Like this....?

Alison sighed, glancing at the clock on the wall of their shared two bedroom dorm. She pursed her lips, trying to get used to being called Aly now instead. The two had created stage names in order to make it easier to remember them. Alison was now Aly and Angelica was now Asa. Short, cute and fun nicknames.

The blonde began to straighten her hair to get ready for their first official practice with U-KISS. Unfortunatly, it was about three in the morning. She hadn’t slept well the night before at all. Asa moaned painfully as she walked into the lit bathroom, “It’s three in the effing morning, what is wrong with you?”
“I couldn’t sleep...” Aly bit her lip, “Do you want to leave for breakfast since you’re awake now? We could eat and then start practicing early.”
Asa laughed at her friend’s impatience, “Yeah, fine. You’re buying, though.”
Aly brightened at this and the two got dressed.

The two were sporting quite opposite outfits. Aly, not knowing how to actually put on makeup, went natural, with a pair of baggy sweatpants covering her legs and an overly large concert tee that had slipped at some point and was hanging over her left shoulder.
Asa was wearing a pair of deep purple shorts and a pair of knee-high socks with purple stripes at the top. She sighed, tugging on her tank top before pulling her mess of curls into a messy bun, Aly following suit quickly.
They got started in the practice room quite early, as the two ended up eating toast at home. Asa wanted to make sure they had money in reserve in case of emergency later.
They did a quick stretch before running through everything the choreographer had taught them the day before; their Bad Girl Good Girl routine and the basic steps for Talk to Me, after deciding that since their Talk To Me video was such a big hit, why not let them perform it with the actual U-KISS?
The two begin goofing around after a while, trying to loosen up before the real practice begins, and Asa initiates a dance battle of sorts. Aly, being the less strong dancer of the two eventually slumps in defeat. Asa does a triumphant walk around the room while she enjoys the fact that her best friend is on the gound in shame.
After a few more games, Aly suggests the two have lunch, since it’s getting to be time to get serious and Asa agrees quickly.
Asa plopped onto the floor happily beginning to scarf down a sandwich. Aly smiled at her friend as she began to pick off bits of her own. The brunette raised an eyebrow at this, “Why aren’t you ea-” “LET’S PLAY CHUBBY BUNNY!” Aly inturrupted before Asa could finish her question, causing her to go into full out competition mode, “I won’t lose to you, I hope you know.”
Aly giggled and winked, “We’ll see about that.”

“Mwemy chubby bummy,” Aly mumbled through her food.
Asa snorted a little in laughter, “Mwemy-wom chubby-”
The door opened quickly as boys began filing in, and the brunette, being the one facing the door, began to choke on her food. “MAASA!” Aly lunges forward to help her friend, but to her surprise, there are already arms around her torso, helping coax the food from her system.
Aly screeches a bit in surprise that the boys had arrived so early, accidently spitting her food out as she
struggles to stand. When she looked up, expecting her food to have hit the floor already, she found it covering one of the boys instead, but before she could apologize, the brunette had escaped from the room accompanied by the loud coughs from her friend as Asa finally spit her food back onto her plate.
Her savior, Kim Kibum was now rubbing small circles into her back while Asa tried to breathe again. Aly touched her heart and breathed out in relief as she glanced around the room. Kevin, sporting a cute blonde hair color had his hands ontop of his head, looking as though he was really worried about Asa’s well being.
This made Aly smile. Everyone looked worried, to be honest, and that made her smile more, “You guys have really big hearts, that’s great!”
One of several brunettes laughed, scratching the back of his head, “Anything for a pretty girl.”
Aly sighed, shaking her head, knowing straight away that this was Soohyun.
Asa stood, distancing herself from Kibum, “Thank you for helping me.”
He stood a few seconds later and smiled reassuringly, “No problem! Next time don’t put so much food in your mouth at one time.” Asa shot a glare at Aly who laughed awkwardly and nodded her head in a silent apology.
The youngest of the boys tilts his head in curiosity, before stepping forward and pointing at Asa, “Look! Her face is all red.”
“DONGHO.” And irritated brunette pulls him back, “Sorry, miss. Dongho is still young. He doesn’t know manners well. My name’s Alexander, call me Xander. If he gives you trouble, please let me know right away and I’ll take care of it.” He
ended his introduction with a small laugh and Asa smiled nicely in reply with a nod and a quiet thank you.
The only one in the room who had yet to speak finally cleared his throat, “Kiseop ran away.”
Soohyun blinked, “Ah. Eli’s right. Where did he go?”
Aly flushed, “I, uh... spit my food on him on accident and he ran out of the room.”
Eli let out  hardy laugh before he spoke, “He’s a total germ freak. I bet he’s crying in the bathroom now.”

“Ah!” Aly covered , concerned, “Should I go get him? I feel really bad...”
“No need.” Kiseop had returned and was sneaking back into the room with new clothes on, “I’m good now, I think.
Aly chewed on her bottom lip, “I’m really sorry about th-”
He gagged a little and held up a hand to interupt her, “Just... don’t talk about it anymore.”
Asa cleared , “Aish. Nice to meet you guys, I’m Asa and that’s Aly. We’ll be opening for you guys.”
Aly blinked, “I think they know that already.”

