Ready To Meet Again..

I Remember You


Hey guys!!! Yes writing another chapter for this story xD and I can't stop listening to a song called 'I hate you' by Urban Zakapa. It's just so beautiful xD anyways back to the story!!!!



No One POV~

You were waiting for whoever that was going to pick up Himchan. You went into the bathroom to grab two towels since both, you and Himchan were drenched from the rain. As you made your way back into the living you saw Himchan awkwardly pacing up and down, but he stopped when he saw you and smiled.


"What's wrong?" You questioned him.


"Oh nothing.. I just hope my friend is okay.." Himchan responded quickly and in an awkward tone, like he didn't want to talk.


"I'm sure whoever is picking you up will be alright and arrive soon" You replied in an reassuring voice, whilst walking up to Himchan to hand him one of the towels that you were holding. You then began to dry your hair with the towel, whilst walking into the kitchen. Meanwhile, Himchan dried his hair with the towel you gave him, as he then thought to himself *Silly ______ - ah.. I just really hope both, you and Bang Yong Guk are ready to meet again..* Himchan snapped out of thought when he heard his name called.


"Himchan, do you want a drink?" You raised your voice slightly but you didn't get a respond, so you then walked towards the door that separated the kitchen and the living room. "Yah! Himchan!" You yelled hoping that your voice would snap Himchan out of his thoughts, which it did.


"Sorry.. what did you say?" Himchan asked sweetly, as he then pretended that he had water in his ears.


"I was wondering, would you like a warm drink?" You asked not pleased with him, you went to turn around to head back towards in the kitchen, when Himchan replied to you.


"Yes please! A black coffee!" Himchan shouted. You just chuckled to yourself, as you prepared your cup of tea and his black coffee. Meanwhile, Himchan kept on drying his hair and his face, also pampering his clothes to try and make them feel less damp. A couple minutes later you had finished preparing the drinks and had made your way back into the living room. You now saw Himchan leaning against your sofa, you were amused because he was trying to look cool in his damp clothing. You just rolled your eyes and gave him his black coffee. 


"What!?!" Himchan cried, acting like a child. You didn't reply you just sat down on the sofa and drank your tea with a smirk on your face. You then put on the TV, whilst Himchan decided to sit down next to you.Ten minutes had passed and still no sign of Bang Yong Guk, Himchan started to feel worried.. as bad thoughts began to rush into his mind *What if he got into a car accident or... he simply got lost...* But he didn't have to worry anymore as there was a sudden knock at the door. Himchan raced over towards the door and before opening it he yelled out "Finally!" You stood up and turned off the TV before turning around to see who was at the door. When you turned around, you then saw the person who had knocked on the door and he made you freeze... as it was Bang Yong Guk...


Bang Yong Guk was wearing this outfit:


(I do not own this image I got it off Google. Ignore the writing 'THE STAR')


Also he was wearing this jacket:


(Just ignore the guy and look at the jacket. Also I do not own this image, as I got it off Google)


"_________ - ah" Bang Yong Guk managed to stutter, that's when he stood there frozen as well. Himchan looked at both, you and Bang Yong Guk, as he thought to himself *You can totally tell they both still love each other... god... I hope they sort things out.. I better pull him in so they can talk* and with that thought he did pull Bang Yong Guk into your apartment and locked the door. Tears began to form up in your eyes, Bang Yong Guk was the same. Both of your hearts were beating as one, as they both were going at fast rates. Himchan stood there awkwardly, as the room became filled with silence so he decided to break it first. 


"Hyung, I'm sorry but I thought it was best for you to know the truth and to meet her yourself. _______ - ah I'm sorry, but I can tell you both still love each other so you both need to sort things out" Himchan said as he pointed to Bang Yong Guk first and then you. But that's when tears finally fell down your faces, as you collapsed on the floor because you felt your heart break into million pieces all over again. Bang Yong Guk wanted so desperately to run towards you and catch you but something deep inside of him prevented him from doing so.. like something was telling him not too. Himchan stood there cold in front of the front door preparing himself if Bang Yong Guk was going to get angry and try to leave, but Bang Yong Guk looked at Himchan and finally spoke.


