Lee Joon’s home. Victoria and Jessica looked so happy met each other. When they at conversation, Lee Joon said,

“Jessica. Victoria already know about your profession,”

Jessica shocked,

“W...what? Omo...” then she looked at Victoria, who nodded,

“Yes, eonni. I knew it since two years ago. I heard you make transaction with one of my friend,”

Jessica shocked more,


Victoria grabbed Jessica’s hand,

“Officer Lee told me that you still have change. You can told the police about the trade’s leader and its structure,”

Jessica shook her head quickly,

“No! Obviously know! Do you know how the trade works? They will kill me before I tell the police! Beside it, I don’t want to betray them. They all my friends...” she said loudly.

Lee Joon sighed,

“Jessica, let me tell you...”
But before Lee Joon finished his words, the front door opened. All of them shocked.

Lee Joon’s mother entered home and looked so happy,

“Lee Joon, you don’t believe it! MIR told me that he want to stay here for tonight! And I met him at the market when I bought foods for dinner...”

MIR entered the home and shouted Lee Joon’s name, looked so happy too,

Hyung! I met eomma at the market! Look! We bought fish and...”

Then he shocked. He saw Jessica then her expression changed. His face turned face and his voice looked really scary when he said,



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JaeYong_TY #1
Chapter 21: i liked it but i was really sad about mir cuz jessica killed her gf and at the end mir doesnt even have a girl to be with
i mean like thats just sad
mir is my fav btw
forevershine #2
Chapter 21: i love this story!!!!!
yuna3wu #3
Chapter 21: I Really like this story! XD
lakaransahrawi89 #4
Chapter 21: yeay..happy ending...^^
devilsica #5
Chapter 20: aww, next chapter is the ending?
I hope they can live happily after this :D

oh oh wait, isn't that group super junior?
lakaransahrawi89 #6
Chapter 19: i hope taeyeon also got a second chance like jessica..
it's look like seungho really like her..
waiting for e next update..