“Oooooh. My bad.”

Kibum blinked before bursting into laughter, “You two are great! This is going to be alot of fun!”
Xander clapped in agreement, “Yay! I’m excited!” Kevin gripped Xander’s hands, “ME TOO!”
The blonde boy spun dramatically, “I’m Kevin, the boy who saved you is Kibum, Xander introduced himself, and that’s Eli. We’re the only fun ones in the group.”
Soohyun, Kiseop and Dongho immediatly started yelling their arguments to that statement making the two girls laugh a little.
Dongho huffed, before introducing himself cutely, “I’m Dongho. Treat me well, I’m the youngest~”

“Ewwwww.” Kibum’s voice echoed in the room causing Asa to laugh a little harder.
The boy pouted, crossing his arms, “I will get my revenge.”

Soohyun stepped to the girls and wrapped his arms around them, “I’m Soohyun. I’m sure you’ll remember me the most.” Asa made a ‘tch’ noise in disgust and pinched his wrist, causing him to jump closer to Aly, “Ahhh.
Too soon?”
Aly smiled, patting his hand reassuringly, “She only gets touchy with people when she knows them really well. Don’t take it personally.”

He turned to the blonde an comically touched her face, “So I hope at least you will remember me the most.” The girl blinked before getting pulled away by Eli.
Eli sighed,”Soohyun is a ert. You poor girls are doomed.”

The group laughed at the scene before Xander gave Kiseop a look.

The fragile boy coughed, “Ah. I’m Kiseop. Yeah.”
Aly decided to try and make him laugh a little, “I think I know you the best already, since we’ve shared an indirect kiss.”
The boys all gasped loudly and Kiseop made a whining noise. This caused Asa to swat her friend over the head, “Next time, stop talking when talking isn’t called for.”

“I was just trying to get someone to laugh....”
“You’re not funny.”
Defeated, Aly dramatically fell to the floor, eliciting laughs from the majority of the room. Asa was still a little angry that she was embarrassing her and Kiseop was just shifting awkwardly.

After a while, the group began discussing the tour and how things were going to work with much difficulty. They kept changing the subject unintentionally.
Once the choreographer arrived, they began to work on the full group moves for Talk To Me.

The boys were instantly excited at the thought of dancing with the opposite , causing the small room to be filled with cheers. The opening to the song was fixed to make the opening a little ier before actually performing the song.
The group was set up at their starting point : Aly was on the left, her right arm resting on Soohyun’s shoulder and the other on her hip. Eli was situated behind her and Xander was kneeling to her right, hand placed on her extended shin. Kevin stood in the middle, as his dance solo was going to start them all off. And then to the right was Asa, whose back was facing the mirror. She was grasping onto Kibum’s shirt, Kiseop was sitting against her right leg and Dongho, who was
standing to her left was holding onto the back of her neck.
Asa was a little red, but Kibum smiled at her, “No worries, right? It’ll get easier, I promise.” She nodded in thanks to his reassurance, ready for further instruction.
The choreographer tapped his chin, “Looking good. Xander, could you actually move your hand up to her thigh?” He did as he was instructed, but Aly struggled a bit, giggling loudly, “Ah! Not there!”
The boy turned a bright shade of red at her words and she realized that what she said could be misinterpreted if heard by other people, “I mean, I’m ticklish there-” He attempted to move his hand, but his fingers brushed her thigh causing another fit of giggles for the girl, who accidentally thrashed, falling over and into Eli and Soohyun. Unfortunatly, the two weren’t expecting it, so they tumbled down with her. Xander, who had attempted to grab her before she fell, went down right along with them. Aly was sprawled on Soohyun and Eli who all three were facing upward, and Xander had landed ontop of them, face first into Aly’s stomach.
The blonde screamed a little and instantly started crying, causing the older boy to feel extremely guilty, “Did I hurt you???” Xander began struggling to help the girl up, but by that time, Asa had broken from her formation and already had the crying girl by the wrist, pulling her up.
The younger of the two girls patted her crying partner on the head, “Ahh, give us a minute. She’ll be fine.” And she led the older girl out of the room, leaving U-KISS to stare wide-eyed at the door.

Kibum was the first to speak, “Geez Xander, how hard did you land on her?”
The other boy huffed, “Not hard at all!” I used Eli’s leg to keep from falling too hard!”
Eli groaned, rubbing his ankle, “Yeah he did. And it didn’t feel good on me, let me tell you.”
Asa sighed, hugging Aly, “I know, I know. He didn’t stick his nose near your bellybutton on purpose.”
Aly’s tears were slowly coming to an end, “I knowwww. But still! It was so gross~”

