Don't touch my cotton candy, got it?

My Cotton Candy Boy


          Saturday was Yeon Ah’s day off work. She worked Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday. So that meant that Saturdays are her recovery days. However, to her dismay, her ritual of sleeping in until 12 in the afternoon was interrupted by none other than her annoying twin brother, Daniel.

          “Yeonnie!!!!! Wake up! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP! Come with me today!!” he sat next to her bed and pouted. She cringed at the sound of his voice and pulled the covers over her head, refusing to come out. He tugged as hard as he could and ended up landing on his . “Come on! You’re going to get fat from eating the candy from work and lying in bed like that!” He immediately got up to run out of her room, but ended up face planting. Yeon Ah was up and fuming. She had grabbed his ankle to trip him, and it was still in her vice-like grip.

          “I’m up, and I’m not happy. Where do you want me to accompany you today?” She forcefully threw his leg down. Daniel cradled his throbbing ankle and tearfully looked at his sister.

          “You could’ve thrown a pillow instead of tripping me, you know. Anyway, come with me to the amusement park!”

          ‘Huh, his sporadic mood changes never cease to amaze me,’ she rolled her eyes in thought.

          “Can’t you go with the guys? It’s my day off, Danny!” Yeon Ah growled and crossed her arms, plopping down on her bed. She had come home late from work because of a special order, so she was in no mood to go out with her brother and his friends. Daniel crawled over and clapped his hands together.

          “Please? The guys want to know you better, so they asked if you wanted to come.”

          “And they want to get to know me better by forcing me to go out? No thanks,” she got up and dragged him out of her room. He tugged on her arm and continued to smother her with his pleas.

          “Come on, Yeonnie! I know you’re tired, but this’ll be a fun, relaxing day! Plus, you didn’t get to know them well enough from the dinner the other day. Pleeeeease,” he shook her arm back and forth. ‘Relaxing day my .’ Fed up with his badgering, she gave in.

          “FINE! I’ll go. Can you please stop talking now, I’m getting a head ache,” she pushed him away and walked to the washroom to get ready. She was downstairs within 15 minutes in some sweat pants and one of Daniel’s t-shirts. She slumped down onto the couch.

          “HEY! That’s my shirt!”

          “You’re dragging me out against my will, so I get to borrow one of your t-shirts. It’s a fair trade.” They sat in silence for while until Yeon Ah spoke up, “So, when are we leaving?”

          “Manager Hyung is on his way here now with the others.”

          “Also, what name should I call your Manager by?”

          “You can ask him yourself when he gets here.”

          “You’re no help. By the way, won’t people recognize us at an amusement park?”

          “We’ll be wearing disguises.”

          “Those never seem to work for other idols, what makes you think it’ll work for you?”

          “Cause we’re still a new group, so people won’t recognize us with facemasks.”

          “What’ll you do with Dong Rim’s hair though? It kind of stands out.”

          “He’s wearing a beanie.” They waited for another 10 minutes when they heard a car horn outside. They scrambled around, collecting their phones, music players, and keys before rushing out the door and into the spotted van. ‘So much for wearing disguises. The van will give them away.’

          “Hi everybody! Look who I brought with me!”

          “Yeon Ah! You made it!” Jisu waved, more like flailed, at her from the back of the van.

          “Hi everyone. Thanks for inviting me,” she smiled and waved at them.

          “Yeonnie, can I sit in the front? You know how I get car sick in the back,” Daniel pushed his sister in before she could even answer.

          “I’m getting bossed around by you a lot today, bro,” she climbed into the back and sat down in the seat next to the window. “Before I forget, what name should I call you by Mr. Manager?” He looked at her through the rear view mirror.

          “Just call me Manager Kim.”

          The drive to the amusement park was silent and awkward. Any slight movements echoed through the whole van, creating a greater tension within the group. Yeon Ah sighed and decided to get some shut eye. She slept for what felt like 2 minutes when somebody shook her awake.

          “Yeon Ah! Wake up, we’re switching vans now,” Jisu shook her again. Yeon Ah rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and climbed out of the van. Looking around, she noticed they were in some sort of underground parking. ‘Probably the company parking lot.’ They walked over to a black van and piled in. Yeon Ah rushed into the back first and instantly fell asleep.

