"Discovering" the dorm

When fangirls cross the line

We were sat outside the airport when a voice behind us appeared “Whatever happened to I’ll meet you at baggage claim?” Joanna turned to face the person and narrowed her eyes “I missed you too”. We called Joanna’s sister to help us…okay she’s younger than us but hey she’s a fan girl too were all a like when it comes to Super Junior. On the ride back from the airport Jia still wouldn’t talk to us “Guess where we are going?” Jia exhaled “Disneyland?” I rolled my eyes “How did you know, you ruined the surprise! Anio were going to their dorm”.

Jia’s eyes widened, she looked to Joanna as if to say “she’s not lying?” Joanna nodded “You can roll around in Sungmin’s bed as much as you want” Joanna added looking through her phone.  

[In the dorm]

“What are we going to do?” I asked bored

“Let’s go throw their stuff” Jia blurted “Where’s Sungminnie’s room?” I looked at Joanna. Joanna answered “The pink room obviously” Jia ran opening the bedrooms… “I think this is Siwon’s room” she said disappointed going to open another room. My eyes grew wide “It probably wouldn’t hurt to go water their plants, that a nice gesture right” I tried to justify me reasons for wanting to go in Siwon’s room “Just go in Daddeh’s room chubby cheeks” Joanna rolled her eyes walking over to the room.

[Sungmin’s room]   


Jia what did you do?!” Joanna ran to the door way of Sungmin’s bedroom. We found Jia standing in the middle of the room clutching a pink stuffed bunny “AIGOOOOOOOOOOO. It’s so pink and cute” she was looking around the room.  Jia jumped up and down on the bed a few times before flopping down on to the mattress… “Oooh let’s check out his nightstand” Joanna clapped her hands together. “Aaaah” I screamed as I jumped back from the nightstand. “Ewww, what’s all this pink fluffy stuff” Joanna said disgusted “it’s feathers!” Jia screeched “Leave Sungmin alone”. In the nightstand there were lots and lots of pink candies and other pink items. It was an overload of pink “I can see why Donghae detests the colour pink now” I grimaced as I walked out of Sungmin’s room. “Want to come see religious man’s room?” I asked “Is there a bible?” Jia asked “obviously” I scoffed. I didn’t care much for religion.

[Siwon’s room]

We all entered Siwon’s room. It was clean plain walls, a huge closet that was closed and on his nightstand was true to form a bible and another book underneath “Check it out…I found Siwon’s diary” Joanna smirked just as she was going to open the diary and read it I laughed “if you read it you’ll go to hell” She quickly replaced the diary to it’s original place.

I opened the closet and studied the contents “I think we should throw away his shirts…I mean he doesn’t need them” Joanna laughed “No Jodie…let’s cut the arms out Won Muscles!” I grinned “I’m glad we called for reinforcements”.

After looking through Siwon’s closet we found nothing interesting…damn that guy really must be a saint of something. We even looked under the bed, all that was there was exercise equipment.  We all left religious Oppa’s room disappointed. “You know what room is bound to have secrets don’t you?” Me and Jia looked at each other clueless. Jia spoke up first “Eunhyuk?” then I spoke up “Heechul?” Joanna didn’t look impressed “No Kyuhyun!”

[Kyuhyun’s room]

We opened the door to the room; we all stood at the entrance “I-it’s a nerd’s dungeon!” I shrieked “Oh Kyuhyun” Joanna sighed. Jia just laughed “your bias is dirty” she poked her tongue out at us as she walked in the room still holding Sungmin’s pink bunny. “Ewww!” Jia ran back out “Something moved in there”.  We pulled the door shut … “we’ll go back to his room later…maybe” Joanna shuddered.

“What the?!” Joanna called

“Is someone trying to open the front door?” we all stood deathly still as we glanced over to the door. Just then the front door opened…

“Annyeong?” an older male voice called out

“Run!” Joanna whispered. We all ran in Kyuhyun’s nerd dungeon, I mean dirty bedroom

“Annyeong…Leeteuk? Heechul? Yesung? Ryeowook? Hyukjae? Siwon?  Sungmin? Donghae? Shindong? Kyuhyun?” The male voice was coming closer to Kyuhyun’s door that was still marginally open

*growling noise*

“What. The. Hell. Was. That?” I whispered

“Please tell me that was someone’s stomach?” Joanna whispered

“Not mine” Jia hushed

“Not mine” I too hushed

“There’s something in here with us?” Joanna whimpered. We cast our eyes towards the dark room

*growling noise*

We heard the guy fumble around with something in the kitchen then we were even more relieved when we heard the front door to the dorm close shut. There was some movement then the light clicked on in Kyuhyun’s room.

It was dingy. The walls were brilliant white but the state of the room was unbelievable! It was messy, clothes strewn all over the floor, pizza boxes stacked near the overflowing waste basket and a laptop quietly humming on the cluttered desk. I crossed the room to the laptop and lifted the lid the game in the CD draw was Starcraft. “Gamer Kyu at his finest…level 91…was he having a bad game?” Joanna sarcastically asked. “Oh I know what we can do” She grabbed the laptop and started typing away on the keys “his high scores “mysteriously” vanished” she winked.

“Ewww look at his bed” Jia pointed, she was still stood in the door way not wanting to enter the room fully. “Yuk!” I shivered “I feel dirty by just being in that room” leaving Joanna in the room “Ya!” She came running out.

“I’m going in Hyukjae’s room” I called out

“Let’s see what the monkey has hidden away” Jia added

“Probably ” Joanna muttered walking in behind us.

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LeeAngel1004 #1
Chapter 26: LOVE IT! It needs to be made into a movie ^^ Starring the actual people of course :)
Aww.. No SHINee Ver. yet.<br />
but. Im looking forward to it!
OMG Your fanfic is so AMAZING! And better there's a sequel! SHINee Ver. kwaaah I cant wait to read it *bows*
Datenshi #4
OMO this story was so freakin hilarious and interesting (sorry if my English is weird, it's not my first language) XD The moment you almost killed me ? When Joanna wears duck's outfit with Teukie Oppa's wings XD I'm looking forward to reading the sequel...SHINee >w<
i will really read the sequel
OMG, I loved this fanfic. I'm seriously crying right now because it ended! It was perfect! I never had so much fun reading a fanfic and I can say this one is my favorite of all time! I want to read the sequel too x'D but.... i don't think that one will ever beat this one. Thanks for writing it <3333 I found so funny the fact that i could totally relate the main characters to me, my friend and her sister x'D Once again, I loved it!
thatchinesegirl #7
*wipes tears*<br />
I can't believe this is finished.<br />
This was so wonderfully weird and funny. and this final chapter just actually made me tear up. I hate you Jodie. lol. i'm gonna miss this fic but i know that the SHINee one will be just as awesome ^-^<br />
Ssunshine #8
Waaa~ Kindda sad it ended but i'm soo looking forward to the sequel ^^
xXRainyWishXx #9
Yay to the sequel of SHINee!!!!!^^