Asa laughed a bit before moving to the water fountain with a paper towel. Once it was wet, she wiped her older friend’s face with the cool material, “Think we can go back in?”
“AUGH. Fine. But, if that happens again, I’m going to puke next time. Remember that.”
The brunette patted her head, “Maybe they’ll let us switch positions, then. So then there’s no problem!”
After a while, Aly nodded in agreement and followed her good friend back to the room.
The guys were all kind of just standing around, awkwardly joking about it every once in a while. And finally, the door opened revealing the girls had returned.
Xander was the first to run forward, “Are you okay? I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
Asa spoke for Aly immediatly, “She’s fine, just a little freaked out.”
The choreographer cleared his throat, “Then shall we get back to work? Kiseop and Alexander, trade places, please. But, Alexander, try being on both of your knees and grip onto Asa’s... Well, she’ll be wearing pants in the performance, so you’ll be hanging onto her belt loops, so for now just hold her hip.”
Asa froze up a little when they took the position, but Kibum reassured her once again, and her stomach settled a little bit.
Kiseop was slightly afraid of touching Aly after that display, but he was kneeling beside her anyway. The choreographer had him place the side of his face onto her hip as he gripped her calf muscle and knee lightly.

The choreographer clapped, pleased, “Yes. This is beautiful. Asa, you’re too tense, relax a bit, thank you. Now, from here we’re going to...”
And for hours, the group of them worked hard on this opening.
Seven at night was slowly creeping up on them, and that’s when the choreographer decided to stop them, “Great work today, everyone. We’ll stop here today. Practice tonight because tomorrow we’re starting right where we left off. Got it?”
All nine of them chorused a loud and diverse “Yes” and they were dismissed.

A sweaty Xander grabbed Aly by her wrist, “I’m really, really sorry about earlier. Please don’t be angry.”
Aly laughed, waving it off, “It was more me than you, I promise. Sorry to have made you feel bad!” She began to pull away, but he didn’t let go.
“Is there a way to make it up to you?”
“You didn’t do anything wrong-”
“Ahhh...” Aly glanced at Asa, who was becoming impatient with her, “Can I think about it and get back to you?”
He brightened, “Yes! Yes, think. You two are staying in the company dorm, right? I’ll convince all of the guys that we all need to have dinner together. And you can tell me then!”
“Aaha. Okay, then...” And she watched an overexcited Xander walk out of the door. She began to walk towards Asa, but she was now in the middle of a conversation with a certain Kibum. Aly almost felt guilty that she was ready to go now, and then she felt a hand pull her sleeve back onto her shoulder, “It was falling off.”
And with that, Soohyun smiled, giving a small wave as he left with the other members.
Asa was beginning to get irritated. Why was Xander talking to Aly for so long? They had to get home and shower. They smelled disgusting. And then, man abs blocked her view “K-Kibum”
He laughed, patting her head cutely, “You did good today! It took you a while to get comfortable, but you really are an awesome dancer.”
She turned red, “Thanks.” He laughed again and waved, leaving with the other members just as Aly was moving towards her, “Ready to go?”
Asa nodded. The blonde laughed, “We don’t have long to get ready. The boys are coming to our place for dinner.”
Asa’s eyes got big, “ALY. WHAT THE HELL DID YOU AGREE TO?”
Aly laughed awkwardly and sped out of the door, Asa on her heels, “I’M GOING TO KILL YOU.”

Whoo!! Chapter 1 is here!! My friend and I had  alot of laughs writing this, too many laughs! XD I just got my friend into U-KISS a couple of weeks ago, and we decided to make a fanfic. This will be written with the original 7 members of U-KISS, because we don't really know the new members yet and we can't let go of Kibum and Xander :D 

This is Kibum saying "ewwww" to when Dongho was acting cute:

I hope you enjoy reading this, just as much as we enjoyed writing! Comment or Subscribe! We will update soon!





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banana_bubbles #1
OMG! LOVE THIS~! :D Please update soon! <3
onewaytwosay #2
OMG Why can't Asa just get together with Dongho? As much as I like Kibum and Dongho equally, I'd totally say Dongho. His love is well.... unconditional.
ONEWWWW AHHHHH~~~~~ *onewgasm* ///////
minstah #4
Earthquakeee :o<br />
I love this story~<br />
update soon! o(≧▽≦)o
but i liek SUE da besutoooo!!!11!!one!<br />
<br />
Lol but srsly. :'D<br />
ilu guys
PopCutie #6
woah... long chap this time!<br />
must've taken ages to write! <br />
hope things get better and better! :D
momoluvskpop #7
Aly and Soohyun are so cute!!! I love them together~~ I hope the love triangle with Dongho, Asa and Kibum will get resolved soon... >.<;;
Yeyyy I'm glad things are working out for Aly and Soohyun!! ^^
PopCutie #9
awww... poor Dongho... T^T<br />
He's now heart broken although he didn't even have a chance with her from the start ;o;<br />
But too bad although Asa feels guilty she can't take back her feelings for Kibum :O<br />
but this story certainly has many love triangles<br />
its really good so keep it up! ^o^ <3
i feel so bad for dongho:[ <br />
but yet i want KiBum and Asa together...<br />
but i'm sooo glad that Hyung Joon/Hyung Jun came out in the chapter^^ <3 <br />
definitely one of my favorite stories^^<br />
Update soon~~^^