Double Trouble

Perfectly Imbalanced



Chanyeol woke up to the smell of pancakes…


…which is weird because he fell asleep with the smell of his used socks.


Not that he cared.


He snapped his eyes open remembering that he had a certain someone sleep on the couch.


He jumped off his bed and ran to the door, stopping midway to grab his pants then proceeded outside. When he found Baekhyun nowhere in the living room, he walked to the kitchen and as expected, Baekhyun was there. Probably cooking.


Or doing something necessary at least.


Baekhyun turned around and saw Chanyeol by the doorway. “You’re !” He gasped and covered his eyes.


Chanyeol crooked his eyebrows and looked down. Oh …so he grabbed his pants but forgot the shirt. “Uh…sorry.”


Baekhyun chuckled and looked away to hide his blush because what the hell he didn’t know those abs existed in that 185 centimeters gigantic body of his. “Um…sorry I cooked without asking for permission first—“


“No no no, it’s okay.”


Okay…why are they so awkward?


“Do you want a bite?” Baekhyun asked with a genuine smile.


Chanyeol sat on his usual seat to taste Baekhyun’s pancakes while the latter went back to doing something, his back facing Chanyeol. Chanyeol almost spat the pancakes out of his mouth when he noticed Baekhyun wasn’t wearing any pants on. His shirt, which is really big, is long enough to cover until above his knee.


The shirt was really big.


The shirt was his.


Oh my God isn’t that so hot.


Baekhyun turned back around so he quickly fiddled with his pancakes.


Baekhyun walked behind him but because there wasn’t enough space, he ended up brushing his on Chanyeol’s accidentally. Chanyeol stiffened and only the sound of his refrigerator opening and closing can be heard. Then Baekhyun passed behind him again and ended up brushing his on Chanyeol’s accidentally again. The latter was too busy on whatever he was doing that he doesn’t even realize Chanyeol was having a hard-on.


Chanyeol continued to watch as Baekhyun reaches for the cupboard, pulling his shirt up, giving Chanyeol a brief view of what seems like boxers. He had ignored the pancakes completely.


Finally, Baekhyun stopped the movements and stood beside the table. “You should really clean your kitchen.” He said while pouring milk on the glasses.




“And your coffee maker’s broken.”


Chanyeol glanced at the broken coffee maker on the trash can. “Okay…”


“Well, at least your milk doesn’t expire until tomorrow.” Baekhyun pushed a glass to Chanyeol and then noticed he hasn’t touched his pancakes. “What’s wrong? You don’t like pancakes?”


“What? No! I love them pancakes!” Chanyeol retorted and ate a spoonful of the pancakes.


Baekhyun nodded and looked around the kitchen then noticed the picture frames on the wall near the refrigerator. “Who’s that? Your girlfriend? Or ex?”


Chanyeol glanced to where Baekhyun was looking and snorted. “My sister. I’m not really sure about the girlfriend or the ex since I don’t dig girls.”


Baekhyun paused. “You’re gay?!”


“You thought I was straight?”


Baekhyun gulped after the realization. “Oh …I should put some pants on,”


“Yeah you should,”


Chanyeol watched amusedly as Baekhyun scurried outside.


“Well, this is really awkward…” Baekhyun murmured while trying hard to pull his pants up, jumping up and down since it suddenly felt tighter than yesterday. “After…finding out…you’re gay and all…” He said, pausing at every jump but ended up falling to the floor with a loud thud anyway.


Chanyeol shot a worried look from the kitchen.


“I’m okay!” Baekhyun echoed and stood back up abruptly.


“I can’t believe you thought I was straight…” Chanyeol said.


Well, the last time he checked he wasn’t.


Not ever.


“I don’t know…with all the fiancé and stuff?” Baekhyun replied sarcastically, appearing at the doorway.


“Well, I don’t have a fiancé because I am gay.”


Baekhyun groaned. “Well sorry I didn’t realize that. And I should go.”


