

Daehyun glared at Himchan angrily as Himchan was happily unwrapping the burger that Daehyun just bought him. 

"What are you glaring at?" asked Himchan with his mouth full of burger.

Daehyun shook his head and looked at the ground. Himchan shrugged and continued eating like there's no tomorrow. 

"What's with you and Hyuna?" Daehyun asked after a few minutes.

"I dunno. But she wants me." Himchan said with a smirk.

Daehyun scoffed at that comment and looked at his watch. It was ten minutes to four pm. He grabbed his jacket and stood up.

"Hey, why are you leaving so soon? Are you gonna buy me more food? Cause I don't like this burger very much."

"SHUT UP ABOUT THE BURGER ALREADY." Daehyun shouted, releasing all his anger.

"Fine, fine! I'm sorry! Geez man, don't need to be that harsh. I just asked you a question."

"I'm gonna go see Zelo. I'll come back here later."

"Okay, tell him I said hi."

Daehyun stormed out of Himchan's room and walked over to Zelo's. He peeked in the window and saw Zelo alone. He knocked on the door and went in. "Daehyun! Where have you been all day?" Zelo immediately asked when he saw Daehyun walk in.

"I kinda...ran over Himchan with my car so I brought him here and I was over at his room just now."

"You WHAT?"

"I ran him over."

"Oh, too bad he didn't die."

Yeah, too bad.


I got out of Zelo's room and went to the girls' toilet. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I look terrible. My hair is messy and unkempt, my face is stained with tears. I the tap and rinsed my face. The door opened but I didn't bother to look at who had just came in.

"Look what we have here, little Hyuna."

That voice. No doubt it belonged to Eunbi. I looked up and saw her glaring down at me. "What do you want?"

"Oh I don't want anything from you. I mean, we all know that Daehyun belongs to me. He doesn't even like you. Daehyun wants me and only me. You know what's funny? The other day when we were together and totally making out, he mentioned about how annoying and stupid you are and how you should like totally off. You're just trying to ruin everybody here. I mean look at what you did to Zelo, he has cancer now an-"

"Are you stupid?" I spat out, unable to control my emotions.

"No, I think you're the one who's stupid."

"I can't possibly give Zelo cancer. And how am I 'ruining' everybody? I barely even talk to everyone."

Eunbi took a step towards me and snapped her fingers and said, "Look, Hyuna. Bottom line is you, should just go back to where you came from because no one here wants you. I mean, not even your own mother wants you." she added a laugh, "She ran off from your precious daddy and left you to be abused by him. No one loves you Hyuna, and no one will ever love you. Just leave, or better yet. Just kill yourself. Cause I'm pretty sure no one will care."

She stepped back and looked at me from head to toe. I wanted to slap her, break her neak, strangle her, suffocate her. I want her to go away. My fingers curled into fists and I resisted the urge to tackle her. Violence won't solve the problem. It will only make you a coward like your stupid father. A little voice in my head reminded me. So I did nothing, I just stood there. I watched her walk over to the sink next to me. She took out her mascara and started to reapply.

Something in me snapped and I pulled her beautiful, brown hair and slammed her face into the mirror in front of her. I heard her blood curdling scream piecre through my ears. The mirror cracked and some glass shards fell out. I saw blood. But that didn't stop me, she fell to the ground and I started to kick and punch her everywhere.

She fought back, quite violently. She slammed my head against the sink and her fingernails were so long and sharp that they literally sank into my skin. I threw a big punch at her face and quickly ran out of the toilet. I went into Zelo's room and quickly shut the door behind me.

"What happened to you?" Zelo asked in shock. I looked at him unable to say anything. Then I realized that it wasn't just the two of us in the room. Daehyun was sitting next to him, pale as ever.

Oh crap

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exomaania #1
Chapter 42: omg omg omg omg
Chapter 42: I like the ending, its sweet and simple. Is rmthat really the end though? It didnt say complete or final...
bellaxjoker #3
Chapter 42: aww,,so sweet. glad daehyun is fine and happy with hyuna. sad cause himchan doesn't come to his senses. even sadder cause the group was never the same without zelo. so it makes the ending somewhat bittersweet. good job,author-nim. looking forward to your next fic!
arescom #4
omo! Zelo!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 41: Im glad daehyun is ok! And I rest my case, like I said earlier in the story himchan is bipolar lol, he asked if hyuna was ok after having a fight with her during the funeral! Bipolar!
Chapter 41: Daehyun sooo sad sweet...please let them end togethee...
bellaxjoker #7
Chapter 41: phew~! Glad that he's fine. Maybe if you went through that staring fight banghim were having,you'll be sliced in two. Heol! Great chap here,authornim!
bellaxjoker #8
Chapter 40: please don't. don't want to lose daehyun too. argh! going crazy right here!