New Year's Eve

My Cotton Candy Boy

                Yeon Ah lay in bed, staring at the blank ceiling above her. It’s New Years Eve. The last day of the year. She thought back to all of the things that had happened to her since September. The parents leaving, the brother moving back in, the old friends, the new friends, the new family, the jobs, the paparazzi, the scandals, and finally, the boyfriend. She smiled at that thought. Getting a boyfriend was probably the last thing on her mind, but now, he was always the first. Rolling out of bed, she washed up and ran downstairs. On the dining room table, she found a note from Daniel.

                “Hey, I’ve got an early schedule today. We’ll be home in time to go to the New Year’s Party. See you later, Baby Girl! -Danny”

                “I’m not a baby,” she frowned, tearing up his note and discarding it. “Time to bake!” she cheered.


                Teen Top’s dorm was in a state of chaos. The boys were running around like chickens with their heads cut off. L.Joe was scrambling around the kitchen washing the mountainous pile of dishes while the maknaes raced around the house picking up random articles of clothing and garbage. Niel ran through each room, folding blankets and tidying up desks. Chunji got the short end of the stick and was stuck cleaning out the bathrooms and taking out the garbage. C.A.P stood on a chair barking out orders. Their Manager was talking up a storm on his phone, trying to settle things with the catering company amidst the noise.

                “Hurry up, guys! The party is in 4 hours! We don’t have much time and we still have a lot to do. I’m going to go with Manager Hyung to pick up the food. I expect this place to be spotless when I get back!” C.A.P ran after their Manager and slammed the door shut.

                “This is so annoying! I hate cleaning,” Niel immediately began whining now that their leader and manager were out of sight. Chunji grumbled in agreement while scrubbing the toilet bowl. Ricky plopped down onto the couch and sighed loudly.

                “Come on. We’re almost done. At least we can see the floor now, right?” L.Joe glanced over his shoulder at the somewhat cleaned dorm. Everybody groaned. It had been a long day and it still wasn’t over yet. ‘Only a couple more hours, L.Joe. You’ve waited for this day, so don’t give up now! Hwaiting!’ he pumped his fists and attacked what was left of the dirty dishes.


                “There, all done,” Yeon Ah smiled at her works of art. Rows of festively decorated cupcakes covered the kitchen counters. Various flavoured cookies sat on cooling racks on the kitchen table. After spending all day baking, she was finally done. Although L.Joe had told her not to bring anything, she knew she’d feel uncomfortable going to the party empty-handed. “How much time do I have left?” she thought aloud, checking the digital clock on the oven. “WHAT?! I only have 1 hour to get ready?!” she screamed. Pulling off her apron, she raced to the bathroom and washed up. Within half an hour, she was clad in a simple black cocktail dress with a cardigan and some flats. She left her hair down and didn’t bother styling it. “Where’s Danny?” she checked her phone. Just then, the doorbell rang. Yeon Ah rushed to the door and opened it.

                “Hey Yeonnie! Sorry we’re late,” Young Won hugged her and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

                “Wonnie? Where’s Danny?” Yeon Ah grabbed the baked goods and locked the door.

                “He’s in the car. We got ready at the dorm. Here, let me help you,” he grabbed the boxes and offered her his elbow. She smiled and looped her arm through. They walked over to the van and the door slid open.

                “Hurry up, guys. We’re late!” Jisu took the boxes and passed them to the others.

                “Let’s go, Hyung!” Daniel called out.


                “Food, check. Drinks, check. Clean house, BIG FAT CHECK! BOO-YAH! We are set!” C.A.P threw his arms up in the air in celebration. The others grunted in agreement. They were sprawled on the couches, resting from their long day of cleaning. “Come on, guys. They’ll be here any minute now and we’re still not dressed. Let’s go!” he smacked each of them before going to his room. L.Joe wanted to close his eyes and sleep until morning, but he remembered why he invited his friends over. Jumping off the couch, he hurriedly ran to his room to change and get ready. Eventually, all of them were washed up and dressed.