“You’re leaving?”


“Yes, uh, thanks for letting me stay for the night by the way.”


“I’ll walk you to the door.”


“No, I’m fine. I’ll go by myself.” Baekhyun said while walking outside. “Bye!”


As soon as the door slammed shut, Baekhyun sprinted to his house, banging to the door so Luhan panicked and opened immediately.




Baekhyun leaned on the door…dazed.


“Earth to Baekhyun? Hello?”




It was as if he stoned out.


So Luhan had to use drastic measures.


He made his way into Baekhyun’s room to get something. When he came back, Baekhyun was still glued to the door, hopeless.


He sighed and showed Baekhyun his precious eyeliner. “Oh look what I have here…” He crooned while swinging the eyeliner. Baekhyun stared at his eyeliner, horrified.


“YA! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” Baekhyun immediately snatched his eyeliner away and cradled it like a baby while glaring at Luhan.




Baekhyun covered his ears. “I was…somewhere and I wasn’t able to call you because my battery died and no I wasn’t kidnapped or because if that was the case, I would’ve already killed my assailants.”


“Oh, that’s good to hear. So where were you last night—“




Luhan paused.


“I wasn’t able to go in.”




Baekhyun rolled his eyes. “Doesn’t matter. I’m going to my room and get some peace of mind.”


“Alright, I’ll be here…cooking.”




Baekhyun felt like dying. He doesn’t even know why he was so exhausted. Like, his energy was completely drained. And the worst part is he’s not even sleepy. His body is so weird.


He decided to take a bath to refresh himself.


He took his clothes off and—




This isn’t my shirt.


It’s Chanyeol’s!


He groaned softly. He swore he never wanted to see that gay CEO again after all that happened but what the hell…


Okay, maybe it was his fault for wearing his shirt.


But duh, when he woke up he was sweating because the heater was too high.


So what was he supposed to do? He felt like he was melting.


He sighed as he throws the shirt on the laundry basket. “Guess I’m just going to ask Lu Han to give it back.”


He shrugged and made his way inside the bathroom (of course not forgetting to bring his iPod).


He played Girls Generation’s Twinkle before turning the shower on.




Lu Han was having second thoughts whether to cook the eggs first or the bacon first. He isn’t really an expert in the kitchen so cooking two foods at the same time is hard for him. He pouted and wondered how Baekhyun does it. He’ll be a perfect husband…or a wife. He beat the eggs anyway.


While beating the eggs, he noticed the time and figured that the newspaper might have been delivered already. So he placed the bowl between his arms and continued beating the eggs while walking to the door. He dropped the fork on the bowl to open the door.


But the moment he opened the door, he saw a familiar car parked right in front of Chanyeol’s front yard. When Sehun came out of his car, he panicked and slammed the door shut.


What is he doing here?


He opened the door slightly and peaked.


He saw Sehun talking to Chanyeol.


Oh . They know each other?!


He closed the door again.


How am I going to get the newspaper?


He walked to the window and saw Brad Pitt playing at the front yard.


Brad Pitt’s going to eat it!


He peaked again to see whether Sehun and Chanyeol went inside the house but unfortunately, they stayed outside.


He has to get the newspaper. Now. Or Baekhyun’s going to throw a fit when he finds the newspaper torn.


He’s a lawyer, for God’s sake.


In the end, he decided to just crawl his way out since the fence is tall enough to hide his body. He opened the door slowly, placed the bowl beside the door and started crawling.


Brad Pitt was staring at him.


Don’t stare at me you dog! You’re not the only one allowed to crawl!


He continued crawling, head lowered so they don’t notice his hair.


After failing to calculate the correct distance, he bumped his head on the mailbox. “Aw!” He shut his mouth immediately.


Sehun and Chanyeol stopped talking. “Did you hear something?”


Oh .


“I think it’s from Lu Han’s house,” Chanyeol answered. Then Lu Han heard footsteps.


No no no no no no.


