Did you think it was that easy?

My Cotton Candy Boy


                “I just sent the files,” Yeon Ah typed away at her laptop. The sound of the keys tapping echoed through her empty apartment. “It went through? Cool. No, I’m still in Japan. When will I be back?” she paused in thought. “When the time is right. Yeah, I will. See you when I see you, Boss. Bye,” she hung up the phone and sat back in her chair. ‘President’s right. Maybe I should go back…’ She got up from her seat and went into her small kitchen. It has been 5 years since she left Korea and during those years, she finished off high school in L.A. and graduated from Tokyo International University Majoring in Music Composition. She quietly sat and drank her tea, slowly spacing out and falling into a trance. It was one of those times again. Ever since she left, these episodes occurred. This was why she tried to keep herself busy. Once she sat down to rest, memories flooded through her and she became paralyzed by her guilt of leaving the people that made her happy. They could last from minutes to hours. There were times where she had sat for a whole day just thinking about her mistakes. The door bell rang, bringing her back to reality. She opened the door, knowing well who it was. “Back again?”


                “Hey boys, good to see all of you here. Well, almost all of you. Anyway, I’ve got some new songs for you,” Mr. President played the tracks [A/N: I’m sorry I keep calling him that…I’m too lazy to give him a name XS]. 3 tracks in total were played. An R&B, a hip hop, and a dance song. The boys bobbed their heads to the beat, feeling the music.

                “These songs are good. Who composed them?” Jisu asked. Before Mr. President could answer, Dalmatian all chimed together, “Jungle King.” [A/N: LOL DON’T ASK.]

                “Haha, why bother asking when you already know the answer? Anyway, these are the songs for your next mini album. Here are the lyrics. Jisu, Young Won, and Daniel will handle the R&B song, and Inati, DayDay, and Dari will take the hip hop song. The dance song will be your title track. Good luck!” Mr. President walked out of the practice room.

                “Man, these songs are sick,” DayDay replayed the music again. Daniel smirked to himself. ‘You did again, Sis. These are going to be a hit.’

                “I wonder who this ‘Jungle King’ is. I really want to meet him,” Jisu scanned through the song lyrics. ‘If only you knew….’ Daniel thought.


                “I don’t see why you keep coming here,” Yeon Ah handed her guest a cup of tea.

                “Why not? I don’t want you running away like last time,” he took a sip of his hot drink. “Ah, hot,” he stuck out his tongue.

                “Good job. Anyway, how are Mio and the boys doing?” she took a seat on the couch, pulling up her feet.

                “The guys are tired, of course. We’re still doing promotions here, so our schedule’s packed pretty tight. As for Mio, you know,” he smirked at her. Yeon Ah rolled her eyes at him.

                “I’m glad you moved on though.”

                “I am, too. She’s the perfect girl. You know what, you should be glad I found you last year.”

                “Byung Hun, how many times do I have to tell you? It was luck on your part. You didn’t even know I went to Tokyo International until Ricky ran into me,” she poked him with her foot. L.Joe laughed and whacked it away.

                “Whatever. You don’t know how happy I was to see you.”

                “Anybody could tell with the goofy look you had on your face,” she continued teasing.

                “Yah! It wasn’t ‘goofy’,” he pouted.

                “It was. Stop denying it. AND WHO ARE YOU CALLING ‘YAH’?” she smacked the back of his head.

                “Sorry Noona, it just slipped. Anyway, I think I should head out now,” he placed the cup on the coffee table and headed to the door. “Noona, have you thought about what I asked you last time? You know, moving back?” Yeon Ah sighed and crossed her arms. L.Joe knew what was coming next. The same lecture she had given him for the past year.

                “Byung Hun, how many times have we talked about this? I’m not going to bother answering you tonight,” she ushered him out of her apartment. He held onto the door before she closed it.

                “We talked yesterday. Young Won and I,” he looked her in the eyes. The familiar glint of yearning flashed in her eyes. It was instantly replaced by a cold hard expression.

                “You’re pressuring me now, aren’t you? I suggest you leave before I do something I might regret,” she pushed on the door and he stumbled, but kept the door open.

                “If you keep hiding, he might do something stupid. He’s depressed, Yeon Ah. I haven’t told you this before, but he’s been depressed ever since. I’m surprised he’s still alive. If I were you, I would get my back to Korea and fix him,” he stepped out of her doorway and gave her a small wave before walking off. Yeon Ah closed the door and rested her head on the door, hand still on the doorknob. ‘Depressed? For 5 years? Wonnie….’


                “Hyung?” Daniel knocked on Young Won’s door. He heard no reply and knew that his friend wouldn’t give him one, so he carefully opened the door. “Hyung, we got some new songs. I brought you the CD,” he placed the disc on the desk. Young Won grunted under the covers. “Hyung, she’ll be back.”

