A DATE!?!?

Like this....?


Asa smiled through a sheer veil at the man who she would soon be able to call her husband. She had dreamed about this day so many times in her life, to think of it actually happening made her stomach do cartwheels. The male smiled back to her, lifting her veil, “You look beautiful, Angelica.”
The happy couple turned to face the preacher that stood before them, “If anyone has any reason these two should not be married, speak now or forever hold your peace.”
The doors swung wide open on cue, “Asa! You can’t marry him! I love you!”

“D-Dongho!” Asa covered dramatically, “What are you doing?”
The young boy marched up to the couple, taking her face into his hands, “Asa...”
“But... Kibum....”
“I can’t.”
The brunette shot up, hitting her blonde friend’s chin with her forehead in the process. Aly fell backwards, “ASA! Jeez! I was just trying to wake you up! What’s with the screaming?”
Asa breathed out, clutching her chest, “Thank goodness you woke me up. That was beyond awkward.” She groaned, rubbing her forehead, “Ahhh. I can feel it bruising.”
“You feel yours bruising? I just fell onto a doorknob. My chin and the back of my head are going to be throbbing all through practice.” Aly pouted, “What were you dreaming about to get you all worked up like that, anyway?”

“N-NOTHING.” Asa shot out of bed, face red.
“Now I know it’s not nothing. Why are you so obvious about stuff like this? You need to learn how to lie better.” She shoved her friend back into the sitting position, “Talk.”
They both giggled a little, breaking into, “BABY TALK TALK TALK TO ME” before they went back into their talking mode.
Asa went into full detail about the events of the night before, including Kibum’s comeback and Dongho’s peck, leading into her strange dream, where she almost went along with Dongho’s kiss, “What do you think it means?”
“It means you should talk to me when things happen instead of keeping all the good stuff to yourself.”
“You were asleep.”
“Well, anyway. Which one do you like?”
Asa jumped, “Wh-what? Who said I liked one of them?”
“...Asa, really?”
“FINE. I really, really like Kibum, okay? You know that. I’ve been a fan of his since I can remember. And when he talked to me in the hallway, I thought my chest was going to BURST. But here comes Dongho, and I really don’t like him that way, or I don’t think I do. I don’t know. He caught me off guard, I guess. More than anything.”
Aly nodded, tapping her chin, “Sounds to me like the beginnings of a love triangle.”
“Like you’re one to talk.”
“Huh?” Aly blinked naively, “What do you mean?”
“Girl... Soohyun and Xander totally fought over putting you to bed last night. It was kind of gross.”
The blonde was officially a cherry color, “I’m sure it wasn’t that bad.”
“Oh, it was bad. And then the faces they made when Kiseop did it? Fantastic. I wish I had a camera.”
“...Kiseop went into my room?” She covered her face with her hands, “I FEEL SO DIRTY.”
Asa patted her shoulder, “You’re such a .” She laughed as her friend collapsed comically, “Let’s get changed and get to practice.”
“Oh yeah. Practice. Whoops.”
The girls were a few minutes late, to their embarrassment.
Poor Aly had gotten into a fight with her straightener, she had burned a few fingers, dropped the electric device on an earring which stabbed her cheek. Sporting a neon green band-aid on her face and bright pink ones on her fingers, she was the first to enter. Her practice outfit was basically a pair of sweatpants and a tank top.
Asa followed, a newly forming bruise in the middle of her forehead from that morning’s excitement. She was wearing a pair of shorts and a purple, quarter-sleeved top.