He noticed Brad Pitt scratching his back.


So he grabbed Brad Pitt.


And kicked him out of the gate.


He heard the footsteps stop. “What’s wrong?”


“THAT’S THE DOG THAT ALMOST BIT ME!” Chanyeol yelled and started running like a maniac.


“YA! Come back here!” Sehun immediately chased after him.


Lu Han heaved out a sigh of relief.


He immediately grabbed the newspaper and ran back inside, leaving the dog whimpering outside.


He fell to the floor and accidentally hit the bowl, causing the eggs to spill.


“Ugh…” He groaned. “Guess we’ll be having bacon then.”


He inhaled deeply and glanced at the newspaper.


His eyes widened. “WHAT THE HELL?!”




After a long bath, Baekhyun came out of the bathroom with a wide smile painted on his face.


He grabbed comfortable clothes after deciding to stay in the house for the rest of the day. Besides, he already received his paycheck. He can get a nice day-off from all the weird happenings around him.


He noticed his room was rather dark so he opened the curtains and turned face to face with the abs he remembered drooling over earlier.


In front of him, his window, was Chanyeol’s window and Chanyeol undressing himself.


He didn’t blink for a minute.


Chanyeol noticed him and waved.


“AHHH!!!!!” Baekhyun screamed and closed the curtains aggressively.


This can’t be happening.


I must be imagining things.


He gulped and opened the curtains again.


Chanyeol was still there.


He immediately closed the curtain back.


It’s really happening.






He was pulling his hair dramatically when he heard his stomach growl.


He decided to go downstairs and grab some proper breakfast. His stomach is still more important than his crisis.


When he reached the kitchen, he saw Lu Han staring at the newspaper, rather engrossed. He actually wanted to read himself but he just let Lu Han for the sake of his appetite.


“Sweet, bacon,” Baekhyun murmured while grabbing a fork. He was chewing his second bacon when Lu Han finally moved from his spot.


“Hey Baek,”


Baekhyun just smiled at him and continued chewing.


“Is there something you’re not telling me?”


Baekhyun paused. “Whut? Watta ya mearn?”


Lu Han bit his lip and hesitated a bit but he showed Baekhyun the newspaper anyway.


Baekhyun choked on his food. “Water!” He managed to say while punching his chest. Lu Han immediately gave him water that he gulped down rapidly. He coughed a bit before turning back to Lu Han. “What is that exactly?”


Lu Han glared at him. “After you over-reacted, you’re asking me that? I’m not blind! I have 20/20 HD vision! This is obviously you wearing a wig posing with the CEO who happened to be our neighbor who also happened to have visited us yesterday!”


Baekhyun was actually disturbed at the title.










Baekhyun snatched the newspaper and stared at the title horridly. “PARK CHANYEOL!!!”




Chanyeol flinched when he heard his name being called somewhere though he doesn’t know where it came from. Well, that’s not important right now.


“Well, she’s pretty.” Sehun murmured and nodded. “I thought she was a dude?”


“She is a dude.” Chanyeol replied, exasperated.


“Baekhee, huh,” Sehun read from the newspaper. “Wait, if this is a dude then he…cross-dressed?”


“No, he had change.”




“That was a joke. Yes, he cross-dressed.”


Sehun gasped. “COOL!”




“Not all guys can pull off something like this.” Sehun continued. “I wonder what he looks like without the wig and the eyeliner and other stuff.”


“I know, now stop staring.”


“Ohhhh, someone’s jealous.” Sehun crooned playfully.


“I’m not jealous, idiot.”


“If you say so.” Sehun shrugged and looked at the time. “Well, I’m going. I still have classes.”


“Good to know you’re taking your studies seriously.”


“Actually, I’m going today because our teacher got admitted to the hospital. She got pregnant. So we had bunch of teachers replacing her.”


“And that’s fun because?”


“Because new teachers are always fun to bully.”


“I know right.” Chanyeol nodded.