"Himchan, can you please give us some privacy? Here-" Bang Yong Guk said in his deep husky voice, but it sounded like it was going to break. Also as he said 'here' he held out his right hand which was holding car keys, he then added.


"Go home, I'll ring you when I'm done here" Bang Yong Guk said still with his deep husky voice, but it sounded more cold this time. Himchan quickly grabbed the keys out of Bang Yong Guks' right hand and unlock the door and left you and Bang Yong Guk to have some privacy. On his way towards the car park, which was outside in front of the apartments he began to feel guilty and thought to himself *I hope Bang Yong Guk and ________ - ah sort things out... it would be great if Bang Yong Guk could finally move on with his life.. and finally find peace again* and with that thought he got to the elevator, whilst inside he placed both hands together and raised them up towards the ceiling of the elevator like he was praying.



Meanwhile, back with you and Bang Yong Guk

You were still crying on the living room floor with both of your hands covering your face. Bang Yong Guk walked over towards the front door to lock it. When you heard him lock the door you began to feel scared for your own safety, but you didn't bother to move as you were to shaken up. Bang Yong Guk then made his way over to you and placed his left hand on your back and began to do a motion in circles. With the impacted you jumped but soon after you started to relax a little. You and Bang Yong Guk sat there on the living room floor for a good ten minutes in silence, still he was your back, whilst crying and you were still crying too. Then when you heard Bang Yong Guk's cries getting louder and deeper you finally looked up, as he had now stopped your back and covered his face. You managed to sit up straight and wipe your eyes, you also wiped your nose and removed wet moisture that was underneath your nose. 


"B---ang --- Yo---n--g Gu--k" You stuttered his name, he then looked up at you still crying but he seemed to have calmed down when he heard you calling him. (Bang Yong Guk)


"I----m --- so---rr--y" You stuttered again, as he then pulled you into a hug. You both were there hugging each other tightly, as you both missed the feeling of holding each other in your arms. You smiled a bit and then placed your chin on his shoulder and then whispered in his ear. (I'm Sorry)


"Ever since tha-t da-y, I've never fo--rgotten you once" You were able to pronounce more words this time, as you still stuttered because you started to remember that day you both broke up. Bang Yong Guk then pulled you away off his shoulder and made you face to face him. You were now sitting between Bang Yong Guk's legs. (Ever since that day, I've never forgotten you once)


"_______ - ah, I've never once looked at another woman the same way I do with you, I've never once forgotten our good and bad memories and I've never, ever once stopped loving you" Bang Yong Guk said with his deep husky voice, as he then leaned in to kiss you. You didn't reject him, as in fact you kissed him back he then lifted you up and placed you on his lap. A tear then fell down your cheek once more, but they were happy tears because you could finally touch Bang Yong Guk's lips again. However, it was short lived because you then heard somebody try push the door open and then a female voice could be heard. 


"Yah! _______ - ah unlock the door will you! It's me Sunny" Sunny yelled with annoyance in her voice. You then jumped out Bang Yong Guk's lap and also the kiss, you then shook your head left to right as you got your balance to walk towards the front door. You looked through the eye hole and indeed you saw Sunny standing there with a lot of shopping bags in her hands. You quickly unlocked the door for her and allowed her in. Meanwhile, Bang Yong Guk got up and for the first time in ages he smiled, but it was finally a meaningful smile; because before hand he would just smile and pretend that he was alright and happy, but now he was truly happy. You suddenly looked at Bang Yong Guk and saw his smile, which then made you look away, as you felt all shy and made your cheeks go red. When Sunny finally brought in all of the shopping (At this point she hasn't noticed Bang Yong Guk) she then took off her coat and turned around, but that's when she finally noticed Bang Yong Guk. He awkwardly smiled and waved at her, whilst scratching the back of his neck with his right hand. Sunny's eyes grew and her own heart began to beat due to shock. She then raised both her hand and arm towards Bang Yong Guk and finally spoke. 