The two entered happily, despite their injuries.
Kibum was the first to react, as he was the only one facing the door at the time. He rushed forward, “Asa! Your face! What happened.”
The girl gave Aly a glance, “She hit me with her chin.”
The blonde pouted, “Not on purpose. And it was more like your forehead hit my chin. I was trying to wake you up for breakfast before we came to practice.”
Kibum sighed, “You need to be more careful. I won’t be around to protect you from yourself, you know.”
Asa blinked, about to say something back, but was interrupted by a sharp gasp. Soohyun had bounded over, taking Aly’s hands in his own, “What did she do to you, then? This was for revenge for her head, right?” He reached up and touched the band-aid on her cheek, “This too?”
“Ah. Actually, this was my fault too. I’m not very well coordinated.” Asa coughed a “that’s for sure” earning a glare from her best friend.
Xander had appeared out of nowhere, patting her head, “Ahh~ I could kiss it and make it better if it hurts!”
The girl’s body jolted a little, and she pulled away from both of them, holding her head tightly, tears prickling her eyes, “Ahhh. I fell there. Be careful, please.”
Alexander felt instant guilt again, “I’m always making you cry! I’m so sorry.” He backed away a little, hands held to his front.
Aly it up and gave him a thumbs up, “No worries! I should have said something. I’ll be okay!”
Kibum was walking around Asa, making sure there were no more injuries to be found, or so he convinced himself.
The youngest member elbowed him out of his way, “She’s fine, you don’t have to hang around her like that.” He crossed his arms, looking up at his hyung, “Unless you’re just being a ert again.”
The door opened once again revealing Kevin and Eli, who had been in the bathroom at the time. Kiseop trailed in after them slowly, just in time for Kevin to do a half sprint across the room, “Asa! Your face!”
She laughed and twirled a strand of hair around her finger, “Gorgeous, right?”
Kevin snickered at her comment, but came back quickly, “No. Bad Asa. Don’t make me laugh! This is serious! What if people think one of us hit you? WAS IT ALY?”
Aly stomped her feet, “Not on purpose!”
Eli smirked, “I didn’t realize you were a bad .”
“I didn’t do it on purpose, though!”
“Not you. Asa. She totally rocks the bruised look.” He glanced at Aly, “I honestly don’t think anyone would think that you did it.”
“...What does that mean?”
“It means that you, blondie, look about as intimidating as baby chicken.”

Aly clutched her chest, “Ahhhh~ I’m doomed.” She fell to her knees dramatically, “What will I do? No one will ever take me seriously!”
Kiseop, thinking she was being serious, rushed over, “Ah! It’s okay! No girl wants to look tough anyway, right?”
Aly patted his arm, “Thank you, Kiseop. I can practice hard now because of you.”
He nodded awkwardly and then helped her up, unsure of what to say to that.

The blonde girl patted his arm once more, “I promise I wasn’t really hurt by what he said. I was just trying to be funny.”
Eli scoffed, “She’s almost as funny as you are, Kiseop.”
Kiseop beamed, “That must mean you’re hilarious!”
Soohyun huffed, taking Aly’s hands once again, “You’ll have to let me take care of you on our break. I want to make sure you heal properly.”
“They’re just burns. It happens.”
“REGARDLESS. You will heal properly.”
“O-okay then. Thanks.”
The choreographer took this as his moment to walk in, “Alright, let’s get started everyone!”
It had been two weeks since the incident, and the final practice before the concert had finally ended. During this two week period, the boys, Asa and Aly had found themselves getting closer. Kevin had invited Asa along to accompany himself and Eli to several occasions, and in that sense, the three of them had become extremely close friends. Dongho had been watching her closely, accepting every opportunity possible to talk to her or look good in front of her. Kibum had found himself liking her more than he should have. What would Asa think? He liked her a lot, and because of that, he didn’t want to make himself too overbearing in her eyes.
Despite all that, Asa still chose to sit with him during breaks,still agreed that having the other’s phone number would benefit them both, still found herself wishing she could spend more time with the boy.
Soohyun had calmed down considerably. He had been overreacting at the fact that there were pretty girls around him, and he really liked girls. He had gotten to know Asa a little better, but Aly was still a bit of a mystery to him. She was pretty and funny and everything he found attractive in a girl, but he still didn’t know a lot about her. Asking to be alone with her so they could talk? It was too embarrassing. He would wait until she approached him.

Kiseop and Aly had found a common love for Pokemon, and they became close friends as a result. They were constantly doing their “awkward comedy” routine. Something else they realized they had in common. The two were almost like twins in personality and likes. A strange pair of friends, but friends none-the-less.
Aly and Alexander had a few more incidents where he had upset her unintentionally, finally leading to her pulling him aside and explaining her deepest fear; bellybuttons. Everything had finally made sense to him,and he apologized profusely. The two had become considerably closer thanks to this, they even had gone out a few times as friends to the local buffet.
They weren’t super close, but it was nice to have a friend who was as considerate as Alexander. Or, at least, that’s how Aly saw it.