Oh the memories of his high school life…


…composed mostly of trying to identify his gender.


Chanyeol finally understood why he had good grades.


It was because he was gay.


So he wasn’t distracted by the ies.




“I can’t believe ditched me for this! And lied to me! And hid this from me!” Lu Han yelled while walking back and forth in the living room.


Baekhyun was still flaming in anger because of the title.


“You left me there for this?! And I thought you weren’t interested in helping him?!”


Baekhyun sighed. “Look, it was just a minute of help. I was just going to save him from the crowd but then his mother showed up and blah blah blah. The next thing I knew I’m in the headlines.”


“But why didn’t you tell me?!”


“Because I didn’t think this would appear in the headlines! It was just for a night! And why the hell are you getting mad?!”


Lu Han paused and breathed. “You’re hiding things from me.”


Baekhyun cooed. “No, Lulu, I am not hiding things from you. Not in a million years. You should’ve already realized that when I told you about that poop accident I had when I was a kid.”


Lu Han chuckled. “I hate it when you know what things to say.”


“I hate it when you throw a fit like I do.”


“Oh please, your tantrums are more annoying than mine.” Lu Han stuck a tongue out playfully. “Well now, at least you’re y, free and not single.”


Baekhyun groaned. “I am seriously going to kill that Park Chanyeol!”


“But don’t you think it’s amazing how you met each other accidentally and then he happened to be our neighbor?”




“I mean Baek, this must mean something.”


“It means you’re watching too much Disney.”


“Oh come on Baek! You know it’s not—“ Lu Han’s statement was haltered with the ringing of the phone. Since he was the one standing, he ended up answering. “Hello? Han-Byun residence. Oh, hey Boss.”


Hearing the word ‘Boss’, Baekhyun immediately kneeled on the floor praying that their boss called for good news.


“Oh, right, we understand. Okay boss.” Lu Han dropped the phone down and turned to Baekhyun. “Baek,”


“Please tell me you have good news,”


Lu Han inhaled. “We’re having an emergency photo shoot.”


“Ughhh! Lulu!”


“Come on Baek,”


“But it’s a day-off!”


“I know but the models who were supposed to be doing the photo shoot today both got chicken pox.”


“Chicken pox? Oh please, that is like the lamest excuse ever. I bet they’re in each other’s pants now.”


Lu Han passed by Baekhyun. “Just get your lazy up.”




“Oh look what I found. An eyeliner!” Lu Han crooned from upstairs.


“I hate you!”




Wearing a beanie, loose sweater and tight jeans, Baekhyun lazily followed Lu Han inside the studio. He’s been working as a part-time model for like…4 months already while Lu Han had only started 2 weeks ago because he had no choice since it wasn’t really easy to find a proper job, especially when you’re from a foreign country.


For 4 months, he still hadn’t gotten used to this place. It was like the studio was so flashy for him. You always have to shine bright and whatnot.


He actually thought of trying out in a bigger stage but no, he doesn’t want to waste all those years he spent in Harvard. Of course he’s got dreams too.


This was just such a wrong time.


And the wrong lifetime.


“So, our concept for today’s photo shoot is high school boys.” The photographer said. “Like, happy-go-lucky high school boys. You got that?”


They both nodded.


“Okay, now go and change clothes.”


Lu Han pulled Baekhyun to their dressing room. “Why are you wearing a sad face?” He asked while taking a seat in front of the mirror for his make-up.


“Because I am not in the mood. Happy-go-lucky, huh. How ironic.”


“Aw, come on Baek, it’s only a quick photo shoot. We’re not doing a spread.”


Baekhyun pouted angrily. “Fine.”


Afterwards, he found his face strained with all the smiling he did. If the photographer wasn’t biased enough, he would’ve told him he was really awkward. But the photographer is biased. So that’s not a problem at all. So let’s just forget about that.


After an hour and a half, the photographer finally called it a wrap. He retreated to the dressing room immediately and lied on the couch.


