You're bi-polar, aren't you?

My Cotton Candy Boy

Hey guys! I think I'm going to start posting replies at the end of each chapter, make it more personl ^^ ENJOY!



                “That son of a…He better not act like he did yesterday, or else I’m going to sock him in the face and ignore him for the rest of his life. Thinks he can talk to me like that and get away with it …. Gotta be kidding me …..”

Flashback. Tuesday.

                Yeon Ah walked towards the school and caught sight of L.Joe sitting with some other freshman students surrounded by fangirls. Seeing as there was time before school, she walked over to him to say hi.

                “Morning, Byung Hun. Are you ready for today’s lesson?” Yeon Ah asked him after bulldozing through the wall of girls. Students started pointing at her and whispering loudly.

                “Who does she think she is?”

                “Does she even know who he is? How disrespectful of her.”

                “That girl thinks she’s all that? Psh, I’m way better than her.”

                “She thinks she can just call L.Joe by his real name? Who gave her rights to call him that?” Yeon Ah rolled her eyes at the immature comments that were directed towards her. She stood there waiting for an answer from L.Joe who seemed completely unaware of her presence. Actually, it was more like he was ignoring her completely.

                “Hey, I’m talking to you, Byung Hun. I asked, are you ready for today’s lesson?” she glowered at him, expecting him to answer this time. However, his reaction was the most unexpected.

                “Who are you to call me by my real name? And to answer your question: No. I’m not ready, nor am I excited in any way for our lesson later. It’s a waste of my time,” he smirked at her. Dumbfounded, Yeon Ah glared at him. She her heel and shoved her way out of the crowd. People threw snide remarks at her.

                “You’re nothing to L.Joe.”

                “That’s right, get the hell outta here, loser.” Yeon Ah ignored the comments and stormed off to her classroom. She slammed her books on her desk and was about ready to kill whoever talked to her. For the rest of the day, Yeon Ah was irritated and snapped at everybody and anybody. During Math, she talked back to the teacher and told him he was teaching the wrong stuff. During English and History, she kept correcting the teacher. No matter how hard she tried to ignore it, it bothered her that L.Joe had treated her like she was nobody when everyday he suffocated her with his ‘Noona’ calls.

                It was time for P.E. and they were continuing Track and Field. Today, they were doing shot put, discus, and javelin. Yeon Ah released her frustrations through the events. She went all out and threw everything as hard as she could. The average distances for the boys were seven meters in shot put, fifteen meters for discus, and twenty meters for javelin. Yeon Ah was able to achieve eight meters in shot put, fourteen meters in discus, and twenty four meters in javelin. However, there was a feeling at the pit of her stomach that made her agitated. ‘Why am I so choked with his response? And what the hell is he thinking, talking to me like that?’ Annoyed, Yeon Ah walked towards the school to change out of her track suit.

                During lunch, Yeon Ah thought about confronting L.Joe, but when she got near enough, he smirked at her and spitefully looked away. ‘What the fack is wrong with him today? Why I outta….’ Yeon Ah shook the violent thoughts out of her head and went to go find her friends. They were sitting outside under the tree again. She walked up to them and plopped down with an annoyed expression plastered on her face.

                “It’s only the second week of school and you seem like you’ve aged ten years. I feel like I’m living my life on repeat, but I’ve got to ask you, what’s wrong this time?” Hyo Rin poked her best friend. Hyo Min, who was tying her sister’s hair, also took the time to poke Yeon Ah.

                “Don’t touch me. I can’t believe I’m getting so worked up about that stupid boy.” The twins looked at each other, confused about what Yeon Ah was saying.

                “Mind updating us? Is it boy troubles? OMG, do you have a secret boyfriend we don’t know about?!” Hyo Rin asked again, anxiously jumping up and knocking her sister over.

                “No, no. It’s nothing like that. It’s just that, the kid I’m tutoring completely blew me off in front of EVERYBODY today. It’s weird and it bugs me,” Yeon Ah brushed her hair out of her face and started to tug on her ponytail. Hyo Min pulled Yeon Ah’s hands away from her hair.

                “You should confront him later. Who is your student, by the way? You still haven’t told us,” Hyo Min released her hands.

                “It’s Lee Byung Hun. Says he’s some sort of id---” Yeon Ah was abruptly cut off by her friends

                “Your student is L.Joe from Teen Top?!” they both stood up screaming. Yeon Ah pulled them back down and lightly slapped their arms.