          The car jerked to a stop as Manager Kim finished backing into a parking spot. Yeon Ah quickly looked up from the sudden movement, only to bring her head back down in pain. She had knocked heads with the person sitting next to her.

          “Oh, sorry Dong Rim,” she rubbed her head and nodded at him.

          “Ah, it’s okay,” he sheepishly smiled at her. Everybody put their disguises on, which consisted of face masks or giant sunglasses. All of them wore some sort of hat as well. Young Won handed Yeon Ah a baseball cap from his bag. “I have a beanie already, so I won’t need this. Plus, it won’t make us look so suspicious,” he pushed the hat onto her head before sliding out of the van. Yeon Ah adjusted the hat and climbed out as well.

          “Thanks,” she mumbled as she walked past Young Won.

          “No problem.” Manager Kim paid for their day passes and told them to call him when they were done. They shuffled into the park and took in the sights. People were happily walking around enjoying the rides, food carts were scattered everywhere, and workers stood outside of their stores yelling out advertisements and sale. The familiar smells of popcorn and cotton candy washed over Yeon Ah. ‘Ah, the memories. It has been a long time since I was last here.’ She smiled at the excitement around her.

          “Yeonnie! I don’t know what ride to go on first. Choose for me!” Daniel jumped up and down beside her. She grabbed his arm and held him down.

          “Well, you know we have to go on every single ride. It’s tradition. Let’s start here and make our way around,” she pointed to the roller coaster to their right and drew an imaginary circle all the way around and ended on their left. They all rushed over and lined up for the roller coaster. Yeon Ah looked around at the people and had expected somebody to recognize Dalmatian, but nobody seemed to notice. ‘I guess Daniel’s right. People are walking past them like they’re normal people and not idols.’ They stood in line for 8 minutes and were finally let on. Yeon Ah and Daniel sat in the very front of the train and everyone else sat in the seats behind them. They were an odd number, so Dari ended up sitting by himself. The ride jerked forward and the train began to ascend to the drop.

          “So, the usual, Sis? Remember, first one to scream has to buy the cotton candy.”

          “Get your wallet ready, Bro. You know you lose every time.” They laughed as they neared the drop. The train paused at the peak and slowly leaned forward into the fall. The train shot downwards in to the almost vertical drop and everybody on the train started screaming, except for the twins. They fought back the urge to scream and waited for the other to yell out first. The train raced through a sharp turn and ran through the loop-de-loops. It zoomed through the corkscrew and that was when Daniel began yelling. Yeon Ah whooped in excitement for her first win. The train slowed down and came to a stop. Everybody hopped out and exited the ride. Daniel scowled at his teasing sister and stomped away. The others followed and laughed at the bickering siblings. For the next hour, they made their way through the rides and at around 2, they completed about three quarters of the park rides.

          “Wah, I’m tired,” Jisu plopped down on a bench. Inati and DayDay sat down as well while Dari, Young Won, Daniel, and Yeon Ah stood in front of them.

          “Let’s go get some food. I think we need to fuel up for the rest of the rides,” Daniel suggested. Inati nodded in agreement and stood up. They walked around and looked at the passing food stalls. There were so many things to choose from like burgers, corn dogs, pizza, and more. Yeon Ah dragged Daniel over to the most important stand.

          “You owe my cotton candy, REMEMBER?” she jumped up and down, giggling at the thought of eating the sweet treat.

          “This is the only time I get to see you ‘fangirl’ over anything. I just can’t believe it’s over food. On the bright side, at least it’s not over other boy bands,” he laughed at his sister. She glared at him and pointed at the stall. “Which colour do you want?” She looked from the blue to the pink, then back to the blue, then again to the pink. Like every other time they’ve been there, she couldn’t figure out which colour she wanted. “Come on, pick one already. They both taste the same,” Daniel sighed in frustration.

          “I can’t pick!” Yeon Ah wailed in despair.