His exhaustion is overflowing.




He almost fell asleep until Lu Han slammed the door open.


Like capital S-L-A-M-M-E-D.


“Jesus! Lu Han!”


“Oh sorry.” Lu Han smiled apologetically. “Kai’s here.”


“Who’s Kai?” Baekhyun asked while closing his eyes again.


And then there appeared an image of Kai.


He snapped his eyes open. “KAI?!”


“Hey!” Kai appeared in the doorway wearing a slick black polo shirt and black slocks while his fringe parted to the side. “Nice to see you again, Baekhyun.”


Baekhyun gulped. “Uh…yeah.” He replied and turned his back on them.


Kai shrugged and turned to Lu Han. “By the way Lu Han, I found an internship program perfect for you. Well, not exactly but you can use it as work experience.”


“Really? Where? I’ll take whatever there is.”


“It’s at the university I graduated at. One of the teachers got pregnant so they’re looking for an intern to fill in. I recommended you. If you want, we can go there as soon as you can.”


“Oh my God, thanks Kai!” Lu Han hopped happily.


“No biggie. Hey, do you guys want to grab a bite? I know a shop that just opened downtown.”


“Sure,” Lu Han said and walked over to Baekhyun. “Come on Baek,”


“Do I have to come?”




“Alright alright,” Baekhyun stood up lazily and followed them outside.


Lu Han suddenly stopped. “Uh, . You guys get going. I just need to make a quick phone call.”


“We’ll meet you outside.” Kai said and started walking. Baekhyun followed close behind him.


Once outside, Baekhyun can feel the awkwardness rising up to the heavens. Like, this Kai met him twice yesterday. When he was a guy and when he was a girl. That is so ed up. Oh, this guy is so ed up.


So so so ed upppp.


“Are you okay?” Kai’s questioned startled him.


“Huh? Oh, yeah. I’m fine.”


“You look sick.”


“Oh, I’m just tired.” Baekhyun reassured with a smile. “So, where do you work?”


“I’m working at Park Industries.”


“Really? What do you do?”


“I’m actually the Vice President.”




Have you no shame of yourself, Baekhyun?


Baekhyun gawked. “That’s…that’s awesome.”


Kai chuckled. “It’s nothing, really. I’m not some genius billionaire philanthropist.”


Nobody said you were.


Okay, shut up.


“How about you?”


Baekhyun shrugged. “I’m just a normal model. Nothing special.”


“Really? I thought you were pretty special. You always seem to shine.”




Baekhyun smiled shyly. “Thanks.”


“Hey guys! Sorry I took so long!” Lu Han yelled from behind them. “Let’s go?”




“Last night at the Art Exhibit, CEO of Park Industries, Park Chanyeol, made a buzz by bringing his girlfriend as his date. It was also noted that it was the first time the CEO had bought a date in an event.”


Baekhyun felt like sinking into the floor.


Or better, punching the television.


Or even better, punching the reporter himself.


Lu Han can feel Baekhyun’s agony and since Kai was too engrossed in watching, he snapped his figures in front of him. “Oh, sorry. It’s just that Baekhyun resembles Baekhee.”


“Ahahaha.” Baekhyun laughed awkwardly. “You must be joking.”


“No, it’s true. It’s almost as if you’re twins.”


“That’s impossible.” Lu Han interrupted. “For me, they look nothing alike.”




Baekhyun and Lu Han nodded.


“Oh well.” Kai shrugged and continued eating.


Oh well what.


Baekhyun felt something weird around him.


Like, someone was wishing his death kind of weird.


He looked back at him and suddenly regretted doing so.


Because there was this doe-eyed waiter eyeing him from the counter.


Or at least that’s what he thinks.


And he’s pretty sure doe-eyed was plotting his death,


Then again he must just be a little paranoid.


He shook the thoughts away and continued eating.




“A new restaurant?” Chanyeol asked while walking beside Sehun who claimed to have tasted the world’s most exotic foods in a restaurant that has newly opened. He doesn’t really trust Sehun’s taste.