                “Stop screaming. And yes, he’s my student. What’s so cool about Teen Top anyway?” Yeon Ah asked the twins.

                “They’re the hottest group out right now. Aside from Dalmatian, that is. Teen Top debuted earlier this year and their fan base is comprised of noonas because of their young age. I can’t believe how out of the loop you are with idol groups,” Hyo Min shook her head, disappointed. Yeon Ah shrugged. She didn’t exactly care about idol groups and is honestly sick of hearing people swoon over idols. As cliché as it sounds, they are humans like all of us. The bell rang and their girls picked themselves up from the floor and went to their classrooms. Yeon Ah quickly grabbed her things and waited for the twins. They walked into their Music Comp class and sat in their seats.

                “Okay class, today, we’re going to start our own compositions. This is the first of two self compositions projects of this year. It is due the week before winter break and a select few will get to perform their songs at the winter concert. Now, here are the requirements. It must be at least two minutes long and I need to see a draft indicating what key and what theme you have chosen. Also, I need to see you at least twice during the next three months to see what your progress is. You have the rest of class to discuss and brainstorm. Happy composing!”

                Yeon Ah, Hyo Min, and Hyo Rin all sat huddled together, staring at their blank music scores. They’ve been sitting like that for half an hour already and Hyo Min was the first to crack.

                “Why is this so hard?! I can’t think of a theme that is unique and cool. This ,” she slouched in her seat. The other two sighed and lay back in their seats as well. Yeon Ah twirled her pencil between her fingers, thinking hard of a theme she could relate to. She couldn’t think of anything and was soon getting restless in her seat.

                “Why don’t we throw some chords together first, get a feel of what our song is going to be like or something,” Hyo Rin suggested. Hyo Min agreed and the both of them went to the piano. Yeon Ah started at her music sheet and started writing down different keys. She felt herself getting into the groove and soon enough, she had half a song. However, she doesn’t have a theme yet. ‘Well, I’ve got the feel of my song. That’s good enough for now’. The bell rang and people started packing their belongings. Yeon Ah’s mood darkened because she knew she was going to see L.Joe soon. She walked over to the rehearsal room and opened the door. L.Joe was already on the piano practicing as usual, and looked up when she walked in.

                “NOONA! How was your day today? Did you miss me?” He came running towards her, arms outspread. She ducked out of the way and walked over to the table and placed her saxophone case on top.

                “Tell me the truth, Lee Byung Hun. You’re bi-polar, aren’t you?” Yeon Ah crossed her arms and raised a curious eyebrow at him. He seemed taken aback by her question.

                “No, I’m not Noona. Why do you ask?”

                ‘I don’t know, maybe because you acted like a complete jerk this morning?’

                “It’s nothing. I guess I was just over thinking the situation,” she mumbled and set up her instrument. “Today I’m teaching you how to solo, right? Let’s go the solo section for each piece. The things you have to remember during any solo is, you play the chord progressions along with the rhythm section unless state otherwise. When doing that, you aid the soloist is keeping track of the chord changes and you also underlie the background.” Yeon Ah taught him the important aspects of soloing with a big band and the do’s and don’ts of soloing. Finally, it was 5 pm and the bell rang, ending all classes for the day. “Please review all the chord progressions within each song for tomorrow. See you,” Yeon Ah waved as he left the room.

                “Bye, Noona~!” he smiled at her.

                ‘I guess it was just a misunderstanding. Don’t get so worked up about it, Yeon Ah,’ she lectured herself. While packing her things, Yeon Ah found a back pack next to the piano. She looked inside and found that it was L.Joe’s. ‘Wow, that kid needs to be more aware of his belongings.’ She swung the backpack over her shoulder and walked outside. To her luck, he was playing basketball with some other students in the outdoor courts. She made her way over to him and called out his name.

                “Hey! Byung Hun! You forgot this!” she held up his backpack. He ran over with a blank expression on his face. What he did next infuriated her.

                “Who said you can touch my backpack? I don’t know if you’re a stalker or something, but this is kind of weird,” he snatched his bag away from her before rudely walking off.

