Telling The News.....

I Remember You

Your POV

Once Himchan had dropped you and Bang Yong Guk at your place..... well the silence wasn't comfortable, more like intense as Bang Yong Guk started to grow with worry about what you needed to tell him. Bang Yong Guk started to think of the worst, like you were going to move away again or you have some serious illness. Basically, stuff that result in you being taken away from him. You led Bang Yong Guk up towards your apartment as you both took the stairs. Once you arrived at your apartment, you took your keys out from your left jean pocket when Bang Yong Guk suddenly stops you by grabbing your left wrist. You look up at him with a shock expression on your face, as you see a concerned expression upon Bang Yong Guk's face.


"What's wrong? Is it me?" Bang Yong Guk asked in a concerned tone with his deep husky voice.


You just chuckled and shook your head side to side, even though deep inside you were growing in worry yourself. You really didn't know how to break the news to him since you two had only just gotten back together and well...... you are both still young and all....... You quickly gave him a light peck on his left cheek as Bang Yong Guk finally lets go of your hand. You then put the key into the key hole and turn it to unlock the door. You took a deep breath in until you walked into your apartment first. Your sister was busy at work so you had all the place to yourself and in fact you still haven't even told your sister about this issue.... which is like very unlikely as you and your sister are very close. You mentioned for Bang Yong Guk to sit down on the sofa whilst you speed walk off towards the bathroom. Once in the bathroom you quickly shut the door behind you and gazed towards the cabinet. It only took you a couple of steps until you reached the cabinet, you then open up the cabinet and start to look for that certain item. After a couple of minutes searching for it, you started to slightly panic. Luckily, a couple of seconds later after removing a lot of make - up and other accessories within the cabinet you then held the mysterious item within your hand.


You then released another deep sigh and thought to yourself 'I really wonder how Bang Yong Guk is going to take the news.....' You bit your bottom lip as you prepared yourself to confront Bang Yong Guk with the news. You then opened the bathroom door and started to make your way over towards the living room. Once you entered the living room, you saw Bang Yong Guk gazing around the living room waiting for your return. You smile sweetly at his appearance as he looked so innocent and lovely. You then approach him, which makes his head turns your direction. His smile turns into a huge grin as you take the seat next to him on the sofa. Your sweet, happy expression suddenly changes to a more serious expression, as you hold Bang Yong Guk's right hand. You couldn't look straight at Bang Yong Guk as you started to get even more nervous. You then started the conversation by speaking up first. 


"Bang Yong Guk..... I have something to tell you....." You said quietly due to nervous, but Bang Yong Guk was still able to hear you with ease.


"What is it ______ - ah? You know you can tell me anything" Bang Yong Guk said in a reassuring tone, with his deep voice.


"I'm..... I'm....." You stuttered, but you couldn't bring yourself to say that one word.... and so you decide to show him the item within your hand.


Bang Yong Guk's eyes grow big due to seeing the item that was within your hands. Now with the item shown Bang Yong Guk remained silent... and so you felt like you should say something to break the intense silence.


"I'm pregnant Bang Yong Guk....." You said with a louder tone of voice. 


"I can see that" Bang Yong Guk rudely answers back, which hurt your feelings.


You pout slightly and pull away from him when suddenly he pulls you back and into a deep, warm hug. You start to cry lightly, even though you didn't know exactly why.... maybe your hormones? Bang Yong Guk let you cry for a couple of minutes until he whispered into your left ear.


"Babe, don't worry. Ever since we first started dating I already knew who I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.... ______ - ah look at me" Bang Yong Guk said softly in his deep voice, as he asked you to look up at him at first you refused but then he lifted your chin with his left hand so now you were face to face with him.


"I love you so much and I don't want to lose you ever again, okay? Now come here!" Bang Yong Guk said in a soft tone with his deep voice. His eyes looked so soft, showing love and sincerity as he spoke. He then pulls me deeper into a hug and kisses me softly on top of my head.


After that the both of you just remained quiet and cuddled each other until you fell asleep in Bang Yong Guk's arms. Meanwhile, Bang Yong Guk was your hair gently as he watched you sleep peacefully until his number began to rang. He was able to pull his phone out of his jacket with his free hand. When he answered it the caller on the other end spoke first.


"Hey Hyung it's Himchan, how is everything?" Himchan asked in a slightly worried tone.


Bang Yong Guk lightly chuckled down the phone before replying.


"Hey Himchan, everything is perfect. In fact, me and ______ - ah have some amazing news to tell you guys but it will have to wait until tomorrow as we are pretty tired out with today's events" Bang Yong Guk happily spoke in his deep voice.


"Great to hear Hyung and what's this news...... can't you just tell me over the phone?" Himchan asked curiously.


Bang Yong Guk chuckles down the phone once again before replying.


"Nope! I want to tell all of you guys at the same time, otherwise it would be unfair! All right I'm going to go now, bye!" Bang Yong Guk said with a more serious tone, in his deep voice before hanging up on Himchan.


You tossed a little but soon settled right back down again as Bang Yong Guk started to your hair gently once more. He then moved his body so he was now standing up. He made sure that he didn't wake you up, as he wanted to take you to your bedroom and sleep in there. He then picked you up bridle style and carried up into your bedroom. Once inside your bedroom he gently set you down onto your double bed and tucked you in. He pecked your lips softly before undressing himself until he was left in only his boxers. Secretly those you were half awake and half asleep. You smile slightly when you feel Bang Yong Guk sliding into bed with you. He then wraps his arms around you and pulls you into his warm, comfortable embrace. You soon found yourself falling into a deep sleep now with him holding onto you tightly, heavily breathing onto your neck as he started to fall asleep himself.



Hey Guys! :D

Sorry for the short chapter :/ ----- well I think it is anyways......

Hope you like it!!!!

Also hello and thank you to the new subscribers and of course, not forgetting the subscribers that were with me still now after all this time :)

I will be updating this story more often now since.... well I am off college!!!! Wooop~

It was my last day today and now 2 weeks off :D so happy!

Anyways, enough of my babbling! I will speak/see/write to you on the next chapter!

Bye for now :D



Has anyone seen B.A.P. & BTOB dance battle? Like I love both groups and it was totally AMAZING!!! Like the best I have ever seen lol.... well to me it was anyways..... lol >,<

If you haven't it is one YouTube now so you can just type in 'BAP & BTOB dance battle' or something like that, it's what I did lol x~D


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Thank you!
Promise the next chapter will be updated soon!! I'm sssooo sorry for not updating!!!


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Chapter 7: oh god...Bang Yong Nam is so evil...
kakashi69 #2
skysky #3
Chapter 11: aww~
omg ihope bangyongguk believs her....urggg his brother is a jerk!!!!!
i think you should do the humchan and bangyongnam fighting!!
i wanna seee bangyongnam's ___
MissPandaRawr #4
Chapter 11: Yay you updated :)) . I was moved with this chap. Made me cry :)) i felt i was her hahha update soon ;)
ohshytsitzmarina #5
Chapter 11: Oh snaps! Byg needs to get it together! No byn or himchan
Firstly himchan and byg are basically brothers and byn doesn't deserve a girl. Pft.
skysky #6
Chapter 10: wooo bangyonguk ad _______
reunited again!!!!
update soon!
MissPandaRawr #7
Chapter 6: pls update!
skysky #8
Chapter 6: new reader...!!
i'm hooked!
your story is amazing!
update soon!
MissPandaRawr #9
update soon