He eats rice with salt and milk okay.


And what the hell is exotic.


He only agreed to come because Sehun was paying.


They stop in front of the newly opened restaurant known to have produced the world’s most exotic foods.


Chanyeol read the sign.






You had me there Sehun.


That was a good one.


Anyway, he followed Sehun inside.


Chanyeol thought they should rename the restaurant to The World’s Richest Restaurant because what the hell are those LED screens at each table. Like each table. And they get to choose the channel. Even a rich bastard like him had not encountered such.


They find a table and checked the menu.


Chanyeol—again—thought that they should change the name—again—to The World’s Richest Restaurant with the Cheapest Menu. Chanyeol felt like crying at the prices. He never knew cheap things still exist in this world. Faith on humanity restored.


“Dude, are you seriously bawling?”


He looked up and saw Sehun staring at him.


“Leave me alone.”


Sehun shook his head and raised his hand to call the waiter.


“May I take your orders, sir?”


“Uh, I’ll have ‘Pinaupong Manok’.”


Chanyeol raised an eyebrow.


“It’s a Filipino dish.”


“What does that mean?”


“Seated Chicken.”




So basically it’s Chicken.


But it’s seated.


How creative.


“How about you, sir?”


Chanyeol scanned the menu.


Interesting names.


Interesting dishes.


Very interesting.


But he doesn’t have any idea what they meant at all.


“I’ll have wine.”


“Right away, sir.” The waiter left with their orders.


Sehun groaned. “Oh come on. Don’t be such a loser.”


“Wines are for gentlemen. Not losers. So clearly, I am not being a loser.”


Sehun banged his head on the table.


“You are young, Oh Sehun. You have so much to learn.”


“Please don’t start.”




“This is a very wonderful dish.” Luhan murmured while chewing. “Baek, you should cook things like this.”


“I don’t cook exotic foods.”


“You can cook?” Kai asked.




“Oh you have to taste his cooking. I actually saw a prophecy when I first tasted his dish. I was going to live with him. Well look where I am now.” Luhan chimed.


“Wow,” Kai breathed, obviously to the fact that Luhan was just playing with him.


Like who would believe this little devil.


Oh wait, Kai will.


“Cool. Maybe I can have dinner with you guys sometimes.” Kai said while cutting his pork.


Baekhyun flashed him a big, big fake smile then turned to Luhan with a glare while stabbing his chicken with the knife.


“You’re gonna die,” He mouthed.


“Relax, will you?”


“You…are so dead.” Baekhyun rolled his eyes and continued eating.




“You know,” Chanyeol started. “I thought I was just seeing things but it’s starting to hurt my contact lenses the way you’re smiling too much. And the fact that you treated me lunch today is so weird.”


Sehun snorted. “What? What are you talking about, dude?”


Chanyeol opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted when the waiter arrived to serve their dish. Sehun smiled widely while Chanyeol just eyed him. As soon as the waiter was gone, Sehun immediately grabbed the fork to start.


“Sehun,” Chanyeol spoke even before the chicken can enter Sehun’s mouth.




“Be honest.”


“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Sehun ignored him and attempted to start eating.




“Jesus. Dude! Can you please let me eat?”


Chanyeol squinted suspiciously at him. “See! That’s what I’m talking about!”


Sehun gave up and dropped his fork.


“One minute you’re mad and then the next you’re smiling. Are you bipolar?”


“No I’m—“


“Oh my God, you are bipolar. I should tell—“


“Alright alright alright. I’ll speak!”


Chanyeol leaned on the chair proudly.


“You know that Chinese guy? Your neighbor?”




“Well, last night when you texted me that you didn’t need a ride, I was actually with him. Don’t speak yet. You see, when I dropped you I saw him across the street and approached him. I said don’t speak yet! He was waiting for something. I thought he was looking for a ride so I offered him one and then he told me he can’t because he’s waiting for someone—“




“I said don’t speak yet!”