                “They’re here! They’re here!” Ricky cheered and ran to open the door with Chang Jo. “Welcome to our CLEAN dorm!” he flailed his arms around, waving them into their home. Dalmatian and Yeon Ah bowed as they entered. “Noona! I missed you!” Ricky grabbed her arm and dragged her to the living room.

                “I missed you more!” Chang Jo grabbed her other arm and swung it. Daniel held back Young Won.

                “Don’t do anything stupid, Hyung. They don’t know you guys are dating, so let’s keep it that way, okay?” he eyed his friend. Young Won breathed out and nodded his head. He knew he shouldn’t do anything rash and expose more secrets. Especially something this big. Just for one night, he’ll try to keep his jealousy meter down. Dalmatian greeted Teen Top in the living room and sat around on the couches and chairs. Young Won instinctively stood behind Yeon Ah’s seat. Luckily, it went unnoticed by the others.

                “Thank you all for coming!” Niel bowed to Dalmatian and Yeon Ah.

                “Ah, it’s our pleasure! Thank you for inviting us,” Inati patted him on the back. They sat around and talked about music and work for a bit before digging into the food.

                “It’s cool how you are fraternal twins,” Chunji tried to make some small talk. “You know, you both look the same when you smile?”

                “Ha ha, we hear that a lot,” Daniel smiled at Yeon Ah who smiled back.

                “Never gets old,” DayDay looked from one twin to the other and chuckled.


                “Dong Rim-ah, we’re going to get caught,” Yeon Ah frowned at her boyfriend. She pushed his arm off her waist and shuffled down the hallway.

                “No we won’t! Come onnnn, you don’t know how hard it was for me to stay away from you,” he pouted and stomped his feet. Yeon Ah giggled. She too felt the same as he did. There were times where she wanted to hold his hand and cuddle, but she couldn’t. It killed her having to hide it from everybody. Checking if the coast was clear, she quietly ran over to him and gave him a quick kiss. He grinned and pulled her in for another kiss. Both of them didn’t want to stop, but Yeon Ah knew that the kiss was risky, so she pushed him away and ran off to the living room. Young Won pouted and crossed his arms. The kiss was too short for his liking.


                “Half an hour until countdown guys! Wake up~~~” Ricky and Chang Jo pranced around the room blowing on whistles and twirling around noisemakers. Yeon Ah sleepily groaned from Daniel’s shoulder and rubbed her tired eyes. She was tired from the food and was in no mood to celebrate anything. Daniel whined next to her as Jisu shook him awake.

                “Stay still…” she mumbled, hitting his leg. Daniel hit her back and shifted into a more comfortable position before falling back asleep. By now, everybody else was awake except for the twins. No matter what the others tried to do, the both of them continued sleeping. It was like their drowsiness doubled with the both of them together.

                “Drama, wake up. If you don’t get up in the next 5 seconds, I’m not going to let you sing in our next album,” Inati threatened the maknae. Daniel’s eyes shot open and he jumped up, throwing Yeon Ah off his shoulder and onto the floor in the process.

                “I’M UP! OMG, YEONNIE, ARE YOU OKAY?!” he stooped down and shook his sister. She slapped his arm away and held her injured forehead.

                “I hate you so much right now,” she hissed at him. Young Won and L.Joe helped her up from the floor. “Thanks, guys,” she smiled at them and threw her brother a dirty look.

                “15 more minutes~~!!!!” Teen Top’s maknaes jumped around the dorm.

                “Whatever they’re on, I want it,” Dari stared in awe at the 2 kids running around.

                “Noona! Come onto the balcony! You’ll be able to see the fireworks better!” L.Joe dragged her outside. He seated her on one of the lounge chairs and sat down next to her. “They’ll go off right at midnight! You’ll get to see them from the best spot!”