          “I’ll just get you both, okay?” Daniel walked up to the counter and asked for one blue and one pink cotton candy. The lady gave him two and he handed her the money. Yeon Ah’s eyes lit up when she saw his walking back with the cotton candy. He sat down beside her and held out both. “Take one.” She stared and stared, but couldn’t pull herself into picking one. “You know what, here,” he shoved the blue one at her. She took apologetically and began to dig in. The others joined them with their own food and they ate in silence. Daniel was talking to the older boys and sharing his food with them while Yeon Ah sat and ate happily. Young Won and Jisu looked over at her cotton candy and nudged each other. They wanted some of the blue and were ready to pounce. Yeon Ah was unaware of their scheming and continue to eat. Young Won made the first move. He reached over and attempted to take a piece from the bottom of her cone. It was as some alarm rang in her head because she quickly moved her candy away and snatched Young Won’s wrist.

          “Hey! Blue Boy! What do you think you’re doing?”

          “Trying to get some cotton candy? Mind sharing?”

          “Yes I do. I don’t share cotton candy. Anything but my cotton candy.”

          “But, it’s only a little piece. You won’t notice that it’s missing.”

          “Yes I will. Oh, I know, want to know what you can trade for a piece of my cotton candy?”


          “A chunk of your hair, that’s what. It’s the same colour, so it’s a fair trade. What do you think?” she scowled at him. Nobody touched her cotton candy. Not even Daniel. The last time he tried to take some, she sprained his wrist.

          “Uh, pretend I didn’t ask,” Young Won turned and hid behind Jisu. Daniel witnessed the whole thing and was laughing his off.

          “Don’t touch my cotton candy, got it?” she pointed at him and shook her finger.

          “Oh, that was pretty entertaining. I should’ve warned you guys earlier. She’s quite possessive of her cotton candy, sorry,” he wiped the tears that were forming in his eyes. Yeon Ah glared at them and went back to eating her food. After lunch, they went on some more rides and were finally on their last ride. The Ferris wheel. It was probably Yeon Ah’s favourite ride because she could reach heights that her short stature could never get to. They split up into two groups. Yeon Ah ended up with the school crew. She slid in first with Young Won because Jisu and Daniel were afraid of heights and wanted to be the first ones off. They were cramped together in the small circle and had just enough room for their legs to fit. Regardless of how uncomfortable they were, Yeon Ah still enjoyed the ride. She was like a happy puppy, jumping out of her seat to look around at the view. They watched the sun setting and saw the city come to life as the night lights were . Although the day started off badly, Yeon Ah was glad she was forced out of the house because she was able to spend a day without worrying about school or work. The excitement of the days finally got to her as her eyes slowly grew heavy and she drifted off to sleep on the Ferris wheel.

          The next day, she woke up in the comfort of her bed. ‘Huh, when did we get home? I thought we were on the ride? Oh well.’ She jumped out of bed and got ready for another day of work.



Gah, I didn't bother editing >_> It's summer, and I'm lazy. I feel bad because I update only once a week while other authors throw out chapters everyday. I'm a failure as an author! >_<


@winterflowr: haha so embarassing

@hai_young: yea! they finally meet! and yes, blue boy LOL it suits him, no? 

Anyway, I'm going to update soon! I promise!

See you in the next Chapter!

-greenninjapanda GNP-

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This was cute :3 Good job with this fanfiction ^^
GNP-Productions #2
Awww~~~ Cute~~~ but somewhat awkward in this situation since he's supposed to be a brother O_O Thanks for reading~~~
ilkpop1112 #3
I read chap 2 and I'm on chap 3, the funny thing is, I have a HUGE crush on this guy named Daniel Cho, and people call him Danny so it's kinda awkward for me to see Danny or Daniel in a story... :P
hai_young #4
I just checked the last comment you replied me to.
and hahahahah ive come back and reread it. just like i promised;)
GNP-Productions #5
Wah, thanks for reading ~
this story, i can't even describe it in words. i usually only like but this story is fantastic baby (CWIDT^^)
Loved the story. ;)
I LOOOOOOOOVED THIS STORY!!! x) I'm gonna miss it!! T____T
GNP-Productions #9
WUAAHH~~ I'm glad every one liked it (I hope). I, too, miss writing this story T^T
This story was super cuteeeeee !!! Why did it have to end >< <br />