Chanyeol rolled his eyes.


“He looked really lonely so I just stayed with him until I found out he was actually waiting for his friend.”






“Oh, you’re done?”




“What? You wouldn’t let me talk.” Chanyeol shrugged.




Baekhyun actually felt like punching the TV now. From the moment they entered the restaurant until they finished eating, all the news talked about was Chanyeol and his girlfriend.


And Kai wouldn’t shut up about how he resembles Baekhee.


Like for Christ’s sake, of course we look like each other!


I am Baekhee!




“—hyun? Are you okay?”


Baekhyun slowly turned to Luhan who was watching him like he was doing something really weird right now.


Which he is because he was clutching their mini TV.


He immediately pulled his hand back.


Luhan and Kai waited for him to speak.


Baekhyun gulped. “I’m going to the restroom.” He breathed and disappeared immediately.


“What’s up with him?” Kai asked worriedly.


“Oh, he’s just…exhausted.” Luhan shrugged and drank water while Kai gestured for their bill. The doe-eyed waiter who happened to be looking at him right at the moment smiled and walked to the counter, immediately eyeing Baekhyun who was going to the restroom.


Baekhyun stopped when he met his gaze. “Do you have a problem with me?”


Doe-eyed ignored him and proceeded to Kai’s table to give their bill.


After Kai gestured for their bill, he saw Chanyeol and Sehun walking past the counter.


“Chanyeol? Sehun?”


Chanyeol and Sehun immediately turned to the call. “Kai!”


While doe-eyed arrived at their table.


Luhan looked up and immediately sprayed the water out in shock.


To doe-eyed.


“Oh my God I’m so sorry.” Luhan whispered and wiped his face with the napkin. Doe-eyed just glared at him and left.


He bit his lip and peaked from his fringe.


Chanyeol and Sehun were walking to their table.


Chanyeol and Sehun.




Shoot me now.


“What are you guys doing here?” Kai asked.


Chanyeol and Sehun’s gazes fell to blondie anyway. “Oh it’s you.” They said in unison.


Luhan smiled at them awkwardly and looked away.


“Right, neighbors?” Kai questioned and Luhan nodded.


“And I sorta met him when I dropped Chanyeol at the event last night.” Sehun added.


Kai nodded impressively. “Wow, Sehun. That’s a progress.”


“Are you guys on a date?” Chanyeol asked heartlessly and grinned to Sehun.


“Uh, no. Obviously there are three plates here.”


Chanyeol and Sehun looked down on the third seat.


“We’re here with Luhan’s friend.”


Chanyeol shrugged. “So where is he?”


“He went to the restroom.”




Baekhyun stared at his reflection hysterically. He was having a vision that as he stares at his face, his hair will start growing, his will become bigger, his lips will become pinker and his s—wait, and he’ll have s. He was getting paranoid and his exhaustion doesn’t really help.


Either that or you’re crazy.




Baekhyun shook the thoughts away and washed his face.


“That’s probably not going to happen.”


Of course not, idiot.


He turned around and leaned on the sink, trying to sort his thoughts out.


Obviously, he can’t keep running away from Baekhee.


Soon enough everyone’s going to start looking for her.


And he can’t take seeing people wait for nothing.


Particularly Chanyeol.




Why Chanyeol?


Why that seaweed slash noodle-haired giant?




“So what are you doing here?” Kai asked again.


“Oh, Sehun insisted we come here.”


Kai smirked at Sehun. “I was the one who took him here.”


Chanyeol turned to Sehun incredulously but the latter only looked away.


“Wow, you didn’t even tell me you guys had a night out.” Chanyeol accused.


“What? You were busy.” Kai answered and shrugged.


“Since when was I busy?”


“Exactly.” Sehun seconded and received a glare from Chanyeol.


