Chapter 14

She is my girlfriend

1am at Incheon Airport

“Hey SISTAR~~!” K – will I and his manager are arrived already.

“K-will Oppa” Dasom shout and run to him.

“Where is Boy friend?” Soyu is asking.

“No, they cannot join with us now because they have to attend fan sign events tomorrow.” Manager answers that.

“Oh, only K-will Oppa with us, then.” Bora makes remark.

“No, BEAST will join with us. They are already inside.” Manager answered.

“Pali Pali… We are late already. Let’s go to Check-In counter.” K-will Oppa is shouting.


At the waiting room,

 “Then total 3 groups, 7 Boys & 4 Girls. K-Will will be in charge of Boys & Hyorin wil be in charge for Girls. We will meet you back after 2 days. Enjoy your holidays.” Manager Oppa said that and he left.

“Let’s go in board. Pali Pali, we are late.” Suddenly KiKwang said that, he grabs Bora’s hand and left.

“Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww” everyone amaze and tease to him.



When I know that BEAST will join with us, I feel it's not normal. I don’t hate KiKwang but I don’t like him.

But now he makes me upset. He holds my hand without my permission in front of everyone.

On the boarding way to enter the flight,

“Ya, take off my hand. I don’t like it.” I shout him.

“Oh, sorry. I’m in a bit rush.  Xo xo.” He winks his one eye and release my hand but his face is still smile.

I don’t talk to him anything and try to find my seat.

“Seat 12A is here” KiKwang tell me.


KiKwang sit at 12B but that is not his place.

“This is Hyorin’s seat.” I tell him.

“It’s ok. I will tell her to change place.” KiKwang replied.


“Very simple answer, I wanna sit with you.” And he looks my eyes closely.

Suddenly I feel some feeling on him and my heartbeat getting so fast. Why I feel like that?

“Hey, are you blushing?” He teases me.

“No, Why?”

“Nothing!” He smiles and turns his face to other side.

Hyorin & other people are coming in.

“Hyorin Shi, can you possible to change a seat with me please?” KiKwang requests to Hyorin.

“Yes, why not?” She accepts him easily.

“Thanks million.”

I heard all their conversation but I don’t know why I not stop Hyorin. I’m really confuses. Take out my mobile and try to listens music. Oh, there is sms!

From Jessica,

“Kiddo, how are you? I’m worry for your health because you take flight immediate after concert. Will you be so tired? Please sms or call me, when you arrives BUSAN. Just want to know you are safe or not. Miss you.”

I feel so sad after I read and I miss her a lot.

“Honey, miss you so much too. I’m in flight now. I’m ok but a little bit tired. I will call you immediately when I arrives BUSAN. Love you Love you Love you so much.”

“Hey, switch off your mobile. We are in flight now.” KiKwang tells me.

“I know. Just send sms only. I will off.”

“Sending SMS to who? Your boyfriend?”

“None of your business.”

“OK. I will keep quiet now. But later cannot be because I will be your boyfriend soon.”

“Shut up. Don’t say none sense.” I turn my face to other side and stop conversation with him. He is really something.

~~ ~~~~

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drag0nr1der #1
Chapter 17: Really sad ending ... and a little rushed I think
But wonderful story and the plot is also very good :)
tommy26 #2
Hi all, thanks for reading my story until the end
Thanks again for comments and subscribe also
Sorry for sad ending..
KalakiMae #3
oh my gosh this is so sad its a good story but man you gotta make a girl cry.
KalakiMae #4
Chapter 15: oh no poor sica :(
why bora??
please update soon
tommy26 #5
Chapter 12: Dear narachan, Thanks for supporting me. :)
This is my first time writing fanfics and English is not my first language. If there have something I do mistake, please understand me. Thanks again for all readers!
tommy26 #6
sorry for my short update today. Nowadays is very very busy, I will try to update soon. Thanks Krystal-woo97 for support me. :)