Their final practice ended with loud applause from their choreographer, “You’ve all come so far! I’m so proud to have been able to work with you. Let’s make sure this practice hadn’t been a waste of time, though. First concert is tomorrow! See you then, guys!”
The group broke away slowly.
Aly was at the back of the group, trying not to limp. She didn’t want anyone to realize she had stepped on her foot wrong at one point in the practice. It wouldn’t be her fault if tomorrow didn’t go well for sure! She wasn’t going to let them down!
Soohyun turned around, realizing she wasn’t with Asa or Kiseop, “Ah, Aly.” He slowed a little, “Are you alright?”
“Yeah!” She gave a thumbs up, “Amazing. Thank you for asking.”
He hesitated a little, “Are you sure? Because usually you’re the first out of the door.”
“Ah, I’m just a little tired is all. I didn’t get much sleep and I haven’t eaten today-”
“Then it’s settled. Come back to the dorm with me and I’ll feed you! I’m a really good cook! Plus, Xander has a radio broadcast to go to and Kiseop is supposed to be tagging along. Eli and Kevin are going to be at your dorm for most of the night again, which means Kibum will probably try and get himself invited. And then Dongho is Dongho and he either won’t be around or he won’t care.”
“....Did you have this planned out or something?”
He laughed awkwardly, “Well, no. But, it’s an opportunity. We haven’t really spoken a lot since we’ve met, and I came on really strong at first. I want you to kind of consider this an apology.”
Aly smiled, “Yeah. Sure.”
“Ahhh, that’s fine. You don’t have to.... Wait, you said yes?”
The blonde nodded, “Is that okay?”
“YES! I mean, yes, of course. I’ll just. I’m gonna go ahead. Wait, are you sure you aren’t hurt? I can carry you to the van-”
“I’m fine. Go on before they start complaining that it’s your fault the van stinks already.” She laughed, watching the excited boy nod and break into a jog towards the vehicles.
Aly hobbled out of the building, catching an interesting scene play out.
Asa was just being left by an excited Kevin, who was dragging Eli behind him. Kibum had nervously strode up to her, and they were talking. He nodded, and she smiled brightly. They said their goodbyes as Aly walked up.
Asa clapped, “So. Kevin, Eli and Kibum are going to be over later. Do you mind?”
“Nah, that’s cool.”
“Ahh. You’re free to hang out with us too, you know.”
“I’ve actually got plans. For once.” The blonde laughed, getting into the car with her friend.
“Plans? Wanna fill me in?”
“Maybe after it all goes down. If it totally , I’m going to lie about it.”
“Nice. But really. Tell me?” She poked at her friend a little, “You and Kiseop have been getting close lately, did he finally ask you out?”
“GROSS ASA.” Aly placed a hand over , “He’s like my brother. Why the hell would someone date their brother?”
“Well, you ARE from Tennessee, just saying.” She poked her tongue out at Aly, “But really. If not Kiseop, then who?”
“Soohyun offered to cook for me.” She shrugged, “No big deal.”
“NO BIG DEAL?” Asa shook her friend’s shoulders, “I’m stuck in the friend zone and you’re going on a date. This is a huge deal.”
“It’s not really a da-” She was interrupted by a glare, “Fine, fine. It’s a date.”
“WHOO. Girl, we are dressing you up.”
“I don’t really think-”
“We’re doing it.”
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banana_bubbles #1
OMG! LOVE THIS~! :D Please update soon! <3
onewaytwosay #2
OMG Why can't Asa just get together with Dongho? As much as I like Kibum and Dongho equally, I'd totally say Dongho. His love is well.... unconditional.
ONEWWWW AHHHHH~~~~~ *onewgasm* ///////
minstah #4
Earthquakeee :o<br />
I love this story~<br />
update soon! o(≧▽≦)o
but i liek SUE da besutoooo!!!11!!one!<br />
<br />
Lol but srsly. :'D<br />
ilu guys
PopCutie #6
woah... long chap this time!<br />
must've taken ages to write! <br />
hope things get better and better! :D
momoluvskpop #7
Aly and Soohyun are so cute!!! I love them together~~ I hope the love triangle with Dongho, Asa and Kibum will get resolved soon... >.<;;
Yeyyy I'm glad things are working out for Aly and Soohyun!! ^^
PopCutie #9
awww... poor Dongho... T^T<br />
He's now heart broken although he didn't even have a chance with her from the start ;o;<br />
But too bad although Asa feels guilty she can't take back her feelings for Kibum :O<br />
but this story certainly has many love triangles<br />
its really good so keep it up! ^o^ <3
i feel so bad for dongho:[ <br />
but yet i want KiBum and Asa together...<br />
but i'm sooo glad that Hyung Joon/Hyung Jun came out in the chapter^^ <3 <br />
definitely one of my favorite stories^^<br />
Update soon~~^^