Meanwhile, Luhan was growing mushrooms while silently cursing because hello, his friend, Kai, is friends with Sehun who also happened to be friends with Park Chanyeol who is the CEO of Park Industries and is Baekhyun’s boyfriend…well sort of.


Like, how small is this world exactly?!










Kai noticed Luhan stoning out. “Are you okay?”


Luhan turned to him lifelessly. “You’re friends?”


“Oh, right. I forgot you tell you.” Kai groaned softly. “Sehun’s my brother.”










Baekhyun inhaled deeply when he realized he’s not going to find answers inside the restroom. So he fixed himself then walked out of the rest room to go back to their table.


While walking by the counter, he noticed a familiar giant with a noodle hair standing out.


OH .


His eyes widened when he realized he was talking to Kai. Or Kai was talking to him. Or whatever.




He dropped to the floor and immediately hid behind the counter, breathing nervously with his eyes widening. He noticed someone beside him and turned to see doe-eyed whose eyes were even wider than his, staring straight at him, as if he was pulling his soul out.


“Jesus! You scared me!” Baekhyun exclaimed while holding his chest. Doe-eyed tilted his head. “Seriously, what’s your problem?”


Doe-eyed raised an eyebrow.


“Are you deaf?”


Doe-eyed shook his head.


“Oh, you’re mute.”


Doe-eyed shrugged mockingly.


Baekhyun gritted his teeth. “You’re crazy.” He slowly peaked from behind the counter and saw Chanyeol and Sehun walking away. He heaved a sigh of relief.


Thank God they’re leaving.




Sehun looked at his watch. “Chanyeol, are we leaving or not?”


“Oh wait, I need to go to the restroom.”


“Me too.” Kai said and followed Chanyeol.


Luhan panicked.


No I don’t want to be left here with Sehun.


Someone get me out of here.


Or floor, I’m begging you, swallow me right now.


He felt Sehun take a seat beside him so he quickly stood up. “I’m going to the restroom too.”




“I need to check on my friend.” Luhan said and ran away, even passing Chanyeol and Kai who walked away first.




After seeing Chanyeol walk away, Baekhyun took this as a sign that the premises are safe. He started crawling—though he doesn’t really know why—up to the edge of the counter when suddenly a pair of legs blocked him.


Oh no.




My lovely subbies, there's something I have to tell you.


And, my exams starts tomorrow so I probably can't update BUT I will try. 

Don't worry, after my exams is SEMBREAKKKK

So I can update daily :D

I'll reply to all your comments when exam's done! :D

You guys are so cute i cannot

See you next update!

- gelie

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thank you for the story!
Chapter 40: This story is sooo funny, I came back to read a lil bit, for fun.
Chapter 38: It ended😭😭😭
Loved it.
Chapter 38: Ok I love this story a lot, if was really funny, but there were so many things which were not discussed, I wished Author wrote all those things also, like how Chanyeol and Kyungsoo started dating, or if they dating at all, when they broke up, Kai and Kyungsoo, also Amanda whereabouts, like Yixing caught her in the beach ( I think, it was not written so who knows), so I really had to assume, I was confused this whole time, and what happened after Chanyeol and Baekhyun went to have breakfast together at the lunch.
I really wished that Author nim mentioned all such things.
But other than that, the story is gold.
Chapter 22: I didn't expect Kyungsoo to play as a bad psychologist.
Chapter 22: Man, I just got that feeling that Kyungsoo is a psychologist, man my presumptions. I just had that gut feeling, I am also a psychology student, and when Chanyeol and Kyungsoo were together, I just thought maybe Chanyeol needs a councelor.
Well well well, turns out I was true.
I really like when my guesses turns true while reading fics.
I love this story ❤️
I love this story ❤️
Chabaekiii #9
Omgggg this is good af this is exactly what I wanted thank you very much I felt so proud when it is said "pinaupong manok" which is me knowing na phixo yung author stfu filipino fanfic authors are so damn good anyway, I love how the story is going everywhere! Mostly, I laughed my out loud throughout the story! God bless!