                “Get out.” Daniel hung his head and left. ‘Yeonnie, where the heck are you?’ Young Won slowly got up from his bed and went to the bathroom. He looked at his reflection in the mirror. His eyes were blank and his face was bleak with fatigue. His hair was a faded dark brown. The blue kept reminding him of her. The week after she left, he dyed it black. He sighed. ‘Why can’t I forget?’ he punched the mirror and watched as the blood seeped out of his fresh wounds.


                Yeon Ah sat in her studio, curled on the soft recliner. She looked at her equipment around the room. Her years of working and studying paid off and now she had what she always wanted. How come she felt bothered? The answer was obvious. Young Won. How could she feel at ease knowing her actions caused an innocent man to become depressed? And for last 5 years. She scanned the room one last time before running to her room. She grabbed her phone and dialled a number.

                “Hello? Mom? I want to go home. Now.”


                “Hello?” Daniel looked at the phone number. “Hello?” he asked again.

                “Danny…I’m coming home. 5 o’clock…” The line went dead. Daniel nearly dropped his phone. He took a seat on the nearest chair and tried to control his breathing. The one person who hadn’t contacted him for the past 5 years was just on the phone. He checked the number again and noticed it was an international call. He searched the area code on his phone and Tokyo popped up. ‘So you were there. All this time, you were nearby.’ He checked his watch and it read 2 PM. Without thinking twice, he grabbed his jacket and keys.

                “Sorry guys, there’s something I got to do. See you later,” he waved at his hyungs and ran out the door.


                “Ms. Chae? We will be arriving shortly. Please buckled up your seatbelt,” the flight attendant bowed. Yeon Ah snapped out of her trance and clicked her belt in place. She looked out the window of the private jet. Her conversation with her mom was still fresh on her mind.


                “Hello? Mom? I want to go home. Now.”

                “Honey? Okay, just go to the airport. Appa is calling his company right now. They’ll have the jet ready for you. We’ll meet you at the airport soon.”

                “No, I’m going to call Danny.”

                “Ah, okay. I’m glad you’re coming home.”

                “I am too. Bye, Mom,” she hung up her phone. ‘Another rash decision. Maybe this time, there’ll be more positive results…’

*End Flashback*

                The plane came to a full stop and Yeon Ah was told it was safe to leave the plane. She got out of her seat and grabbed her bags. She exited the plane onto the tarmac and saw a car waiting for her. The driver side door opened and Daniel came out.

                “Welcome home, Sis.” She dropped her bags and ran over to her brother. Tears of joy flowed from both the twins’ eyes. “Glad you’re back. Let’s go,” he grabbed her bags and put them into the trunk. They climbed into the car and he drove off.

                “Can you take me to my apartment? I know mom and dad kept it for me,” she asked him, looking out at the passing cars. The rain pelted down onto the windshield.

“You don’t want to see them?”
“Not yet. I need some time to figure out what to do.”

                “Fine, but you better find out soon. We don’t know how long he will last. It’s getting worse,” Daniel sighed. Yeon Ah felt bad that her friends and family had to go through so much because of her stupid decision. She wanted to fix things fast, but she knew it wasn’t going to be easy. There was the chance that he might not take her return well.

                “Thanks for the ride. I’ll see you when I see you.”

                “Should be sooner than later.” Yeon Ah laughed and gave him a quick hug. “Hurry, the rain’s coming down hard.” She jumped out of the car and ran to the trunk, taking out her suit cases as fast as she could. Closing the trunk, she gave it a couple of taps before running off into the apartment building. Daniel watched as she ran in and drove off.


1 week later

                “Remember the plan?”

                “Of course I do. Now quit squeezing my arm.”

                “I’m sorry. I don’t know about you, but it has been 5 years since I’ve seen my boyfriend, heck, I don’t even know if we’re even together,” Yeon Ah glared at him. Daniel pried her hands off his arm and pulled out his phone. He dialled Young Won’s number and waited for it to connect.

                “Hyung. Come out to lunch with me. I’ll pick you up, okay? No, you have to come. Please? Please? Please? Yay, thanks hyung. I’ll be home in about 10 minutes,” he ended the call and looked over at his nervous sister.

                “Did he sound okay?”

                “No. I’ll be back.” Yeon Ah sighed and rested her head on her arms. This was it. She finally found enough courage to meet him again. She was nervous and excited all at once, but she was mostly scared. Scared of the fact that he might reject her because of what she did. 20 minutes past and she saw Daniel’s car pull into the parking lot. She hid herself behind the menu and waited for them to come in.

                “Why am I even here?” she heard his voice for the first time in 5 years. It sounded hollow, empty of any emotions. He was definitely not the same as before. Hopefully, she can change him back to who he really is. “Wait, why are we sitting here? There’s already somebody else---” Young Won stopped mid step and looked at the figure sitting at the table. Even though she was hidden behind the menu, he could recognize her anywhere. His body stood paralyzed. He didn’t know what to do. Unfamiliar emotions ebbed through his body to his finger tips. Emotions that he thought he could never feel again burst through him. ‘There she is…’ Yeon Ah slowly lowered the menu.