                ‘ARE YOU EFFING KIDDING ME?!’ Yeon Ah was about ready to punch the back of his head. However, she held in her anger and stormed off for the second time that day. Students in the area witnessed what just happened and began to gossip. Yeon Ah was pissed and knew she was not in the right state to drive her bike, but she was going to anyway. She climbed on and blazed off, driving at a ridiculously high speed. Cars honked as she cut them off and storekeepers cussed as she drove by and scattered newspapers everywhere. She stopped by a small park to cool down. She didn’t know why she was so angry. Or was she even angry? What was this feeling? It wasn’t like any other type of anger she felt. Maybe it wasn’t anger, but something else. Disappointment? Was she disappointed in the fact that he was two faced? She didn’t know what to do. ‘I’m going to talk to him tomorrow. I need to stop thinking about this, or I might go crazy.’

Present. Wednesday.

                Yeon Ah stalked through the halls, searching for the ‘pink haired idiot’. ‘If he talks back today, I’m not holding back’. She found his classroom burst in ruthlessly. For a split second, he looked shocked of her presence, but his wide eyed expression instantly became blank and cold. “You. Come with me. NOW.” She dragged a confused L.Joe out of the classroom and up to the roof. “You have a lot of explaining to do, mister. Let me speak! I want to know, are you really not bi-polar? Because the way you acted yesterday and today begs to differ. Now, explain to me why you act like two completely different people? Why do you act like a jerk in front of everybody and an immature child when we’re alone?” She impatiently tapped her foot, waiting for his response.

                “I’m so sorry, Noona. I didn’t mean to act so harsh towards you. I’m just so used to putting up a mysterious front for fans and the public that I blindly treated you the same way. Please forgive me?” he rubbed his hands together, pleading for her forgiveness.

                “I’m sorry, but I don’t think I can forgive you.”

                “What! Why not?”

                “Because I’m upset with you. I won’t forgive you unless you promise me one thing.”

                “What, what is it?”

                “Don’t act like somebody you’re not. You’re a better person when you are yourself. I don’t care whether or not you talk to people, but I don’t want you belittling people just because it’s the ‘image’ your company gave you, or whatever. At least, not at school. Can you promise me that, Byung Hun?” L.Joe bit his lip in thought. It was harder than it looked for him to be nice to people because he was so used to acting cold. However, he understood what his Noona meant and he knew that in a way, she was right. His idol life is separate from his school life, but he’s been unconsciously merging them together. She deserved to be upset with him.

                “I promise that I will stop acting like a jerk at school. I will try to be more careful of how I act,” he held out his pinky to her. She cautiously looked at his pinky, so he grabbed her hand and hooked his pinky with hers. “Okay, now we seal the deal,” and he pressed his thumb against hers.

                “Now that you’ve pinky swore, I don’t EVER want to hear you talk back to me or undermine others,” Yeon Ah pointed at him. He recoiled from her strong aura.

                “Yes, m’am.”

                “Let’s go to class, Mr. Bi-polar.”

                “HEY! Don’t call me that!”

                “Who do you think you’re saying ‘Hey’ to?”

                “He he, sorry Noona.”

                “You better be.”

WOOOO, I didn't like this chapter >_< It was too....bleh. My level of literacy seems to be declining.....*sigh* 


@ hai_young: That was my favourite part of the chapter LOL I actually couldn't help but laugh at it as well....I'm lame. Fencing, a healthy, non-violent way of releasing anger XP

@ kmn007: LOL Yea, I'm even frustrated with myself because I'm taking too long to introduce him >_< BUT, I guarantee you he'll be in Chapter 7 and on.

Comment and Subscribe, PLEASE AND THANK YOU~~~~~

See you in the next chapter!

-greenninjapanda GNP-

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This was cute :3 Good job with this fanfiction ^^
GNP-Productions #2
Awww~~~ Cute~~~ but somewhat awkward in this situation since he's supposed to be a brother O_O Thanks for reading~~~
ilkpop1112 #3
I read chap 2 and I'm on chap 3, the funny thing is, I have a HUGE crush on this guy named Daniel Cho, and people call him Danny so it's kinda awkward for me to see Danny or Daniel in a story... :P
hai_young #4
I just checked the last comment you replied me to.
and hahahahah ive come back and reread it. just like i promised;)
GNP-Productions #5
Wah, thanks for reading ~
this story, i can't even describe it in words. i usually only like but this story is fantastic baby (CWIDT^^)
Loved the story. ;)
I LOOOOOOOOVED THIS STORY!!! x) I'm gonna miss it!! T____T
GNP-Productions #9
WUAAHH~~ I'm glad every one liked it (I hope). I, too, miss writing this story T^T
This story was super cuteeeeee !!! Why did it have to end >< <br />