

"Can you be mine? Probably not forever just, just until I die."

I looked at Zelo as if he were crazy. Maybe he was. Who really knows? I felt as if he's taking advantage of his sickness to be with me...it didn't feel right. But then, I thought of Daehyun. Daehyun and that dirty making out earlier. I could feel the jealousy burning inside of me. 

Maybe if I'm with Zelo I'll give Daehyun a taste of his own medicine. 

I know that it isn't the right thing to do but I was hurt and humiliated. I wanted him to feel how I feel. So I said yes.

"What?" Zelo asked in shock. He didn't expect that answer at all.

"I said, yes. Yes, I'll be yours."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. Whatever makes you happy."

Zelo broke into a wide smile and hugged my side. "Oh my god! Thank you so much Hyuna! You make me so happy. At least now I have a reason to live!"

After hearing him say that, I felt guilty. But I just shut my mouth and hugged him back.


Daehyun's phone started ringing when he was driving. He looked over and saw the caller ID, it was Yongguk. He picked up the call.

"Daehyun! Where have you been?"

"I just went to the hospital. I'm coming back now."

"Okay, good. Come back quick. I need to tell you something."

"Well, can't you tell me now?"

"I can but, it would be better if I told you in person."

Daehyun was driving at a really fast speed that time and he wasn't looking at the road properly. He didn't realize that there was a guy who was crossing the road. He didn't stop in time and hit the guy.

"." he muttered under his breath. He quickly hung up the phone and went outside to check on the person he had just ran over. He bent down and realized that he had just ran over Himchan. 

"What the hell man. Why did you just run me over?" Himchan grunted, rolling over to one side.

"I wasn't looking carefully."

"You made me waste my burger! I haven't even finished it yet. Idiot. Now I have to get a new one!"

"Are you freaking serious? I just hit you with my car and you still care about your stupid burger? I have to take you to the hospital now."

"But...but my burger!"

"Get up and get in the car." Daehyun ordered.

"I can't move. It hurts too much. And I don't wanna smear any sauce on myself."

"Stupid fool." Daehyun picked Himchan up and put threw him in the backseat of his car.

"Ow! That hurt! Be gentle on me. You're lucky I don't plan on pressing charges."

"Whatever." Daehyun drove Himchan to the hospital and he got admitted. When Himchan was under going tests, Daehyun went to take a walk. He needed fresh air. So many things had happened today. First of all, he wanted to visit Zelo but got face- by Eunbi and the worst part is that Hyuna saw. She probably thinks I'm a man- now. Gosh. Then, he accidently runs over Himchan with his brand new car; which is now probably smeared with burger sauce, and Himchan doesn't even care about himself! 

He found himself walking towards the cancer patient ward where Zelo was admitted. He wanted to make that visit that never happened this morning. He walked to Zelo's room and before going in, he peeked through the big, glass window. 

What the actual...He couldn't believe his eyes. He took a second glance and it was real. He saw Hyuna lying next to Zelo and he was her hair affectionately. Daehyun wanted to barge in and ask what's going on but he couldn't bring himself to do it.

If this is what she wants, then fine. I'll leave her alone then.

Daehyun left the ward angry and frustrated. He went back to where he was before. He was told by one of the nurses that he could go in and see Himchan now. He walked in without any warning and saw Himchan checking his own reflection with his phone.

"Heyyyyy, Daehyunnie! How's it going?" He asked Daehyun like nothing happened between them.

I'm fine. You?"

"I'm okay. I'm hungry. Why don't you go to the cafeteria and get me some burgers?"


Author's note: So do you like burgers? ;)


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exomaania #1
Chapter 42: omg omg omg omg
Chapter 42: I like the ending, its sweet and simple. Is rmthat really the end though? It didnt say complete or final...
bellaxjoker #3
Chapter 42: aww,,so sweet. glad daehyun is fine and happy with hyuna. sad cause himchan doesn't come to his senses. even sadder cause the group was never the same without zelo. so it makes the ending somewhat bittersweet. good job,author-nim. looking forward to your next fic!
arescom #4
omo! Zelo!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 41: Im glad daehyun is ok! And I rest my case, like I said earlier in the story himchan is bipolar lol, he asked if hyuna was ok after having a fight with her during the funeral! Bipolar!
Chapter 41: Daehyun sooo sad sweet...please let them end togethee...
bellaxjoker #7
Chapter 41: phew~! Glad that he's fine. Maybe if you went through that staring fight banghim were having,you'll be sliced in two. Heol! Great chap here,authornim!
bellaxjoker #8
Chapter 40: please don't. don't want to lose daehyun too. argh! going crazy right here!