"_______ - ah... h--ow d--id Ba-ng --- Y-o---nn--g G-u---k f--iii--nd ou---t wh--eeer--e we li----v---e!?!" Sunny questioned with a little fear in her voice. (________ - ah... how did Bang Yong Guk find out where we live)


"Yah! He didn't stalk me or anything... I had a meeting with Himchan and he just so happened to be in the same band, as Bang Yong Guk... and well... Himchan came over and I gave him my address so he could text Bang Yong Guk to come and pick him up... and well that's how he's here.." You said whilst shutting the door and looking down at the floor nervously. 


"And so where is this so called Himchan guy!?!" Sunny questioned with a stronger tone of voice this time, as she then placed both her hands on her hips and patted her right foot on the floor. 


"W-well..-" You began to stutter in a low voice, but that's when Bang Yong Guk walked beside you and linked your right hand with his left hand, he then spoke.


"That's true, but before I came here I didn't know  _______ - ah lived here because Himchan just said 'some friend's apartment' and so I was none the wiser. Then when I saw  _______ - ah my heart skipped a beat and I told Himchan to go back home so we could have some privacy.." Bang Yong Guk said in his deep husky voice, but it sounded soft and heart warming. Also when he said the word 'privacy' he acted a little shy... You smiled and began to have butterflies in your stomach like you were back in school. Sunny just stood there and took all the information in and smiled and nodded, she then spoke.


"Alright, I see. Well if you two want some more alone time I can make myself disappear, as I've been wanting to stay over at my friend's house for days but unable to because..... I wanted to spend quality time with my older sister of course... well let me go and get my stuff and I'll be out of your way!" Sunny spoke in a soft and happy voice. However, when she said to the word 'because' she paused a little, as she then came up with a lie so that Bang Yong Guk wouldn't find out about his brother; because you and Bang Yong Guk were actually sorting things out. Then when she said the words 'of course' she smirked and looked down at the floor as she became shy due to thinking dirty thoughts about the sort of things that you and Bang Yong Guk might get up too.... well you just never know! Then the last sentence she just beamed whilst running towards her room like a little child. Both, you and Bang Yong Guk chuckled and shook your heads at Sunny's sudden hyperness. Both of you walked towards the sofa and sat down on it and suddenly Sunny came bursting out of her room.


"Alright I'll be going now. Just ring me if you guys need anything bye!" Sunny said quickly before bursting out of the apartment. Her thoughts as she was walking towards the elevator *Thank you Himchan... let's all hope ______ - ah and Bang Yong Guk sort this out once and for all!!* Meanwhile, back with you and Bang Yong Guk. Both of you were happy holding each other's hand still, whilst sitting on the sofa watching TV. You then grew tired of the TV and so did Bang Yong Guk.. that's when he wanted to talk about the past and what happened.....




The colours:

The Author/Me: Brown

You: Red

Sunny: Purple

Bang Yong Guk: Green

Himchan: Blue 


Also thank you to all my subscribers to this story!!! I can't believe how well this story is doing.... just thank you soo much!!! I hope your enjoying it as much as I am.. well we all know apart from chapter 7.... :/ ..... I know it might seem I'm overreacting because others might get well more than me... but this was my own idea and my second story on this website hehe xD


Hopefully I'll update again soon.. so chow for now PEACE~


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Promise the next chapter will be updated soon!! I'm sssooo sorry for not updating!!!


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Chapter 7: oh god...Bang Yong Nam is so evil...
kakashi69 #2
skysky #3
Chapter 11: aww~
omg ihope bangyongguk believs her....urggg his brother is a jerk!!!!!
i think you should do the humchan and bangyongnam fighting!!
i wanna seee bangyongnam's ___
MissPandaRawr #4
Chapter 11: Yay you updated :)) . I was moved with this chap. Made me cry :)) i felt i was her hahha update soon ;)
ohshytsitzmarina #5
Chapter 11: Oh snaps! Byg needs to get it together! No byn or himchan
Firstly himchan and byg are basically brothers and byn doesn't deserve a girl. Pft.
skysky #6
Chapter 10: wooo bangyonguk ad _______
reunited again!!!!
update soon!
MissPandaRawr #7
Chapter 6: pls update!
skysky #8
Chapter 6: new reader...!!
i'm hooked!
your story is amazing!
update soon!
MissPandaRawr #9
update soon