                “Too close for comfort, Hyung?” Daniel stood next to Young Won who was staring darkly out at the balcony. He silently nodded. He was too angry for words and was scared that if he opened his mouth, he might scream profanities at his young friend outside. “Don’t worry. You know she’s only got eyes for you,” he patted his should before walking off. Young Won relaxed a bit. ‘He’s right. She’s mine and only mine. Nothing and nobody can change her mind, right?’ he bit his lip. He couldn’t look away. He was too scared that something would happen if he looked away. Yeon Ah glanced over at him and smiled. His heart swelled and a warm feeling rushed through his body. ‘That’s right. She loves me. What’s there to worry about, Young Won?’ he chuckled. L.Joe came back inside and ran off to the washroom. Young Won quickly slipped outside and sat with Yeon Ah.

                “What were you two doing?” he eyed her suspiciously.

                “Nothing. You jealous?” she smirked at him.

                “Nope. I know you only love me,” he grinned and looked out at the city. Yeon Ah laughed softly and turned her attention out to the view. She checked her watch.

                “5 minutes until midnight, Wonnie,” she whispered. They looked each other in the eye, both thinking of the same thing. ‘New Year’s Kiss…’             

                “I’ll be right back,” he mumbled. ‘DAMN IT. WHY DO I HAVE TO PEE NOW?!’ he cursed his bladder and ran off to the bathroom. He nearly ran into L.Joe in the hallway. “Sorry, dude. Nature calls,” he bowed at the younger and fast walked away.


                ‘10 seconds…9, 8, 7…’ Yeon Ah counted down in her head. She felt a warm presence next to her. ‘3, 2, 1, Happy New Year…’ she thought. She was pulled into a sweet kiss, which she returned. Inside, someone witnessed the scene and felt his heart breaking into a million pieces.

Please don't kill me >_____< The story's ending soon =OOO 3 more chapters!

I know, this chapter took a loooooong time, again. I got writer's block >___<;; It happens to me on the MOST important chapters! It's a disease that'll never go away....*sigh*

Anyway, hopefully I can update faster for the next 3 promises XS


@ winterflowr: hahaha. Essays are another story for me. I think I go through about 10 drafts before handing in something decent...T^T

@ ilovemuffins: THANK YOU. THANK YOU SO MUCH. Seriously. I'm not proud of how I wrote this story, but your comment made me smile ^^

@ theblackcat1236: the poor boy LOL thanks for reading!

@ kmn007: ahahaha it's okay! I never thought my cliff hangers would actually work LOL your comment was a surprise to me XD

@ ShyMin: THANK YOU, DONG SAENG~~~!!! Exams? Did they go well? Might be a bit late to ask now LOL

@ hai_young: too smart for meee.....*bows to your superiority* Sigh...don't we all want to be in her situation....I would rather be teaching than working in a restaurant....blah

See you in the next Chapter!

-greenninjapanda GNP-

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This was cute :3 Good job with this fanfiction ^^
GNP-Productions #2
Awww~~~ Cute~~~ but somewhat awkward in this situation since he's supposed to be a brother O_O Thanks for reading~~~
ilkpop1112 #3
I read chap 2 and I'm on chap 3, the funny thing is, I have a HUGE crush on this guy named Daniel Cho, and people call him Danny so it's kinda awkward for me to see Danny or Daniel in a story... :P
hai_young #4
I just checked the last comment you replied me to.
and hahahahah ive come back and reread it. just like i promised;)
GNP-Productions #5
Wah, thanks for reading ~
this story, i can't even describe it in words. i usually only like but this story is fantastic baby (CWIDT^^)
Loved the story. ;)
I LOOOOOOOOVED THIS STORY!!! x) I'm gonna miss it!! T____T
GNP-Productions #9
WUAAHH~~ I'm glad every one liked it (I hope). I, too, miss writing this story T^T
This story was super cuteeeeee !!! Why did it have to end >< <br />