                “It’s been a while, huh?” she beckoned for them to sit down. Daniel nudged him forward into the seat. “How have you been?” she tried to start a small conversation. Young Won rubbed his eyes in disbelief. Was she really sitting in front of him? “I’m real, Wonnie. I’m back.” The name struck a nerve in him and he felt a shock of adrenaline pump through his veins.

                “Why?” he asked.

                “Why?” she knew this was coming. She had prepared herself all week for this.

                “Why did you leave?”

                “Why, you ask? Well, I saw it happen to the heroine in dramas, so I figured I do the same,” she tried to crack a joke. Young Won didn’t think it was funny.

                “If you’re not going to take this seriously, then I’m leaving,” he stood up, but she held onto his hand. Electricity shot through their arms. Young Won let the familiar feeling of her touch absorb into him. He felt a weight lifting off his shoulders. ‘She’s really here. It’s not my imagination.’

                “Please, let me explain,” she pleaded him. He saw the sincerity in her eyes and sat back down. “The reason why I left 5 years ago was because I didn’t want to live in such chaos. I guess you can say, I chickened out and ran away. It was weird. So many things happened to me that I never even dreamt would happen. I made friends other than the Kim twins, I found love, and I unintentionally broke the heart of the one person I truly loved. Although it had seemed like the right thing to do, I regretted my decision every day I was gone. There was never a day where I didn’t think about you and what I did to you. I realized how stupid I was, but a part of me didn’t want to come back. Living life free of drama was nice. I didn’t have to worry about secrets or the press. I was able to live my life the way I wanted to without any worries of making my brother look bad. Now, I just want things to go back to normal. I want to live with my family. I want to make music. And, I want us to be together,” she whispered the last part. She was too scared to look up at him. He hadn’t said anything throughout her whole rant and he still wasn’t saying anything. Daniel looked from his sister to his friend, hoping that somebody would speak up and break the awkward tension. Young Won stared hard at her, hoping for the answer to pop up into thin air.

                “You don’t know what I had to go through. When you left, I felt like there was no purpose in life. I suffered depression because of you!” he raised his voice at her for the first time. She shrunk back in fear. ‘I knew it, he hates me,’ she thought. “I waited, every day, for a phone call, or a letter. But nothing. I got NOTHING. Do you know how it feels? To have nothing? To feel like you’re nothing?” he looked at her. She couldn’t answer him. Any answer would get him even angrier. “Did you think it would be this easy for me to forgive you? Did you think that after 5 years, I would take you back?”

                “Will you?”

                “Did you think it was that easy?”  he sneered at her and stormed off. Yeon Ah watched his retreating back and when he was gone, she burst into tears.

                “I guess we’re over now,” she sobbed into Daniel’s shirt. He patted his sister’s back. ‘I can’t believe he did that…’ he glared after his friend.


*ducks away from flying tomatoes* 

Only one more chapter! I didn't bother editing, so don't mind any stupid mistakes/grammar problems. I'm pretty sure I changed tenses several times in this chapter and all my other ones LOL FAILED


@ theblackcat1236: *too smart for me.....XD*

@ ilovemuffins: she was confused? >__<

@ Humptydumptyicedtea: ah, he's sad.......

@ koreasujufan: hahaha made me smile. She went to Japan~!

@ Kayla54: ah, thank you for reading! 

@ ShyMin: she died went to Japan. HAHAHA, put the gun away...it won't be needed LOL or will it....

@ hai_young: LOL you can have him! sadly, I cannot legally give him to you >__<

Anywho, IT'S ENDING SOON. That means I can work on my other story XD 

See you in the next (last) Chapter!

-greenninjapanda GNP-

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This was cute :3 Good job with this fanfiction ^^
GNP-Productions #2
Awww~~~ Cute~~~ but somewhat awkward in this situation since he's supposed to be a brother O_O Thanks for reading~~~
ilkpop1112 #3
I read chap 2 and I'm on chap 3, the funny thing is, I have a HUGE crush on this guy named Daniel Cho, and people call him Danny so it's kinda awkward for me to see Danny or Daniel in a story... :P
hai_young #4
I just checked the last comment you replied me to.
and hahahahah ive come back and reread it. just like i promised;)
GNP-Productions #5
Wah, thanks for reading ~
this story, i can't even describe it in words. i usually only like but this story is fantastic baby (CWIDT^^)
Loved the story. ;)
I LOOOOOOOOVED THIS STORY!!! x) I'm gonna miss it!! T____T
GNP-Productions #9
WUAAHH~~ I'm glad every one liked it (I hope). I, too, miss writing this story T^T
This story was super cuteeeeee !!! Why did it have to end >< <br />