Requested HoGyu

Everybody loves Kim Sunggyu ^^
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A/N: This is for alina20! :D I went all out on the angst!!! I am so sorry!! OTL 



Word count: 1760


Once upon a time there was a little baby boy. This baby boy was not your ordinary boy, this little boy was special. His name was Lee Howon. Unlike any other babies whom were born to be held closely by their parents, to be loved – Lee Howon was not. He was born in some dirty alleyway and was left there to die. Fortunately for him, a very kind lady had heard his cry for help and immediately took him in as part of her family. With every passing day, of every passing year, the lady would always tell him how special he was, how fortunate he was to be able to live in this world. Even though he did not know his birth parents, he was fortunate that he had his own person to call ‘mother’.


When he was 7 years old, he met Kim Sunggyu, whom was also the same age. Kim Sunggyu had just moved to an apartment just opposite his, and being the good boy that he was Lee Howon had befriended him. Unlike Howon who was friendly and bubbly and loves to jump around and play, Sunggyu would rather stay in the house and not do anything vigorous. Howon would always ask why, but Sunggyu would always say that he could not. He just couldn’t, even if he had wanted to.


That night, Howon carefully asked his mother about Sunggyu, since she was also friends with Sunggyu’s mother. Howon’s mother had said that, just like Howon, Sunggyu was also special, though he was special in another way. Sunggyu was diagnosed when he was a baby, his heart was weak and he was prone to getting diseases. So in order to avoid such things, Sunggyu would always have to stay indoors, and if he were to go out, he must have adults accompany him. After the talk, Howon understood more about Sunggyu and decided to play things that would be more comfortable for the latter than for him, because his mother had always told him to never be selfish and always do good.


When they were 10, Howon witnessed something that he would never want to see for the rest of his life. As they were making themselves comfortable on the floor, Sunggyu suddenly had an episode. Because Howon did not know what was happening, he figured it was normal, but when it did not stop after a few seconds, he ran to find his mother (because Sunggyu’s parents were at work). By the end of the day, Sunggyu had to be hospitalised because the doctor needed to keep watch. Howon made sure to remind himself to always know about Sunggyu’s conditions and how it would affect him.


When they were 17 years old, Howon had feelings for Sunggyu, but did not say anything because he was afraid that Sunggyu would distance himself from him. But soon, he regretted ever having to hold back his feelings because just 3 days later, Sunggyu came up to him and said the one thing he did not want to hear, ever.


“I have a boyfriend”


For 2 days, Howon did not contact Sunggyu because how disappointed he was, not at Sunggyu, but at himself. So instead of dwelling at past matters, he decided that he would support Sunggyu’s relationship, because his mother always said, never be selfish.


Although Sunggyu’s time with him was not as what it used to be, Howon was happy. Because Sunggyu was happy and that’s all that mattered.


When they were 22, Sunggyu was on a date with Woohyun. They decided to walk around the park after having dinner, when they stopped to buy a snack just near the streets. As they made their way back to the park, Woohyun did not notice a car speeding dangerously at him, but Sunggyu did. Without much of a second thought, Sunggyu ran up to him and pushed him out of the way, so that he would get the hit. And that’s how Sunggyu ended up at the hospital’s ER that night.


Howon’s heart almost leaps out of his chest when he heard the news. He and his mother immediately rushed to the hospital to be with Sunggyu’s parents. Woohyun was there too, and he had been kneeling and asking for forgiveness from both of Sunggyu’s parents nonstop, but of course they forgave him, it was never his fault.


When the doctor came out for the second time that night, he had a bad news to be delivered. Because Sunggyu’s heart had always been weak, he needed

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Pnychim #1
Chapter 29: I've been waiting too long for a jungyu fanfic and here it is i love you so muchhhh (づ  ̄ ³ ̄)づ~♥
Though for me both are bottom ╮ (╯▽╰ )╭
Pnychim #2
Chapter 7: I know it sounds but i really love sunggyu being called 'princess' lol
Chapter 29: sunggyu really hang out with junhyung so much these days :) and the hunny bunny woohyun sent really got me thinking that woohyun is gyu's boyfriend :D
thanks for updating ^^
Chapter 23: Thank you so much for all of this woogyu drabble~~

Its so fluffy all of it..

Oh i'll try for read gyu and other idol~~
Chapter 20: So fluffy~~
Chapter 18: Can you make the sequel for this pleasee???
Chapter 9: ROTFL
Chapter 5: Ooh what did you do with my weak heart?? ㅠㅠ
Chapter 2: How cuteee~~~
Chapter 27: How sweeeeettttt...