Chapter 3

She is my girlfriend


“Wow, I’m full now” I eat all the food on the table. I forget my diet schedule and I eat it all. Today I didn’t do exercise and practice. Oh, I forget to call my manager oppa & members. Definitely, they will worry and upset on me.

Actually, me also angry on them. We all stayed like real sisters but last night they kidding me badly. They all make a joke on my boyfriend & me. I know that he is not very handsome but they should respect him. They said our couple as beauty & the beast. My boyfriend really upset and broke up with me. It’s not my fault. But he blames it on me. I hate him as well.

When I went back to my member, they kidding me again as even ugly man leave me.

I’m really upset and broken heart. I’m not sure because of I love him or I upset because of he break relationship first. I feel sad and I drink a lot. And I dance and shouted to everyone. I am out of control last night. I hope paparazzi will not capture me.

Ok, I will call my leader first.


“Hi, Hyorin. This is Bora.”

“YAAAA…where are you now. We all get shout from CEO & Manager because of you.” Hyorin looks so angry.

“Ammm…I am at my friend’s house.” I lie her.

“When will you be back? Do I need to send car to pick you up?” My leader is so kind. She worries for my transportation even she upset.

“No, it’s ok. I want to ask you that can I get sick leave today. I am very tired right now and cannot do practice. And I wanna go to my mom place as well.” I request her to get leave. Yes, I am really tired now and suddenly I feel like want to meet my mommy.

“Wait. Let me check with Manager Oppa. By the way, are you still upset on us because of last night? Soyu & Dasom want to apologize you because they rude on you. Of course, myself as well. Sorry for that BORA. ”

“Yeah, It’s ok now. I also bad on you guys.” We are sisters. We fight last night, now we bonding back. It’s cool, right.

Hyorin reply me “Hey, manager oppa say it’s ok. You can get day off today. But don’t forget to come back tomorrow before 12 noon. We have schedule.”

“Oh, thank you so much. Tell all girls, I miss them a lot and will be back tomorrow.”

“Ok. I will. See you, then. Enjoy your off day.” Hyorin hang up phone.

That’s cool. Finally I got day off. I will go to my mom’s place.

Do I have to wait “J”? At least I have to say him thank you. But if I wait him, I will be late to reach my mom place.

It’s ok. I will write message on the note pad & leave on his big fridge.

“Hi J, thank for let me sleep safely in your place.

And thank again for delicious food as well.

I am in hurry to go. Sorry for that I cannot wait until you back.

I hope we can meet next time.


I quickly go to bathroom and try to make myself look nice. But why his bathroom have full of girls stuff?

Is he has wife? Then, why I didn’t see both? It’s fine. We will not be meets again anyway.

I check all my belonging and try to go out. Wait, what it is?

I saw another sticky note pad on the door handle.

“Password for this door is 2266677772


Ammm… it’s too long. And why he gives me his house password to me? He has wife also, right? Damn, confuse. Anyway I will save it in my mobile.

Is door password means my name? Because I press that number in mobile, it’s change to my name. 22is B, 666 is O, 7777 is R & 2is A. What is it? He is really interesting. May be their couple is SISTAR fan. Later, I can send my sign CD for them. Bye bye “J”.

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drag0nr1der #1
Chapter 17: Really sad ending ... and a little rushed I think
But wonderful story and the plot is also very good :)
tommy26 #2
Hi all, thanks for reading my story until the end
Thanks again for comments and subscribe also
Sorry for sad ending..
KalakiMae #3
oh my gosh this is so sad its a good story but man you gotta make a girl cry.
KalakiMae #4
Chapter 15: oh no poor sica :(
why bora??
please update soon
tommy26 #5
Chapter 12: Dear narachan, Thanks for supporting me. :)
This is my first time writing fanfics and English is not my first language. If there have something I do mistake, please understand me. Thanks again for all readers!
tommy26 #6
sorry for my short update today. Nowadays is very very busy, I will try to update soon. Thanks Krystal-woo97 for support me. :)